Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 228 Who Changed My Script?

Jack Manor.
In the attic on the fourth floor, Maggie put down the bottle of brown potion in her hand and bent down to observe it carefully.
The strange viscous liquid in the bottle was bubbling constantly and even vibrating slightly.
"Well... the experiment to strengthen the thirst potion has yielded some results, but I can't find a suitable test subject for the time being. I don't know where those immortal strangers have gone these past few days..."
Maggie looked distressed.
She suddenly had an idea and the expression on her face turned into anticipation.
"Let's go find Noah! As the only flesh-and-blood superhuman in the circus, he's the perfect fit!"
Maggie pounded her palms, did what she said, and immediately turned around and walked out without even cleaning up the messy table.
She went straight to the third floor, found Noah's room, and knocked on the door hard.
Boom boom boom...!
After a while, no one responded.
Maggie continued to hammer away, then paced back and forth.
"Not here?"
She tried turning the doorknob and found it was not locked, so she opened the door.
"Hey...it seems like he really went out."
Maggie glanced around the room and saw that it was empty.
She was a little disappointed and was about to close the door and leave when her eyes were attracted by the paintings in the corner of the room.
They were all covered with white cloth, and it was impossible to see what was painted on them, which strongly aroused Maggie's curiosity.
She looked around and found that there was no one in the corridor on the third floor, so she sneaked in.
He quietly locked the door, walked straight to the picture frame in the corner, and then suddenly lifted the white cloth covering a painting.
Maggie's face suddenly showed a stunned expression.
The next second, her cheeks flushed and her eyes showed excitement.
Maggie took a step forward, bent down, and without stopping her hands, she directly lifted up the rest of the white cloth.
When she stood up and took a look, her whole face turned red.
"Oh my god! So exciting..."
Maggie was suddenly startled and found that her nose was a little warm. When she touched it with her hand, she found that it was bleeding.

The next day.
Early in the morning, Connie and Maggie sat in the living room looking at a painting.
The little white cat Bibu also joined in the fun, poking his head out from between the two of them to admire the painting together.
The oil painting shows Mr. Jack, except that he is not wearing the black hat or clothes. He has white wings on his back and his arms are spread in the shape of a cross, floating in the sky.
Fortunately, there was a piece of white silk cloth wrapped around his torso, just covering the key parts.
In the painting, Jack slightly raises his head, his eyes are closed, and his naked body has distinct muscles. He looks like a perfect sculpture, shining in the sun.
"Hey, hey...how's it going, Connie?"
Maggie nudged Connie next to her with her elbow. The latter's face was flushed and her mouth was slightly open.
"This...is this Mr. Jack? OK...OK..."
She stammered, wanting to say what a perfect body, but she felt that it was not ladylike enough.
Maggie raised her eyebrows. This was actually the only painting in Noah's room that didn't show any nudity. If Connie saw the other paintings, she would probably be scared.
The little white cat Bibu blinked and showed a strange look.
"Connie, why are you so shy? We call this appreciation... By the way, you've never been in love, have you?"
Maggie said with a chuckle.
"No... Miss Maggie, what about you? You know so much, you must be very experienced, right?"
Connie asked curiously.
Maggie coughed and wanted to say something, but suddenly shut up.
At this moment, a figure came up to the two of them silently, pressed the painting with his white hands, then turned it over and held it in his arms.
Maggie and Connie looked up and were startled.
"Miss Floyd!"
Floy had a blank expression . After "staring" at the two of them for a while, she spoke softly:
"Don't do this in the future. It will affect Master Jack's prestige. Do you understand?"
"I'm sorry, Miss Floyd, I won't peek again!"
Connie immediately apologized nervously. Although Flo was usually very gentle to her, she was unusually cold this time and looked a little angry, which made her feel a little afraid.
Maggie saw Floy turning his head to "look" at her, and her heart skipped a beat. She said with a guilty conscience:
"Haha, I see. All of Captain's paintings were found in Noah's room. There were many paintings without clothes..."
Floyd turned and left, holding the painting.
Maggie secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know why, but Floy could put a lot of pressure on her, even more exaggerated than the team leader.
"Miss Maggie, if you say that...Miss Floyd will definitely go looking for trouble with Mr. Noah..."
Connie said a little worriedly.
Maggie slumped back, leaned on the sofa, waved her hands, and said indifferently:
"It's okay, it's okay. Why are you looking for trouble? She will definitely hide the painting secretly by herself, hehe."

