Volume 4: The Last Day Chapter 17 K Team plays: Man can conquer nature, and the choice of fate is super double!

"Mason, the last batch of people are being transported, and the surviving people are almost done moving."
During the short break, Captain Jack's slightly tired voice sounded in the team communication, and he reported:
"The bad news is that the transfer gate doesn't seem to be holding up. It looks like it has poor contact... that's the word, right? It's like a light bulb that's out of power and keeps flickering."
"According to the manual, that should be normal."
Mason, who was standing on the Demon Lizard Tank, in front of the black iron can, holding an engineering wrench and adjusting the Fenrir Armor's weapon, replied:
"It may be because the impact is approaching and the world gate is also under pressure. I heard Judy say before that it is said that when the impact fully erupts, this kind of world shuttle item will temporarily become ineffective."
Zha Kang's voice then sounded, saying:
"Then what are we waiting for here? Retreat! I don't want to be trapped here and watch the two worlds explode into pieces with a bang, and ruin my life here."
"Don't worry, John. There's still some time."
Mason glanced at the sea goddess Colepso, who was sitting in deep thought on the water that was drowning the earth not far away, and said:
"If the real boss isn't in a hurry, why should we? We finally have this opportunity, don't you want to see with your own eyes what the top combat power of the opponent is like?
I would say this is a rare opportunity.”
"My life is hard enough without a Batboy who can buy half the world trying to be my 'father', so I have no interest in challenging myself."
Zha Kang snorted and suggested in a low voice:
"The sea goddess is already very weak. We just need to find an opportunity to launch a sneak attack! I can even use the main attack to buy time for the second barrel. If we stab her in the heart, we can retreat.
Now this feeling is like dancing on the edge of a knife. You may find it exciting, but how about taking care of a coward ?"
"You have to face these things, John. The danger is there. It won't disappear just because you keep your head down."
Barbara's voice came from the demon lizard, persuading:
"Based on Team K's current mode of action, I estimate that we will soon attract the attention of both the Star Society and the Cleaners. We need to understand the other party's strength in advance so that we can make more accurate plans and judgments.
This is a very important part.
That’s how we in the Bat-Family do things.”
"I'm not from your Bat Family, and I have no interest in becoming a Batboy."
Flying in the air on a zombie dragon, Zha Kang stroked the coral trident in his hand. He looked at the collapsed earth that had been completely submerged by the sea, and said while blowing smoke rings in this doomsday scene:
"We have gained enough. Listen to me, everyone. Retreat."
"It's too late! Look at the sky!"
Ertong, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly stood up and reminded:
"Something is coming! I guess it's the so-called conqueror. Cheer up!"
As soon as Ertong finished speaking, the gloomy sky filled with reflections of the world exploded with a loud bang.
A transmission channel that was completely different from the wormhole used by the previous cleaners emerged there, like a channel formed by some kind of high-energy sound wave vibration, and the "wrinkles" caused by the tearing of space were visible to the naked eye.
Mason frowned instantly.
"Why does this look so much like the sonic boom channel of the Mother Box?"
He whispered, and then he saw a solitary figure flying out from the rapidly vibrating sound wave channel, crossing the sky at such a speed that it crossed in the blink of an eye.
The man was obviously experienced. He locked his target on Colepso in an instant. When he approached, he raised his arms and two blue rays suddenly burst out and pierced the sea goddess like sharp swords.
Everything freezes wherever it goes.
Clepso was hit instantly, but as the goddess of the sea, the ice had no effect on her, so she dissipated like raindrops in the echoing waves.
In the current situation where the sea covers the land, the power she can manipulate has reached its peak. This ability to transform into water makes her not afraid of similar energy attacks.
Amid the rolling waves, a gigantic female giant emerged from another place, roaring and raising her left arm to call upon a thunderstorm to strike the attacker.
But the latter floated in the air without dodging or avoiding, allowing the lightning to hit him.
The result was no injury at all.
"Action Mode: Annihilate!"
