Volume 4: The Last Day Chapter 18 Right click, click, rename to "Anti-Iron Man Armor"

"What kind of hatred or grudge is this?"
Zha Kang, who had moved to the side of the transfer gate, was observing his surroundings vigilantly while complaining:
"They sent two conquerors to such a broken world? They really have too many people and nowhere to use them. I feel like they are targeting our K team!"
"This is not right!"
Ertong in the Demon Lizard Chariot was standing in the rain, holding a knife and wearing a vanguard armor. He was holding a small tablet in his hand and quickly browsing some information. He said without raising his head:
"The old Green Devil summarized some of the rules of conduct of the Cleaners that he knew, and there was no precedent for deploying two Conquerors at once in a C-level world.
That alien superman is more than enough to destroy the world. If Mason didn't have the Fenrir armor, we would have to run away."
"It's already this hour, and you're still in the mood to discuss this?"
The female sea goddess who had run back in a panic was lying on a pile of rubble. She was not injured, but was very weak due to the golden talisman thrown by Zha Kang.
This is the necessary process to extract the divinity using the Coral Trident.
The Poseidon was in a hurry.
She wasn't going to play anymore.
She wanted to get out of trouble, but these outsiders were still in the mood to discuss things that seemed meaningless to her.
Why do you care how the enemy wants to bully us? They have money but nowhere to spend it, so they specially sent two conquerors to show off their muscles. Hey, do the surgery for me first and let me escape, then you can discuss it slowly, okay?
"Energy safety limit warning! The 30% safety line has been broken!"
Mason was flying quickly when Delaman's warning came unexpectedly. He glanced at the optical projection and saw that there was only one-third of the energy scale left, and couldn't help cursing.
This Fenrir armor is good in every way. In the test just now, it was able to withstand the heavy punch of the Alien Superman with only moderate damage to the outer armor. It can be said to be the strongest weapon of Team K now.
The only problem is, this thing is an energy eater.
A palladium battery from the Ark Reactor can power the Anti-Superman armor at full power for six hours, but this thing can only last for an hour at most.
I just fought Bizarro in overload mode for less than ten minutes and my battery ran out. Conservatively speaking, if I fight at full strength, it would be hard for a palladium plate to last more than 30 minutes.
There's nothing we can do about it.
Tactical options like anti-Superman modules are carried on this thing at once!
It is basically equivalent to installing a highly compatible super arsenal battleship into this power armor, so the high power consumption is completely understandable.
However, the power armor's energy safety line was broken, causing Mason's flying speed to drop suddenly. Then he saw a golden-red shadow flying past him with a bang.
The bastard was rushing forward at several times the speed of sound and still had the mood to wave and say hello to Mason.
It's like you are happily driving your new car bought with a loan up the mountain, and a cool Porsche next to you accelerates to overtake you and gives you the middle finger.
How can you tolerate this?
"Get out of the way! Barbara and Zha Kang! Get out of the way!"
Mason shouted loudly on the comms and released his octopus tentacles to try to catch the guy, but the bastard dodged deftly and missed.
The only good news now is that Bizarro, without the harassment of Fenrir's armor, has flown out of the sunless planet to absorb energy from the sun.
His abilities are opposite to Superman's. Superman only needs to be exposed to the yellow sun for a few minutes to fully recover, but the yellow sun has limited effect on "Zombie Superman".
So Bizarro had to spend more time replenishing the energy he had just consumed when he was clamped by Mason.
This is probably the only weakness of Zombie Super, although his overall strength is comparable to that of Superman, a genuine Kryptonian, but he is a bit weak in the important aspect of "endurance".
Hmm, no wonder the farm boy has Reporter Man by his side while Bizarro can’t find a girlfriend…
The moment Zha Kang got the reminder, he was startled and almost as a conditioned reflex he reached out and placed his hand on the Demon Lizard heavy tank next to him.
This guy is quite loyal. He used all his strength to teleport him, Barbara, and the tank where Ertong was to a safe area a thousand meters away.
But he sold the "anesthetized" sea goddess lying there.
