Episode 6 Chapter 054 Suspicion

This is a photo. There is no one in the photo. It seems to have been taken at night, but there is no exact marking of the time. I have been to this place before. It is downstairs of the apartment building where Huang Weilun lives. The picture shows the rear end of an SUV. When I saw it, I said why this car is so similar to mine. As I was saying this, I looked at the license plate number and found that this was my car.
Then I looked at Shi Hu in surprise, feeling a little unbelievable. I asked him why my car was under Huang Weilun's apartment. Shi Hu looked at me without saying anything, but I could tell from his eyes that he was saying that it was what I thought. I was still skeptical and said it was impossible. How could I...
But I couldn't continue talking about the rest. Shi Hu said that I was in Huang Weilun's apartment before he jumped off the building, and even when he jumped off the building , I was there too. I drove to his apartment, but until now they have not found any strong evidence to prove what I did there, what I said to Huang Weilun, why I went there, and what was the connection between Huang Weilun's jumping off the building and my arrival.
Shi Hu and I have been to Huang Weilun's residence together, but Shi Hu has always known about this but never mentioned it to me. Now that I think about it, the last time he went there with me, he was probably testing my attitude. It's just that I have no memory of this incident at all, so Shi Hu didn't see anything wrong.
As a police officer, there is nothing wrong with Shi Hu's behavior, but I always feel uncomfortable in my heart. No matter what attitude I have, I have a feeling that I am being secretly plotted against, so that my complete trust in Shi Hu began be discounted, and I vaguely feel that he is not worthy of my complete trust.
Of course, this feeling was very subtle and sudden, but I said nothing. I said that this photo would only fully prove that I was at the scene, so why did it make him change his mind? Shi Hu kept enlarging the photo, and then put the window mirror in the middle, letting me look inside. I only saw that I could vaguely see the situation in the cab from the rearview mirror, and I could see that there was a person inside, but I couldn't see who this person was.
Shi Hu said that there was no surveillance in Huang Weilun's apartment, so he couldn't be sure who was in the car. However, Shi Hu checked the surveillance in our community and some major intersections, and he said that I was indeed driving. If that was the case, then the person he saw should be me. But there was another person in my passenger seat, but I couldn't identify who this person was because I couldn't see it clearly from any surveillance.
So Shi Hu said he suspected that this matter was not as simple as he saw and thought. The person in my co-pilot seat might be the key, but this person has not appeared yet. In other words, I was there when this happened, but no one told me about it at all, and I didn't even notice such a big commotion. Shi Hu said that there were too many doubts in this case, so further investigation was needed, so he made such a closure. It's just that the case has been closed on the surface. Huang Weilun committed suicide, and this matter has nothing to do with me.
This matter has become a mystery in my mind again, but I think it should be integrated with the incident of Old Man Liu. If we don't clarify the incident of Old Man Liu, I am afraid there will be no answer. So we focused our attention on the small cloth bag again. I asked if we could identify who it belonged to from these particles, but Shi Hu shook his head and said that the ashes could not be identified, and we didn't even know whether it was human or not. The reason why he said it was ashes was just a guess from this series of events.
I was somewhat disappointed. Wouldn't this clue end here? Shi Hu said to me, could it be that something was wrong around me? It was actually because there was something wrong with the water I drank. This would also explain why everyone who had been close to me suffered, because they all drank the same water as me, including Master Nan.
I said if that was the case, then the ashes should belong to someone who was hiding in the house, and the most likely person should be the hanging man, but I have never seen this man before, why would he try so hard to harm me? Shi Hu said that everything has a reason, maybe we just haven't discovered it yet.
After that, I went home, and I was thinking about this matter all the way. I drove back home unknowingly. I parked the car, and when I arrived at the entrance of the corridor, I suddenly remembered something. Every time the uncle who delivered water to me would be delayed for a long time, and no matter how I tried to recall the appearance of the uncle who delivered water, I couldn’t remember it. And the most important thing was that no matter when I called for water, he would deliver it in the evening. Over time, I developed the habit of calling for water before the evening. Now thinking about it, this seems to be the biggest problem.