A cold, robot-like voice rang out from the air.
Bathed in the flashes of lightning, the attacker who appeared from the air stretched his body, spreading out his gray-blue battle suit and red cloak.
He was wearing a sci-fi mask covering his face, but the familiar logo on the chest of his suit made Barbara, who was activating the magic lizard, exclaim:
"Is this...Superman?"
Mason immediately activated the armor storage tank in front of him, causing its shell to pop open to reveal the heavy silver-gray body inside. He jumped into the cockpit while correcting himself:
"That's an inverted S! Look carefully, Barbara, this is not Superman, this is Anti-Superman! Or the Alien... B-zero, Bizarro!"
"I haven't heard of that name, but he's still Superman, right?"
Batgirl was a little nervous.
At this moment, she also began to seriously think about Zha Kang's unreliable proposal just now.
How about we go?
I guess I really can't beat this one...
Mason was not too panicked.
The lights in the control cabin of the Fenrir armor in front of him lit up, and under the control of the onboard AI Delaman, one module after another was activated and spread across the control panel of the power armor visor in the form of optical projection.
The Ark reactor installed on the chest of Fenrir's armor began to ignite and operate at full speed. Amid the low sound of energy swirling, Mason explained in an orderly manner:
"Bizarro is indeed Superman. He possesses all of Superman's abilities, but most of them are reversed. For example, the heat ray is actually a freeze ray just now, and his ice breath is probably also in the form of heat breath..."
Before Mason finished introducing his enemy, the sea goddess Colepso in front of him was faced with a wave of "deep breaths".
The masked demon superman made a very obvious inhalation movement in the air, and then a dazzling fire roared and enveloped the sea goddess like a descending fire from heaven.
She is not afraid of ice, but hates fire.
This wave of attacks caused the goddess, who had not yet reached her full strength after a short rest, to scream immediately. Large clouds of steam rose above the roaring and swirling ocean, raising the temperature around her by several degrees.
"This terrible energy reaction..."
Batgirl whispered in a tragic tone:
"Mason, how about we retreat?"
"Retreat now, we can't win this battle."
Zha Kang rode the zombie flying dragon and hid behind a wall-like tide. He peeked at the alien demon superman conqueror who was beating up the female sea goddess.
He screamed:
"Isn't it shameful to run away from the mutant Superman?"
"You retreat to Jack's side and prepare to retreat!"
Mason did not make any pre-war mobilization announcements this time. He activated the gravity well of the Fenrir armor to detach the armor from the storage tank and hang it in the air, while instructing:
"The anti-Superman module in my armor should be able to stop him. Once Colypso retreats, you know what to do."
"If she wants to be decent, give her decent. If she doesn't want to be decent, help her be decent!"
Zha Kang said briefly.
Mason's lack of response was a tacit agreement.
The silver-gray Fenrir armor roared towards the battlefield in front of it. The movement of this super-heavy power armor was no small feat like the anti-Superman armor.
The sonic boom it created when flying even left shocking cutting marks on the rolling sea surface. A white line crossed the rolling sea tide, splitting it apart like a knife.
"Anti-Warman tactics are being introduced... Anti-Superman module is activated! Entanglement tactics!"
Delamain's reminder sounded in Mason's ears, and a small progress bar on the optical projection in the helmet advanced rapidly. It was the unlocking of all the combat mode analysis and countermeasures collected by the master about Clark Kent.
This database is still bound to his DNA, but unfortunately it was "violently cracked" by Judy.
The silver-gray heavy power armor's front chest cannon gathered energy, and when it approached the battlefield, it fired a burst of cannons at people's faces.
The hit was completely lost on the Alien Superman.
But he was forced back away from Collipsso with great precision.
The Conqueror turned his head to look at the Fenrir armor rushing towards him. The silver-gray shell and the helmet shaped like a bat and an owl seemed to remind him of some unpleasant "past events".
Then the demon made a "bending" movement in the air, and then crashed forward like a sledgehammer, splashing visible air waves in the air like Mars hitting the Earth.
