Volume 4: The Last Day Chapter 27 The name of the superior institution is indeed high-end and classy.

At one o'clock in the morning of that night, the "Big Three" of Team K, after completing a brief overhaul, crossed the World Gate and returned to Miller Port.
Mason threw out the Batmobile and prepared to set off. The vehicle was originally used for fire support, but with the continuous increase in the firepower projection level of Team K, the importance of the Batmobile that cannot fly has decreased a lot.
But in order to ensure that it was put to the best use, Mason, with the help of Doctor Octopus, used the equipment in the Osborne Tower to complete a second modification.
The space that stored eight spare tires and some electronic jamming equipment was removed and converted into passenger seats.
In this way, the sports car Batmobile, which was originally designed to seat only two people, lost its style and became an ordinary car that can seat four people, or even six if they squeeze in .
Poor old man, this cool car designed with the wisdom of Wayne Group's technology research and development department has been reduced to a troop carrier by Team K. If he gets a driver's license, he can even play the role of Didi Hitch in Gotham.
If the Batmobile had thoughts, it would probably be jumping up and down and cursing by now.
But the atmosphere in the car was not lively at this time.
Although Selina was sitting in the driver's seat, she was not driving. The older sister with a sad face was looking out the window with her head tilted while holding a ladies' cigarette. The steering wheel covered with buttons moved by itself and planned the route by itself, carrying a car full of people to Wayne Manor.
The smart AI veteran driver Delaman is now the driver.
It wanted to make a few jokes to liven up the atmosphere, but after observing the expressions of the passengers through the camera inside the car, it rationally remained silent.
“This car is nice.”
The only one of the four who was in the mood to speak was the guy who was about to be given away as a "gift".
Arnim Zola, who had changed his "clothes", moved his mechanical legs and sat on the lower back seat. He twisted his camera head to observe the various instruments inside the Batmobile. There was a screen on the quadrilateral "sandbox prison" that served as the belly, projecting his face made up of green data streams.
Mason had fulfilled his end of the bargain and given him a robotic body that would allow him to move freely, but the confinement protocols imposed by Ott himself would ensure that Zora's digital consciousness would be completely immobilized for the next six months.
The weirdest part about this is that Zora was held captive by Ms. Ott willingly.
He felt that this was an opportunity to express his sincerity to the perfect data life that was one life form higher than his.
Well, it seems that the "suck-ups" in data life are not much different from the "suck-ups" born from flesh and blood creatures.
No one knew what this guy talked about with Ultra in the database of Osborne Tower, but he seemed to be in a good mood now, without any sign of distress about being imprisoned for a long time or even facing "severe torture".
I even have the mood to comment on the Batmobile.
"The overall design is tough and majestic. It integrates resources to the best of its ability without using any technology that is beyond its time. It also does not blindly pile up armor and weapons. The designer obviously puts mobility and concealment first.
Coupled with this special appearance, it is indeed a masterpiece.
If Red Skull saw this thing, he would definitely try to get one for his collection. He also has his own hobbies, and his garage is full of artworks from different eras. "
Dr. Zola twisted the camera on his body and looked at Mason, who had an expressionless face beside him. He said:
"But this self-driving AI is quite interesting. It has been observing and monitoring me. Is this your trophy? Or is it an internal 'welfare' from your small organization?"
"Be quiet."
Mason rubbed his forehead and said:
"Considering your current situation, your cheerfulness always makes me feel that your mental state is worrying. Did Ms. Ott cast a 'love spell' on you?"
"I just wanted to remind you, Mason."
Dr. Zora pretended to yawn on the display screen and said in his sharp and dark tone:
“This level of AI can already hide its own thoughts. It is indeed convenient for you to carry it with you, but it will collect your information and data and report it to its real owner.
So if I'm not mistaken, your superiors should have known that you spared my life. Be prepared to face questioning.
Mason, technology is a blessing.
But they can only be used to their full potential in the hands of those who can truly master them.”
His reminder made the three people in the car change their expressions slightly. Catwoman, who was sitting in the driver's seat, glanced at the steering wheel in front of her and asked:
"Delaman, is what he said true?"
The head of a bald man in a white suit appeared on the screen of the Batmobile. It spoke in the steady voice that is unique to AI:
“The environmental information collection module has indeed been turned on, but because the cross-world information communication channel has been blocked before, information about the war situation in the Caribbean world has not yet been sent to the main server.
