Volume 1: Welcoming Gotham Chapter 37 The record for the fastest promotion in the Star Club was achieved!

"Take this."
Kite Man drove to the meeting place with his superiors according to the instructions on his ID card. In this ordinary-looking stolen car, Mason handed a bat signal gun to his younger brother.
This was obtained from Young Master Nightwing when he left last night. Mason has obtained the drawings but has not had time to make it.
He said to the kite flyer:
"If anything goes wrong later, I'll take care of it first, and you fly to a high altitude to request support. Don't worry, Batman is paying close attention to me now. As soon as the signal goes off, he will definitely come to check it out as soon as possible."
Charles picked up the flare gun and put it into his flying backpack. He took another look at the building in front of him and his expression turned strange.
He said to his boss:
"Why did they choose this place to meet? Is this hinting at something?"
Mason glanced out the car window.
In front of the parking lot is the Penguin's Iceberg Bar.
This luxurious and peculiarly shaped place has 5 chain stores in Gotham, but the bar in front of you is the first store built by the Penguin in this city and it is also the base of the Penguin Gang.
The place has "special meaning" to Mason.
His new life began here and his old life ended here.
The wine bottle that killed the young man was thrown from a high place in the Iceberg Bar. Mason still doesn't know which drunk guy threw the bottle and welcomed a soul from another world into this world.

Maybe I have to find him later and thank him very much.
"Go in and take a look first."
Mason narrowed his eyes, opened the car door and walked up the steps.
Wearing his grey windbreaker, he bypassed the police cordon and walked in through the closed side door of the bar with ease.
The place, which had been closed for nearly ten days, was very deserted. The two found the power and turned it back on, then took the elevator all the way up. When they reached the top floor, they saw a light lit up outside the Penguin's original office.
The ball of light was suspended at the door, like a signpost.
Mason patted the kite man on the shoulder and told him not to be nervous. He also let out a long sigh and then opened the door and walked in.
The huge floor-to-ceiling windows let the morning light shine into the gorgeous and spacious office. In front of the two men, a tall figure wearing the same starry sky cloak as Old K was standing in front of the window, seemingly overlooking the entire Gotham's morning scenery.
Only one person came.
But looking at his aura of a master who is ready to strike and the cool posture of this villain when he appears, you can tell that he is definitely extraordinary.
Mason and Charles were like employees summoned by their boss. They stood with their hands behind their backs in an office where the floor was so clean that you could see your reflection in it, waiting for a lecture from their superior.
Perhaps this is also the moment that decides fate?
"Old K is dead?"
The superior in front of him finally spoke after being silent for nearly a minute.
A steady male voice, quite attractive, not too young and with a faint sense of oppression.
“Well, our beloved captain unfortunately died in the ruins of Hogwarts School. He was holding a suspected cursed item and was besieged by monsters in the Forbidden Forest.
We really want to help him.
But we are too weak to even collect his body, so we can only follow his wishes and burn his body in that hellish world like the monsters he finally hunted."
Mason spoke most of the truth in an even voice.
By the way, he took out Hagrid's hunting knife from his bag. It was still stained with the venom and blood of the Acromantula. He put it on the desk in front of him as if handing it over as evidence, and said:
“Charles and I have done our best to use the magic items left by Old K to capture several monsters that participated in killing him. If you need, we can release it.
But it’s dangerous.”
“No need!”
The superior waved his hand and said:
"When embarking on this journey, life and death should be disregarded. How he died is not important. What is important is that I hope his death can please the dark stars and illuminate the way forward for us."
He said these words that sounded like a eulogy, and Mason felt a chill in his heart. If he remembered correctly, Old K had also said something like this.
And more than once.
So, is this also the tradition of the Star Society?
"Let me introduce myself. My name is 'Hunter'. Of course it's just a code name."
The superior turned around, revealing a face with a starry sky mask. The cape with star patterns almost covered his entire body, just like Batman's cape, with almost no gaps.
He stretched out his black-gloved hand, touched the blood-stained hunting knife, and introduced it in a gentle tone:
"Currently serving as the 'Grand Exploration Mentor' of the Star Society ..."
He stated his position, but seeing the confused looks on Mason and Charles' faces, the hunter was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a strange tone:
"Didn't Old K tell you about the inside story of the Star Club and its membership divisions?"
"He promised to tell us after our 'orientation test' was over."
Charles gestured and replied in a sad voice:
"But he died so suddenly...so..."
"I see."
Mr. Hunter nodded and said:
"Then I will forgive you for your disrespect this time.
Let me briefly introduce our organization to you on behalf of Lao K. You are now E-level personnel, and new members of the organization are generally guided by specific C-level personnel to familiarize themselves with daily work.
Lao K was supposed to be your novice guide, but he had an accident.
When you complete your first alien world exploration mission, you will become D-level personnel, officially entering the backbone of the Star Society. After twenty missions, you will be assessed and promoted to C-level.
There are internal regulations for the promotion of B-level and A-level members, and you don’t need to know too much now.”
"Are you a Class A personnel?"
Mason asked quietly.
"No, I am the Grand Master of Exploration."
Mr. Hunter reiterated his position. He looked Mason up and down and said:

