Volume 1: Welcoming Gotham Chapter 38 My organization is extremely fair, my boss is absolutely incorruptible, but my future is bleak

Mason slept for a long time, and he woke up slowly after about three hours.
When he opened his eyes, the familiar character card jumped into his sight. The "E-level staff of the Star Club" in the identity column had been completely changed to the newly-released "C-level staff of the Star Club".
The young man did not feel joy or satisfaction after the promotion. On the contrary, he unzipped his left sleeve the moment he stood up.
The originally very simple ghost claw tattoo has become very complicated.
The black ring on the outside turned into a simple flame-like line, and the ghost claws on the inside were also "upgraded" to double ghost claws with a twisted weird torso.
Zha Kang’s guess about this curse was absolutely correct!
It is indeed a growth type.
Moreover, Mason has already figured out the conditions for its growth through "personal practice", and the increase in level in the Star Society will make this tattoo change towards complexity and completeness.
Mason guessed that if he reached level A, the tattoo would completely and fully reflect the image of an evil spirit.
"Boss! Why have you grown taller?"
The kite man who had been watching Mason and was already a little drowsy was awakened. His first exclamation made Mason subconsciously look at his feet.
The pants that fit her before have now become trendy "high-profile pants", revealing part of her leg and wrist, and two buttons of her windbreaker shirt have been torn open.
Not only did he grow almost 5 centimeters taller, but he also became stronger. He no longer looked like the skinny 17-year-old who was bullied at school.
Can you believe that I have abdominal muscles?

"Don't be surprised, it's just an 'employee benefit' and everyone gets it."
Mr. Hunter's gentle voice sounded at the door of the large box next to this office.
He walked up to Mason and looked him up and down. The young man clearly felt a penetrating gaze examining him, as if he was seen through.
"Well, a big penis is half the job."
Mr. Hunter told a dirty joke in a serious tone, then turned his eyes away from Mason's lower body and said to the embarrassed young man:
"You have a good foundation. The effects of strengthening your body and vital qualities are very good. Your strength, speed, and endurance have all been improved. I also helped you regulate your endocrine system and improved your gastrointestinal circulation.
But don't be too superstitious about this kind of 'welfare', Mason.
It doesn't make you a superhuman overnight, it just brings your physical abilities up to the upper level of a standard humanoid your age.
It's like an excellent soldier who has been trained for many years, but you have to tap into your potential yourself."
"This is enough, Master Hunter. I am grateful for the organization's training. I will do my best to do a good job and not let you and Captain K down."
Mason took every opportunity to show his loyalty.
Mr. Hunter didn't care about this. He said in a businesslike tone:
“Since you two don’t plan to change your base world, I won’t force you.
My work here is done and I am leaving soon. While you were unconscious, I went out for a walk and I have to say that your city has really opened my eyes, Mason."
The big boss of the Star Club complained:
"When I went to buy a cup of milk tea, I witnessed three robberies, two scams, a theft against me and an indecent assault right next to me.
By the way, I saw a group of fully armed guys having a gunfight in the street, and a few guys in strange costumes falling from the sky.
Has your life in Gotham always been so colorful? No wonder you don't want to change the world. If it were me, I wouldn't want to miss so many "exciting" things. "
"Haha, all the locals are like this, sir."
Mason read it expressionlessly:
“Don’t be fooled by the chaotic appearance of this city. Once you get to know it in depth, you will find that it is even more filthy inside. But this place is indeed very suitable for newcomers like us to hide.
It’s a mixed bag.”
Mr. Hunter nodded and said:
"Before I leave, I have to play the role of 'newcomer guide' again and tell you some things you must know.
Oh, right.
You two should remember to call the police for me later.
I chopped off the tools, hands and feet of the guy who molested the little boy and threw them into a trash can on the street, asking the police to go there quickly to prevent him from dying easily from excessive blood loss.
This won’t cause you any trouble, will it?”
"No, sir, this is an act of supreme justice, and it demonstrates your bright heart. I will call the police for you immediately!"
The Kite Man was very tactful and took out his cell phone and walked out of the box.
As a younger brother for many years, he knew that this would be the time when the big boss and the small boss had a private conversation, and he should not be there, so as not to hear something he shouldn't hear.
"Mason, since you are already a C-level personnel, the reorganized K team will no longer send guides to you."
Mr. Hunter took out a thin booklet from his cloak and handed it to him, saying:
"As the captain, you need to study harder and learn all the rules as quickly as possible to avoid unnecessary risks when you go on missions in the future. Also, this."