The afternoon turned toward evening.
Mrs. Caroline came to visit.
She was holding a small potted plant with clusters of colorful flowers. At her feet was a black and white Border Collie, Babu.
"Mrs. Caroline, welcome."
After hearing Connie's report, Chen Lun personally took Floy to the door to greet them.
He took off his hat, bent slightly and embraced Mrs. Caroline, who kissed him twice on the cheek affectionately.
Floyd took the potted plant and greeted Mrs. Caroline.
"I was getting pretty lonely staying in the apartment by myself, so I came to visit. Did I bother you, little Jack?"
Mrs. Caroline said with a kind look.
"How could that be? Mrs. Caroline can come to the manor anytime. When we first came to Amber City, we received a lot of care from you."
Chen Lun touched Babu's dog head and said softly.
Bab hadn't seen Chen Lun for a long time and seemed very excited, licking his palm constantly.
"You're still such a gentleman, little Jack."
Mrs. Caroline smiled and followed Chen Lun into the manor.
As she walked, Mrs. Caroline looked around at the huge and beautiful environment and exclaimed:
“It’s great to have so many flowers planted.”
"It's all managed by Floy herself. Maybe she was influenced by you when we were at 7 Denton Street..."
Chen Lun said jokingly.
Soon, they led Mrs. Caroline to the living room of the villa and sat down.
Floyd went to the kitchen and said she wanted to make a special afternoon tea for Mrs. Caroline.
Chen Lun looked at her back and chuckled.
"Mrs. Caroline, are you getting used to living in the inner city these days?"
He poured two cups of tea and asked casually.
Mrs. Caroline took a sip from her teacup.
"Although the inner city is much more prosperous than the outer city, the people here are not as easy to get along with as those over there... Fortunately, Babu is with me, and the Pompeii family will come to visit me occasionally."
Chen Lun nodded and listened silently.
"Mr. Taote has not woken up since his last injury. I am very worried."
Mrs. Caroline's face showed concern.
"Don't worry, Mrs. Caroline. Doctor Maggie diagnosed him last time and it was just a deep coma. I believe he will wake up soon."
Chen Lun comforted.
Mrs. Caroline managed a smile.
The two chatted for a while, and then Floy came over with a plate.
"Mrs. Caroline, this is the rose wine cake I developed based on your cooking manual and some of my own experiments."
There were two plates of red cakes with cream carvings on them, which were very exquisite, and were paired with two cups of specially prepared milk tea.
"Oh, it's so beautiful! Little Floy, your craftsmanship is beyond my expectation!"
Mrs. Caroline praised.
She picked up the plate, scooped a corner with a spoon, put it in her mouth, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes smoothed out.
“It tastes great!”
She sighed.
Chen Lun looked at the plate of cakes in front of him, then turned to look at Floy, who smiled at him.
"You should eat something too."
He said.
Floy shook her head slightly.
Chen Lun said nothing more, but took a spoon and put it to Floy's mouth.
Floy was slightly stunned, then her cheeks turned slightly red and she opened her mouth.
After she finished her bite, Chen Lun started to taste the food.
Mrs. Caroline saw this and nodded, her smile growing wider.
"You two siblings still have such a good relationship."
"Of course."
Chen Lun didn't explain, but chuckled and agreed.
However, the blush on Floy's face next to her was even deeper.
Next to the sofa.
Border Collie Babu seemed to have noticed something and suddenly changed from lying down to squatting, his nose twitching as he sniffed the scent.
It turned its head and saw a little white cat walking slowly towards it.
Babu seemed to have found something interesting. He rushed to the little white cat with great interest, opened his mouth wide at the cat as if to scare it, and let out a low roar.
But the little white cat glanced at it, jumped up on the spot, kicked it on the forehead, and flew to the armrest of the sofa.
Border Collie Babu was stunned at first, then wanted to bite the little white cat's butt in defiance. Unexpectedly, the white cat seemed to have the ability to foresee the future. It turned around, waved its front legs, and gave the dog a series of cat-like slaps.
He hit the dog's head dozens of times and instantly made it lose its mind.
Chen Lun took a glance and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. Babu was a dog that he had fed with mysterious substances, so how could he be bullied by a little white cat?
At this time, the little white cat jumped into his arms and meowed at the cake in his hand.
Chen Lun's eyes were deep, then he smiled and placed the cake in front of it.
The little white cat, Bibbo, sniffed it and began to lick it, purring with pleasure.

