Volume 2 Honoring Robin Chapter 35 The new plan is that we lead the minions away, and you kill the boss instantly

In the room that previously belonged to Alfred in the underground base, it has been temporarily converted into an alchemy room.
Huge irregularly shaped distillation tubes and large crucibles were placed in the room, and a device that could generate a stable fire was lit to cook some terrible smelling medicine.
Mason was busy processing various materials.
Judging from the looks of it, he is definitely going to come up with some extremely complicated formula.
Tim Drake quietly pushed open the door, and saw Mason throwing two entangled leeches into a boiling pot. He also held some strangely colored herbs in his hands and roasted them over flames, making them emit a strange burnt smell.
On Mason's workbench were brightly colored African snake sloughs and strange horn-like objects that Charles was grinding with a pestle.
This scene was very similar to the scene in some children's cartoons where an evil alchemist was making medicine, especially the sticky medicine that was constantly being boiled, which now looked like a horrible mud.
This made Mr. Robin Tim, the third generation, who was always rational and intelligent, swallow his saliva. He now doubted whether the blood tonic he drank before was also made in this way.
It's so horrible.
"Are you here to help? Or are you here to watch?"
Mason, wearing a medical mask, asked without even looking up, and like a chef cooking, he casually threw the leech, which had been squeezed into a bloody mess in his hand, back into the pot, causing black and purple smoke to come out of it.
"Uh, I just wanted to come and thank you, Mason."
Tim was horrified.
The young man stood at the door, unwilling to come in, but whispered sincerely:
“I learned from Grayson what just happened, and if you and Charles hadn’t intervened, things would have turned out very terrible tonight.
Those guys are using Barbara to demoralize the Bat-Family.
The poor girl was taken advantage of.”
"Huh? As one of the best detectives in Gotham City and even the East Coast, you really think she's just being used?"
Mason glanced at the third generation Robin and whispered:
"Facts aside, even if the League of Assassins and the resurrected Jason Todd were 99% wrong, doesn't that mean Bruce Wayne is not 1% wrong?
Come on.
You just admire him too much, so you ignore the bad aspects of Batman's character. These bad things are caused by him, and those unmet expectations eventually turn into terrible poison in disappointment.
Hurting others and yourself!
I think there is nothing wrong with Barbara and Jason's choice.
When I was a child, I was bullied in college and I wanted my father to teach those little bullies a lesson. This is human nature.
But what did Batman do after his own child was bullied, paralyzed, or even died?
Think about it, Tim.
If you were Jason, I think you would just go a step further.
So stop cleaning up for him."
"No, I prefer to call it the price of being a hero."
Tim pushed up his fancy glasses and said:
"But I'm not here to argue with you. I'm just here to thank you. Thank you for saving Barbara, thank you for saving the Bat Family that was on the verge of collapse."
"Price? After what you witnessed tonight, are you still willing to be that price? I think you are talking without any pain."
Mason curled his lips, waved his hand and said:
"Go ahead, go ahead, don't bother me. First it was Alfred, then Grayson, then sniveling Gordon, and finally you! Damn it, this pot of medicine should have been brewed five minutes ago."
Tim retreated in silence.
Mason and his temporary assistant, Kite Man, were the only ones left in the alchemy room. Charles glanced at Mason while grinding the horn of the bicorn.
He whispered:
"Is this the daily life of the Bat Family? How horrible! It turns out that only a disaster like this can sharpen a person's mind to be as hard as steel.
I swear I'll never say Batman is just a lucky guy again.
Anyone who had this kind of thing happen tonight would go crazy! But he managed to survive and even planned to continue to cause trouble for the Assassin's League. I can't do that at least."
"You shut up too."
Mason glared at Charles and said:
"Isn't this all your former boss's fault? You were standing guard for him outside the night he shot Barbara. To be honest, this is just the good character of the Bat Family.
If it were anyone else, you would be shot first and questioned later when you walked in here."
"I didn't know at the time that he would be so crazy."
The kite flyer protested:
"Didn't I immediately disassociate myself from the Joker once I realized he was a horrible bastard?"
"Don't mention this anymore. It's not something that makes people happy."
The young man took the powder ground by Charles, grabbed the silver spoon and stirred the thick black mud-like medicine soup in the cauldron, and sprinkled the powder evenly on it when it boiled for the seventh time.
Finally, under the gaze of the Kite Man , Mason took out a handful of hair that he had just pulled from his head, counted down the time, and threw the last ingredients into the pot at thirty seconds.
