Volume 2 Honoring Robin Chapter 34: Batboy, you should reflect on what you have done!

Barbara sat in her bulletproof wheelchair.
The distraught girl no longer had the gentleness and graceful joy she had when she first met Mason.
She looked at the height of more than 30 meters above the ground in front of her. In this dark night that was destined to be noisy, a gust of wind blew up Barbara's long red hair, making the girl hug her arms tightly.
She felt very cold.
It wasn't just because I was wearing only pajamas, but there was also a chill in my heart caused by the pain of betrayal, as if I had done something terrible in a nightmare and found that the nightmare had come true when I woke up.
After waking up, she suddenly realized that she had no way out.
"Barbara, what are you doing? Come back here!"
Gordon's terrified shout came from behind. Barbara turned around and saw her father appearing on the roof with her boyfriend Grayson.
Two of the three most important men in my life appeared...
"do not come!"
Barbara screamed.
The wheels of the wheelchair turned backwards, leaving half of her body hanging in the air. This scene made Gordon stop immediately and made Nightwing behind him subconsciously throw out the grappling hook to pull his girlfriend back.
But the flying hook was knocked away by Barbara's swing of the fighting stick.
She is also a former superhero and has been trained by Batman. She may not be as talented as the "first Robin" in fighting, but she is definitely not an ordinary person.
"You all know, but you won't say anything! After bringing me here, you all chose to remain silent."
The girl in the wheelchair showed a complicated expression, laughing and crying at the same time. She said:
"I know you all don't want to tell the truth, but the more you care about me, the more I feel unforgivable! I betrayed Batman!
I betrayed you!
It was me who blocked the Bat Network's distress signal two nights ago and nearly caused Bruce to die in Crime Alley. It was also me who helped them conceal the information about 'Advent Day'.
That person used my access code to gain access to the BatNetwork.
Look at Gotham burning. I had a hand in every disaster tonight, and every drop of blood shed by every person who died tonight was on my hands.
I have turned myself into the kind of lunatic I hate the most...
The Joker's evil joke came true, Dad, and Grayson, and I became as ugly and crazy as him."
"You were just forced, Barbara, it's not your fault!"
Grayson took a step forward and saw Barbara pushing the wheelchair back again.
The sound of broken bricks and stones falling to the ground made Nightwing's hands numb. Even if he could knock down a hundred criminals with his bare hands, he didn't dare to stimulate his girlfriend anymore.
He stretched out his hands and said:
"I know you didn't do that voluntarily. I know what kind of person you are. I know you wouldn't do that! It's not your fault. Be good and don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes."
"I wasn't forced, Grayson. I volunteered."
Barbara was even more devastated.
She screamed uncontrollably:
"When Jason showed up and asked me for help, I... I couldn't control myself. I could pretend very well in front of you.
I was even able to hide it from Bruce's questioning.
But I can't hide the shadow in my heart in front of Jason, because he is the same as me!
He had the same experience as me!
He showed me another possibility and I fell hopelessly into it. Sorry, Dick, I did it wrong, I screwed up.
This is all my fault. ”
"Who did you just say?"
Nightwing's eyes widened, he clenched his fists and said in disbelief:
"Jason? Jason Todd? Are you sure it's him? We all know he's...it can't be him! It must be a conspiracy of the Assassins.
You were just fooled by them, and we all know how cunning they are.”
"He's alive, he's risen from his grave, he's returned to Gotham to find Bruce and the Joker, he's got two revenges to exact on the city.
One is the enemy.
One is the former family.”
Barbara told everything she knew.
Her expression became numb and desperate, she covered her head and said:
"He hated the Joker for using his mother to corner him and then brutally killing him, but that hatred wasn't enough to turn a Robin into a criminal.
What burned even more fiercely than the hatred for the Joker was what the other man had done.
After his death, the man he regarded as a father and mentor not only did not punish the murderer, but instead brought the blood-debted Joker back to Gotham and placed him in the most secure insane asylum.
It was just like that desperate night when Zhou Keer came to my door with a gun.
The lunatic shot me in the spine.
He knew that would not kill me but would only cause me and those around me a lifetime of pain.
