Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 229: The Light Keeper

Amber City.
Inner city.
The church, which originally belonged to the Red Apple Church, has now changed its appearance. After being renovated by a professional construction team, the exterior shape has lost its original spire style and has become a simple and elegant rectangle.
In the center of the church, there is a hemispherical lid engraved with spiral patterns. In the porch in front of the main door, there are four white marble columns.
The flat outer courtyard also has a large number of low steps, extending all the way to the fence gate.
This place has become the church of the Church of the Sun.
But for a long time after the transition, it was not open to the public. On the one hand, it was due to construction and renovation, and on the other hand, the clergy did not arrive in time.
At this moment, the door opened and the Sun Church began to accept the arrival of believers.
In a prayer room inside, nine monks were sitting. They were wearing white robes and gold-patterned waistcoats, looking up and listening to the speech of a bald man.
This is the "Light Guardian Team" that has just arrived in Amber City.
"The executioners of the internment camp arrived before us. The 'Purple Moonlight' of the Church of the Moon will arrive a little later..."
The bald man's voice was powerful and loud, his eyes were very bright, and the look that inadvertently revealed made people feel convinced and awed.
He is the captain of this team, named Weitz, and he once served as the deputy captain under Archbishop Terrence.
"If we hadn't set up an ambush in Sunflower City and delayed us a little, maybe we could have set off earlier... Fortunately, the church provided help, allowing us to successfully locate the fugitive 'Byers', so it's not too late."
Bald Weiss took out a magnifying glass, stroked it twice, and continued:
"I have had a brief communication with the captains of the other two teams, and the final result of the discussion is... the operation will begin tomorrow evening."
He looked around with a stern face, then stretched out a finger to draw an arc in front of him, and finally lightly tapped his forehead, making a prayer gesture.
"Father Lie, be my Lord."
The other team members did not speak, their expressions were serious, and after listening carefully to the captain's instructions, they just followed the prayer gesture and lowered their heads:
"Praise the sun."
The bald captain nodded and then spoke:
"But we can't do nothing between today and tomorrow evening. This is a waste of time and will be despised by the Sun God..."
He took a few steps forward and came in front of the team members. The others kept their eyes on him and turned their heads.
"Our roundup operation this time is just one of them. Before we set out, Archbishop Terrence told me a secret message. Brother Ferry, who defected from the church a year ago, came here, but was accidentally murdered in the end..."
As Wiz spoke, confusion flashed in the eyes of the other team members. They wondered why the captain mentioned this apostate. Although his crime was evil, a [Sequence 8] monk was not worthy of their attention.
"Brother Ferri is not actually an apostate. He just secretly accepted the church's secret mission, which is to find the whereabouts of the former Pope Martin Gustave..."
The bald man turned around and faced away from the team members.
The others couldn't help but look at each other, their expressions becoming more solemn.
"Captain Weiss, didn't His Majesty Martin already..."
One of the team members spoke hesitantly.
"No, when the rebellion in the royal city was suppressed, the former pope did not die. He simply left the church quietly and his whereabouts are unknown...
In recent years, the spiritual world has been turbulent and various forces are ready to make moves. The Sun Royal Family is in urgent need of high-end military forces, but they don’t want to make a big fuss, so the church sent a low-sequence monk to search secretly.
Brother Fei Rui took away the [B-level weird object - Fireworks in the Palm], which was a creation of His Majesty Martin when he was young, and he was able to have a weak connection with it... But now that Fei Rui is dead, we can't just leave this weird object alone, we must take it back to the church!"
The bald captain said firmly.
“No wonder…”
The other team members instantly understood a lot of things.
"According to intelligence, after Brother Ferry's death, the [Palm Fireworks] changed hands several times and now falls into the hands of a local supernatural organization called 'Circus', owned by its leader Jack."
The bald man turned around with a stern expression on his face.
"Nick, Charlize, and Bull, the three of you will set off immediately. You must complete the 'Weird Object Recovery' operation before tomorrow evening!"
The three team members who were named stood up and answered grimly.
But when they just walked out of the prayer room door, they were stopped by Captain Weisz:
"Wait a moment."
The three of them stopped and turned to look at the captain.
Bald Weiss's eyes flashed with thought, and then he turned to the remaining team members and said:
"To be on the safe side, everyone should participate in the operation, including me!"