With a "bang" sound, hot bubbles appeared in the boiling pot, followed by a loud crackling sound like firecrackers, and disgusting foam floated up.
But soon, the medicinal soup, which was as thick as black mud, quickly changed color.
Although the taste was still disgusting, it vaporized quickly as if being reduced by a strong fire, and was heated again through the distillation tube on the top, and finally condensed into drops of potion in the large crystal cup on the workbench that were exactly the same color as Charles's pupils.
After the gasification and condensation process was over, a prompt popped up in front of Mason:
Successfully complete the production of an outstanding craftsmanship, excellent quality, and alchemical compound, and your alchemical skill proficiency will increase by X10X4=X40.
Mason whistled to show his joy.
If he remembered correctly, this was the first time he made an item of "excellent quality". It was truly a memorable day.
"Pack them up."
Mr. Evil Alchemist gave Charles an instruction while taking off his medical gloves and mask.
The Kite Man carefully filled the strangely colored and disgusting potion into five test tubes, capped them, and handed them to Mason.
The latter took it in his hand and shook it, and an information label popped up:
Polyjuice Decoction X5
Quality: Excellent alchemical creation, outstanding craftsmanship
Effect: After drinking, the drinker will change into the appearance of Charles "Kite Man" Brown and completely imitate his physical features, which can exempt the drinker from most detection magic checks. The effect lasts for one hour.
Producer: Mason Cooper
Item Description: I know what you are thinking, but don't use it for bad things, because DNA cannot be imitated! So if you accidentally give birth to a child, it is still yours.
"That's enough of the description of this obscene item!"
Mason complained and put the five potions in his arms. Fortunately, the item meant that only he could see it, otherwise it would be really fun.
He led Kite Man out of the room.
Charles got a headache at the thought of discussing tactics with Batman and the Bat-Family. This third-tier villain had been beaten badly by these bats in the past few years.
According to him, he was sent to the ICU at least twice by Batman and to the intensive care unit three times by Nightwing.
That's right, the master and his bat cubs don't kill people.
But it is not uncommon for him to cause comminuted fractures when facing evil criminals. Do you really think Batman protects Gotham with love and peace?
Moreover, for most criminals, being forced to have their leg bones or sternum removed due to severe injuries just once is enough to make them give up evil and turn to good.
Beating them up is more effective than killing them in terms of deterring crime.
"Boss, how do you think Batman usually convinces himself to forget those nightmarish encounters?"
On the way to the underground base hall, Kite Man whispered:
"Will he have a therapist? Or will he mediate on his own?"
“You see, he is a billionaire but he doesn’t enjoy his life. Every day he dresses himself up like a bat and hides in a dark cave to monitor the entire city.
They often appear in front of bad guys and persuade them to give up committing crimes by sending them to the ICU.
He also has some weird adoption fetish.
Including Jason Todd and Barbara Gordon, he has already brought four children into this career path that seems abnormal in any way when they were minors.
And I’m sure there will be more in the future, like when he tried to adopt me…”
Mason spoke quickly and then looked back at the Kite Man.
He asked expressionlessly:
"For a person like this, what do you think his mental world is like? Charles, we usually call such people 'lunatics', so now you understand why he can play so well with people like the Joker, right?
They are essentially the same kind of people.
It’s just that the symptoms of madness are different.
Of course, I can answer your question in a more literary way, such as..."
Mason coughed twice, put on the look of an artistic young man, and said like a hymn:
"He walked through hell, but he didn't get any healing. His face was shattered with regrets and pain. He was broken again and again, and reassembled again and again by bloody hands.
Only in this way can he have the heart of a superhero.
And all that he went through was the price of being a hero.”
After he finished speaking, looking at Charles waiting for his reaction, Kite Man pointed behind Mason with an embarrassed look on his face and whispered:
"Um, Boss, I was just about to say... He's behind you."
Mason turned around, and what came into view was a cold metal mask and a pair of dark eyes.
The master's "stealth skills" have really reached perfection.
"Ahem, I wasn't talking about you just now."
The young man said calmly:
"I'm talking about Green Arrow... Yes, Oliver Queen, the perverted billionaire who dresses himself up as a green elf and likes to adopt traumatized children and teach them archery."
"You don't have to explain, and you said it very well."
The master said quietly:
"After listening to it, I felt like a lunatic myself."
"The potion is ready."
