Episode 6 Chapter 053 Discovery

This scene really scared me. At this moment, I suddenly remembered my grandma's advice that I should not look in the mirror. I actually forgot it for a moment. Although I thought so, I stared at the computer screen and didn't dare to stop at all, because the video on the screen was still going on, which meant it was not over yet.
When I walked out of the bathroom, the camera didn't switch at all, but kept at that angle. Then I saw the bathroom door seemed to move, closing a little, revealing a corner of the back, and I saw a row of bodies hiding behind it. When I saw this, I was completely shocked, because such a horrible scene really happened around me, but I was not alert at all. The most terrifying thing is that behind your seemingly normal appearance, there are actually dangerous existences.
If it weren't for the curiosity that drove me to watch the rest of the video, I don't think I would have wanted to stay in this room for another second. It was because I watched the rest that I began to discover some truths. Because the camera was a little strange, its perspective was completely turned to the living room, and not anywhere else, but facing the water dispenser, and time passed by, the camera didn't move at all, and the picture didn't move at all.
The most surprising thing was that the computer screen suddenly went black. I went over and pressed a button, and it was as if it had never been turned on. This was the second time that the computer had this kind of scene. The first time was a real recording, and it took a picture of the paper man behind me. I fainted and went to the room full of paper men. Now that I think about it, this might be a hint. Otherwise, I didn't get hurt at all, just to let me sleep there for a night?
I won't talk about that for now. After seeing this scene, many previous scenes began to slowly emerge from my mind. I remember the first time I discovered something unusual and wrong was when I woke up that morning and saw a used cup on the coffee table. The water seemed to have been drunk. Then when Master Nan first came to our house, he held the cup but didn't drink it. In the end, he put the cup back on the coffee table, but he didn't say anything at the time. Then the old lady came again. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn't touch the cup at all. Then I found something like dust on the cup, as if it had been touched by someone.
When I thought of this, I was already standing in front of the water dispenser. Finally, an idea formed in my mind. Could it be that there was something wrong with the water? I have always wondered why the dummy was thrown into the water tank on the roof to soak. Now that I think about it, it must be related to the water. So thinking this way, I took the bucket off the water dispenser. I got close to the bucket and smelled it. There was no smell. I looked inside the bucket again. There was nothing either.
So I looked inside the water dispenser again. I removed the ring on top and found a small cloth bag underneath. It was the size of a thumb and had been hidden underneath without being discovered. So I took it out. Because it was soaked in water, it was completely wet. I felt something inside, something hard, and I couldn't be sure what it was. I looked inside to see if there was anything else, but I didn't find anything. Then I took the small cloth bag and thought that since Dan Ranjin and the others hadn't left yet, I might as well go and have a look.
But I gave up the idea because the seventh floor was unpredictable. What if I rushed down like that and they had already left? That would cause trouble again. So I called Shi Hu, and it took him a while to answer the phone. He must be busy. I told him about it on the phone, and Shi Hu was also shocked. He said he was outside. So I went to the police station to find him, and if he wasn't there yet, I would wait for him for a while.
After that, he hung up the phone, so I packed up and prepared to go downstairs. When I went downstairs, I thought about it and took my car keys, thinking that it would be more convenient to drive myself. In fact, I was reluctant to drive, but considering the traffic environment, I had to compromise. This is how people are. They always hope that some things will not happen, and they always have a fluke mentality.
This is not to say that I got into trouble afterwards. I drove to the police station very safely and nothing happened. It may have been a psychological effect. When I arrived at the police station, Shi Hu had not arrived yet. Many people in the police station were already familiar with me. When I asked Shi Hu to come, they took me to the empty office earlier.
So I sat down inside and saw a file bag on the table, which seemed to be some kind of file. Of course, I came from a unit and was sensitive about touching such archives. But when I saw the words on it, I couldn't sit still, because I saw my name written on it. At first I thought it was a file or something, because Shi Hu was in charge of my case and I knew he had my file.
It was because I saw my name that my curiosity suddenly took over and I wanted to see what was inside, so I untied the string on the file bag and pulled out the contents.
