Volume 4: The Last Day Chapter 28 Anti-Batman tactics, start!

Under the control of the AI ​​driver, the Batmobile stopped very smoothly on the roadside only a few minutes away from Wayne Manor. Mason got out of the car and walked into the wasteland next to it. He looked back, then took out his flip phone and dialed the number.
After a few seconds, the master's voice sounded from it.
The conversation was unusually concise and not willing to waste even a minute:
"Ah Fu is waiting for you. He has the information. Give it to him. If there are other people around, leave immediately."
"For such an important matter, I thought you would come in person."
Mason took out a cigarette and put it to his nose and sniffed it without lighting it. He whispered:
"Still in the watchtower?"
"Diana wants to interrogate your people. I'm stalling for time."
Batman replied:
"All those who participated in the planet-destroying operation were left in the watchtower for observation in order to prevent germs from another world from invading our world. It will take another day for them to return.
Move as fast as you can, Mason.
And, most importantly…"
"I understand. I can't kill anyone."
Mason whispered:
“If I cooperate with you, I will abide by your bottom line. We will use non-lethal weapons. In addition, I will have two friends enter Gotham to help contain your teammates during the ground battle.
They can no longer return through the World Gate to avoid being infected with the curse, and I hope you can help take care of them while they stay in Gotham.
This will most likely be our last conversation for some time.
So is there anything else you want to remind me of?"
"You said before that any of us could be contacted and bewitched by the Star Society's spies. I thought about it carefully and felt that this was a hidden danger."
The master said in a low voice:
"I will try to leave some people in the watchtower, and if possible, take them all away."
Mason understood instantly, but he frowned and said:
"Selina should have told you that joining the Star Club means becoming a 'candle'. You are pushing them into the fire."
The master explained:
"There are tens of thousands of members in the Star Society. If you already have tens of thousands of burning candles in front of you, what difference does it make if there is one more or one less? Your curse is not controlling, Mason. I have talked to Xiao Zha about this matter. She told me that if it is not a forced manipulation curse, they can be temporarily expelled by isolation and sealing.
There is no need to kill.
All it takes is to defeat the owner of the candle, and everyone will be free in an instant."
"You really dare to think so."
Mason was shocked:
"You really have no idea how powerful a godly devil with the light of tens of thousands of candles can be. He went straight to Huanglong without extinguishing the candles...
I would probably need a legion of Supermen in the vanguard and a legion of Batmen as the backstops to do that.”
"We will do this together, not now, but in the future."
The master did not discuss this topic any further. He took the initiative to end the call and said:
"Go according to the plan, Mason, take them away. They are not suspects, but they have great potential, and each of them has their own character flaws and can be easily bewitched and exploited.
We must take precautions before it happens.
Team K also needs some good help to carry out the covert mission. Just consider this as the last aid from your hometown to you pioneers.
I'm sure you can convince them to join you."
After the call was disconnected, Mason curled his lips and glanced at the call history on his flip phone. Instead of returning to the Batmobile, he lit a cigarette in the dark night.
I didn't do it for enjoyment, I just used it to sort out my thoughts. The originally useful demulcent has also developed drug resistance due to repeated drinking...
This really gave Mason a headache.
But before he could figure it out, the flip phone in his hand rang again. Mason glanced at the number, answered the call and said:
"Barbara? What's going on?"
Batgirl's weak voice came from the phone, with a hint of anxiety.
"Mason, Judy showed me the information that Delaman sent back to the main server. Why did you send those truths to Mr. Hunter? This will expose us.
We have temporarily blocked that message and can modify it at any time."
“No need to modify it.”
Mason blew out a smoke ring and replied:
"Just send it like that. This is a test. I want to see if Mr. Hunter will pass this message to her superiors so that we can determine what our next move should be.
Remember when she came into the Isu Assassins world to save us? Barbara.
She can be won over.”
Barbara caught a key message. She hesitated for a moment and said:
"Isn't this a bit risky? If you make a mistake in judgment..."
"Then this message is a 'pledge of allegiance'."
Mason explained:
“I just learned that some of our ‘friends’ are a little dissatisfied with the Quint Club, so no matter what the result is, we will most likely gain the support of one side.
I am certain that the hunter will help us keep this news secret, so let's send it out."
"All right."
Barbara responded, and then Judy's voice came from the phone, saying with a hint of complaint:
"Mason, next time something like this happens, please inform me in advance. I was already asleep, but was woken up by a dangerous message warning and had to work overtime. Also, I told the captain about your request, and he asked me to tell you that he really doesn't have time to keep the appointment recently, but once he is free, he will take the initiative to find you.