Seeing that he couldn't explain it clearly, Mason simply gave up and took out a polyjuice potion and handed it to Batman, motioning him to drink it. The master was also a decisive person, and he drank the potion in the test tube without hesitation.
Then, his expression changed, he turned around, took a few quick steps and hid in the shadows...
"Um, I forgot to tell you that this stuff tastes one of the most disgusting potions, but it's really effective."
Mason whispered:
"You will feel a sharp pain in your stomach and want to go to the toilet, but you hold it in. Then you will have a burning discomfort in your stomach that spreads to your organs, which is normal.
Generally speaking, after ten seconds you will feel your whole body melting..."
The old man, holding his stomach, fell to the ground as his legs went limp, but he quickly stood up with the help of the wall.
As Kite Man stared in astonishment, he could clearly see that Batman's height had quickly shrunk by several centimeters, and his burly figure had also shrunk a circle, and finally his belly...
The belly with eight abdominal muscles also looks a little bloated.
"Take off the mask, Bruce."
Mason took out a small mirror and placed it in front of the old man. Batman took off his helmet, revealing a face exactly like Kite Man.
Even the confused expressions on their faces were exactly the same.
"How is it? Not bad, right?"
The alchemist laughed and said:
"One bottle lasts for an hour. I've prepared five bottles for you, enough to last you until dawn."
"It works well, but what's the point of me being like this?"
The master stroked his face and asked.
Mason shrugged and snapped his fingers, and Kite Man immediately handed over the invitation message from the "Evil Alliance" that he had received on his mobile phone.
Batman took it and looked at it, and immediately narrowed his eyes.
He made an expression of deep thought that a kite flyer could never make.
He understood Mason's plan.
"That does not work!"
The young man pointed to his face and said:
“You have to learn more from Charles. You can’t show the gloomy thoughts that don’t belong to a third-tier villain. You have to pretend to be more frivolous, more exaggerated, and more of a loser.
So the rest of the time is left to you and Charles.
We are going to the Batcave and Wayne Building as planned. After we finish, we will go to Arkham to meet you. Try to delay as much as possible and don't act recklessly. "
"Lei Xiaogu is right there."
Batman said solemnly:
"I'll take care of this tonight."
"I guess it's not just Lei Xiaogu who's there."
Mason sighed, took out a dozen enchanted cursed bat darts tied with black ropes and handed them to him, saying:
"We all know that you are very powerful. You may have prepared for tonight's situation. Once we retake the Batcave, all of your terrible and useful plans will be put into use.
But sometimes you can't be so arbitrary.
What happened to Barbara and Jason should have taught you some lessons. If you decide everything by yourself, how can you make the people behind you trust you?
Also, if you are relieved, I will be responsible for the follow-up of Barbara's matter, okay?"
He looked at the silent master and said:
“You know, it’s best if you don’t get involved in this matter in the short term, and Gordon is my guardian, and Barbara is my adopted sister… I’ll be frank.
I can make a potion to get her back on her feet.
It’s just that this potion is difficult to make and it costs a lot of money. I may need to set up a very professional alchemy laboratory to make it…”
A black bat card flew over and landed in Mason's hand. The master followed the kite man to the house next door to prepare to "deep learn" the behavior patterns of the third-line villains.
As he closed the door, he said in Charles's hoarse voice:
"Make that drug! Mason, don't think about the money. I owe her too much."
"You should have said these words to her just now! Barbara doesn't want revenge at all, and she doesn't want to see the Joker killed by you, Bruce. What she wants is your apology.
But you made her wait for many years...
When the call is not answered, it will become a terrible thing. I am a 17-year-old young man. Don't you understand this truth?"
Mason played the bat black card in his hand and complained:
"You never learn to open up to your family, which seriously hinders the love between the Bat Family. Honestly, you should review your past actions."
The door is closed.
Mason was impressed by how terribly closed-minded a man was, as he had serious psychological problems due to witnessing tragedies since childhood.
It is a disease, there is no doubt about it.
The only way to treat it is to start from the source, but what can Mason do?
He is not a necromancer from the Scourge who can pull Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne out of the grave and use a story of fatherly love and filial piety to ease the master's psychological trauma.
"What you just said is not something a 17-year-old would say."
Old butler Alfred walked past with a cup of hot coffee. He glanced at Mason and said:
"Are you sure you are only 17 and not 37 or older?"
"It says 17 on my driver's license."
Mason smiled in the dark, put away the Bat Black Card and turned to walk towards the hall.
The preparation phase is over.
Now it’s time to start the exciting Jedi counterattack.
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024