"He is the commander-in-chief above the A-level 12-member council. The three great mentors of exploration, combat, and logistics are in charge of the daily operations of the Star Society and the internal and external affairs of the organization. Above the three of us there is also His Excellency 'Fate'.
He is the founder of the Society of the Stars.”
"Big shot!"
This thought jumped into Mason's mind, and he immediately bowed to the person in front of him and kicked Charles, who was still standing there in a daze. The kite man came to his senses and hurriedly bowed to salute.
I thought the superior sent would at most be a guy at the same level or higher than Lao K, but I didn't expect that a big boss would come directly!
This is just like a new employee in a company reporting to his superior, thinking that the superior is just a business manager, but he never expected that the guy sitting there listening to his nonsense is actually a member of the company's board of directors.
Isn’t this too scary?
"Well, his manners are very standard, he is quick-witted and reserved, I am very satisfied."
Mr. Hunter nodded, pulled out Penguin's boss chair and sat on it. He waved his hand in a comfortable and relaxed manner and said to Mason and Charles:
"It seems that the new recruits selected by Old K this time are of good quality. I guess you must be wondering why I came here, let me explain to you...
There's no need to be so formal, Mason, and Charles.
I am an easy-going person.
sit down.
Our conversation will probably take up some of your time, and I hope you don't have anything urgent to do today."
The big shot had spoken, so Mason and Charles naturally obeyed.
The two sat on the black sofa, maintaining a very decent posture, and then they watched Mr. Hunter playing with the giant hunting knife that killed Old K, and said in a gentle tone:
"The first reason I came here is very simple. Did Old K tell you the story of his former rookie team? I am his rookie guide and his old captain.
At that time, the Star Club was just being established, the rules and regulations were not yet complete, and the 12-member council had not yet been established. I also had to occasionally do this kind of thing to guide new people.
I selected Lao K.
He was the only one among the original 7-member team who survived and became a C-level personnel, while the others had already died to please the Dark Stars.
What a tragedy.
Now the best student I ever taught is dead.
Frankly, it makes me a little sad.”
Mason's heart tightened. Old K, you are actually a relative of mine!
You should have said earlier that there was such a relationship...
"Your heartbeat is quickening, Mason. Are you nervous?"
Mr. Hunter's fingers brushed across the blade, and he suddenly said something in a faint voice.
"I am only 17 years old, Master Hunter."
Mason whispered:
“The most powerful person I’ve ever met is the guardian of this city, a transvestite named Batman, and you are one of the leaders of a huge organization spanning countless parallel worlds.
The old captain whom I failed to save is also your friend. It would be strange if I wasn't nervous in this situation."
"Yeah, that makes sense."
Mr. Hunter nodded, no longer dwelling on this question, put down his hunting knife and continued:
"As for the second reason, it is the special nature of the world you live in.
Old K may not have had the time to explain to you the definition of parallel worlds given by the Star Society, but I must tell you two that the world you are in is extremely dangerous.
It is rated A in our world rating system.
But to be honest, it is an A-level world not because its danger level is only at this level, but because the highest level rating in our system is only A-level.
Especially since there is a Kryptonian named Superman in your world..."
Mr. Hunter paused, shook his head and said:
"The Swordsman, the most powerful combat mentor in the Star Society, encountered him during his exploration of this world several years ago. He broke his ribs with two punches and fled back to the Star Castle in a panic.
From that point on, all large-scale exploration of this world by the Stellar Society was frozen.
You shouldn't have set up base here.
This place is not suitable for newcomers like you. This is the second reason why I came here. You can find a safer world as your base.
This is your special privilege, and I can help you arrange it.”
"Wait! Mr. Hunter, I have a question."
Mason raised his hand and asked:
"If all exploration activities in this world have been frozen, then how did Old K..."
"I'm talking about all 'large-scale' exploration operations, Mason."
Mr. Hunter emphasized:
"Pay attention! Also, don't interrupt me when I'm talking. This is not a good habit. There are other teams operating in secret in your world, and the lowest among those team members are C-level personnel.
As for Old K...
He could have become a B-rank, but because his style of doing things was too wild, his promotion was stuck after he caused the annihilation of Team K twice.
At the B-level, what we need is an explorer and leader who can grasp the overall situation, not a reckless man. "
Mason nodded.
At the same time, he thought to himself that if Lao K's combat power could become B-level, then this Star Club might not be as powerful and invincible as he imagined.