When I was lying on my sickbed, I would imagine that my father and my mentor would bring the people who hurt me to justice, but what I ended up with was just one more criminal in Arkham Asylum who was safe but would eventually escape...
How can the Joker live safely in his cell after hurting so many people?
Why does he do that? "
Barbara clutched the armrests of the wheelchair, staring at the silent Grayson and then at her father who was kneeling on the ground in despair.
She knew that what she said would hurt them.
But the pain buried in my heart must be spoken out on this farewell night.
It’s also good as a last word.
As a warning.
"Bruce! You coward! Even now, you still don't dare to come out and face us?"
Barbara screamed.
She knew Batman was hiding somewhere in the shadows on the rooftop, and she shouted:
"My paralysis and Jason's death are still not enough for you to bring that lunatic to justice! Sometimes I really doubt whether those ridiculous rumors are true!
Are you really playing a never-ending deadly game with those lunatics in Gotham City!
And the price of your games is people like us.
I'm not afraid of clowns!
I have come out of the shadow he left on me, and I will not waste the rest of my life hating a vicious lunatic!
But the shadow you cast on me has always been overshadowing me.
You should protect us.
But you didn't.
After we have been hurt, you should give those who wantonly hurt us the punishment they deserve.
But you still don't.
Not only do you not do it yourself, you also prevent others from completing that punishment. How many times have you saved the Joker from attacks aimed at him?
Because he's a pathetic lunatic who wants to set the world on fire? Or because he's pathetic?
Aren’t we pitiful?”
When Barbara said this, her voice was already hoarse, and her whole body was wailing like a madman. The violent outburst of emotion made her hair fly in the night wind.
She panted and whispered:
“It’s not a strong will that can defeat nightmares. I walked out of the nightmare brought to me by the Joker, but I couldn’t walk out of the nightmare called Batman.
Your no-killing principle makes me admire you enough to follow you, but I know that Batman's soaring in the dark comes at a price.
Jason and I are the price.
I regret helping him.
Not because he hurt you, but because I broke the oath I swore under your cloak, and because I dragged innocent people into this revenge.
I did wrong.
So I should be punished for that.”
Barbara turned her wheelchair to bring herself closer to the deadly height of more than thirty meters behind her.
In her final farewell, the gentle girl said to her father and her boyfriend with tears on her face:
"I'm sorry I let you down."
Gordon rushed to the edge of the roof like a madman, but Barbara had already fallen to the ground along with the wheelchair.
The horrible experience of losing his daughter drove the director completely crazy. He punched Nightwing, who was pulling him, on the cheek, rushed out at the fastest speed in his life, and jumped down without hesitation to try to catch his daughter.
Faster than him was a silent figure rushing out from the shadows.
The old man fired his talon gun in the air but was knocked away by Barbara with her fighting stick. He fell faster and tried to grab her wheelchair but Barbara was obviously prepared.
A violent explosion erupted in the wheelchair.
Not only did it block Batman's vision, the impact of the explosion also made Barbara, who had done something wrong and wanted to atone for her sins, fall faster.
Her only regret was her father, but when she saw the roaring Gordon being grabbed by the legs by the embarrassed Batman and pulled to the roof, her last regret was also soothed.
She closed her eyes.
Take a deep breath and prepare to return to the embrace of Mother Earth.
A pair of strong arms caught her at the critical moment, less than five meters from the ground.
The kite man flew over and held the screaming and struggling Barbara in his arms, and with the help of the flying claw ropes thrown by Catwoman and Mason at the same time, he barely avoided the creepy upside-down scrap steel below.
The two of them fell to the ground in a mess, hugging each other, but Barbara pushed away the person who saved her. She pulled out the hidden dagger from her hand and stabbed herself in the neck fiercely.
The cat-tail whip hit the girl like a poisonous snake, leaving a deep bloody mark on her wrist, and the hot bullet flew out, brushing her face and knocking the dagger away.
Mason was holding a double-barreled blaster cannon, and smoke was still coming out of the muzzle.
He was now extremely grateful for his talent for [Quick Drawing], otherwise he would not be able to stop Barbara Gordon who was determined to die.
"Why did you save me! Can you just let me die? Mason! I hate you!"
Barbara was devastated.
