Chapter 9 The Second You in This World

In the stumbling waves of time, I can't distinguish between reality and dreams. I used to think that if we need to do something or wait for someone, we just need to work hard, but I forgot that we can't do it just by working hard. There are some things that I thought were mine, but they are actually just in my memories.

That was the second year since I knew them. When I counted, only a little time had passed, but it felt like many years had passed. The day Mu Shaobai was discharged from the hospital was the day Ling Haochen went to work in another city.
I hid in the crowd, listening to the train number announced at the train station, and then I became dazed.
Ling Haochen was wearing a black casual outfit and a black baseball cap on his head. He was carrying a black backpack and holding a large black leather suitcase in his hands.
Mu Shaobai, wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans, stood next to him. The two men looked very different in style and personality, but they had been good friends for many years.
Ling Haochen waited until the broadcast announced his train number before he slowly carried his suitcase into the waiting room to check his ticket and board the train. He left after all, from City A to City X, the distance was not far, but it felt like a thousand years apart.
Watching Ling Haochen enter the waiting room, Mu Shaobai turned around and looked for me in the crowd, and locked onto the target at first sight.
He came over and asked, "Don't you regret it?"
I raised my head and told him firmly: "I don't regret it."
But I lost, and I thought I really had no regrets.
Mu Shaobai didn't go to Japan in the end, but stayed there, working in Area J, while I was still in Area H. Every weekend, he would come back to see me and ask if I was studying hard in class.
When Mu Shaobai found out from Jiang Lin and Mo Yanyan that I was very hardworking, he touched my head with satisfaction and said, "Very good. I'll treat you to some ice cream."
The ice cream shop was still the same one as before - the one where Ling Haochen treated me to ice cream after winning the underground car race. There was still a greeting written by Ling Haochen and I at that time on it, but he never let me see it.
I found Ling Haochen's handwriting among hundreds of sticky notes, and just one glance made me burst into tears.
"Almighty alien superman, please let Ji Qingnian be healthy and happy."
I smiled. When Ling Haochen was writing this sentence, he was on guard against me while writing it , and he didn't let me see it when he posted it on the wall.
He was really a carefree child at that time.
"If you don't eat it now, the ice cream will melt." Mu Shaobai's voice brought me back from my memories.
I took a lick of the ice cream and immediately said, "It's so cool."
Mu Shaobai was amused by me and walked out of the ice cream shop with me.
Mu Shaobai asked me: "How confident are you that you can join our company after graduation?"
I thought about it and said honestly, " If , I'll have a 60% chance of success."
Mu Shaobai looked unhappy and deliberately said, "Okay, I'll just live out my life alone in our company."
I asked: "Are there very few girls in your company?"
Mu Shaobai asked in confusion: "No, there are quite a lot, and they are all very beautiful."
"Is there anyone pursuing you?" I continued to ask.
Upon hearing this, Mu Shaobai said proudly, "Of course there is."
"Then why did you end up alone?" I asked, then licked my ice cream and left without looking back.
Mu Shaobai stood behind him, stunned for a moment, and a gust of wind carrying yellow leaves blew past him.
Because my heart has calmed down, my life has calmed down too, and I have more time to focus on studying. Although I still can't help but miss Ling Haochen occasionally, it's normal to miss someone after losing him like this, right?
Every day when I go home, I see Ji Dahai cooking different nutritional products. I jokingly said, "Ji Dahai, have you changed your personality?"
"You are so disrespectful." Ji Dahai pretended to be angry, put the nutritional supplement on the table, and said, "Try it."
I said disdainfully, "If you keep taking nutritional supplements, you'll get fat."
"You are so thin. I would be very happy if you gained some weight." Ji Dahai retorted to me.
When did Ji Dahai follow the trend and respond like this?
"Ji Dahai, are you provoked?" I asked jokingly, "You don't care about my grades, but whether I'm fat or not? If no one marries me after I get fat, I'll just stay with you until the end of my life, okay?"