After thinking about this, I returned home and poured out the remaining water in the bucket, then ordered new water. It was almost evening after a whole day of hard work. I just didn't know if he would notice that the cloth bag in the water dispenser was missing. But I couldn't care less for the time being. Besides, Shi Hu kept the cloth bag and said he would help me check it to the best of his ability.
Sure enough, he brought the water in the evening. I secretly watched him carefully. I hadn't paid much attention to it before. Or maybe it was my psychological effect. I actually felt that he was not very angry. He had a cold and dead look. When he was about to change the water, I deliberately said that I was going to get the money and went to the room. But after entering the room, I hid in the dark and watched his actions. Sure enough, I saw him quickly take down the part of the water dispenser, cover it again, and put the water on. I was a little scared, but said nothing. I gave him the money. He didn't react from beginning to end. He took the money and left.
I waited until he was gone before I took down the bucket and opened the water dispenser. As expected, I saw another cloth bag inside. I felt sick when I thought it was ashes. I had been drinking for such a long time, but I didn't notice it at all. This time I didn't take out the cloth bag, but let it soak in it.
After knowing this, I went to the supermarket in the community and bought some bottled water. Along the way, I was thinking about how to deal with this matter. I think the information of this water delivery uncle should be checked by Shi Hu. After all, my ability is limited and I can't find his specific information. Besides, I always feel that he is not such a simple person.
I kept this matter to myself for now, and didn't call Shi Hu right away, because after what happened today, I started to have some doubts about Shi Hu, and even Shan Lanjin was a little bit untrustworthy, but in the evening, I received another call from Shi Hu, who asked me what the little paper man I put on Master Nan during the day was. I felt strange, because he was not there at the time, so how could he know, Shi Hu said that Master Nan suddenly disappeared in the evening, and they found the three-color little paper man in the detention room, and they checked the prison and found that I had put it there.
He disappeared for no reason, and Shi Hu said it was even more surprising. He said that the door lock of the detention room had not been moved, as if Master Nan had disappeared out of thin air. I had no intention of hiding this from him from the beginning, so I told him that this was given to me by my grandmother. Shi Hu was silent for a while, and I heard another voice, which seemed to be Shan Lanjin's, but I didn't hear clearly what was said. Then I heard Shi Hu say that he knew, and told me to be careful at home, and then he hung up the phone.
After the call ended, to be honest, I was a little nervous. He just disappeared for no reason. I also found it incredible. Moreover, Master Nan disappeared without a trace. Shi Hu naturally went to his house again and looked for the old lady, but found nothing. When he asked about the three-color paper man, the old lady said that it was just a substitute for Master Nan to stop those things from bothering him. It had no other use. The old lady said so, and Shi Hu was helpless, but we all knew that it was not that simple.
I went to see Grandma for this matter, because she didn't come to see me, and I was worried about it, so I went to see her. When I met Grandma, she said she knew I would lose my temper and come to see her, and then she told me that among all of us, I would be the first one to see Master Nan. I asked where Master Nan had gone, but Grandma refused to tell me. She said it was for my own good. But at the last moment, Grandma asked me if I had discovered something.
I was confused, and then the old lady suddenly lit a stick of incense, walked around me for a few times, and finally inserted it outside the door. She told me that maybe I could sleep better tonight. On the way back, I was thinking about what the old lady said. I didn't know what she meant, but that night it was just as the old lady said. I slept very well, except that the water dispenser was gurgling all night, as if someone was constantly getting water to drink.
After I woke up in the morning, I began to understand. Could it be that the old lady was talking about this water? I stopped drinking this water, so those creatures had no way to get close to me. Could this be the way they could keep pestering me?
I tried to call Shi Hu in the morning, but his phone was turned off. I thought he might be busy, so I ignored it. At noon, Director Gao came unexpectedly. I was more or less surprised at his arrival, as he naturally would not come for no reason. He said I was really sorry to bother him again.
I asked what the matter was, and he said that in the evening, could I go to their museum to help out on duty for a night. I felt that what Director Gao said seemed a little unreasonable, so I asked why he suddenly thought of such a thing?
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