Volume 4: The Last Day Chapter 16 Interlude: The Single Dog Captain's Team Member Care: Kite and Vine

"Boss! Hello? Boss, can you hear me? Something happened at Hogwarts. If you can hear this message, please take care of it..."
The voice of Charles the Kite Flyer echoed among the trees of the Forbidden Forest, with a hint of despair and helplessness, but his seventh call to Mason still went unanswered and could only be transferred to the message box.
"Don't try it. This situation may be interfering with inter-world communications."
Seeing that Kite Man was about to make another phone call, Poison Ivy, who was busy with something nearby, said without turning around:
"Instead of spending your time feeling sorry for yourself, why don't you come and help me? I have to dig this seed out and take it with me."
"Are you sure you can still walk?"
The Kite Man complained.
But he still quickly stepped forward, picked up a shovel and started to help. The two "marginal people" of Team K were now trapped in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.
There was a strange problem with the world gate they had, and it couldn't be opened no matter what.
As for the reason.
Poison Ivy raised her head and glanced at the sky. Above her head, the projection of a world was becoming clearer with every second that passed.
And the ground beneath her feet was wailing.
Just as was happening now in the Caribbean world, this long-dead world was crumbling, collapsing from within.
There's no sea god fighting in despair with the help of a bunch of traitorous pioneers, no doomsday call machine that the world can use to summon an abnormal swallow to devour the threat above.
This world, which once gave birth to mysterious magic and countless magical creatures, has come to the end of its final time.
The only ones who accompanied it on this journey were a woman who could control plants and a third-rate villain who looked undeterred because he was thinking about his son.
"There must be something wrong here!"
The kite flyer swung his shovel and dug the soil while complaining:
"The boss said that this impact will only disrupt the spatial structure of the parallel world at the last moment. It is still brewing now. There must be some bastards on the opposite planet who have trapped us here."
Poison Ivy didn't answer.
The girl, who was wearing a green dress, had strange scales on her face and long fiery red hair. She was kneeling on the edge of the pit dug by the kite flyer, with her eyes closed, as if she was communicating with the will of this mysterious forest.
She was looking for something in the end of the world.
"Right down there, keep digging, Charles, I can feel that seed."
She urged:
“The Forbidden Forest knows that the world is ending.
It has transferred its life force to this seed, and as long as we can take it away from here and plant it in another world, it can be reborn after the end of the world.
This is its last gift to us.”
"The gift of fart."
The kite flyer who looked up from time to time and saw the reflection of the world above his head said unhappily:
"I think it's more like a call for help. It knows it's doomed, and it also knows that we can cross the world, so it's calling for help. If I had known the situation here was so bad, I should have stayed in the Caribbean with the boss.
How much worse can it get?"
"You seem to be quite attached to Mason."
Although Kite Man's words were impolite, Poison Ivy had to admit that he was right. This was indeed a way to survive in the mysterious Forbidden Forest.
She looked up at the slightly plump man in front of her, frowned and said:
"In your eyes he is omnipotent?"
"Well, he's not omnipotent. The boss can be stubborn and difficult to deal with sometimes, but at least he has a plan for everything he faces, unlike the two of us who can only pray for a favor from fate."
The kite flyer curled his lips and said:
"You know how great it is to have someone who can hold the line in situations like this, right? Speaking of which, why did you agree to join Team K?"
He looked at Poison Ivy and asked doubtfully:
"Given the boss's personality, he must have told you these things before inviting you, right? I think any normal person would stay away from the mess that is the Star Club, right?
Don't tell me you need his potion.
I didn't see you take any medicine during the time you were here, and you have returned to normal."
"This matter is very complicated. You won't understand even if I tell you."
It was difficult for Poison Ivy to explain the concept of "Green of Everything" to Charles in this situation. She could only say vaguely:
"I also joined you with a certain mission. This has something to do with Mason, but not much."
Kite Man shrugged and asked no more questions, continuing to dig down. Soon his shovel touched something hard, and he and Poison Ivy jumped into the pit and carefully dug the object out.
It was a seed, a gray seed the size of a petrified human head.
The moment Poison Ivy carried it out of the ground, the surrounding trees began to wither rapidly as the two men watched in astonishment.
The towering trees that had grown for nearly a thousand years began to shed their leaves abruptly, and their sprawling branches broke off one after another with a sound like they could not bear the weight.
The forest that was originally full of natural breath seemed to be stained with "gray", and the gray wave began to spread rapidly around with the two people as the center.
It's dying.
When the end of the world comes, it will die at an unimaginable speed, and the seeds in Poison Ivy's hands are like some evil thing that is sucking the vitality of the forest.
