Episode 6 Chapter 052 Doubts

Maybe it was because Shi Hu couldn't see, he asked me how I could see it, I said the shadow on the ground, but Shi Hu said, it's daytime now, there's no light inside, you don't have a shadow. So Shi Hu really couldn't see it, and when I looked at the ground again, I found that the shadow was indeed gone.
But I don't think this is an illusion. When I looked at Master Nan again, I found that Master Nan was looking at me straight with a terrifyingly gloomy expression. I also stared at him for a while, but in the end, this eye contact ended with me avoiding it first. He seemed to ask me if I saw anything. I said no, but I just felt a little confused. Then I told him that the crux of the matter might not be with Master Nan, but with me.
When I said this, I remembered the three-color paper man that my grandma gave me, so I asked Shi Hu if I could go in and see him. Shi Hu said yes, but I had to be careful. Then he opened the door and went in with me. As for the three-color paper man, I didn't intend to hide it from Shi Hu, and I couldn't hide it. What surprised me was that after entering, I had a very strange feeling. This feeling was very subtle, as if I had experienced the same scene somewhere before, but this feeling of déjà vu was only a momentary thing. When you want to recall it, you have no clue at all, and only a sense of melancholy is left in your heart.
Then, I felt like I was being stared at, as if there was a burning gaze behind me, which made me turn around and look. I turned around and looked at the place where we had just stood. Although it was empty, I felt as if there was someone standing there. Shi Hu saw me looking back and asked me what I was looking at. I stared at it without moving my eyes away and said that there seemed to be someone there.
My words startled Shi Hu. He told me to wait here, and then he went out. I didn't know where he went. I turned around again, and Master Nan was still looking at me. I put the three-color paper man into his pocket, and he didn't react. But when I put the paper man into his pocket and was about to pull my hand away, I suddenly heard Master Nan say quickly: "That thing is staring at you, go back and watch your back."
Master Nan's words were clear and fast, and his tone was exactly the same as before. When he said this, I felt that he seemed sober, but after he finished speaking, he became the same as before again. This made me a little confused, so I kept staring at him. Was he pretending to be like this on purpose?
When this thought came to my mind, I whispered back, "Who is it?"
But Master Nan didn't respond. I tried to call him again, but the voice surprised me because I felt that the voice didn't seem to be my own. It was more like someone else came out of my throat. I was stunned for a moment and turned to look around, but there was nothing.
After a while, Shi Hu came back. I asked Shi Hu what he was doing. Shi Hu told me to check the surveillance footage. I said that when there were people outside, there did seem to be a shadow outside the detention room. So I followed Shi Hu to check, and sure enough, I saw a shadow on the ground. I said that the police station had never been haunted, and this thing either followed Master Nan or me. But when I said this, Shi Hu asked if it followed him.
I looked at Shi Hu, why did he say that? Shi Hu then said that he felt something was wrong recently, as if there was someone in his room. I felt that this was a bit like the tone that Master Nan used at the beginning. I asked him how he noticed it. Shi Hu said that if you really want to put it into words, it seems that he can't explain it. It's just an intuition. Sometimes he would feel that things were slightly shifted, and he always had a feeling of being spied on.
According to the time I spent with Shi Hu, Shi Hu was not a suspicious person, so he had such a feeling that something must have happened. I asked him if he had told Shan Lanjin about it. They lived together, and whether he had the same thing. Shi Hu shook his head and said that he had not heard Shan Lanjin mention it, so it should not be, and he had not told Shan Lanjin about it. I asked why he didn't say it, and Shi Hu said that he was afraid that it would be like the situation between me, Xiao Ma and Huang Weilun - contagious.
After hearing what Shi Hu said, I didn't know what to say. As the saying goes, speak of the devil and he will appear. Just as I was talking about Shan Lanjin, Shi Hu received a call from Shan Lanjin. He asked me if I was at home. He said that they were on the seventh floor of our building and found some things and wanted to confirm with me.
