Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 41 To become a good magician, one must not only be proficient in magic but also be good at math, physics and chemistry!

Catwoman was on this floor, and she knew she was the prey.
She was wearing an invisibility cloak but had wounds on her body. Although the bleeding had been stopped and she had a special odor eliminator for thieves, it was not enough for her to escape this brutal kill and run for some top hunters.
She knew Mason was on his way.
If possible, Selina would rather handle the current situation herself without adding pressure to her lovely captain, but the problem was that she had just tried.
The wounds on her body were the "memorial" left by the previous attempt .
The low voice sounded outside Catwoman's hiding place, startling Selina. She immediately grabbed the Sujie Eagle in her hand and the small and cute but painful pink technology pistol in the other hand.
The movement was like some huge monster approaching.
It sounds very clumsy, but in fact, in the series of confrontations just now, Catwoman has fully realized the deadly swiftness of the pursuer. That was just the sound he made deliberately to create psychological pressure on Catwoman, trying to defeat the opponent with fear.
Catwoman is very familiar with this routine.
Her lover Batman is very good at this.
"Little black cat, I can smell you. You are nearby. Don't hide."
A very tough-sounding voice sounded not far away, with a hint of expectation and bloodthirstiness. Soon, Selina saw the guy who was hunting her appear in her sight.
He was wearing a fur coat with yellow patterns, his pants and boots were made of the fur of some kind of predator, and around his neck hung a necklace made of animal teeth.
He held a spear decorated with tiger-tail bristles, and hung a whip and a crossbow around his waist, and even something less popular, such as a blowgun.
Even though he was in a doomsday shelter city, walking in the high-tech Osborne Tower, this man's agile steps and vigilant posture still made him look like a hunter walking in the jungle.
He did not hide his desire at all.
It was not a man's instinctive desire for a woman, but more like a killing hunt launched by a hungry superior predator against its prey.
This guy is not a member of the Hydra team either.
He and Bullseye are Norman Osborn's henchmen, and this guy showed up after Selina sneaked into the Green Goblin's hidden room and took away something important.
And he really enjoys this solitary "hunting" process.
"Hmm? Kraven the Hunter?"
Soon, as the hunters approached Catwoman's hiding place, Mason's voice rang out in the team's internal communication. He said in surprise:
"If it's just this guy, you shouldn't be able to handle it, right?"
"There's something about him that's... well, hard to describe!"
Selina whispered:
"You'll know once you shoot him. Be careful and help me lead him away. I've just discovered that thing is afraid of fire. Give me some time, I'll set a trap for this damn hunter."
As soon as Catwoman finished speaking, Mason fired a shot in this direction.
The bullet that was charged to the extreme flew towards the hunter Kraven's head at a speed at least three times that of a normal bullet. He seemed to have not anticipated the sneak attack from above and fell to the ground without a sound.
But Mason fired the bullet and turned and ran without any hesitation.
There was no kill prompt, and when he heard Catwoman say that thing was afraid of fire, he knew what the thing on Kraven was.
The fallen Kraven completed his "transformation" in the blink of an eye. Black, sticky, mud-like stuff poured out of his body and instantly protected his body like armor.
Mason's bullet did not hurt Kraven at all but was "swallowed" by the black mud.
The old hunter laughed and jumped up from the ground in a twisted posture that was completely inconsistent with the laws of physics.
At this moment, he had transformed into a giant over three meters tall, with bulging muscles all over his body, strange white spots on his eyes, and a mouth full of crooked teeth mixed with a scarlet tongue, looking extremely hideous.
The alien parasitic killer actually took Kraven, the best hunter in the world, as its host. This is much more dangerous than when it was in Eddie Brock.
Mason turned and jumped down from a high place.
Almost at the same time, the monster below blasted the steel frame structure where he had just been hiding like a cannonball, and chased after the young man while howling.
Mason planned to lead it to collide at the periphery, and when he was about to catch up, the young man suddenly stopped. When he turned around, he had a sci-fi-looking ray gun in his hand, which emitted cold air.
The freezing gun, powered by three magic deep-sea pearls, spewed out rays at maximum power, freezing most of the savage black monster the moment it came into contact.
But then the ice cracked, and ice fragments splashed everywhere. Mason threw three incendiary bombs at it, forcing it back into the shadows.
"Selina, it's not only afraid of fire, but also afraid of noise."
Mason carried the freezing gun and vigilantly searched for the target in the messy room, and said to Catwoman in the communication:
"The higher the frequency, the better. Set up traps around the call microphone on this floor! Barbara, are you busy over there? Can you spare some time to play a song?"