Colepso was completely numb when she saw the red and gold conqueror whizzing towards her. She cursed at the scumbag Kang and waved her hands, trying her best to mobilize her divine power to throw a bolt of lightning at the bastard in front of her.
With a "boom", the guy was hit head-on by lightning, but was unharmed.
"Suit power reached 400%! Cool! It feels like yesterday again."
A voice with an inexplicable smile sounded from under the helmet. In the coquettish hovering driven by the thrusters, the guy raised the arm of the red armor, and the extremely sophisticated weapon module popped open and reassembled, and in a dazzling transformation, it was reorganized into an excessively large energy hand cannon in a second.
He raised his hand cannon amid the lightning and aimed it at the desperate Colepso who was unable to dodge, and said:
“I’m a little tired after witnessing the destruction of so many worlds, but my dear, your assist is like a glass of wine with ice, guess what?
I suddenly became energetic!"
As the latter shouted, the giant cannon in her hand gathered energy and blasted like a light cannon. Amid Collypso's screams, the sea goddess finally showed fear like a mortal.
She felt like she was finished.
"Why are you howling? Isn't he still alive?"
But the imagined pain did not appear.
Instead, it was Mason's scolding that made Colepso, who had closed her eyes waiting for death, open her eyes wide. Then she saw the heavy and powerful Fenrir armor blocking her like a wall.
The surface of the silver-grey power armor was showing an energy matrix composed of very strange golden geometric runes, which perfectly and accurately blocked the luminous cannon.
"Energy absorption program in operation! Power armor energy increased to 35%!"
Veteran driver AI Delaman reminded:
"Please continue to lure the target to perform pure energy attacks to help the power armor replenish energy, but the power cannot be higher than the current power or the conversion core will be damaged ."
"That's not for me to decide."
Mason was now really glad that he did not slack off during the preparation stage and got a few Isu inscriptions for shield generation and energy conversion on Fenrir's armor, otherwise it would be terrible now.
"Take her away, John."
The captain shouted to his team members while facing the laser cannon attack.
Zha Kang appeared with a whoosh, and carried Colepso's human body on his shoulders like a bandit who had captured the wife of a bandit leader, and then disappeared with a whoosh again.
Meanwhile, the Demon Lizard Heavy Tank a thousand meters away had adjusted its target and was continuously firing thermal missiles at the Conqueror to give Mason an opportunity to counterattack.
At the moment when Fenrir's armor was in action, Barbara, who was about to invade the opponent's armor system, suddenly received a new order from Mason:
"Barbara, let's change the target. Go deal with Bizarro. He will be back soon."
"You don't want to use us as cannon fodder, do you?"
Batgirl exclaimed:
"You can't do anything to that guy even with Bruce's power armor. Aren't Ertong and I going there to deliver food?"
"No, that guy has something in his head, just like you."
Mason explained:
"That thing is affecting Bizarro's mind. Use those hacking methods Judy taught you to burn it! We'll definitely win if we burn that thing."
"Oh, I'll try it then."
Barbara and the second tank next to her looked at each other. The transfer gate was near them. The Demon Lizard Heavy Tank only needed to accelerate once to cross it and enter the safe area.
Team K had no chance of winning against two conquerors anyway, and since their captain had stubbornly let them fall into this dangerous situation, it was a good plan to abandon him.
However, selling out is not an option in the Bat-Family!
Mason is also a member of this family, so running away was not an option for Barbara and Er Tong from the beginning.
They drove the Magic Lizard into overload, allowing the all-terrain vehicle to whiz past the safe height and rush towards the huge tide that had begun to get out of control and the torrential rain that covered the sky.
This scene made Zha Kang grimace in dismay.
He glanced at Collypso, who was carried on his shoulders. The sea goddess gave him a frantic look, signaling him to run away with her. Team K was doomed and they would die if they stayed here.
But at this moment, Zha Kang hesitated a little.
Of course, he swore that this sudden rise of "loyalty" was definitely not because Captain Jack was operating the Batmobile not far away to block the transfer gate, and had already turned on the vehicle-mounted cannon and aimed at him.
Jack 's meaning was obvious.
