Postscript: Ding, Mr. Master, you have a new order. Chapter 3 Hiss, this is a super big event

"Where are you taking me?"
In this strange house that looked like the Mystery House but was obviously much better in every aspect, Mason asked softly. The Vain Lord who was leading the way said without even turning his head:
"In the library, our record officer is waiting for you. You should call him Dream God. He will explain our story, the origin of this organization, and its current responsibilities to you.
This is a necessary process.
After you know this, I will take you to a place where you will be working next.”
Mason asked in surprise:
"Isn't it to rescue those lost compatriots in the void?"
“No, we can do that job, and your responsibilities are elsewhere.
And to be honest, this may hurt your self-esteem, but the fact is that your rejection of power has caused your life form to be at least five levels lower than ours..."
Lord Vainglory said softly:
"You cannot enter the void, and your inability to resist the chaotic summons of the void's will will put you in the same situation as the lost soul, but there is no need to feel regretful about it.
After joining the Brotherhood, strength becomes insignificant and you can function without it.
We need a think tank and logistics manager.
Your presence is necessary.”
"But you do not lack wisdom."
Mason said:
"It's not enough to rely on strength alone to get to this point. The fact that you have stood out has proven that you all have outstanding wisdom."
"Well, Cyber ​​may scoff at your statement. When power reaches a certain level, wisdom becomes a burden. Just like the shocks and era changes you are facing, if there is a person who can crush the origin of the universe with one punch and then use his fingers to knead a new core of the universe, what wisdom is needed?"
The Maharaja smiled and said to Mason:
"Don't underestimate yourself. Our wisdom is more tactical, and you are a master of strategy. Do you understand me?"
Mason nodded and asked:
"So what is the situation we are facing now? "
"No hurry, let's talk about this issue after you truly understand the cause and effect."
Merlin stopped in front of a door and made a "please" gesture to Mason. He said:
"The Dream God doesn't like to be disturbed, so I won't go in with you. Don't be afraid, he is a very easy-to-talk-to collector, and you are exactly the kind of protagonist he likes best.
He has been complaining that today's protagonists are all selfish and regard decisive killing and thick black literature as a kind of glory, but hope and beauty are the original wishes rooted in the hearts of every observer.
Good people's stories can be great, and your existence proves that."
"All I can say is that I'm flattered."
Mason smiled and opened the door in front of him under the gaze of Lord Vainglory.
What came into view was a library that was so huge that it was beyond words. The huge and quaint bookshelves were filled with all kinds of books. Some of the books were piled on the ground after being read and were as high as the entire bookshelf. As Mason watched, he could also see some vague spirits shuttling between the bookshelves, occasionally taking out a book and putting it back there to read.
But that was no ordinary spirit.
It was like a reflection in another world. Occasionally, you could hear some laughter, but also some cursing, as if expressing love or disgust for the stories recorded in the book.
Looking deeper, there was a desk in a corner next to the bookshelf, and a guy in a strange robe was sitting on a chair, writing something with a feather pen on an open book.
It was the only entity in this large library.
That should be the dream god.
Mason walked over but did not disturb him immediately. From behind the Dream God, he could see new words being written on the open pages of the book:
"The transition to the new universe is going very smoothly. A new world has been unfolding before the eyes of hopeful people. In the light of the future, we can see the wishes being fulfilled.
Stephen Strange, who lost his power, married his beloved Christine on the first day of the new era. The horrible and weird Black Strange died, and a surgeon found his own happiness.
The battle for the cloak also began in the dark night of that day.
But there is no accurate ending. No one knows who will become Batman, but people will still see a flying figure in the darkness of Gotham.
It is the child of the night and a symbol of fear bred by self-righteousness.
The Isu civilization took off in the New World.
They may still yearn to return to their homeland, or they may reach a reconciliation with their descendants amidst conflicts and frictions, but the most difficult hurdle has been overcome, and nothing can prevent the deepening of communication.
Swallowing Stars...
The invincible Galactus was released on the seventh day of the birth of the new era. He was filled with anger and wanted to find the Galactus messenger who betrayed Him, but perhaps He had more important things to accomplish among the abundant stars..."
The quill that was writing beautiful words stopped at this moment, and Mason urged:
"Keep writing, I haven't finished reading it yet."
