Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 43 This is all a trap, Peter, don't let them harm you

The Green Goblin in front of him was blocking the way in a cool armor, and threatened that Team K should hand over his "kidnapped" son, but Mason didn't have time to talk to him.
The moment Dr. Otto issued the warning, Mason shouted at Zha Kang.
"Come here!"
The black magician shouted while holding a cigarette in his mouth, and cast a spell with both hands to activate the teleportation rune.
The Kite Man rushed down and caught Catwoman who jumped out of the window in his arms. He continued to go down and caught the two female pirates who rushed out of the tenth-floor balcony. He activated the wing engine and carried them into the distant night.
Ertong and Barbara in the underground also evacuated along the original route. Having been well educated by Batman, they did not forget to bring the prisoners with them.
The old Spider wanted to say a few more words to the Green Goblin, but Mason grabbed him and pulled him into the activated teleportation rune. In the shining light, they were sent out of the Osborne Tower, spinning and falling from a height of several meters, and crashed into the beach washed by dirty sea water.
"Doc! Blow it up!"
Mason shouted.
The next moment, a terrifying explosion of flames shot up into the sky in the night.
Madam Elizabeth and Angelina had placed the explosives in the designated locations according to the internal structure drawings of the Osborne Tower that Dr. Otto had given to Team K. Thanks to the chaos in the entire tower and the rampage of zombie beasts, their actions went very smoothly. The detonation of the explosives did not completely destroy the towering Osborne Tower.
But an explosion in the most sophisticated mechanical engine in the center destroyed the equipment that was constantly digging toward the center of the earth to collect gravity hammers, causing its destructive mining to stop immediately.
The violent tremors that enveloped the entire coast and the distant cities also came to an abrupt end at this moment, stopping the abandoned city just before it was destroyed.
The flames caused by the huge explosion spread from the middle floors of the Osborne Tower all the way up, quickly turning the towering building into a torch in the darkness.
It was so bright that it almost completely illuminated the surrounding night sky.
More than 100,000 employees of Osborne Corporation . Although the fighting tonight was confined to the Osborne Tower and did not damage their residential areas, the continuous explosions still caused this city of refuge to quickly become chaotic.
Like some kind of sign.
It was just like a repeat of the chaos that occurred on the night of the Doomsday invasion, and it seemed like another hopeless chaos was coming.
"Mason, the neighborhood is in chaos."
Barbara's voice sounded over the somewhat distorted communicator. She said:
"Jason and I saw many people screaming and rushing out of their beehive houses. The Osborn guards were overwhelmed and if this continues, there will be a riot!
Do you want to do something? "
"Is the city defense system still in our hands?"
Mason climbed up from the dirty sand, wiping the mud off his face and saying:
"If they're still there, activate those warning devices! Send out the drones, too. Anyone who dares to mess around will be executed. We still have some... well, the Green Goblin is coming.
I’ll tell you later!”
The young man stood up on the beach.
When he looked up, he could see the green Green Goblin armor speeding towards the beach at high speed. The flames bursting from his armor under his feet stretched out an arc of light in the night.
There were several wing-shaped floating guns surrounding the approaching guy, which were clearly modified versions of the previous Green Goblin aircraft.
The armor he was wearing also looked very familiar to Mason.
Isn't that a modified version of Iron Man's Mark series armor? So, the Norman Osborn that appeared before them was actually the "Iron Patriot" version of the Dark Dynasty?
Tsk, what bad luck.
There are so many Green Goblins in the parallel world, why did they choose the most difficult one?
"This guy's energy reflexes are going through the roof. I can see with my naked eyes how dangerous that suit is. Compared to that thing, the suit you stole from Batboy is nothing but rubbish.
Didn’t they say that this guy didn’t join the Star Club?
Why do I feel like he's more difficult to deal with than the entire Hydra team combined?"
Zha Kang threw away the whole pack of cigarettes soaked by the sea water in his hand in an unlucky manner, and stood in front of Mason with the magic book in his arms. He patted his shoulder weakly and said:
"You can see, Captain, I have already spent a lot of energy to help you get rid of the sandstorm. I am not very good at these mechanical things.
So he left it to you to deal with?"
A strong wind blew behind the three people, and the kite man flew across the night sky, sending himself and the three ladies to the captain's side before the energy of his mechanical wings was exhausted.
When Catwoman jumped down, she threw the Widowmaker rifle she had picked up to Mason, who took it and loaded it skillfully but did not aim and shoot.
He even reached out to his teammates around him to tell them not to act impulsively.
This battle may or may not be fought.
It mainly depends on how much sanity Sir Norman still has. They are not here to end the Green Goblin's "terrible tyranny" in this world.