What surprised me was that it was actually a case closing report, and my name was clearly listed in the suspect column. However, I was really shocked when I saw the case description and identification. This was Huang Weilun's case, and it contained important evidence materials such as the scene photos of Huang Weilun's death, autopsy photos, etc. Because the scene was quite bloody, I did not read it much, but hurriedly read the case statement, because I found it strange why I would be a suspect in Huang Weilun's suicide case, when I had nothing to do with this matter.
After reading the case statement and the case closing report, I was completely confused. It said that my fingerprints were found at Huang Weilun's home and at the scene, and more importantly, they were also on Huang Weilun's body. All the evidence pointed to me pushing him down from the building, because on the rooftop, they found my shoes, which were confirmed to be mine.
Then I looked through the previous photos, and the things in the photos were exactly the same as in the statement, and Shi Hu's identification there was - I was preliminarily identified as the murderer, but there were many doubts in this case and further investigation was needed.
After reading it, I put the things back woodenly, but my heart was in turmoil. I suddenly had a thought, Shi Hu was so close to me, was he looking for evidence of my motive for murder from my side? In order to prevent Shi Hu from getting suspicious and knowing that I had read the documents, I waited for him outside the office. After a while, he finally came back. I pretended nothing happened and talked to him. He asked me if I was sure what that thing was. I hesitated, wondering if he could still believe it, but finally told the truth, saying that I didn't know, it was something like sand.
Shi Hu took me to another office instead of the previous one, as if he was avoiding something. I followed him silently. After arriving at this office, he found a knife and carefully cut open the small cloth bag. I saw some white granular things inside, but Shi Hu's face changed when he saw it. He asked me if I was sure that he had found it in my drinking water. I asked what was wrong, and Shi Hu said that it was bone ash particles.
I was also stunned when I heard it. Ashes particles, but I had never seen such ashes before. And aren't ashes powdered? Shi Hucai told me that the powder I saw was only a part of the ashes. After a person is cremated, most of the skeleton is still in block form. Moreover, how could such a big person fit in such a small urn? Even a big box would not be enough. Therefore, the ashes in the urn are just a symbolic commemoration, and most of the other residues were disposed of separately.
This was the first time I knew about this kind of thing. I said this and the family members of the deceased also agreed. Shi Hu said that as long as the funeral home did not tell the family members of the deceased, they would not know and would not react. Shi Hu said that the particles in my bag were those disposed of by the funeral home, because the particles of the family members of the deceased could not be so large.
I said to put it in my water dispenser, which is a big job, there is no way I didn't notice it. If I didn't notice it, it would have required someone very close to me. Shi Hu said that this matter cannot be concluded for the time being, but from the people who can be contacted, there is only one person, Huang Weilun, because among the people who have intersection with me, he is the only one who works in the funeral home.
But I shook my head and said it was not just him. Shi Hu said there were others. I looked at him and he finally said there were him and Shan Lanjin. They could also freely enter and leave the funeral home to get this thing, and they could also freely enter and leave my house. Shi Hu was stunned when he heard me say this, and then he looked a little serious when he saw me. He said I suspected them.
I didn't say anything. Shi Hu kept looking at me. After a while, he suddenly said, "I looked at the case closure he placed in the office and confirmed it." I didn't expect Shi Hu's reaction to be so quick. When he saw my expression change, he said, "So that's what happened." Then he said, "No wonder I looked a little strange when I came in." He thought it was just because of the small cloth bag.
Then he explained to me that he was not going to hand in this case closure, so I should not worry about it, he had already handed in another case closure that cleared me. I asked which one, Shi Hu said that one was going to another place, but it would not have any impact on me.
Another place? I was a little confused, and Shi Hu said it was his direct department. I asked further, but Shi Hu was unwilling to say, but I asked why he changed his mind at the last minute, and Shi Hu said that he found new evidence that could prove that I didn't do it, but I was inseparable from this matter. I asked what it was, so Shi Hu took me to the office he just went to. When I got there, I found that the documents on the table had been taken away, which should be Shi Hu's instructions.
I have to admire Shi Hu's attentiveness. Shi Hu turned on the computer, pulled out a picture and showed it to me. He said the evidence was on it.
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