"I can't go on."
The dream god whispered:
"Because the protagonist's story is not over yet, I can only wait until he returns to his story before I can record everything I saw in this book."
He laughed, put down his quill, held out his hand to Mason, and said:
"Welcome to my library, Mason. I'm a big fan of yours."
"Hello, Oneiroi."
Mason responded gently.
He looked at the Dream God in front of him, a man whose age was unclear. He had long hair draped over his shoulders and exuded a neutral temperament. His lips, which were always smiling, looked very friendly.
But the most striking feature is the veil, or cloth, covering his eyes, which gives him an air of mysticism.
"As I see it, I am blind."
Oneiroi felt Mason's gaze and said:
“I can’t see the real world, but I can see the stories, the beautiful ones, the dark ones, the perfect ones, the incomplete ones, the fascinating ones, the exhausting ones.
All the stories.
I recorded them so that those touching moments would not be forgotten, and even if I open them again after a long time, I can still feel the throbbing in my heart. "
He pointed to his side, where several books were already placed, and said to Mason:
"Read them, learn about the past of your companions, and don't worry about time. Reading with all your heart will always make time sing for you."
“This organization…”
Mason picked up the books and planned to find a quiet place to read, but before leaving, he asked:
"Merlin said you would explain the Brotherhood of Shadows to me."
"You don't need me to explain. You already have the answer."
Dream God waved his hand, picked up another unfinished book, wrote a line on it, and said:
“It’s just an organization left for them after the story is over, so that they will not be forgotten, and their stories can continue, extending to the moment when they will eventually be forgotten.
This multiverse, it's wonderful, but it's not real.
It is built on the imagination and cognition of the observers. As long as the observers continue to read , as long as their appreciation and pursuit of the story continues, it will never collapse.
And we, the people in this story, can live forever.”
Mason nodded, not quite understanding. He felt that there was a deeper meaning in the dream myth, but that might not be something he should think deeply about right now. When he turned around and left with the book in his arms, the dream god suddenly asked:
"That child... the child you brought back from the void, what name are you going to give him?"
Mason turned around in surprise and asked:
"Can't he use his real name?"
“Okay, but that would ruin the reading experience.”
The dream god smiled and said:
"A new life should start with a new name, right? You are his guide, and I think you should give him a new name as the starting point of his story.
Like when you were brought back by Merlin, he named you Mason Cooper, but of course that was just Lord Vanity being lazy, you know what I mean.
So I advise you to think carefully about it and not come up with a 'Mei Mu' or 'Mei Xi', because that will make him hate you, just like the stinky pirate was named Black and made him feel resentful. "
"Uh, okay."
The captain tilted his head and thought for a while. After a few seconds, he touched the soul stone hanging on his chest and said:
"When this unlucky guy met me, both he and I were in a bad situation. He was reborn from the bad things, so let's call him 'Murphy'."
"It's okay. I'm starting to look forward to this story."
Dream God smiled very mysteriously, reached out and took out a completely blank book, and wrote the name on the first page.
As for Mason, he had already opened the book he had taken from Mason and started reading it. Although he hated the stinky pirate, he started reading from this guy's story.
He had a hunch that the life of the scumbag pirate must be extremely eventful, otherwise it would be impossible to explain how his neurotic personality was formed.
A few hours later, Mason stretched and walked out of the library of the God of Dreams.
He already had a basic understanding of the members of this strange organization he belonged to. He knew that in addition to the Vain Lord Merlin, the Silent One Black Shaw and the Dark Blade Death Tyrion Dawnblade, this organization also had a guy named Cyber ​​Hawke and a man named Dick who chose to self-destruct and start a new life.
In addition, two mysterious members voluntarily left the organization for unknown reasons.
Mason followed the instructions left by Lord Vainglory and walked through the corridor of the ancient room, and soon found the half-open door.
He stretched out his hand and pushed the door open, thinking he could see Merlin, but then he saw a completely different sea of ​​stars, as if he was about to fall into this unfamiliar sea of ​​stars as soon as he opened the door.
"Hey, you're here?"
The voice of Lord Vainglory rang out from it, bringing Mason back to his senses. He looked at Merlin walking out of the sea of ​​stars and asked:
"here it is?"
"A universe that has just been born."