Spirit world.
In the distorted light blue vision, the outline of Amber City can already be seen.
The Purple Moonlight Team has a total of twelve members, and they are moving quickly towards that direction.
"I don't really want to participate in this operation..."
A young female team member wearing a dark purple cloak spoke.
The slim-fitting cloak fluttered in the wind, revealing a full moon behind it.
"Don't say that again, Sera."
The tall and thin man in the lead turned around and said in a cold voice.
"This is an order from the church, we just have to obey it."
"Captain Byers is not a traitor! We have followed him for so many years and we don't believe he would betray the church!"
The woman named Sera continued, her tone unkind.
"Byerswolf is no longer your captain! He attacked the Church of the Sun without authorization and seized the strange object. He has been stripped of his position by the church!"
The tall and thin captain scolded.
"But we shouldn't be asked to participate in the roundup!"
Another male team member retorted.
"How can I bear to kill my former captain..."
There was a flash of pain in his eyes.
"Captain Pope, can you understand how we feel...? Mr. Byers has saved my life countless times, but now he wants me to draw a knife against him?!"
The tall and thin man named Pope glanced at the team members and found that they were in a very low mood and were obviously resisting this round-up operation.
He was secretly distressed and couldn't understand why the church would let him lead this team.
What all the team members don’t know is that Pope actually has a good relationship with Biles in private and can be considered a friend. If possible, he doesn’t want to take action against Biles.
But the attack on the Church of the Sun resulted in the deaths of forty-eight extraordinary monks and nearly two hundred innocent clergy, and the robbery of the strange object guarded by the other party. This crime is too serious!
"Byers, all I can do is try my best to save your life..."
Pope sighed.
With three elite teams of extraordinary people working together to capture him, Byers would have no chance of success, unless he was lucky enough to be promoted to a high-sequence saint [Sequence 4 - Ferryman]...
But this is almost impossible, the sanctification ceremony is like a natural barrier blocking the way.
The best outcome Pope could foresee was to gain the right to dispose of Byers, send him back to the Moon Church, and imprison him for life to repent.
But even this is difficult... because the Church of the Sun is the leader of the seven orthodox churches, and is both strong and powerful, not to mention that there is a shelter supported by the royal family watching from the sidelines.
These two forces are originally one and the same.
"Cheer up! Don't forget who you are. We are the Purple Moonlight, the most important sword of the church! We should obey orders and complete our missions!"
Pope shouted sternly.
The team has arrived at the High Wall Street of Amber City in the spiritual world. They only need to exit the spiritual world from here to return to the real world.
At this moment, Pope suddenly stopped.
The team members behind him also stopped.
In the blurry blue vision of the spiritual world, the street leading to the gate of Amber City was empty, but a figure shrouded in purple nun's clothes blocked the way, as if she had been waiting for a long time.
She was tall and wore a plain nun's uniform. She had her hands clasped together on her belly, with a silver moon ornament hanging from her hands.
"Your Highness Sister Bright Moon...?!"
Pope walked forward, was surprised at first, and then bowed respectfully.
The members of the Purple Moonlight Team also saluted, but with puzzled expressions on their faces.
Sister Bright Moon is a saint who lives in the "monastery" and is a servant of the Moon God. They live in seclusion but their status is equivalent to that of the archbishop. Except for their occasional appearances, they are basically nowhere to be seen.
Why is Her Majesty Sister Bright Moon waiting here?
The nameless Sister Bright Moon kept her head down the whole time, so people couldn't see her appearance clearly. They could only vaguely catch a glimpse of her Majesty's fair nose and face.
"Number 4 Purple Moonlight Squad, please listen to the oracle."
A gentle but majestic voice came out of His mouth.
Everyone, including Pope, was shocked.
They couldn't remember how many years it had been since they heard the oracle from the Moon Goddess!
The dark purple cloaks waved, and the members of the Purple Moonlight Team immediately knelt on the ground, making prayer gestures with their hands.
Sister Bright Moon continued:
"The team will return immediately, and there are other tasks to be arranged."
When the team heard this, they were filled with joy. They no longer had to hunt down Captain Byers!
"But...how do we solve the Byers issue?"
At this time, Pope looked up and asked.
The team members behind him cast angry glances at him. What on earth did this airborne captain want to do? !
"Don't worry about it anymore."