The legendary pirate wants to live and die together with his world and his comrades. He will kill anyone who dares to run away. Of course, it is not ruled out that Mason was secretly instigating this.
Zha Kang thought he would be very angry.
But this time he didn't complain too much, maybe because he was used to it?
The black wizard cursed, then carried the human body of the Poseidon, found a house and kicked open the door, intending to use the coral trident to transfer her divinity out.
"It takes some time for the divinity to transfer, don't let them disturb me, you bunch of lunatics!"
Zha Kang's unpleasant complaints rang out over the team's communications.
Mason had just listened to the command when a red light flashed in front of his eyes and then he was kicked hard from behind by a fierce enemy. Fortunately, Fenrir's armor was strong enough and this close-range kick only left a clear footprint on the silver-gray outer armor.
The latter's classic Mark series suit is very powerful, not inferior to Bizarro's heavy punch.
Moreover, the opponent was more proficient in manipulating the battle suit system than Mason. While launching a close-range attack, the optical projection in front of his eyes began to flash red as if the contact was bad.
A glaring reminder of "System Intrusion" made Mason realize that he had to act quickly.
"One of my compatriots is invading the firewall of this program. He is polite but very aggressive. Passenger No. 1, please fight back immediately. The computing power of this program is not enough and it will not last long."
Delaman's voice became intermittent and full of noise.
If this AI were a living person, this would probably be equivalent to being beaten by a strong man.
"I assume the fellow AI beating you up is called 'Jarvis'?"
Mason fought back by raising his left arm and clenching his gauntlet in the ruins surrounded by sea water. With the propulsion of the rocket at the elbow of the armor, he punched the chest of the Iron Man Conqueror's suit in front of him.
This punch was enough to knock Superman down, but it did not cause any harm to the guy in front of him.
Apparently the latter's armor anticipated that the force would exceed its limit, so it actively changed its appearance and set up three overlapping shield structures on the chest to offset the force of the punch.
Damn it!
Is this still the same ever-changing nano blood-edge armor?
How to fight this?
"No, it's not Jarvis. I heard Jarvis is taking a day off today."
Delaman replied intermittently:
"The guy who was beating me up on the data battlefield said it was called 'Ultron'..."
Mason's eyes widened, so , what kind of stitched monster is this Iron Man in front of him?
"Your armor is pretty cool, man, but have you paid me the copyright fee for the energy source?"
A very rude voice hacked into Team K's team communication and shouted to Mason.
Then his red armor's chest cannon also took the opportunity to charge up, and at almost zero distance, it fired deadly particle cannon at the chest of Fenrir's armor, which was three times larger than his.
The landing point was precise and deadly, and the high-energy particle beam continuously tore the outer armor of Fenrir's armor and destroyed the energy core in his chest.
The core of the Fenrir armor used to convert energy was overloaded and broke down, and the energy matrix on the front also dimmed. Obviously, this "blackened" Iron Man had realized that the heavy armor in front of him was using the backward technology that he had long eliminated.
He knew very well that as long as the Ark reactor was destroyed, this ferocious giant would be defeated immediately.
But Mason had been prepared for this.
Faced with the opponent's high-energy chest cannon, Fenrir Armor didn't even bother to defend itself.
It allowed the opponent's particle cannon to bombard its chest, and under Mason's control, it swung its fist and began to frantically tear apart the armor of the nano battle suit.
The first layer of Fenrir's armor was quickly pierced, and a whole layer of the blackened Iron Man's suit was torn off, but what was revealed after the outer armor was torn open was not the energy core.
It is a "heart-protecting mirror".
The replica of Captain America's shield obtained from old Spider is now stuck in front of the reactor.
The scorching particles bombarded the smooth round shield but failed to penetrate the target. Instead, they were perfectly reflected by and hit the forehead of Mark's suit as he was fighting with Mason.
The ancient tactic of using one's own spear to attack one's own shield is apparently still useful!
Caught off guard, he was hit in the face by his own weapon. The evil Iron Man immediately stopped firing his chest cannon and instead gathered a hexagonal thruster behind him, increasing the thrust to maximum, and crashed into the ruins of Virginia City behind him with the huge Fenrir armor like a cannonball.