The King of Hell waved his hands and explained:
"Sebbe begged for it from his bad friends. It is said that he won it at the gambling table. Who knows the truth? Anyway, that guy stays at the gambling table all day long and his gambling skills are really good.
Come, let me introduce you to this place. This will be your workplace from now on."
"So what exactly do you want me to do?"
Mason was a little confused.
But Lord Vainglory just smiled and didn't explain or answer immediately. He invited Mason to join him, and the two of them walked into this newly born universe, where the light of the stars was twinkling beautifully.
“I have tried.”
He suddenly said:
"You should have known from Dream God what happened to my two apprentices. They were all the result of failed attempts. I thought I didn't have the courage to try again.
But the fact proves that people always need to be pushed.
Something strange has happened to the Wall of Origin.
The multiverse we live in is experiencing some kind of "labor pain". The rules of the multiverse are changing. Before this disturbing change stabilizes, our actions of shaping a new life for our compatriots based on the familiar world template and recruiting new members from this process will come to an end.
The simple model cannot last long. After all, one should have some pursuits in life.
But you don't have to worry about that because I'm already planning on trying it a third time.
Lord Vainglory raised his finger, pointed at an empty area in the sea of ​​stars in front of him, and said to Mason:
"This is our 'testing ground', where we build a new world that has little connection with us, and where our new compatriots will start their new lives, without having to suffer the impact of the rule changes from the multiverse.
We are here to shape a new world.
To create something from nothing, little by little, by molding it into shape, is a job that requires extremely high skills and techniques, and your dexterity makes you the most suitable candidate.
My two apprentices left the organization but they were not betrayed or expelled.
They stayed away from us but were secretly preparing things that were inconvenient for us to get involved in. Through their activities, we have raised enough supplies.
You can start now.
Create a planet that is not affected by the outside world, as the starting point of a new story. "
"Wait, from nothing to something?"
Mason blinked and said:
"This is too much work, and I have never done this kind of work before."
“Everyone has a first time.”
Lord Vain patted Mason on the shoulder optimistically and said:
"Don't worry, no one will blame you if you make mistakes. It's just an attempt anyway."
"No, no, no, I'm not worried, nor am I saying no."
Mason shook his head and said:
"I just had an idea."
He took something out of his bag and placed it in front of Lord Vainglory.
It was a very special storage tank, like an upside-down glass cover, and inside it was an ugly black planet. But Merlin could tell at a glance that a stable ecosystem had formed on the surface of the planet, and that there were some primitive life forms moving freely inside.
They have not yet begun to explore the world, so this planet can be considered a pristine place.
"Look, the end star..."
Mason said to the Vain Lord who was standing beside him with a surprised look on his face:
“I brought it out, and this planet is very solid on a symbolic level, with the blessing of destruction and rebirth making it like an uncut gem.
We don't need to build a new world from scratch, that's too risky. My current skills are not enough to forge a planet, so I can use it as the most basic protobody to complete the shaping.
I've got a plan."
"You don't have to tell me."
Lord Vain waved his hand and said:
"You make the decision, you execute it, we just want to see the results, but you have to make it completely different, erase everything familiar, and reshape it from the cognitive and existential level.
I know you're a little confused.
Don't worry, I will teach you. As long as you master a little bit of tricks, then the job of world creator is really not difficult at all."
"Also, before I really start my work, I plan to go back."
Mason made his request. He said to the Vainglory:
"My wife is pregnant, and I am worried."
"I understand. I understand."
Merlin laughed and patted his shoulder, saying:
"Once the cosmic egg is stable, I will send you back and give you a break before you come back to work. Our organization is very free, and there aren't that many rules about superiors and subordinates.
Come on, Mason, you've proven yourself worthy enough to be here with us.
But we have nothing to do now, let's go and have some fun. It just so happens that the four of us can play mahjong or something. If you are good at gambling, maybe you can win some good things from us."
Mason accepted gladly.
The two guys with the surname Mei talked and laughed as they left this newborn universe that was placed in a special area. When leaving the door, Mason touched the soul stone hanging on his chest.
He seemed to be able to feel the uneasiness and anxiety of the lost soul in the stone.
He seems to be an overly sensitive guy.
The captain whispered:
"Don't be afraid, Murphy, I will give you a new world, just like they did for me... I promise."
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024