Shi Hu said that he would go with me, so we hurried back. After returning to our building, Shan Lanjin was leading people to carefully check each room. After we arrived, Shan Lanjin took out a sealed bag and asked me if the shoes were mine. I saw that they were a pair of wool slippers. You can't say they were really mine. I was a little surprised and asked Shan Lanjin how he knew they were mine. Shan Lanjin said that the seventh floor had been abandoned for a long time, and even if there were such wool slippers, the surface would not be so clean. And the first person who was involved with the entire building and the seventh floor was me.
I asked how my mop ended up here, but Shan Ranjin said that I had to ask myself, I must have been here before without realizing it, he asked me to think back and see if I could remember when it was. Of course I had no memory of it, and as far as I could remember, I had never been to the seventh floor, of course, I didn't count when I was not aware of it.
Shan Lanjin saw me shaking my head, so he looked at Shi Hu, as if asking Shi Hu to confirm this. Shi Hu asked Shan Lanjin if he had any other findings, and Shan Lanjin said that all the mirrors on the seventh floor were gone, as if they had been taken away. I remember that they were still there when I came last time, and I was particularly impressed by the mirror sealed with candles, but how could it suddenly disappear? I asked Shan Lanjin if they had already sealed this place off, so how could someone come in.
Shan Ranjin said, however, that some things simply cannot be stopped.
Afterwards, Shan Lanjin told me that I could go to the traffic police to pick up my car. They had guaranteed it for me, and my car did not kill anyone. The person was already dead, and it had nothing to do with me. After hearing Shan Lanjin talk about this, I always wanted to know the reason. I asked him if they had found out who drove there. Shan Lanjin said that based on the current evidence, the person was me, but they knew it was not me. No matter what method they used, there was one thing that was very puzzling about this matter.
I asked where it was, and Shan Rankin said that they had investigated the dead body on the ground with the funeral home and found that it was a body that had been frozen in the funeral home for five years and no one had claimed it. I interrupted and said that unclaimed bodies should be cremated, so why was it still frozen?
Shan Ranjin said this was the most puzzling thing. They checked the record of the body entering the funeral home, but found no relevant information or archive. When they asked the staff inside, they were also unclear why the body was kept in the freezer. It was said that some people had questioned it, but someone would come out to stop it later, either someone from the funeral home or some other person with a say.
I found it a little unbelievable. When Shi Hu heard this, he suddenly interrupted and said that maybe this body was related to a case or a secret, but it could not be made public, so it could only be preserved in this way. Shi Hu asked if he had found out who the body was and how it entered the funeral home. Shan Ranjin shook his head and said no.
After that, while Shan Lanjin and his team were checking on the seventh floor, I returned home alone. As for the car, I was reluctant to pick it up, because I felt that even if I picked it up, I would not dare to drive it again. After such a supernatural thing happened, who knows if it will happen again. My father, Master Nan, told me what he said, so I went to the bathroom and took off my shirt in front of the mirror. I saw a finger mark on my back, which was almost exactly the same as the one on Master Nan's wrist. Then the words of the old lady emerged. She said that if I also had such a mark on my body, I should be careful.
I stared at it for a long time and found it unbelievable. I had no idea when this mark appeared, and how did Master Nan know about it?
Just as I was watching intently, I suddenly heard footsteps outside, as if someone was walking in the living room, and I happened to see a figure flash by in the mirror. So I turned around decisively and returned to the living room without even putting on my shirt, but there was no one in the living room. Although I have experienced such scenes many times, it would be a lie to say that I am not afraid, especially after I found such a mark on my body.
When I was thinking about what to do, I suddenly heard a sound coming from the room, so I walked into the room suspiciously, only to find that my computer had turned on by itself and was playing a video. But when I saw it, I was shocked, because this was the second time I saw such a weird scene, and the video playing on the computer was actually the scene I had just seen in the bathroom.
That was the scene of me looking at my back in the bathroom, but this picture was taken from another angle. From this angle, one could just see me through the bathroom door, but there was a person standing in the living room, staring at me in the bathroom motionlessly. And this person was none other than Qiao Jie.
And the scene soon moved to the bathroom, and I saw an even more horrifying scene. When I heard the sound and turned my head, I found that the figure in the mirror didn't move at all, and was looking coldly at myself as I turned around!
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