"Busy! Mason, Dr. Otto is attacking the mechanical control core of Osborn Tower, but Norman Osborn is using his authority to stop him.
I'm helping with this data war and it's so exciting!
But if it's just high frequency sounds, I can handle that."
Batgirl's voice rang out over the comms along with the sound of typing on the keyboard. She said:
"47th floor, right? Adjust the communication link, access the communication announcement program, select the song list... Let me see, how about the anxiety? I will increase the high pitch tenfold and speed up the frequency twenty times. Is this enough?"
"That's enough, wait for Selina's signal!"
Mason was really glad that he had a member in his team who specialized in hacking skills. He also found out from Barbara why the Green Goblin hadn't shown up at this time.
It turned out that he was held back by Doctor Octopus himself.
Is this a civil war between the two most powerful guys in the Sinister Six?
Another freezing ray shot out to the side, freezing a ball of black "mud" that was seeping in from the ground and preparing to attack, but before the muzzle could turn around, a large black shadow was seen rolling and crashing towards him.
Mason fell down, quickly drew his gun and activated Death Eye.
He pulled out the kinetic pistol "King Kong" from his waist and emptied the magazine full of engineering incendiary bombs in one breath. The sharp explosion and high temperature burning made the venom that hit him retreat while howling.
But before retreating, he tore Mason's bat suit apart with one claw.
This made the captain break out in a cold sweat.
I should have known he would come wearing the unfinished anti-Superman armor.
It seems that they will have to start changing into their battle suits as soon as they return this time. Look at these damn freak opponents they are facing now. If Venom's combat power were not for his obvious weaknesses and side effects, he would probably have a place among the second-tier heroes of the Justice League.
"Done! Mason, six o'clock, lead it over here!"
Selina's shout rang in Mason's ears, and the young man turned and left without hesitation.
As he walked, he pulled out the Widowmaker and quickly equipped it with a very high-tech under-slung grenade launcher. The moment the whistling wind behind him approached, he activated the quick-draw gun and turned around to fire a high-explosive grenade.
With a loud "boom", the fire started again.
Once again, Venom was forced back, which made the parasite very unhappy and the host very angry.
"Useless thing! Get out of here! I can do it myself!"
Hunter Kraven watched as Venom, who clearly had an absolute advantage, was countered again and again by Mason. He roared and asked the parasite to retreat back into his body, and the spear in his hand flew forward the moment he appeared.
The deadly and accurate throw knocked the rifle out of Mason's hand.
The next moment, the two men were like dueling wild west gunslingers, Kraven grabbing his crossbow and Mason drawing his kinetic pistol.
It turned out that Mason, with combat assistance, was faster. A bullet flew towards Kraven, but the "black mud" on the latter's body reappeared and helped him block the fatal bullet.
"No martial ethics!"
Mason cursed.
He smashed a bottle of incendiary potion under his feet, causing a wall of fire to rise up, blocking Venom's charge. He made a tactical slide backwards and disappeared around the corner, while Venom followed closely behind him by walking directly on the ceiling.
But as soon as he turned the corner, he saw several large boxes of high-explosive gunpowder piled together, and Mason was jumping down from the open window next to him.
The moment he jumped, he turned around, picked up an oddly shaped umbrella, and threw a ball of dazzling golden lightning at the other party's gunpowder box.
"Hide quickly!!!"
The hunter Kraven, who was wrapped in venom, roared in horror.
But it was too late.
The moment the high voltage current ignited the gunpowder, a huge explosion occurred on the spot and flames rose into the sky. The venom helped the host withstand the ravages of the explosion, but the high temperature around it forced it to scream and shrink back into Kraven's body.
Catwoman, who was hiding on the other side, wearing an invisibility cloak, drew out her sword and shouted.
The next moment, strange, harsh, and high-frequency sound waves exploded in the three bulletin communicators near the corridor in a "3D surround" manner. The alien parasite, which had already suffered severe damage, could not bear it anymore. It trembled, curled up into a ball of black mud, and jumped out of Kraven's body. The moment it left the body, Catwoman with earplugs pounced on Kraven fiercely.
The golden one-handed sword viciously stabbed into the back of his heart and then crushed his heart with a twist of his wrist.
The posture was very much like a black panther hunting, and the ignorant and arrogant hunter became another sacrifice to the Black Panther Queen.
"Bah! A poor fellow who relies on the monster inside his body to do evil!"
Kraven's tall body fell to the ground with a loud bang.