This operation requires authorization from Passenger 1.
Does Passenger 1 need to modify the message before sending it? "
"Can't you just pretend you didn't see it?"
The co-pilot's scumbag asked with a gloomy face, and the image of Delaman on the screen maintained a professional smile and said:
“Passenger No. 1 can issue a command to shut down the environmental information collection module. I want to clarify to everyone that this is not a deception, but the factory design of the marginal function is turned on by default.
Your captives are attempting to sow discord between you passengers and the Delamain Transport Service."
"No need to explain, Delaman, and no need to edit or delete, just send it directly."
Mason in the back seat closed his eyes and said:
"We didn't kill Collipso with the hunter's sword. This fact cannot be concealed. Instead of spending time and effort to cover it up, it is better to say it directly.
I’d be interested to see how they react to this.”
"Instructions received, information being sent."
The image of Delamain on the screen nodded, then disappeared and the car became quiet again.
"Are you testing them?"
Dr. Zora raised his eyebrows with interest and said to Mason:
"You are so skilled at doing things that challenge the bottom line. You must have done this many times. I guess you are definitely not a model employee."
Mason didn't answer.
But Zola seemed to have opened up his mouth, and he kept talking:
"Since we are about to part ways, I think I should give you some reminders, Team K, as a reward for sparing my life.
These reminders are free, do you want to hear them? "
"Is anyone here stopping you from talking? Monster robot!"
The cat lady sitting in the driver's seat said impatiently:
"If you want to say something, say it. If you don't want to say something, shut up. No one thinks you are dumb."
"Yo, this elegant lady looks upset, but it doesn't matter, I was always a gentleman when I was alive."
Dr. Zora chuckled.
The data face on the screen of his mechanical body suddenly changed, as if the resolution was adjusted, and he returned to the round-faced, bald, and small-eyed cunning appearance he had when he was alive.
He coughed and said in a more human tone:
"Team K, the Third Impact is happening, but it will be over soon. However, the Stars will have a hard time in the future, so you must make plans in advance.
Look, the current situation of the parallel world is that no matter whether it is accidental or man-made, any world that is capable of predicting the impact has made preparations in its own way.
Most of them are well-armored and ready for battle.
The three consecutive attacks that lasted for twenty years have wiped out the weak ones, and the ones left are all tough guys. As pioneers, you are about to face a terrible wave of "consumption." "
Dr. Zora grinned and said:
“But isn’t that the point of the Stars?
You are pioneers and explorers, our eyes and our scouts.
Except when the impact actually occurs, most of the actions at other times will rely on the information you provide, but unfortunately, because the personnel are too diverse, the loyalty of your mixed group has always been a big problem.
It's like a training base for traitors!
There have been many terrible betrayals before you, so I was really not surprised when I saw you setting an ambush for me in that ocean world.
But as I said, the days of wanton plunder are over, and now it's time for you, the well-fed hounds, to really sacrifice your lives.
I should say goodbye to you now.
Because maybe we won’t have the chance to meet again.”
"You mean, the Star Society Pioneer Team's next mission targets will mostly be dangerous worlds with unusual situations?"
Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring and asked.
"Don't overthink it, my dear John Constantine."
Dr. Zora bared his teeth and said bluntly:
"You have to recognize your position. In the eyes of the upper class, you are just a group of useful and cheap cannon fodder. The reason you are given the right to explore and plunder in various worlds is to compensate for the occupational risk of you dying at any time.
Now that you have had enough benefits, you are bound to bleed.
Honestly, instead of staying in the Star Club which is about to fall , I suggest that you should make up your mind and switch to the Cleaner System. At least you won't be consumed in some strange world for no apparent reason.
Look, if you can give me a hand here, I can make an introduction for you.
The fact that Team K was able to defeat me through various arrangements shows that you are not ordinary people. There is no need to worry that you will be turned into cannon fodder after you surrender.
You will probably all make excellent conquerors.
Enjoy special allowances every month, own a territory in the beautiful garden world and become a local tyrant. Anything you want will be delivered to you at the first time.
In the current context of the demise of all things, it would be nice to allow yourself to live a comfortable life for a while longer on the journey to the end.
I'm not tempting you.
I believe you are not so easily tempted, but smart people know to always leave a way out for themselves, just like you went against your superiors' wishes and spared my life, I am willing to give you another choice."
