Postscript: Ding, Mr. Master, you have a new order. Chapter 2 His life motto is to do your best and leave the rest to retribution

Mason felt like he was dreaming.
It was a strange and bizarre dream. He was trapped in the most horrible hell. When he was about to be thrown into the frying pan with a burning fork pierced his leg by the laughing Mephisto, a black pirate ship appeared rampaging on the lava lake, and knocked Mephisto down with the shouts of a strange pirate captain.
Then the bastard captain invited me to join his pirate group and promised to introduce his sister to me. Then on the day of the blind date, before I even saw the lady, the dream suddenly disappeared.
With his five senses returning vaguely, Mason heard two voices arguing.
"Asshole! Don't use your void will to interfere with his mind. He is not a fighter, you lunatic. He can't withstand the will test under your call of truth. Look! His limbs are beginning to transform into tentacles.
Roll, roll, roll!
Get out of my lab now."
"Oh my, what are you yelling for? I just want to play with Mason again. He is the shyest among us. Only Tyrion, the great lover, can compare with him in terms of innocence.
It's really hard for such a cute little guy to sneak into the group of old-timers like us... Oh, put Judas down! Your broken sword is too dangerous.
Can't I just leave?
Let's have a drink together when he's ready. He hasn't even started working yet, but he's already found a lost soul, which fully proves that he is very suitable for this job.
Let me quickly seduce him so that he can do my job.
I'm tired of salvaging."
"You're just dreaming. Just do your job honestly. Mason is the logistics manager. Although he's still a little green now, he will grow up quickly."
The two voices quarreling in the captain's ears made him regain consciousness faster, his eyes gradually became clearer, and then he subconsciously moved his fingers and raised them in front of his eyes.
But what came into view was twisted flesh transformed into grotesque tentacles.
This scene stunned Mason.
Then he realized that he might not be awake yet, or he might have woken up too fast and was seeing hallucinations. Well, he might as well sleep for a while, so he closed his eyes again.
"Get up when you wake up, don't stay in bed."
A familiar voice sounded in Mason's ears, with a kind urging. The captain recognized that this guy was the man in the light who had appeared in front of the World Gate before.
He hesitated for a moment, closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice:
"I'm warning you, if I open my eyes and see my hands turned into tentacles again, I will commit suicide immediately, no kidding..."
"Uh, wait a minute."
The voice hesitated for a moment, then shouted outside:
"Black! Bastard! Take back your power! This is your last warning, or I will let Tyrion come to talk to you."
"Let him come. Who's afraid of who?"
A wandering voice shouted in the distance:
"That guy is busy looking for someone, how can he have time to beat me up? I'm not afraid of you, hehehe, newcomers have to accept the bullying of old birds in the workplace, this is the rule, this is... Hey, hey, hey? When did you come back? Weren't you... Wait! Put Taeshalach down! Bastard, fuck! The first move is annihilation of all things, did I steal your wife? Such a big grudge, don't chop at the head!
It's gonna hurt to grow it back, asshole."
There was a loud bang, and then Mason felt a surge of cold air, almost freezing his soul.
This made it impossible for him to pretend to be asleep, so he jumped up from the bed and rubbed his arms to loosen the water in his body to warm himself up again.
The power of the Void Evil God had been drained away from him, allowing him to return to normal. In front of him, a guy in a strange robe was casually opening a crimson magic shield to help him resist the terrifying frost surging from the outside.
Absolute zero was nothing to mention under this crazy attack. What was even more terrifying was that the frost that froze the soul was merely the aftermath of a battle in the outside world, and most of it was blocked by the spellcaster in front of him.
Are all the people in this organization monsters and lunatics? !
Mason turned his head to look at the battle area outside. In the quaintly decorated hall, the fire from the fireplace vaguely illuminated an indescribable shadow amid the burst of cold air.
A black cloak covered his body, under the cloak there were thousands of snake tentacles surging , on his chest was a strange mark of the void, and faint whispers stimulated the captain's mind.
This indescribable look was much more stimulating than the strange and evil god's face, and the one who was hostile to him was a dead existence.
The exact figure was not clear, but one could see the black armor and the waving broken blade in the frost-wrapped storm, and in silence he was almost suppressing the lightless evil god and beating him fiercely.
"Don't look over there, your soul will be sucked away by those two guys."
"The Light Man" kindly reminded:
"With your life form, you can neither resist the 'Blessing of Truth' of the Silent One nor resist the soul shattering of the Dark Blade Reaper. For the sake of your consciousness, you should ignore them, lest I have to sew your consciousness back together again... Although it is not difficult, it is a waste of time."