Selina pulled out Sujie's Eagle and stretched her neck in the devastation, then picked up the whip crossbow and blowgun darts from hunter Kraven's waist as well as various hunting gadgets.
She found several bottles of mysterious potions in the bag around Kraven's waist. She did not drink them rashly but packed them up and took them back to Mason for research. She then turned around, picked up Kraven's javelin and Mason's rifle that was knocked away, and prepared to leave with the things in her bag.
But after walking a few steps, Selina turned back with a strange expression.
On the ground behind her, a weak mass of "black mud" was trying to form a certain shape, as if begging for mercy or requesting.
"Huh, you're that monster?"
Catwoman held the lovely Lizzie pistol in her hand and aimed it. The gun had already started charging and was making a beeping sound. She said:
"What are you doing? Are you begging me to take you in? I like having pets, but I don't like... fuck! Bang bang bang"
The weak black mud in front of him rushed towards Catwoman decisively after seeing her stop. Selina pulled the trigger, and four bullets sprayed out from the muzzle at super high speed, bursting into flames like a shotgun firing.
While smashing the black mud, Catwoman rolled over and grabbed the burning chair beside her and smashed it on the monster, letting the flames burn it.
Seeing it finally burned into a strange black spot in the fire, Selina, who was almost successfully attacked, finally breathed a sigh of relief. She shook her head, replaced the magazine for the pistol, then turned around and walked away quickly.
Her little cutie Miss Mag was still waiting for her to join her.
But at the seam between Selina's goggles and the battle suit, a little bit of almost invisible black "slime" whooshed into her tight battle suit.
Ha, the attack just now was all an illusion!
Lord Venom's real killer move lies here.
On the other side, Mason flew out of the building, opened his penguin parachute in the air, and kept spinning down. He reached to his waist to get the grappling gun but suddenly remembered that the thing had just been broken by Bullseye.
Mason was a little disappointed that he couldn't go back to the rooftop to help Zack and Old Spider.
But soon, the low sound of engine vibrations rang out from the night behind.
Mason, who was flying with a parachute like a propeller, looked back and saw the sandstorm's lackey vulture controlling a cool and huge mechanical flying wing and swooping towards him.
“Come on!”
Mason pulled out the kinetic pistol from his waist, and the free aiming frame in front of him immediately locked onto the target. He only needed one shot to kill the bastard.
But when he raised his gun, Kite Man's voice begging for mercy came from the communicator:
"No! Boss, it's me! I'm the one driving this flying wing! Look at my new flying machine! Isn't it cool?"
"This piece of shit doesn't even have friend-or-foe identification! I'll smash it for you someday!"
Mason swore and put his gun away.
He was really shocked by his teammates' outrageous actions.
He waved to the kite flyer who was flying over in the air, folded the penguin parachute and let him fall downward. As the kite flyer flew over him accurately, he landed on the wide back of Charles' new flying wing.
Mason commanded:
"All of Sandstorm's lackeys have been cleared out. Now, while Green Goblin is still being harassed by Dr. Otto, we should go and kill that bastard to avoid any more trouble."
"Hold on tight, boss!"
The kite man who got a new toy shouted, and the four turbo engines, two large and two small, on both sides of the huge mechanical wings started up at the same time, pushing him and Mason straight into the dark sky.
From this high place they could clearly see the fierce battle on the top floor.
Spider-Man charged forward, constantly using spider silk and brute force to fight the sandstorm. He was buying time for Zhakang, while Zhakang waved a magic wand from nowhere and kept casting all kinds of magic, even shooting at Avada's melon.
The scene was like a fantasy blockbuster, but it made Mason feel extremely annoyed.
He cursed in the communication:
"Zuck Kang! Where's your fucking magic? It's been so long and you have Spider-Man assisting you, can't you even handle a sandman?"
"Stop talking nonsense! If you can do it, come on!"
Zha Kang's roar echoed in the communication channel, and he cursed:
“This bastard is impossible to kill. That weird Spider-Man and I have smashed his quicksand core at least seven times, but he was able to be reborn with the help of wind every time.
I'm trying to figure it out!
Shut up!
You are fools who don't understand magic."
"I don't understand magic, but I understand physics."
Mason complained:
"I know that a ball of sand cannot be pinched, but I also know that it will turn into glass when it encounters high temperature, and high temperature can also affect air convection...
Oh my god!
John, after this is over I'm going to send you to Gotham High School to study high school physics textbooks.
Where's your fucking hellfire?
Summon him and kill him!"
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024