Yanbang Fossil City.
Shelter building.
In the office of Chief Judge Rudolf Teka.
The blond middle-aged man was sitting in a chair, flipping through a large book.
The pages were written in elegant dark blue handwriting, with lines filled with text.
He turned the page.
“——After receiving the mission in a time of crisis, Brother Jerome of the Red Apple Church felt the importance the Archbishop placed on him and decided to complete the mission at all costs… He brought the church’s [B-level Treasure - Plague in a Bottle] to the Gem State and released the plague factor.
The plague spread very quickly, far beyond Jerome's expectations. He completed the task perfectly, tying down the empire's energy in the Gem State, thus freeing up his hands to carry out the secret operation assigned to him by the Archbishop - capturing the soul of the Black Knight Byers.
But Jerome overlooked one thing. The power of the [Plague in the Bottle] was not enough to cause a disaster that would sweep across the entire city. The reason why the plague spread so quickly was because... (crossed out), because of a secret cult organization called the 'Disaster Mourning Society'.
Their establishment originated from an accident. An ignorant but sad man picked up a mythological book, which recorded the deeds and name of the evil god "Lord of Plague". So they prayed to God, praying for no disasters and no diseases...
However, after completing their mission, this cult that was isolated from the incident was soon discovered by the shelter, uprooted and completely destroyed...
The source of the clues came from Jack's experience in a hospital in the outer city of Amber City..."
Knock knock knock…
At this time, there was a knock on the door.
Howard said softly without raising his head:
"Come in."
The door opened immediately.
A heroic short-haired woman walked in. It was Mona.
She touched her chest and saluted, calling out respectfully.
"Please take a seat, Mona."
Howard gave a gentle smile.
"Yes, teacher."
Mona sat down at the desk and handed over what she was holding.
"This is a mysterious book, The Secret Record of Weakness and Suffering, which we confiscated after we secretly eradicated the evil cult organization, The Disaster Memorial Society. It records the existence of an evil god named The Lord of Plague... Please tell me how to deal with it."
"Well, good job, Mona."
Howard took the old book and put it aside.
"Are you confused as to why you were called back so urgently?"
Instead of answering Mona's question, he changed the subject and asked.
Mona was slightly stunned, and then a trace of confusion appeared on her face, but in the end she took a deep breath and looked directly into the blond man's eyes.
"Yes, teacher! Amber City is facing a tense situation right now. A team of executioners was first intercepted and killed by Byers, and the next team of executioners is preparing to launch a roundup... If I don't take charge, I'm afraid there will be chaos."
"The 'Light Guardian' team of the Sun Church and the 'Purple Moonlight' team of the Moon Church will arrive in Amber City soon. Join them, and these three elite teams of extraordinary people will take care of everything. You can just stay here and rest assured.
And don't underestimate Ralph, he is also my student, you have to believe in him."
Howard smiled softly.
"You've been out training for so long, it's time for you to come back... The empire needs you to do more things instead of wasting time in an ordinary city."
Mona was a little anxious.
"You should go down first and get familiar with the affairs here. Maybe you won't come back to Amber City in the future..."
Howard waved his hand gently.
Mona stood up and wanted to say something to fight for it, but suddenly she saw the teacher's blue eyes, calm and deep.
Her heart skipped a beat.
Although the teacher had always been caring and gentle towards her, for some reason, Mona was still subconsciously very in awe of him.
"Yes, I understand, teacher."
Mona sighed secretly, turned around and left in a depressed mood.
The door is closed.
Howard picked up the book "The Secret Record of Weakness and Suffering", stood up and walked to the bookshelf beside him, inserted it in the book, and murmured:
"Well, I'm back again."
He closed the cabinet door, returned to his desk and sat down, continuing to read the script.
But Howard was slightly stunned.
He saw—
Among the words written on the script pages, all the names of "Jerome" began to blur.
As if time was going backwards, dark blue ink seeped out, flowed, and then ruined the entire page.
Howard gently closed the script, and on the cover was written "A Plague Tale".
He lit a cigarette, slowly walked to the window and looked out. His eyes were frighteningly calm on his expressionless face.
A puff of smoke was exhaled.
A deep voice echoed in the room:
"Who changed my script? Was it you? Maggie..."

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024