"Uh, is this how you guys usually get along?"
Mason obediently turned his head, not looking at the fierce battle outside but at the spellcaster in front of him.
The latter was wearing a strange crimson robe, the hem of which spread out in a unique quadrilateral, with ribbons hanging down from the shoulders. He had flying black hair and wore a pair of very literary glasses that covered the strange pupils in his eyes that looked like rings of ash.
His most distinctive feature is that he has a very strange diamond-shaped crystal on his forehead, which is dotted there like a third eye, making him full of a strange mystical charm.
However, this guy, who was obviously a spellcaster, was wearing not a magic wand but a magic sword of a very peculiar shape on his waist.
If I heard correctly, this sword should be called "Judas".
Hmm, what a weird name.
"We usually get along well, but the boss went out to play mahjong today, so the stinky pirate was a little too excited. Don't mind him, he usually looks like he has cerebellar atrophy."
The magician sighed and said:
"But it's not his fault. His power determines that he is like a crazy metronome, swinging back and forth between reason and madness. Don't think he is annoying now. When he is rational, you will know that he can be even more annoying.
Forget it, let’s not talk about him.”
The magician gracefully floated forward, extended his hand to Mason, showed a gentle smile, and introduced himself:
“Merlin, my name is Merlin, Mason Riley.
You can call me 'Raven', I like others to call me that, of course, if you want to be more formal, you can also call me 'Lord of Vanity' or 'King of Hell'. "
Mason pushed his glasses up on his nose in surprise and said:
"You don't seem vain, and you strike me as the nicest one in this 'crazy boy band'."
"Of course, I am happy to do so. I care more about my image in the eyes of others than my true self, and I always hope to be looked up to by strangers and to dispel their vigilance.
Isn’t that the essence of vanity?”
The smile on Merlin's face widened, which made the captain feel cold.
All right.
None of the three people here are good people.
At this moment, he was already surrounded by the Void Evil God, the Grim Reaper, and the King of Hell. If he said now that he didn't want to play anymore and wanted to quit, the outcome might not be good.
"My name is Mason. Mason Cooper."
The captain stretched out his hand and shook hands with the Vain Lord in front of him. The latter raised his eyebrows and asked back:
"Install a locator for me? Are you serious?"
"Uh, sorry, my hands slipped, it's a professional habit."
Mason was embarrassed for a moment and took back the nano-level locator hidden in his hand.
He glanced at the area he was in and saw that it looked like a magic laboratory. He also saw a crystal that was glowing faintly on the alchemy table in front of him, as if it was greeting him.
He blinked and said:
"That is..."
"Oh, that's the lost soul you brought back. You're a lucky little fellow."
The seemingly easy-going Vain Lord Merlin stretched out his hand and lightly tapped, and the crystal on the table floated up and landed in front of Mason. He explained:
"After falling into the void, the child was too far away from Blake's daily patrol and salvage range, so he was not discovered and rescued in time. If he hadn't met you, he would probably have been swallowed by the void.
In fact, his situation was already very bad.
If you were an hour or two later, he would have…"
The Maharaja shook his head and said softly:
"It was you who saved you, Mason, which fully proves that you have a talent for this job, and the attention we paid to you has paid off at this moment.
Fellow countrymen...
Our compatriots who were lost in the void have been saved because of you."
"He saved me."
Mason reached out and held the protected crystal in his hand. He whispered:
"If he hadn't been sending out messages for help, I would have... wait! Did you say compatriots?"
The captain was startled, looked up at Merlin Riley who was smiling, and said:
"Is that what I thought it meant?"
"What do you think?"
Merlin asked back:
"Do you still think that we are all born and raised in this multiverse that was born from fantasy and became reality outside the domain? No, Mason, we come from the same place.
We are all time travelers.
The speed of time flow in different universes is not the same, so you may have arrived here even longer than us. Of course, it is also a fact that we completed the transformation of our second life faster than you.
But it's not your fault.
Just because we chose the path of power, and you chose your own path, I guess you should have been an excellent craftsman in your hometown..."
"I'm just a blue-collar worker who just started working. To put it bluntly, I'm just a screwdriver, with some personal interests and hobbies."
Mason waved his hand modestly. After knowing that these guys in front of him were travelers from the same hometown as himself, he felt a little closer to these powerful guys.
Then he asked:
"What about you? What did you do before?"
"Ah, once upon a time, in the first life, so long ago it seems like a million years ago."
Lord Vain smiled, thought for a moment, and said:
"I seem to be a young teacher who worships mysticism. Maybe I am biased. After all, I haven't recalled the past for a long time."