Fenrir's armor's flying posture was destroyed.
But at the moment when the alien demon wanted to break away, a silver-gray mechanical tentacle accurately grabbed his ankle, and then a huge force exploded, dragging the Conqueror Bizarro into the rolling sea below.
Collipso knows how powerful it is.
She lost all her temper after being beaten by the conqueror, and when she saw Mason coming to the rescue, she immediately threw a whirlpool to press the strange superman under the tide, then turned into waves and dissipated, escaping towards the transfer gate of the only remaining land behind her.
"I'm willing to give up my power!"
She shouted at Zha Kang who was flying towards her on a zombie dragon.
You are a woman with a clear mind!
Zha Kang snorted and threw a golden talisman in his hand back into the bag. The half-pulled knife in the magic lizard tank flying over the sea below was put back into the scabbard.
Huge waves were rolling behind him, and the demon in blue armor and red clothes broke through the sea water with some difficulty and flew upwards, but then four silver tentacles rushed out like a giant octopus, bound his limbs and pulled him back into the water.
In the cold water, mechanical modules on the heavy fists of the Fenrir armor controlled by Mason kept opening and closing, revealing black mechanical fists inlaid with red crystals.
The moment the demon was pulled back into the sea, two heavy fists hit him in the face mercilessly.
The mask that disguised his face was smashed in two or three strokes, revealing his gray face and skin, which was as white as a dead person's and covered with horrific cracks.
At first glance, he really looks like a living zombie. No wonder people in some parallel worlds call Bizarro "Zombie Superman" unkindly.
Unfortunately, the "Red Sun Fist" that the master specially made to target Superman was completely useless against this zombie.
His abilities are the reverse of Superman's.
The red solar radiation that could quickly debilitate a large superpower would be of no use to Bizarro.
What he fears is the blue sun. For example, the green kryptonite that can break through Superman's defense is not only not fatal to the alien demon in front of him, but it can make him feel refreshed like a "tonic".
Unfortunately, Mason couldn't conjure up some crystals that could produce blue solar radiation, and he didn't have the blue kryptonite that could restrain Bizarro.
But it doesn’t matter!
Although the two most important weapons in Fenrir's anti-Superman module, the "Red Sun Fist" and the "Kryptonite Spear", are ineffective, the destructive power of this heavy power armor is real.
In terms of pure physical damage, the feeling of a heavy punch with a force of nearly 200 tons to the face is quite good. The most important thing is that it is really cool to activate the mechanical octopus tentacles when entangled. This thing is so flexible underwater that even Superman can hardly get rid of it.
The genuine Superman can also use heat rays to cut, but this guy in front of me can't spit out a ball of fire in the deep sea, right?
Superman doesn't have the ability to breathe underwater. Although his super physique allows him to hold his breath for dozens of hours, if the situation allows, there is a slight chance that he could die of suffocation...
Of course, the probability of this happening is much lower than being struck by lightning while walking on the road and then shouting "Shazam" to become a magical superman.
"Come to think of it, kryptonite is also considered a kind of jewelry, right?"
Mason, who was manipulating the "Octopus" weapon module to restrain Bizarro who was struggling in the sea and consume his energy, suddenly had a nonsensical idea in his mind. He frowned and thought:
"If my jewelry processing skills reach a certain level, can I process kryptonite to make it appear the color I want?"
"Passenger No. 1, please focus on the battle!"
The veteran AI driver Delaman in combat mode reminded:
"Please operate the octopus module carefully. The enemy is getting familiar with its operation mode, and his efficiency in trying to break free is increasing!"
"How well suited are the anti-Superman tactics?"
Mason asked back and glanced at the fierce battle in the sea ahead.
Bizarro in front of him was struggling frantically and fighting back, trying to break free from the grip of Fenrir's armor, but although he had abilities that were completely opposite to Superman , his combat mode was extremely similar to Superman.
The same straightforward approach, the same violence in defeating the enemy.