In the pouring rain that covered the sky and the earth, with a huge vibration, the two entangled armors smashed the rain curtain, shattered the city wall and fell into the cold sea.
The silver-grey giant was pinned to the ground and hammered hard by the scarlet armor.
Iron Man's ingenious ideas allow this nano armor to control weapons in a variety of ways according to his wishes. Sometimes a heavy hammer gathers in his left arm to hit him on the head, and sometimes his hands turn into sharp blades to pierce forward. There are also rapidly changing energy artillery that fire continuously at Mason's helmet.
It's like a crazy guy is violently "opening a jar".
But the process was not smooth.
"Outdated design, complicated structure, fancy functions, who made this pile of junk for you?"
The blackened Iron Man beat Mason's armor fiercely, and used his laser cannons and sharp blades to cut the octopus tentacles that kept harassing him into pieces, while shouting with disdain:
"Is this the toy you picked up from the garbage dump yourself, little boy?"
In response, he was sprayed with a sticky substance from a small-caliber launcher that popped out from the shoulder of the Fenrir Armor, which covered him like a prank "glue".
Tony originally wanted to tear this thing apart, but unexpectedly this ball of "glue" was surprisingly flexible. It kept twisting and penetrating, trying to get into the gaps in Iron Man's armor.
Unfortunately, there is no gap for it to drill into this nano armor.
Kevin, the slime monster that was sprayed out as a "secret weapon", tried very hard but was unable to complete the slime penetration.
It swelled its body in anger, and just before the nano armor was electrified, it detonated the high concentration of clown gas wrapped in its body on the spot.
In an instant, dark green dangerous gas erupted around the armor.
The blackened Iron Man obviously knew how powerful he was. He jumped up and down, screaming, escaped from the battlefield, and dived into the sea nearby to "purify" himself.
Mason, who had been suppressed, jumped up and activated the energy output to the anti-cyber module amid the roar of the onboard AI Delaman.
The already huge and heavy mechanical fists were transformed into a very peculiar coil structure amid sparks, and the moment the arrogant scarlet armor jumped out of the sea, a super EMP was activated!
This is the contingency plan that the master, who is always thinking about how to "beat his teammates", uses specifically to deal with cyborgs like Cyborg.
The energy from the EMP explosion made the surrounding seawater and ruins roar, and the blackened Iron Man's nano armor was directly impacted into chaos like mud and sand receding at tide.
The outer armor was torn into pieces, looking extremely miserable, as if it was picked up from a garbage dump, but in fact the core functional modules were not damaged. Fenrir Armor pushed the last 10% of its energy into overload, swung its heavy fist and pounced on the temporarily out-of-control Conqueror, pressing him to the ground.
"I admit it's not as cool as your suit, but so what?"
Mason's roar came out from the damaged sound module, and unexpectedly had a hoarse and sarcastic tone that sounded like that of a master.
In the pouring rain, he roared:
"The creator of this armor used it to defeat six people stronger than you! How can you, a violent person who has abandoned the code, speak so arrogantly in front of me?"
The scarlet suit dared to raise his hand to make a "pause" gesture, and it was obvious that the evil Iron Man wanted to express some "insights".
But the next second, a mechanical heavy fist covered with a red sun fist smashed down on his head, like a pile driver, blasting his head and most of his body into the mud of the sea water.
This brutal attack made Iron Man sigh. At the same time, he realized that the power armor in front of him, which seemed too bulky to him, was actually much more complicated than it seemed.
"Ultron, driver eject!"
"Do you need to activate destroy mode, sir?"
A cold mechanical voice said:
"Millions of nanoworms out of control could completely destroy him and this broken world."
"No, it won't start."
The man in the armor shrugged his shoulders. While enduring the violent blows from Fenrir's armor, he said casually:
"Old Norman's vision was pretty good this time. He didn't pick those disgusting rotten fish and shrimp. Look how hard the kid tried. Let's just say he won this time.
Hurry up!
The monitoring disruption caused by the impact outbreak only lasts for a short time, and we must hurry and get down to business."
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024