Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 42: B-Class Personnel Sandstorm! You're Fired!

On the top of the chaotic Osborne Tower, Constantine, his windbreaker fluttering, stood in the dust, holding a black magic book and waving a cherry wood wand, and shamelessly called out the name of his own moves.
It looks very much like the classic scenes in some of the second-year hot-blooded comics.
Of course, it would be even better if the protagonist of this scene was really a passionate and righteous man instead of a scumbag who promiscuously flirts with women.
This time, the flame that flew out from the tip of Constantine's wand was not the cool phoenix blue flame. It was like the scene that happened in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. The Hellfire summoned from the Nine Layers of Hell turned into a pillar of fire that fell from the sky, and with a large-scale attack that left nowhere to hide, most of the sandstorm in front of it turned into quicksand.
It's not that the cunning Zhakang had not thought of using this trick to make the Sandman into glass before, and it's not like Mason complained that he didn't even have the knowledge of junior high school physics.
It's just that he has his own thoughts.
The power of the Hellfire is extremely great. One shot is enough to solve most problems, but it will also drain most of Zha Kang's magic power. As he said before, this kind of rough use of power is not suitable for normal humans at all.
If you fail in the face of a creature as endurable as a sandstorm, the consequences will be absolutely terrible.
In the absence of backup, John Constantine, who always puts his life first, would not gamble on such a damn probability.
After all, he's not really a hot-blooded, stupid hero, right?
But now that Mason has arrived and Team K has eliminated the reserve members of Team Hydra one after another, there is no pressure anymore. Anyway, he has been fighting sandstorm with magic for more than ten minutes and is already very tired.
Just take advantage of the opportunity to catch some fish.
Therefore, at the moment of throwing out the Purgatory Fire, Zha Kang activated the teleportation spell he had cast before and sent himself to the safe area on the edge of the top of the building. He casually picked up a silk cigarette and lit it for himself with the magic wand that still had flames on it.
He crossed his arms comfortably and watched Mason "riding" the kite man down from the sky, waving a silver sword and rushing towards the burning area.
The moment the Sandman was hit by the Infernal Fire, part of his body was burned into a glass-like solid.
He screamed and the cold wind blew towards him like a knife in an attempt to cool himself down and return to the quicksand form, but unfortunately Mason and Old Spider did not give him this opportunity.
The two men rushed over from the left and right. Mason wielded the Gryffindor's Vengeance Sword and chopped off several solid quicksands with a single blow, while Peter Parker raised a sledgehammer he picked up and smashed around.
Those "glass fragments" fired at high temperatures flew everywhere, and after being forcibly melted into a solid, Sandstorm lost control of this part of the body. He howled and used the remaining quicksand to make huge fists in the sky and smashed them at the two people, but the kite man who flew low in the air made a cool posture of "justice from heaven" in the air.
The weapon slots on the back of the mechanical wings that this guy just got were fully opened, and missiles of various colors were roaring and sweeping over. The Defender light machine gun in Charles's hand was firing at high speed, and with the perfect assistance of aerial fire support, the quicksand fists thrown by the weak sand man were dispersed in the air. The high-temperature explosion also caused the B-level personnel, who were in a desperate situation, to lose some of their sand again.
"Come in! Everyone, come in!"
Of course, Mason would not just smash the glass and think that the world would be at peace. He did not come here just to defeat the sandstorm.
He had many reasons to kill this guy, so the young man took out a strange instrument from his bag, which was similar to a vacuum cleaner but with a magic bottle installed on the back. The vacuum cleaner sucked in the wind and sand and put it into the bottle that had been enchanted in advance, and soon all the "glass fragments" scattered around were sucked into it.
To be honest, this scene is a bit weird.
In front, the old spider was still swinging his war hammer and fighting with the sandman. In the background of dazzling bullets and flames flying in the air, Mason was "playing with sand" with a vacuum cleaner.
If the bottle is replaced with a gourd, it would really be just a matter of shouting the famous line "I call you, do you dare to answer?"
It's a little embarrassing, but the effect is very good.
Under the rapid suction of the enchantment bottle like a large vacuum cleaner, most of the melted and smashed sandman quicksand was quickly extracted, and Mr. Sandstorm also clearly felt that part of his body seemed to be "sealed" in a place where there was nowhere to escape.
A shadow of failure and even death quickly enveloped his mind.
"Mason! We have no grudges!"
He gathered the wind and sand, wrapped up the eager old spider and threw it away. Then he spread his body like the wind and sand to avoid the high-altitude bombing of the kite man. He shouted to Mason anxiously:
"I even wanted to help you! You ungrateful bastard!"
"I'm too lazy to argue with you."
Mason collected the quicksand from the Sandman without even looking up, and complained:
"Your team members really don't know how to keep secrets. Rhino and Scorpion said everything that should and shouldn't be said. You and I both know what you want to do. Save your energy and think about how to escape."