A small black velvet bag was also placed in Mason's hand, and Mr. Hunter explained:
“Here are fifteen energy stones for opening the door to the world. They are your team’s ration for two months. Of course, if you are proficient in alchemy or magic, you can also make energy stones yourself.
If the quality is good enough, the organization will buy it back at a high price."
"Okay, I know."
Mason nodded, and then heard the boss, who was indeed a very good person and not overbearing, ask:
"How many world coordinates does Old K's World Gate record?"
“There are four lighted markings on the door handle.”
Mason recalled the details of the World Gate. Mr. Hunter nodded and said:
"So excluding the base world, you should have three worlds to explore.
Considering the level of Lao K, there should be no ordinary D-level world, the lowest is C-level. Given the current state of your team, I do not recommend that you explore high-risk worlds.
Let’s practice in the low-level world first.
Team K has just been reorganized, so the organization will not assign you any mandatory pioneering and exploration tasks in the next two months, but you must work hard to improve your strength within these two months.
This is very important, otherwise once you are thrown into a strange world that needs to be explored, you will easily be wiped out. "
"Okay, thank you for the reminder, sir."

Mason kept these suggestions in mind and humbly asked:
"Is there anything else I must know? If it won't take up your valuable time, could Charles and I buy you a meal?"
"I appreciate your kindness, but you don't have to eat."
Mr. Hunter laughed meaningfully, patted Mason on the shoulder, and said:
"Don't play these little tricks. The Star Club is an organization that values ​​efficiency. Mason, you just joined us and don't know much about these things. If you want to win my favor and attention, then contribute to the organization as much as possible.
We don't have those bad problems that big companies have.
As a huge organization spanning nearly a thousand parallel worlds, we have an efficient and clean internal review system... Hmm? What is this? "
He watched as Mason quietly handed over a small jewelry box.
There was an irregular gray stone the size of a fingernail inside. Mr. Hunter's eyes behind the mask narrowed immediately. He took the thing that was so small that it couldn't be any smaller and examined it in front of his eyes.
After nearly ten seconds of silence, he said:
"Are you bribing me? So blatantly? This seems to be a magical item that can break life and death?"
"Yes, sir. I have experimented with zombies. They can 'resurrect' the dead. Well, it's a very scary 'resurrection'."
Mason bowed his head and said:
"I admit that I was a little skeptical when I found it in the ruins of the academy. I was going to keep it for myself, but then I realized that this thing was too evil.
There is no way a rookie like me can handle it, and I have no way to destroy it.
You are the old captain of Captain K, and I am the new captain of Team K designated by Old K. So if we round it off, you are also my senior and big brother.
I can only ask you for advice on such dangerous things.
Sir, please be kind and help Team K get rid of this terrible evil thing."
"If your behavior is exposed, you will be thrown into a red dwarf."
Mr. Hunter shook his head, flipped his fingers and the small piece of Resurrection Stone disappeared.
He rebuked righteously:
"Don't do this again! Did you hear me? The Star Club is an honest organization!
We don't form small internal groups, let alone gangs and cliques!
Our internal competition has always been based on strength. Instead of using these crooked methods, it is better to focus on improving yourself!
You little guy has a lot of problems with your thinking. It seems that I have to pay more attention to your K team, which has a crooked leadership. Are you interested in becoming my direct development team?
There were no vacancies.
But for Old K's sake, I can give you a chance to try."
"What difference does it make, sir?"
Mason exclaimed in his heart, what an honest man!
I just tried to test it out and you actually accepted it. This corporate culture is really great.
He asked softly:
"I believe this is all for the benefit of the organization, but I'm just afraid that we are not capable enough to bring shame to you."
"There is no difference between the Direct Development Team and the ordinary team, except that you are directly responsible to me. Every time a compulsory development mission is issued, you have the right to choose one of the three target worlds.
Correspondingly, worlds that require a dedicated pioneering team to enter are generally more difficult.
The risk is relatively high.
Of course, the benefits are also great.”
Mr. Hunter coughed and said to Mason:
"But I think young people should be aggressive and it is a good thing to have the courage to challenge yourself. Life is a lonely journey. If you don't make a big fuss, how can you enjoy it?
You're right, right?
"Team K is of course willing to help you solve your problems."
Mason agreed without hesitation.
Mr. Hunter looked at him again and motioned for him to take out his ID card. Mason pinched his fingers and a bronze star card appeared in his hand, indicating that his rank had been upgraded.
The big boss stretched out his finger and drew a unique mark on Mason's ID card, and a small hunter emblem appeared in the corner of Mason's card.