Putting aside other things, it probably won't be too difficult for Batman to beat Krypton, and Superman can defeat another big boss of the All-Stars Society head-on, so based on combat effectiveness alone, I need to lower my evaluation of the All-Stars Society.
Downgraded from "like a god" to "invincible".
Well, there doesn't seem to be any difference?
"So, what are your two responses?"
Mr. Hunter gave Mason and Charles three minutes, and then he asked:
"Do you want to change your base world? For Old K's sake, you can choose from the thirty-three C-level worlds I am currently in charge of."
Mason glanced at Charles, who gave him a look that said, "Boss, you decide, I obey." The young man nodded, stood up and said to Mr. Hunter:
"No, we don't want to change our base world, sir. It's not because we think highly of ourselves, but because we have established certain connections in this world and have obtained some very precious things through hard work.
Like this one.”
Mason took out a set of blueprints from his bag and spread them out with both hands on the desk in front of Mr. Hunter.
The blueprint showed a very complex and labeled diagram of a battle suit. If Batman was here, he would be able to tell at a glance that this was the structural diagram of his regular bat suit.
Mason's character card has completed the analysis of the main body of the Batsuit. The young man had drawn these earlier with the intention of studying them, and now they come in handy.
“This suit… has a good technological content, and is very suitable for close combat and stealth. It also has so many reserved weapon slots, and it can obviously be modified in multiple ways to meet different combat needs.
Mr. Hunter is obviously also an expert.
He reached out and stroked the drawing to examine it carefully, and as he looked closer, Mason suddenly noticed a playful strand of long hair peeking out from behind Mr. Hunter's mask.
Is this a woman?
Or an artistic man?
"Are you going to donate this set of drawings to the organization, Mason?"
Mr. Hunter asked:
“Although it’s just the most basic blueprint of the battle suit, those members of the organization who are into technology will probably like it very much. It can bring you a lot of much-needed things.
If you trust me, I can help you find a suitable buyer.
At the trade fair a month later, you can close the deal.”
"Of course, sir, I would love it."
Mason responded.
Then he took out a dark jewelry box, placed it in front of Mr. Hunter and opened it. Inside was an irregular, thumb-sized blood-red crystal.
When he saw this thing, the very calm Mr. Hunter also clenched his fingers.
"This is?"
He looked at Mason, and the young man explained:
"Old K's relic, sir. He said he entered that world just to find this thing, and he also said it was a bounty mission for the organization.
This is the Philosopher's Stone.
This is the treasure we found in the ruins, but unfortunately it was broken into pieces in the disaster. We searched the entire ruins but only found this one piece.
We cannot expect rewards from bounty missions.
This is something that Old K accomplished himself, so I think that as his old captain, you should complete the task on his behalf and get the reward."
Mr. Hunter didn't say anything, just stroked the small piece of magic stone in front of him. After ten seconds of silence, he laughed strangely and said to Mason:
"You are really a smart guy. I almost know why Lao K chose you to take over as captain. But unfortunately, I can't use the reward for this mission.
Because its reward is to upgrade the level of members.
Old K is looking for this thing to complete the B-level promotion, Mason, but I have already reached the limit of my promotion.
Take out your ID card."
He said, and Mason decisively pinched his fingers to take out the star identity card.
Mr. Hunter also took out his own card. It was a luxurious crystal card. Its quality alone was far superior to Mason's playing card.
The moment the two cards touched, a dazzling red light surged onto Mason's arm. The intense burning sensation made the young man dizzy. He fell to the ground and was picked up by Charles who rushed over.
"This is what happens when you get promoted for the first time. What's more, it's a two-level promotion, which is a record for promotion. This is normal."
Mr. Hunter said to the Kite Flyer:
"Take him to the next room to rest. We'll continue our conversation when he wakes up."
"Thank you, sir."
Charles carried the unconscious Mason out of the office. After the two of them left, Mr. Hunter reached out and picked up the blood-stained giant hunting knife.
He stroked the sharp blade and stood in front of the French window.
After several minutes he sighed and said:
"Old K, did you call me over here just to let me see him? This is the 'parting gift' you wanted to give me, and you think he can help.
But how did you, an old hunter, get killed by such a rookie?
Did you fail? Or do you no longer want to live?
How embarrassing.
May our eventual death please these cold and cruel dark stars..."

Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024