It changed rapidly from a petrified appearance to lush green soon.
This scene made Kite Man's mouth open slightly. He glanced at Poison Ivy who was equally surprised beside him. This was an expression he rarely saw on the faces of villains in this line.
I have to say, Poison Ivy in this confused state is actually quite cute after she loses the halo of the villain.
Charles didn't know what he was thinking of. He suddenly laughed twice, which attracted Ivy's attention. She looked at her companion in surprise while holding the Forbidden Forest Seeds and said:
"why are you laughing?"
Kite Man waved his hands and followed Poison Ivy towards their temporary base, whispering:
"I just remembered something the boss always said before. Whether you believe it or not, the boss always feels that something will happen between you and me. Every time he is so sure, it's like he has seen it with his own eyes."
"so what?"
Ivy asked back expressionlessly :
"Do you think so?"
"No, I know about you and Catwoman. That thing has spread all over the Gotham villain circle. For a while, the villain forums were full of erotic fan fiction about you and Selina...
Ahem, a gentleman like me has never seen such a thing."
Kite Man was very open-minded. He spread his hands, squinted his eyes and said to Poison Ivy:
"If I were a woman maybe I'd have a chance, right?"
Ivy made a cold nasal sound through her nose and didn't say anything.
But soon, as the two approached Lao K's three-story building, she suddenly sensed danger from the warnings of the rapidly dying trees in the surrounding forest.
Without saying anything more, he grabbed the kite man beside him and rushed into the room. Then a large number of vines spun and wrapped around the building, hiding it.
At the same time, in the sky above the Forbidden Forest, several small black dots were quickly crossing the "membrane" between the reflections of the two worlds. They were wearing very strange things similar to space suits, which allowed them to cross the boundary between the two worlds before the worlds collided.
"Cyborg, report the scan results."
Bruce Wayne was hovering in the air in a suit specially prepared for this crisis. He was vigilantly observing the strange world in front of him, while he said to the people left behind on the other side:
"By the way, activate the Earth's core destruction device and start preheating."
"Wait a moment, the life matter detectors on your suits are turning on, I need some time to analyze the target world's structure."
Cyborg's voice came from the communication, he asked:
"Superman, can you hear a sound worth paying attention to?"
Dachao is also wearing the same battle suit as his master.
In this strange world, he no longer suppressed his super hearing. He closed his eyes and quickly got a general idea of ​​the situation everywhere in the world.
He said:
“No one in this world is talking. I only heard the roars of the zombies and the loud noise of the continental shelf collapsing. It was destroyed , and it didn’t happen recently.
Doctor Fate's magic seemed accurate, and he said this was a dead world."
"Check it again."
The master beside Dachao whispered:
"That could be a lie made up by the magician so that we don't feel any pressure when destroying this place."
"But now I hope he's telling the truth."
Wonder Woman was flying in the air, carrying a sword and shield on her back, observing the strange world below her feet from the perspective of a demigod. The expression on her face was not very happy, but she said in a voice with a hint of relief:
"At least this allows us to avoid having to bear a guilty conscience. If this place were filled with living people... I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to come to an agreement when the worlds collide.
Deciding to destroy a world full of life would definitely tear the Justice League apart on the spot.
I can make up my mind, but we can't get past Clark first."
"You're thinking exactly what they want you to think, Diana."
The master shook his head and said in a hoarse voice:
"This is an ethical trap. When we decide to destroy the first world to ensure our own safety, we begin to slide in the direction of those villains.
Have you ever thought about their intention of spreading the virus everywhere in the parallel world?
If there were only living people here, we wouldn't be able to do it.
But if this place is full of monsters..."
Batman shook his head and said with disgust:
"Once you cross that line, however, you are no different from evil."
"Wait! I heard a sound... a voice. There are still living people here! Right down there!"
Superman suddenly shouted, causing the old man and Wonder Woman beside him to be startled, and then the three giants immediately descended to the strange gray woodland below.
And Cyborg's report also sounded at this time.
He said:
"The earth's core bombs are ready. We need to remove the energy suppression on the target world before we can send them to the predetermined target depth and complete a world dismantling.
Let me know when you are ready.”
"Batman! You need to make a decision quickly."
A few seconds later, Dr. Fate's serious voice also sounded in the communicator, and he warned:
"The pressure from the intersection of the worlds is putting pressure on the defensive magic we have set up. The power of the two planes is increasing. In twenty minutes at most, the solid barrier we set up on the land of our hometown will be shattered.
By then, the doomsday impact will also trigger global earthquakes and tsunamis on our side.”
"We found a living person here! Doctor."