"That's it. Team K will have its first pioneering mission in two months. Perform well and don't embarrass me!"
Mr. Hunter withdrew his finger and said to Mason:
“Another thing newcomers need to pay attention to is the trade fair that takes place every three months.
It is also one of the most important organizational benefits for newcomers. You can exchange anything you need with your fellows in the organization, and you can also exchange any good things you have.

The rest is in the Captain's Manual, you can read it yourself."
After saying that, Mr. Hunter was about to leave but was stopped by Mason. The young man hesitated for a moment and finally asked the question that had been bothering him.
He said to the big boss:
“Sir, I witnessed the end of the world in that wizard world with my own eyes, and I also heard from Old K that disaster and tragedy are the main themes of the parallel world. This has kept me tossing and turning since I came back, unable to let it go.
I want to ask you, are disasters like the zombie disaster really common in parallel worlds?"
"That depends on how you feel about the subject of 'the end of the world', Mason."
Mr. Hunter stopped and didn't look back.
He sighed and said:
"When did the world end? When the stars fell apart? When the backbone of civilization was broken? Or when the dark malice enveloped everyone and dispersed the last ray of light?
Many newcomers will have the same doubts after completing their first world exploration, but few can persist in finding the answer to this question.
Mason, maybe you could give it a try.
My answer to this question may not be suitable for you, but you can summarize your answer with your own eyes and footsteps, and I look forward to the day when you tell me that answer.
The premise is that you can live to that time."
You didn't say anything.
Mason complained in his heart that his new boss turned out to be a riddle man...
He sighed and was about to say goodbye to Mr. Hunter, but unexpectedly, when this gentle man reached the door of the box, he suddenly turned around and said to him:
"Ah, I almost forgot one thing, Mason."
He stared at the young man and said:
"You have some kind of pheromone marking on your body for positioning. I don't know if you've noticed it, but the person who put it on you must have done a very good job.
That particular pheromone leaves a faint reaction signature that can be detected wherever you stay for more than five minutes.
But don't worry.
I have cleared away all traces of this place."
Mr. Hunter chuckled and said to the young man whose expression changed drastically:
"Youth is an advantage, Mason, but it is also a terrible disadvantage. It seems that you have been targeted by a hunter who is much more mature and powerful than you.
I can only wish you good luck, little one."
"Wait! Sir!"
A flash of lightning flashed through Mason's mind, and he immediately remembered some of his actions in Blackgate Prison last night, especially the conversation with the Penguin in the sewer.
Damn it!
He must have been there for more than five minutes!
Batman has also been there!
His whereabouts had been exposed, but the terrifying man hadn't come to his door yet, which meant there was still hope.
In desperation, he grabbed Mr. Hunter's wrist, but the other party waved his hand and threw him across the ten-meter box and hit the wall like a sandbag.
It felt like being hit by a heavy artillery fire.
The hunter closed his fingers, and a soft force surged, pulling Mason back. He was so pleasant just now, but now he exuded a terrible chill all over his body.
He stared at Mason and said word by word:
"I don't like people touching me! Mason, this is the first time and I don't want it to happen again!"
"I'm sorry, sir."
Mason lowered his head and said softly:
"It's just that this happened suddenly, and I might be targeted by Batman. If it's not too presumptuous, I hope you can do me a favor before you leave."
"Do you know how busy I am, young man?"
Mr. Hunter asked.
Mason's answer was to take out Sujie's Eagle. This sword was the most valuable thing he had besides the Philosopher's Stone and the Resurrection Stone fragments.
When Mr. Hunter saw the sword, he shook his head and said:
"Old K's sword, or the weapon intelligence I gave him... You really know how to pick gifts. Forget it, tell me, what do you want me to do for you? I can only give you thirty minutes."
Mason immediately told his plan, and Mr. Hunter nodded and disappeared. After he left, Mason sat on the sofa and looked at his bruised left hand.
It was this hand that had just grasped Mr. Hunter's wrist, and the touch at that moment allowed Mason to be sure of at least one thing.
That 's a woman!
A man's wrists are never that slender.
So, Mr. Hunter is actually Lao K's ex-lover? Or is it some other weird relationship? Otherwise, it can't explain why this big shot gave a newcomer so many conveniences just for Lao K's sake.
Or does she have ulterior motives for being so nice to a newcomer like me?
Fatten the pigs before killing them?
Well, we must be on guard.
As Mason walked out of the box, he thought that he might need to prepare a long-term contact plan for this unknown hunter lady.
Batman has many bad habits but also many things worth learning. Mason feels that he may also need a private database.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024