The sandman screamed in anger:
"Those two bastards were captured by the Demon Knight! Damn it! I knew you were in the same group! No! That's not right! You were in cahoots with that bastard from the Justice League who came to capture you!
This is a trap!
Your original intention was to kill me, I get it... You are the traitor!
It wasn't Talia who betrayed us, it was you!
I should have thought of that earlier!"
"Yeah, you should have thought of it earlier. By the way, how nice it would be if time could go back?"
Mason slammed the stopper of the enchantment bottle. As the Sandman struggled, the fragments in the bottle rushed wildly and hit the bottle, making it impossible for Mason to hold it.
He threw the bottle at Zha Kang.
The latter took out his cigarette and drew a circle in the air with the burning ash. A green beam of light spread out like a window, swallowing the bottle into a demiplane temporarily opened by the black magician.
The moment the aperture dissipated, the sandman screamed.
He completely lost touch with that part of his body, and the pain was like being thrown into a meat grinder and having most of his body pulverized.
"I should have let you be beaten to death by the Justice League in Gotham City! Why are you causing so much trouble there?"
The quicksand under Mason's feet bulged into sharp spikes that pierced his body, but were shattered by the young man's Demon-Breaking Sword of Revenge. The exploding sand wanted to skin Mason and break his bones with its high-speed rotating sand blade, but the moment it started to spin, it was pierced by Mason's sword again.
The inscriptions on the blade of the Sword of Vengeance were shining, and in just a few seconds, the sand controlled by the Sand Man seemed to lose its power and fell to the ground.
The sharp sword in his hand absorbed some of the sandman's abilities, turning the blade gray as if it was wrapped in sand, and the power of disaster on it was transmitted to the sandman's body through this piercing.
Mr. Sandstorm's dodging slowed down suddenly due to the weakness caused by the revenge magic. Then he was hit in the air by the old spider's fists and the core of the wind and sand exploded.
He screamed and melted into the wind, drifting into the outer night, obviously intending to escape.
Knowing the disadvantages and having lost all their reserve members once again, even the powerful B-class personnel knew that they had little chance of winning tonight as they were being targeted.
He wanted to leave here temporarily and leave these guys to his "ally" to deal with.
But just as it floated out of the top floor, a head suddenly popped .
Catwoman, who was holding Miss Magg, glanced at the sky, quickly grabbed an anti-tank rocket from her bag, aimed at the air and pulled the trigger.
The blinding flames left a burning mark in the night and flew into the center of the sandstorm, where they exploded. The scorching fire swept across the sky, breaking up the wind direction controlled by the sandman and covering his body with the high temperature.
The B-level personnel felt like a wild dog being chased, their hearts filled with shame but they dared not turn around to face the powerful enemy. Now the only option was to escape.
"The data center of Osborne Tower has been breached!"
Barbara's voice rang out over the team's communications. She yelled:
"The city defense weapon system belongs to us. Charles, you can take off. I will delegate the authority of the air patrol drone to you and you will be in charge of it."
The kite man manipulated the mechanical wings to quickly rise into the sky. The armed drone that had been intercepted in the air before now followed the "mother bird" quickly like a bird returning to its nest, and was incorporated into the flight control network by Charles using the control method of a swarm.
The high-tech flight control chip from 2077 captured and commanded them. Almost in an instant, a tight firepower network blocked the drifting sand.
"The incarnation of wind and sand is indeed immune to physical damage, but you overlooked the most important point. The larger the area you spread over, the easier it will be for us to capture your target."
Mason stood on the ruined rooftop, watching the sandstorm in the sky that was about to fly out of the airspace of Osborne Tower. He raised the Sword of Vengeance and said to the Kite Man:
"Paralysis potion plus fear gas, Charles, capture him alive!"
Kite Man grinned under his V-shaped iron mask and unfolded the missile nest behind him. Three cans of special shells containing high-concentration fear gas and three cans of purified paralysis potion were fired forward.
There is almost no need to aim, just aim at the large area of ​​sand spreading and blast it.
The green smoke exploded in the wind and sand, and almost instantly covered the remaining one-third of the sand man's body like "pollution", while the paralysis potion detonated at high altitude sprinkled down like a small-scale rain, completely breaking up the wind and sand shrouded by the fear gas, just like mixing cement.
Under the gaze of Team K, the drifting sand quickly "sticked" and formed a blurry, screaming human figure in the air that fell rapidly downwards.
The Sandman, who was both terrified and paralyzed, hadn't felt this kind of fear of falling from a building for a long time.
But at this moment, as he fell to the ground with his hands and feet dancing, he really felt a sense of shame that he, a superhuman who could turn into quicksand, was about to be killed.
However, this feeling soon dissipated as the kite man flew over and grabbed his legs with both hands and lifted him high into the sky, but it was replaced by another shadow covering his heart.
Mason, this audacious and damned traitor, probably won't let him go.