Dachao immediately retorted:
"There's something wrong with your magical prediction. There's still life in this world... The plan needs to be changed! We can't just..."
"That's not from that world, Superman!"
Doctor Fate reminds:
“They may come from other worlds like us, and they are likely part of the invaders. Perhaps the energy suppression we released cut off their escape route.
Catch them!
Bring him back for interrogation. As for postponing the plan?
I refuse. You are betting our world. In twenty minutes, I will take action regardless of whether you agree or not.
The heroes who stayed in the Watchtower just held a secret ballot. I think you can guess the result without me having to tell you."
Dachao was speechless for a moment.
The master beside him patted him on the shoulder and gestured to Wonder Woman who had grabbed the sword and shield. Wonder Woman immediately moved forward with the shield and strode towards the strange house covered by vines.
But the further he went, the more he saw the features of the house, and the stranger the master's expression became.
He swore.
He must have seen this house!
Is that you in there?
“I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die!”
The kite man hiding in Old K's third-floor apartment had already put on vulture wings and was fully armed, but the situation outside the house observed through the optically cloaked drone made him look desperate and pale.
Although the three of them were wearing space suits, their features were too obvious, especially the guy who had a bat-shaped logo on his helmet while wearing a space suit...
Batboy! Don't think I won't recognize you just because you changed your username.
"Whose world are these three giants of the Justice League? How come we meet them here? Damn it! Could it be that the world on the other side that is about to collide is..."
He is very nervous.
Poison Ivy behind him was even more nervous.
Ivy used the activated vines to carry the seeds on her back and tried desperately to twist the brass handle of the Gate of the World.
But the "tremors" of the world getting closer and closer have begun to actually affect the operation of this door. Coupled with the energy suppression projected to this world by Doctor Fate and a group of spellcasters, this door cannot be opened at this critical moment.
It's like being "cut off from the internet" when you're having a great time, which makes the person holding the "weapon" despair.
"Listen up, people inside!"
Wonder Woman held her sword and shield, and shouted in the harvested potion field outside the house:
"You have been surrounded! Put down your weapons immediately and come out! We guarantee your safety! If you resist stubbornly, you will bear the consequences at your own risk!"
"Hey, how do you think I can beat Superman?"
At this critical moment, the kite flyer, who had been extremely nervous just now, suddenly calmed down. Perhaps the realization that there was no way to escape gave him courage.
He took out a photo of his son from the secret compartment of his wings, put it to his lips and kissed it, then took out the strengthening medicine given by the boss, and finally turned around to look at Poison Ivy with an unpleasant expression.
He said:
"I'll go out and lead them away, you stay here and wait for the World Gate to be activated again. If they want to send weapons over, they will definitely weaken the suppression, and that will be your chance.
Take that seed back with you.
That thing is incredible, the boss will need it."
"You're crazy!"
Ivy scolded:
"Wake up! Charles, you are only a third-tier villain in Gotham, and now you want to pull back the Big Three? Superman can crush you to death with just one sneeze.
Don't go out, stay here.
I can activate the vitality of this seed and fight them, at least I can delay them for some time."
"it's useless."
The kite flyer placed his son's photo close to his body and sighed:
"This is a matter of life and death. They don't have much time left and can't be delayed. I just... Ivy, you said, we are indeed doing good things, right?"
"You ask me?"
Poison Ivy curled her lips and said:
"How long have I joined you? I don't even know what you did before. You should be the one answering this question."
“Then I would say we are doing good things!”
The kite man patted his chest and activated the Vulture Wing's combat program. Amid the loud noise of four turbo thrusters, two large and two small, a gust of wind filled the small three-story area.
A series of steel wings popped up from the huge aircraft behind him. He put on his funny green flight cap and a pair of magical goggles.
Like a pilot going out on a mission, he turned around and said to Poison Ivy:
“You must return alive and tell the boss what happened here, and help me take good care of my son… The boss said that something will definitely happen between us.
You see, I'm about to die, so I'm just being presumptuous.
Could you please be my child's stepmother after I die?
You seem to be a nice person.”
He grinned, pretended to be cool and made a farewell gesture, and said:
"If the people on the other side are really those people we are familiar with, I may not die. The boss has always said that he and Batboy have some tacit understanding.
Even in the worst-case scenario, keeping you would be more useful than keeping me. You can do more for the boss, but me... this is the end of my life.
Anyway, goodbye, Ivy.
Say hello to the boss for me."
Then, with a loud bang, the entire wall exploded, and a cool-looking aircraft with dense drones rushed towards the Big Three. During the bombardment, the kite man shouted provocatively:
"I'm the villain king of Gotham! Geneva's Justice League, let's have a good fight!"
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024