She had made several preparations to die tonight, but they were all ruined. She lay in Catwoman's arms, struggling and screaming in pain.
But Mason doesn't spoil her.
The young man walked forward, squatted down, and slapped the former Batgirl twice, leaving her stunned in her place.
"Have you had enough of the madness? Do you know that your antics delayed us for at least twenty minutes?"
He asked coldly:
"I thought you were smart enough to find a more appropriate way to resolve this conflict, but I didn't expect you to choose the stupidest one.
I don't know if this was arranged by Jason Todd.
But if that's true, then you almost became the poisonous blade that stabbed the people who cared about you again. Do you know what consequences your death would trigger?
I really don’t dare to imagine what kind of monsters the Bat Family would become tonight if Gordon, Bruce, and Grayson witnessed their children and loved ones die in front of them because of their own reasons before setting out to save Gotham.
Do you really want to see a super-madman who breaks all the rules and has the brain of Batman and the madness of the Joker born in a burning Gotham?
Do you really want to?
I don't think you would have such a crazy idea, right? "
Nightwing and Batman landed beside him one after the other.
Grayson silently rushed up and took Barbara Gordon from Catwoman's arms. No matter how she struggled, the infatuated young man held his girlfriend tightly in his arms.
He had almost lost her just now.
Everything that happened tonight was enough for Grayson to remember for the rest of his life.
"Let's go."
Barbara cried and hugged her boyfriend tightly, she begged:
"After you save Gotham, let's leave. Anywhere is fine. I'm really tired, Grayson, I'm really tired."
"Aren't you going to say a few words?"
Catwoman also wiped her eyes and turned back to glare at the person who had caused all this.
Batman still maintained his usual indifferent attitude. The master said nothing, but when he turned and left, Mason could clearly feel that the man's waist seemed to bend a little.
Another heavy debt weighed on his broken heart, and what was even worse was that there was another unavoidable responsibility before him.
"Jason Todd will kill Zhou Ke'er. He will kill him in front of you. That's his plan!"
Mason called after him:
"The Scarlet Knight must be in Arkham now. That guy doesn't care about the actions of the League of Assassins or the survival of Gotham. He came back just for you, and he will be there waiting for you.
The Joker will be waiting for you there too.
What are you going to do?
"I have no idea."
The master replied in a hoarse voice:
"But I have to go, even if it's a trap."
"You're still going to make a mess of things if you go over there like this."
Mason shook his head and said:
"You might even get yourself killed there. Jason is forcing you to make a choice, either break the line and let him kill the Joker, or save the Joker and lose him again.
The revenge of a child hurt by his father is so terrible.
And no matter which one you choose, Batman will die tonight... See, this is why I refuse to be Robin.
The Bat-family drama is terrifying to watch, but luckily you have Mason to help you out."
The kite man next to the young man suddenly screamed. Just now, his boss pulled out a few strands of hair from his head without any warning.
Mason held the hair in front of his eyes.
He squinted his eyes and said:
"Give me another twenty minutes, and I might be able to give you a new idea."
The master did not refuse.
He just disappeared into the shadows with bleak steps, and Catwoman chased after him. She knew that the man needed her company now.
Mason glanced at Young Master Nightwing who was holding Barbara behind him.
He whispered:
"Are you sure you can still move in this state?"
Ye Yi hugged the trembling girl tightly in his arms and said coldly:
"All this only made me angrier. I felt I was in great shape and I couldn't help but have a good discussion with my 'brother'.
About him seducing Barbara, about him using my lover to hurt us."
"Don't go, Grayson."
Barbara begged:
"Jason is no longer the person you know. He makes me feel scared. Don't go. Let Bruce handle it. He owes Jason that."
"how about you?"
Mason said:
"What about the ones Batman owes you?"
"I do not care anymore."
Barbara closed her red and swollen eyes and whispered:
"I've seen what revenge has done, and I deserve to spend the rest of my life in prison. I'm no longer a member of the Bat-Family.
fair enough.
Those pains and shadows also left me.”
"You wish!"
Mason looked Barbara Gordon up and down. He shook his head and said:
"You will have a chance to pay the blood debt you owe to this city, Barbara. Be patient. There will always be a chance."
Jun 18, 2024
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