The Kite Man folded his mechanical wings and smashed the weakened Sand Man in front of Mason the moment he landed on the ruined roof. The latter was knocked unconscious, but the dual effects of the fear gas and paralysis potion made it difficult for him to turn into wind and sand to escape.
He wanted to beg for mercy, but saw Mason took out a familiar-looking multi-function communicator and pointed it at him.
"Come on, smile!"
The young man held up the buzzing sword of revenge and said to the arrogant Mr. Sandstorm:
"The Afterlife Team asked me to send my regards to you, Mr. Sandstorm. They still remember that you spread the zombie virus in Night City.
Anyway, fellow countryman.
Lend us your head to improve our impression of you."
Mr. Sandstorm's unique expression of embarrassment, twitching, resentment and astonishment, with three parts of pain and seven parts of fear in his eyes, was recorded in the communicator that Judy gave to Team K.
The complicated expression on his face at this moment was as if he had just realized for the first time that there was such a thing as "evil" in this world.
Before he could even beg for mercy, Mason swung the buzzing blade of the Sword of Vengeance and whizzed into the Sandman's neck.
Because of the correct angle and appropriate force, plus the magic-breaking sharpness and energy-absorbing properties of the Sword of Revenge, Mason's blade cut across his neck with almost no stagnation.
I don't even want to say a word to this guy with such bad character.
"Successfully completed a special life form close combat execution beheading, and the combat skill proficiency increased by X30, currently at Lv1."
The conspicuous kill reminder jumped into Mason's eyes, and the young man finally let out a sigh of relief.
He glanced at the Sandman's fallen head, which began to turn to sand the moment it was chopped off.
The sandman's body also "collapsed" and quickly dissipated into quicksand. The buzzing of the cold wind wrapped around Mason's body like a miserable wail, making him feel cold.
And at the moment the sand man died, everything on this guy exploded all over the ground like "exploding equipment".
The most obvious one was his Silver Star Club "employee card", which was half buried in the quicksand, as if it had been shattered by a huge force, and was covered with cracks.
Mason sheathed the Sword of Vengeance, half-knelt there, picked up the silver card , and flicked it lightly in his hand.
"B-class personnel Sandstorm, because you are accused of being a traitor, with the sacred power of execution granted to me by Mr. Hunter, the Grand Master of the Star Society, I declare that you are expelled!"
"Wow, there are a lot of good stuff."
Zha Kang, who had just slipped aside to watch the fun, came over quickly, rubbing his hands as he collected the things that exploded after the death of the Sand Man, and discussed the value of these things with Charles next to him.
Mason ignored the team members' enthusiasm for "distributing equipment". He simply reached out and placed his hand in the last pile of sand left by Mr. Sandstorm. The moment his finger touched, an information tag popped up:
Sandman's Shattered Core
Quality: No grade, special manufacturing materials
Item Usefulness: The extremely active quicksand is fully saturated with energy and can be used in a variety of manufacturing processes. In the manufacturing process on the magical side, this item can be regarded as a high-level earth elemental wonder.
Item Description: Wouldn't his girlfriend hate having sand in her body? Or does she like mixing water and sand into cement?
"Enough of the obscene instructions!"
Mason shook his head, took out an enchanting bottle, collected the rare active gravel and put it into his bag before standing up.
He looked at the old spider who was sitting behind him and panting, and was about to go up and say a few words, but before he opened his mouth, a violent vibration came from under his feet.
This time the shock was no ordinary minor one.
The entire towering Osborne Tower was shaking violently, but that was already a good thing.
"Look over there!"
Charles in the air yelled, and everyone turned around and saw that the abandoned city of New York in the gloomy night in the distance was torn apart almost in an instant, and the smoke and dust raised by the collapsed tall buildings flew into the sky.
The old spider jumped up with a bang, and Mason's face changed drastically.
He grabbed the metal frame beside him to prevent himself from falling, and shouted to the other end of the communication:
"Barbara, what's going on? Haven't we already taken control of Osborne Tower?"
"Norman Osborn destroyed it!"
Batgirl yelled:
"That madman couldn't stop Dr. Otto and me from taking over, so he activated the excavation tower with all his strength before giving up. He's heading towards you! Be careful!"
"Mason! Peter!"
Dr. Otto's voice was heard shortly afterwards, and this time he did not have the casual tone that was unique to hippies. He shouted anxiously:
"The gravity hammers under the East Coast are being pulled out very quickly. If this continues, the entire New York will be destroyed in ten minutes at most. You guys should leave now!
I'm going to blow up that tower!
Otherwise it will be too late.”
Amidst the violent explosion, the entire top floor of the Osborne Tower was blown open. Amidst the blast of bricks and stones, a green battle armor flew into the sky.
"You guys! You can't go anywhere!"
The Green Goblin's grim voice of gnashing teeth echoed in the increasingly anxious night:
"Give me back my son!"
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