That's something the old spiders need to consider, it's not their job at all.
"Hand it over!"
The Green Goblin flew over and hovered in the air ten meters in front of Team K. The floating guns beside him gathered into a circle and pointed their black muzzles and electric-spraying launch ports at the uninvited guests in front of them.
As Zha Kang said, even without using equipment to scan , one can feel that the energy response of this set of weapons is really about to break through the sky.
This is normal.
If Mason guessed his identity correctly, this version of the Green Goblin was a tough guy who could control top-tier heroes like the Sentinel.
Now, behind this old guy is the entire burning Osborne Tower, but the Green Goblin did not express much about the loss of his own property.
He looked at Catwoman who was hiding behind Mason and peeking out, and said coldly:
"Damn thief! Hand over what you took! Hand over my son! If he is hurt in the slightest, I guarantee that you will die a quick death."
"Norman! That's enough!"
The old spider couldn't listen any longer.
Tired from the battle with the killer, he pulled off his hood and stepped forward to stand in front of Team K. He had an untidy beard and looked very haggard.
But at this moment, there was no hatred or anger towards the Green Goblin in those eyes.
On the contrary, those eyes were filled with guilt and pity.
He said:
"Harry is dead, your son, my best brother, died that night...wake up!"
"Shut up, Peter."
The Green Goblin's tone became even colder, and the two strangely pumpkin-shaped floating cannons beside him had begun to charge.
He said:
"I told you not to show up in front of me! You evil man, if my Harry hadn't begged me to spare your life before he died, you would have died that night along with your freak friends!
My son exchanged his life for yours, so you should cherish it.
Now, get out!
Don’t bother me.”
"Let him out."
Mason said to Selina behind him.
Catwoman curled her lips, opened her bag but did not throw out a living person. Instead, she released a very sophisticated-looking biological capsule.
The thing smashed onto the beach in the middle of the Green Goblin and Team K, and when it landed, its backup energy source was activated, causing a faint light to be emitted from under its glass cover, illuminating the figure lying inside and exposing it to everyone.
The first one to exclaim was the old spider.
Peter stared with wide eyes at the young man who seemed to be sleeping in the bio-capsule.
The latter had black hair and a handsome face. He was lying in this bio-capsule wearing a black jumpsuit. His face looked so lifelike that one could even see the slight breathing movement through his nostrils.
"You cloned him?"
This was the first possibility that Spider-Man thought of.
He turned around and glared at the Green Goblin, shouting:
"No! That's blasphemy!"
“This is not cloning.”
Zha Kang, who had been watching coldly, narrowed his eyes at this moment. A few runes flashed in the corners of his eyes. He seemed to see through the truth of what was in front of him, and said faintly:
“This is your dead friend!
There are still traces of some higher-level magic on him... Hmm, it should be advanced time magic. When I get close to him, I can feel the passage of time become disordered."
The person who was most knowledgeable about magic at the scene rubbed his chin and guessed:
"If I'm guessing correctly, this Harry Osborn was forcibly 'picked' out of the past time stream. This is not a low-level thing like a clone.
He is the man you remember.
Guaranteed authenticity. "
"So, they used past Harry Osborn to win you over?"
Mason also understood after seeing the "treasure" stolen by Selina. He looked up at the Green Goblin slowly falling from the sky and said:
"Is this the reason why you accepted the arrangement of the Star Society and became a collaborator of the vassal world? If I'm not mistaken, this time magic must have some kind of limitation, right?
For example, you have to recharge regularly or your lost child will leave you again. "
"Yeah, that's it, typical evil style."
Zha Kang also chimed in and said:
"Many hell creatures control their beloved believers in this way . They first give you a 'gift' that you can't refuse, and then use this 'goodwill' to completely trap you.
You know you've gone astray.
But the tighter you hold your hands, the harder it is to turn back."
"Shut up!"
The Green Goblin didn't listen to the two guys' meaningful words at all.
He stretched out his delicate fingernails to stroke the biological capsule in front of him. When he saw his son sleeping soundly inside, a look of relief appeared on old Norman's face.
It was as if he, who was extremely irritable just now, suddenly became calm and rational after getting his treasure back.
"Go away."
He said to Team K:
"The Cleaners have noticed what happened here, and I don't think you want to deal with them. I learned from the Sand People that there are similar taboos within the Star Society."
"Is that all?"
The kite man, who was holding a defender machine gun and ready for a fight, raised his eyebrows and said in a muffled voice:
"We broke into your city, destroyed your machinery, burned your house, and killed your lackeys, but that's it? You rushed over fully armed, shouldn't we fight first before we talk about this?"