Also, if you can get anything out of the conqueror, please share it with us."
"What? You don't trust your superiors either?"
Mason smiled and joked:
"Does the Next Life Team also aspire to become a 'troublemaker' that gives their superiors a headache, just like Team K?"
“We didn’t think about it that much, but who doesn’t like having more options?”
Judy snorted and shared another secret with Mason. She said:
"You don't know yet, do you? While you were fighting the Conqueror, the captain and his men completed the doomsday transfer of three D-class worlds.
This application was originally rejected.
But Mr. Hunter suddenly agreed for some reason, and even risked being discovered to allocate the transfer gate to us. Now everyone is guessing what made him change his mind.
We considered all the variables and finally agreed that this had something to do with you. Tell me the truth, what did you say to Mr. Hunter that made him suddenly change his temper?
Does he have any leverage in your hands?"
"Don't talk nonsense. I have always been loyal to my superiors. But maybe his stupid head has suddenly become wise."
Mason's smile widened when he heard the secret.
He became more confident about the outcome of this test, so he threw away the half-burned cigarette in his hand and stamped it out, and replied:
"Thank you for your help, Judy. Look, since you are awake now, why not stay awake? Help Barbara check the remaining data and information in her mind and kill the virus.
By the way, please give me a copy of that amazing separation chip you made before, I need it urgently.
This time I'm hiring you.
I will never let you work for nothing, and I will pay you later."
"I see. I'll talk to Barbara."
Judy said in an unhappy tone:
"Whatever you want to do, be careful, Mason. The Afterlife Squad just started to like your style. Don't get yourself into trouble."
Mason hung up the phone and stretched his body vigorously, feeling refreshed. This emotion was captured by the Sorting Hat on his head. Mr. Hat snorted and said in Mason's mind:
"Have you finally found your accomplice?"
"Don't say such harsh words, Hat."
Mason corrected:
"It's just that we can find out who will help us at the critical moment. It's always a happy thing to find new friends. By the way, about what I promised you...
Are you ready to witness the destruction of the traitors?"
The Sorting Hat snorted in surprise.
But it knew that Mason was not a man who would lie, so it asked with great interest:
"The fall of Amaterasu must have alerted the other two families. What are you going to do this time?"
"That group of traitorous wizards are now searching the world for the Hogwarts beast that committed the murder. What do you think they would do if they got the exact location of the murderer and a copy of the treasure left after the destruction of the world?"
Mason looked back at the brightly lit Gotham behind him and said:
"Look, I'm about to face the Justice League and the world's top spellcasters in Gotham. My dear hat, if I don't intend to surrender, I have to find some 'external help' for myself.
Of course, to do this, we need to prepare bait that is heavy enough to fuel their fear and greed, so as to push them into their own doomsday willingly."
The young man bounced behind him, and a small blood-red piece of the Philosopher's Stone fell into his palm. He said:
"That alone is not enough. You may have to offer something valuable to revenge, Hat."
"Sacrifices are not a problem."
The Sorting Hat became excited. It said in that excited old man's voice:
"But how are you going to make them believe it? Those great wizards are not stupid."
"A rumor that appeared in Star Castle is enough. I have friends who can help us deal with this matter."
Mason smiled a rather relaxed and confident smile and said:
"And I have a superior who is high enough in status and is also dissatisfied with the Star Society. She is happy to see a group of traitors with no bottom line stain the stars with blood, so she is naturally willing to cooperate with us to send them into the Jedi.
In my opinion, the matter is already more than half done.”
A few minutes later, Mason, feeling much relieved, hummed a song, returned to the Batmobile and continued to move towards Wayne Manor.
"What's wrong with you? Did you find some money? You're smiling so happily."
Zha Kang looked back at Mason, who was full of joy, in surprise. He said:
"Is there something good about to happen? Come and share it."
"The good thing is that you went to the watchtower this time for more than just rescuing people."
Mason glanced at Zha Kang and said:
"Maybe you'll have to bring back a few prisoners for us. They're probably tough characters, so you'll have to replan your actions."
“No need!”
Zha Kang waved his hands, squinted his eyes and said:
"I have always acted on my feelings, unlike you who are so shrewd and calculating. I prefer to leave everything to luck. Although my luck is terrible, it is strangely good when it comes to life-threatening matters like this.