Therefore, the "anti-Superman tactics" summarized by the master are still very effective against this guy, and the most core one is:
Continuously restrict Superman from sunlight and lure him into continuous attacks to consume the solar energy stored in his Kryptonian cells, thus putting him into a weakened state.
"Collecting new combat data!"
The onboard AI responded:
"Anti-Superman tactics continue to be updated. The enemy's punching power is weakening. He is trying to return to the sky. Battle advice: ask the sea goddess to immediately raise dark clouds or extreme weather that block the sun."
Mason turned on the team communication.
But before he could make a request, a low thunder sounded above the sky, which was already very unstable due to the impact. Large patches of dark clouds gathered and a cold rainstorm fell when Bizarro finally broke free from the octopus's tentacles.
Without any preparation, when Fenrir's armor broke through the sea water and rose into the air, the entire rolling sea surface was engulfed in a dark storm.
Not to mention the sunlight, even the visibility was suppressed to the extreme darkness.
It is simply the perfect venue for anti-Superman tactics.
Bizarro also knew that it would be bad if he continued on, so he continued to fly high into the sky against the storm in an attempt to get some sunlight again, but the silver-grey mechanical tentacles extending from below suddenly jumped out like ghosts and clamped his legs again.
This strange weapon not only had terrifying power but was also extremely tough. It seemed to have its own thoughts and could respond very flexibly, which made Bizarro very annoyed.
He began to frequently use ice rays and fire breath to repel the harassment of the octopus tentacles. This scene made Mason in Fenrir's armor frown.
"Bizarro's IQ shouldn't be that high. His dull, retarded thinking is his biggest weakness. But the one in front of us is a little too smart.
Delamain, scan his brain.
I suspect those guys did some modifications to him..."
At Mason's command, the onboard AI immediately took action, and the biological signal scan produced by Isu technology was launched, sweeping across the demons dodging back and forth in the air at supersonic speeds like an X-ray.
"A very sophisticated component has been installed in his brain, the effect of which should be to stimulate brain thinking, or do something else that is not so 'humane'."
The conclusion soon emerged.
But it was not Delaman who reported, but the Isu ghost Consus who had been "following him like a shadow".
"You mean the manipulation and restraint on the mental level?"
Mason raised his eyebrows and asked back:
"So you think it's not Bizarro's consciousness that's controlling this body?"
"I don't have any evidence, but if I want to control this super life that cannot be explained by common sense in every aspect, then stripping away his original thoughts and replacing them with new ones is obviously more effective than deceiving or inducing him."
The most brilliant biologist in the Isu civilization said to Mason:
“My brother, as sharp as your sixth sense is, I suspect the only flaw in this dangerous creature is in his brain.
Destroy that component!
This will allow you to seize the slim chance of winning!"
"Prepare to activate the 'Super EMP Shock' in the Anti-Cyber ​​Module!"
Mason immediately gave an order to the onboard AI, saying:
"Put all your energy into it. If we can just burn out the 'smart components' in his brain, we'll be halfway to victory..."
"Mason! Sonic Boom Tunnel Activate Reaction! Right Above You!"
Batgirl's scream exploded in the communication at this moment. She shouted:
"The second one is coming! They sent two!"
Mason was stunned.
He then immediately withdrew the order, gave up chasing Bizarro, turned around and injected energy into the gravity well and thrusters, and retreated like lightning while shouting to his companions:
“Retreat immediately!”
A few seconds after Mason retreated, the sonic boom channel that Bizarro had used to appear was opened again.
The good news is that this time it's not another Superman or something equally dangerous.
The bad news is that the person who came was wearing a sexy red and gold battle suit.
He stood proudly on the doomsday with torrential rain and overturned sea. With one scan, he locked onto Team K who were preparing to evacuate. The man with a coquettish mustache inside the helmet grinned and said to the secret communication that had just been opened:
"Norman, I'm here. I've seen your guys, too. Not bad, they made the Conqueror so embarrassed. Hey, let me go scare them first."
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024