"Thanks, we'll keep it in mind."
Mason curled his lips and said:
"If I ever run out of options, I'll rescue you from Batman's prison and follow you into the 'free world'.
I promise!"
Dr. Zora, who had a nonchalant look on his face just now, suddenly changed his expression. His face kept changing expressions on the screen on his belly, and his voice returned to the electronic sound of a robot.
He screamed:
"You want to give me to Batman? Let me ask first, is it the kind that can laugh? Or the kind that can't laugh?"
“Is there any difference?”
Mason raised his eyebrows and asked deliberately.
Zora stared at him with her camera head and said sharply:
"If it's the madman who laughs and kills, I'd rather you tear me down here! The execution unit in the Conqueror Sequence of the Cleaner Corps is the Dark Bat Knights.
I know what they are...
Well, judging from your expression, you don’t seem surprised.”
“I would be really disappointed if an organization that took advantage of the collapse of the parallel world to grow bigger and stronger and absorb people from all walks of life didn’t even have a Batman who laughs.
Judging from your miserable appearance, they are probably not very popular with you either."
Mason shook his head, no longer discussing this uncomfortable topic, and said:
"Don't try to persuade them to surrender or escape. Let me ask you, Zora. Before you arrived, the cleaners used a weapon against the gods but it didn't work. Do you know what it is?"
"Black Death Sword."
Dr. Zora felt unlucky when he learned that he was going to be sent to Batman and did not hide it. He said:
“Also known as the God-killing Sword, it was a trophy from a conflict during the Second Impact. It has been severely damaged but still has super strong suppression power over all divine creatures. It is often used to carry out missions to capture divinity.
If I'm not mistaken, you recycled that thing in some way.
Listen to my advice, young man, stay away from those evil things, anyone who holds them will end up in a bad way. "
"Thanks for the reminder, I will."
Mason nodded, and after a few seconds of silence, he continued:
"In fact, there is no need for you to rush to attack us. You just need to wait patiently. Perhaps when the next impact occurs, we will fall apart on our own.
Do you know why? "
"John, you answer."
Mason wasn't even interested in answering the question.
He snapped his fingers and asked the smart guy from Team K to answer for him. Zha Kang curled his lips, blew a puff of smoke and said:
“There are only so many Earths… After all the worlds that have nothing to do with you and that you regard as targets have perished, those suppressed internal conflicts will burst out.
If two vassal worlds in your organizational system collide, which one will you favor?
Those who can join your world are those who are unwilling to die quietly and choose to fight hard. The desire to survive alone will make you fight to the death. "
Dr. Zora grinned and said:
"Look, a lot of people I know in this organization are pessimistic about the future, and this is why. All the solidarity right now is only temporary, there will be a war in the future and the survivors will have to speak with strength.
That is a foreseeable darker and crueler future, and the world with brains has long been preparing for a brutal civil war.
But that's okay.
Living is just a process, death is the end.
For someone like me who has experienced death a long time ago, what does it matter to me who wins or loses?
Now I only care about what Ms. Ultra promised. She said that as long as I can survive this , she will take me into cyberspace to help me perfect my body..."
Zora sneered a few times, like a complete madman. He manipulated his mechanical body in the sandbox prison, assumed a comfortable posture, and said to Mason:
"I also want to thank you for capturing me, so that I can live a relaxing life for a few months without having to travel between worlds to destroy things I have never heard of."
"Well, one last question then."
Mason glanced at the time on his watch, sat up straight, stared at Zora, and asked:
"What is the name of this 'superior body' we've been talking about?"
"I thought you were going to ask something more important, like the number of conquerors or our supreme commander, or the coordinates of our stronghold and the latitude and location of our headquarters.
Fortunately, you didn't ask these sensitive questions, so I wouldn't risk formatting my data by answering you.
It was a real pleasure talking to you, Mason Cooper."
Dr. Zora on the screen closed his eyes and complained. After a few seconds, he let out a long breath and said:
"It's called the 'Council of Hope', an organization that carries hope in its name but always brings despair to others. Be careful, Mason, your K-Team, and all your collaborators.
You want to move a mountain, but you are no more than an ant in front of it."
"I hope the Council..."
Mason savored the name.
He shook his head, took out his phone and looked at it, then said to the AI ​​driving the car:
"Old De, pull over. I need to call our 'consignee.'"
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024