Let's talk about personal matters. As I said before, I plan to develop a relationship with Calypso that goes beyond friendship. She is vulnerable now, so this is a good opportunity to take advantage of her.
You don't forbid 'office romance', do you?"
"It's up to you, just don't let Xiao Zha find you and kill you. Although I have a potion that can help you grow back some of your annoying organs, how can I say it?
Aren’t these things better if they’re original? "
Mason coughed and decided to maintain his innocent boyish persona and not express his opinion on this damn obscene issue, lest Catwoman, whose expression was already a little strange, stab him with a sword.
Soon the gate of Wayne Manor appeared in front of the group, but they did not go through the main gate. Instead, they turned to the waterfall in the back mountain and drove into the bat cave.
Ah Fu is already waiting here.
Batman's most trusted old butler was here alone, but standing beside him were four armed robot assistants who looked very advanced.
"I'll leave it to you, Ah Fu."
Mason dragged Dr. Zola out of the car, and with four ray guns pointed at the monitors and data cores, the guy projected his face and winked at Mason to say goodbye.
Very "sincerely" thank Team K for sparing his life.
"Mason, can I talk to you alone?"
After Dr. Zola was sent to the Batcave's confinement room, the old butler said to Mason expressionlessly, and the young man did not refuse to walk with him to a secluded area on the edge of the cave.
Before Mason could say anything, Ah Fu threw a punch with great agility.
This old man, who was an ace agent when he was young, was ruthless when he fought. The punch on Mason's cheek made the young man grimace.
It hurts, but not that much.
After all, he had drunk the unicorn blood potion, had been strengthened by the welfare of the Star Society, and had used the Isu serum. His physique had officially entered the superhuman category and was not something that an old man could defeat.
Even if the person in front of him is the Butler, after all, there is no "Superman Medicine" for Ah Fu to use.
"You bastard!"
Alfred, who always maintained an English gentleman demeanor, now angrily shouted:
"Master Wayne trusted you so much! He even broke his rules for you. He even made a Robin uniform for you...but what did you do!
Blackgate Prison, Arkham Asylum, Penguin Gang! Mason, what other bad things have you done that we don't know about?
You damned liar!"
"Well, without your knowledge, I saved an isolated city from another apocalypse, and last night I sent nearly a million people away from death. Does that count?"
Mason rubbed his chin and said softly to the surprised old butler:
"You have to understand, Alfred, that not every world is lucky enough to have the Justice League and Batman. Although I deceived Bruce here, I promise that everything I did in other worlds was in full compliance with his teachings.
If he had seen what I did, he would have given me a thumbs up.
Ah Fu...
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you, but things had come to a point where I had no choice at that time."
"He might forgive you, but I won't!"
The old butler still stepped forward angrily and grabbed Mason's collar. He whispered:
"Barbara, Jason, and Ms. Selina! You've almost dug out the roots of the entire Bat Family! It's ok that you're eager to take risks and risk your life, but you want to take those children with you?"
"I admit that I did something unkind in this regard."
Mason raised his hands and said awkwardly:
"But I promise that they won't be harmed before I die, and I will definitely make it up to them if I get the chance."
"You better promise!"
Ah Fu angrily let go of Mason.
He glared at the young man, straightened his collar, turned around and left. After walking a few steps, the old man sighed again, turned his head and said to him:
“I may not understand the significance of your journeys through the worlds because I am too old, but... please take good care of them, and also take good care of yourself.
Okay? "
Mason nodded and watched Alfu leave.
Then, he looked back at the movement in the darkness behind him and said:
"What are you doing hiding there? Would you be so sneaky in your own home?"
"Of course I was thinking of revenge since you came to me on your own initiative. The good news is that I cracked your damn magic potion and remembered what you asked me to forget in advance.
The bad news is that one of us has to get beaten up here today.
Guess who that could be?"
Damian Wayne, wearing star-speckled pajamas, jumped out from his hiding place with a stern face and a samurai sword as tall as him. He gestured as if he was thinking about where to strike Mason so that he would feel more pain.
But the young man now stroked his chin, looking at the little madman in front of him with a strange look, who was gradually becoming normal even though the forgetfulness potion had been broken.
In the past, there would be no such words. He just drew his sword and chopped at me.
A few seconds later, Mason suddenly said:
"Damian, were you serious about what you said last time?
It’s about you wanting to join Team K. Someone just reminded me that instead of letting others use sweet words to take you away, maybe I should give you a chance…”
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024