Sister Bright Moon said this and waved her hand, causing the Silver Moon bracelet to rustle.
His figure also disappeared.
Pope stood up, took a look at the nearby Amber City, turned around and saw the looks in his teammates' eyes that seemed to be excluding him, and sighed secretly.
"Let's... go back."

The ten members of the Lighthouse Guard team walked slowly through the busy streets and crowds and headed straight towards Jack's Manor.
They seemed out of place in this city, but no one paid attention to them along the way. Even when passers-by passed by them, they acted as if nothing happened, as if no one could see them.
Until the ten people stopped at the gate of Jack's manor.
"Captain Weiss, how do we proceed?"
One of the team members asked.
The bald man had no expression on his face and said coldly:
"No need for negotiation, just suppress and kill those who get in the way."
Wizz led the team into the manor. They moved so fast that they arrived at the door of the villa at the deepest part in just a few breaths.
The door was open, and the sound of laughter and conversation could be heard faintly from inside.
A dazzling light shone from the bald captain's body, like a light and heat source emitting sunlight. The scorching breath spread in all directions, and the air within dozens of meters around him became extremely hot.
The nine team members behind him were not affected. Each of them had a fierce look in their eyes and flickering flames all over their bodies.
This is a team of [Ashmans], the most terrifying spearhead force of the Church of the Sun. No elite transcendent can withstand their attack head-on.
Bald Wiz said nothing and led the team into the villa.
He had to suppress the target with thunder as quickly as possible and take back the [Fireworks in the Palm]!
But when they entered the hall, they saw a strange scene.
A young man in a black hat was sitting on the sofa with a few young men and women, chatting and having afternoon tea . He looked very leisurely and ignored their arrival.
It felt like... treating them as air.
Ordinary people couldn't see them along the way because of the characteristics of the [Acetic Monk], which could reduce their presence... but the other people were obviously extraordinary people, so it was impossible for them not to notice!
The Lighthouse Guardians are not yet so arrogant.
"Captain, something seems to be wrong..."
A team member behind him said hesitantly.
Wiz frowned and remained silent. He confirmed that the people in front of him were Jack and his subordinates, but why did such a strange scene appear?
He looked around vigilantly but found nothing unusual.
Wiz raised his hand, and a ball of golden flame ignited. He threw it tentatively, and the super-high temperature fireball flew straight towards Jack.
If once contaminated, the fire of the sun will burn the opponent instantly.
"I want to see what you guys are up to."
The bald man said lightly.
Suddenly, a small white figure stood up from the sofa, raised his paw and pointed lightly, and the golden fireball stopped in mid-air, as if time and space had stopped.
The little white cat Bib gracefully jumped to the top of the sofa, and its amber eyes quietly stared at the lantern guard team.
Looking at... the leader, Wiz.
Weiss felt a sharp pain in his eyes, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately lowered his head.
Even with just a quick glimpse, his vision was already blurred by tears and his eyeballs seemed like they would pop out of their sockets at any time... This was because the other party did not reveal its true identity and was merely attached to a domestic cat.
Do not look directly at God!
Weiss's mind was in a mess.
He could clearly feel the fear and panic in his subconscious mind, which was the fear of the higher being, the intuitive warning from the extraordinary being, and the instinctive submission of the body.
His consciousness was protesting, disturbing his thoughts.
Why did He come here? !
"Honorable Cat God, please forgive our offense..."
Weiss knelt on one knee, bowed his head deeply, and spoke in a hoarse and trembling voice.
At the same time, his hand touched the warm blood and he was shocked.
Yu Guangzhong had already seen the bodies of the team members lying all over the place. Their eyes were empty and bleeding bright red. They had already died.
Why is there no sound...?!
I knew nothing about it!!
Weiss's mind was shaken.
It turns out that the first glance just now... had already...
"Forgive? How come you guys in the Sun Church are all bullies who only care about the weak and the strong?"
The little white cat spoke human language.
"Okay, go to hell, you're wasting my time."
He lightly raised his cat paw, and the golden fireball that was still in the air suddenly shrank into a tiny spark and flew straight into the center of Wiz's eyebrows.
Bald Wiz opened his mouth wide and instantly turned into a golden human-shaped pillar of fire.
He never thought that one day he would be burned to death by the fire of the sun.
The little white cat sneered.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024