"You are so lame, no wonder you look so weak now."
The fight outside had stopped at some point, and the stinky pirate who rescued Mason from the out-of-control power armor was now leaning against the entrance door of the laboratory with injuries all over his body.
He grabbed the jug and poured wine into his mouth, waving his hands and saying:
"Before I traveled through time, I was a serious seaman with a certificate. I was a brave and passionate man who fought against the wind and waves. This may have destined my fate with the sea.
Hey, Mason, help me repair the boat when you have time, and use your superb craftsmanship to dress up my little cutie to be more beautiful."
"Is that the bottle you lost?"
Mason stared at the bastard in front of him with an unhappy look on his face. He touched his head and said:
"I guess there are many ways to send souls to a new world. Why do you have to smash my head and make it bleed?"
"Well, there's really no need to bleed. Don't you think it's great?"
The stinky pirate widened his eyes, shook his fist, and said:
"It feels great to have a bottle smashed on your head. The pleasure of opening someone's head is no less than the pleasure of successfully robbing someone. I like the excitement of a super brawl."
"But you may not realize that it caused me a lot of psychological trauma. Throwing objects from high places is really stupid!"
Mason picked up his engineering wrench and walked towards the pirate. He said fiercely:
"I want it back, asshole!"
The cold-faced Grim Reaper, who had changed into an elf-style robe and was sitting by the warm fireplace drinking hot tea, waved his hand and a bottle of wine on the table flew towards Mason, and was grabbed by the captain. Under the wide-eyed gaze of the pirate, he dropped the bottle.
A muffled sound.
The fragrant wine shattered in the flying glass shards. The scumbag pirate didn't move at all. He reached out his hand to wipe the wine that had fallen on his face and took a sip.
He said helplessly:
"What a waste... This is something I stole from the bar in Seber. But, I'm beginning to like your character. Hey, let's drink together sometime."
The scumbag pirate reached out and patted Mason on the shoulder and said to him:
"You will become an excellent pirate. I see your potential. Why don't you give yourself a chance? As I said before, my ship is still short of a sailor."
"Go away. His abilities can be put to better use in a larger area, rather than following you around in the void all day, and occasionally running off to other universes to cause trouble."
Lord Vain glared at the stinky pirate and said:
"Isn't it time for you to go on patrol?
We are still one third short of this month's Lost Soul quota. If it's still not enough by the end of the month, then Tyrion or I will have a talk with you. My friend, you don't want to see Cybertron get angry, do you? "
"Tsk, that thug only knows how to speak with his fists, he doesn't have any technical skills at all."
The scumbag pirate curled his lips, but still waved his hand in a dissolute manner, picked up his captain's hat from the side and put it on his head, then said goodbye to everyone very gracefully. Finally, he made eye contact with Mason, smiled meaningfully, and strode out of the hall humming a strange pirate song.
His sword hung in the air and followed him as if it had life.
Not until the sword shrank did Mason's Black Death sword quietly emerge as if he had breathed a sigh of relief, but was glanced at casually by Lord Vainglory and then hidden back with a whoosh.
Hehehe, they are all big guys, you can’t afford to offend them.
"That dirty fellow took away your Star Emperor's Heart."
The grim-faced Grim Reaper sitting by the fireplace held a cup of hot tea and said in a voice with a strange accent:
"Don't you plan on coming back? I can help you for free."
" That's the money to buy my life. He saved me, that's an indisputable fact. I can't let him make a wasted trip."
Mason sighed and said:
"That thing would be a disaster if I kept it in my hands. Anyway, I have already figured out its blueprint and manufacturing principle. Now I just lack some materials. So, Mr. Death, what did you do in the past?"
"Unemployed youth, anime geek."
The grim reaper said without even raising his head, and then continued:
"Just call me Tyrion. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Shadows, Mason. I personally welcome your arrival. Your duties will be assigned by Merlin. Do your job well."
Mason nodded. Seeing that the cold-faced handsome man had no intention of saying anything else, he followed Lord Vainglory out of the hall . The Elf Death God sitting on the sofa stared at his back. After Mason disappeared, he said with a sense of loss:
"It's not him... Dick, where are you?"
"That guy is probably dead."
The returning pirate quietly reappeared in the shadow of the burning fireplace. He leaned against the sofa and said to Death:
"I have already traveled through all the universes so far. After traveling through the void for so long, I still haven't found any clues. Should I continue searching?"
“Perhaps that holy light has not yet been reborn.”
Death sighed and said:
"Keep looking! We won't abandon any of our brothers! Never!"
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024