"If you were a man of some ability, would you condescend to become the king of the garbage dump?"
Old Norman said sarcastically:
"As for the Sandman, that idiot was already worthless in my eyes when his entire army was wiped out and he fled back to this world. I have trained more than one pioneer in the Star Society, so it doesn't matter whether he is there or not.
If it weren't for this damned female thief who stole my child, I would just play a play with Otto and then watch you insects fight to death for fun."
"What do you mean?"
Now not only Mason and Team K, but even old Spider, an outsider, noticed something strange.
He asked:
"What do you mean you have more than one pioneer under you?"
"Do you want me to make it clearer? Frank Castle, Gwen Stacy, the Defenders, and the Black Widow and Coulson's Avengers..."
The Green Goblin sneered and said to Peter Parker:
"Those superheroes or villains who survived the doomsday invasion, well, poor Peter, have you been addicted to drinking and having fun in recent years and have you drunk away your smart brain?
Do you really think I would allow those unknown outsiders to take away the last group of strong people in this world so easily?
I know more than you do.
That invasion and everything that happened after it were unstoppable, and the disaster had nothing to do with the Star Society or the Cleaners.
They just played a tyrannical and pathetic role in this huge event.
No, I never actually hated them.”
He looked up at the shocked Spider-Man, seeming to enjoy the feeling of looking at a fool.
He said:
"But you seem to be wallowing in pointless anger and hatred, and even though more than three years have passed, you're still feeling despair over the betrayal you've suffered?
When you needed help the most, the group of "surrenderists" led by Tony Stark ignored your requests for help and even joined the invaders after the war.
You feel like they betrayed you.
But the cruel truth is that it is not so.”
The Green Goblin connected the energy source of his armor to his son's life support capsule through the access device. While fine-tuning the data of the bio-capsule, he casually said as if sharing a secret:
"The night before Tony Stark left with the group, he had a conversation with Steve Rogers, who was determined to fight the invaders to the end.
They were not the only two people involved in that conversation. I can tell you that I was among them.
Do you understand what I mean?
The arrival of the doomsday invasion is a disaster, but every disaster is full of opportunities. The only question is whether you have the vision to seize the opportunity.
This was all arranged .
This is all a game.
Poor Peter.
The Stars and their superiors thought they had conquered us, but in fact we also used them to complete a "rebirth through a shell".
This world certainly needs a group of passionate heroes to die for it in times of crisis, but for existence itself, the doomsday in front of you may need a group of people who can continue its existence and live for it.
Don't hate them.
The pain they suffered when making their choice was no less than yours, and they even had to bear the double debt of guilt.
Peter Parker.
You could have become one of these "pioneers", looking for opportunities for us to survive in countless parallel worlds, but you chose to fall."
The entire beach was dead silent.
After several seconds, Lady Elizabeth opened her mouth slightly and whispered:
"Don't you guys even inform your own people before doing something like this? Didn't the people who died fighting for the world that night die in vain?"
Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring, glanced at Mason, shook his head and said:
"The sacrifice of the brave men made the 'surrender' of these capitulationists seem more real, which is perhaps the greatest significance of that arranged death.
But Norman, why are you telling us this?"
"Because you are the 'Messenger'! You are the other 'possibility' I have been waiting for."
The Green Goblin took off his mechanical helmet.
The old, thin face stared at Mason as a hawk stares at a rabbit, and said:
"When the Sandman recounted to me everything he had suffered in your world, I knew there was something fishy going on. Your appearance and decisive execution proved my suspicion.
There are also "resistance forces" in the upper echelons of the Star Society.
I don't know how a rookie like you got in touch with a person like that, but I need you to help us make the connection!
Mason Cooper.
We, the 'Doomsday Exiles', want to 'make friends' with the small organization behind you. We have the same goal and we can definitely cooperate.
But before we can really talk about it, you have to make a decision first.”
Old Norman looked back at the lights lit up on the sea in the distance.
He gave Mason a sinister smile that was enough to scare the children, and said:
"The Cleaners are coming. They are my lackeys who are watching me. You can choose how to approach them, Mason.
They don't care which team's base world this is, so you can take over from that idiot Sandman and continue to play nice with them. All they want is the Gravity Hammer anyway.
Their appetites seem very small to me.
Alternatively, you can find a way to kill them and put the blame on me, thus cutting off our escape route and preventing you and the people behind you from doubting my sincerity.
Now the decision is yours, Mason.
Do you want to make a decision for the big guy behind you? Do you want to cooperate with those of us who are "living in poverty" after the apocalypse?
Empty words are never trustworthy.
Only when our hands are stained with the blood of common enemies can we establish the foundation of mutual trust.
But do you have the courage?"
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024