"Nonsense." Ji Dahai said as he served me some rice, "My daughter is so beautiful, how can she not get married?"
I was happy to hear this. Ji Dahai had never praised me so directly. Although it sounded fake, it didn't matter. I was in a good mood.
While drinking the soup that Ji Dahai made for me, I expressed my opinion: "Ji Dahai, I think you have changed."
Ji Dahai stopped serving rice and asked me with a smile, "Do you like your dad now or before?"
"Now," I blurted out.
Ji Dahai smiled with relief and brought all the food to the table.
I am still very satisfied with Ji Dahai's changes. At least we get along better and more like father and daughter.
My schoolwork went very smoothly, and the teacher praised me for a week. Mo Yanyan and Jiang Lin also gave me a thumbs up and praised me: "Ji Qingnian, let's just say that if you leave Ling Haochen and his group, your grades will improve immediately."
The chattering was endless, so I just put on my headphones and took a nap.
The music in the headphones suddenly stopped. I was dazed and didn't realize it was my phone ringing. When I realized it, the phone had stopped ringing and the screen showed a missed call.
When I saw this, my heart began to lift.
Ling Haochen?
Wrong number? I laughed. Besides, why would he call? He's gone, he left in the summer, and now it's winter.
Besides, there is no relationship between us anymore, so why should we keep in touch?
Time flies like a white horse passing by.
The day I received the job offer, I excitedly called Mu Shaobai, not knowing where to start. Mu Shaobai rushed from his home to my home, and Ji Dahai was preparing a table of food. I invited Mu Shaobai to come over for dinner, and by chance, Mo Yanyan and Jiang Lin also came.
When Jiang Lin saw Mu Shaobai, she immediately started dancing with joy: "Ji Qingnian, are you planning to date Mu Shaobai as soon as you finish the exam?"
Mo Yanyan stuffed a chicken leg into Jiang Lin's mouth and said, "Shut up."
I didn't mind Jiang Lin's jokes, and I raised a small glass of wine to toast them.
I saw Ji Dahai wiping away tears secretly, then he smiled and continued eating.
Mu Shaobai toasted me a glass of wine and said politely: "Welcome to CE Company."
I clinked glasses with him: "Senior, please give me your guidance."
When I showed up at CE, Mu Shaobai, as my senior, helped me carry my luggage and went back and forth between the HR department and the work area. All the girls who saw him, without exception, stood still and looked at him admiringly.
"Are you so popular?" This seemed to be within my expectations, but Mu Shaobai is so popular in CE that I would feel proud to say it out loud.
Mu Shaobai packed my things for me, explained some things to me, and then said, "The company's anniversary celebration will be held at Kaifu Hotel this weekend. Remember to come over then. There will be a surprise for you."
I nodded and said, "I will definitely go."
After arriving in the new environment, it seems that even my life and mood have become brand new. I met three new colleagues in CE: Baozi, Caicai and Xiaoyouya.
They are three girls with different looks and personalities, but fortunately they all get along well.
On the evening of the anniversary celebration, Baozi and the others and I went to attend the party together.
I didn't expect that Mu Shaobai would be the host of the anniversary celebration, and his partner was a girl. Baozi whispered in my ear: "Your boyfriend is amazing."
"He's not my boyfriend," I explained.
When Baozi heard this, he immediately became excited and grabbed my arm and shook it non-stop: "Great! I have a chance!"
I am speechless.
I don’t know what the surprise Mu Shaobai was talking about. The anniversary celebration doesn’t really mean much. It’s just the talented members singing and dancing.
In fact, I would rather leave. I still don’t like crowded places.
Just when I was about to leave, the female host suddenly announced that Mu Shaobai would play and sing Leehom Wang's "I Really Love You" next.
The whole audience cheered immediately. I was curious, so I sat down again and waited for Mu Shaobai to sing.
I knew that Mu Shaobai could play the piano, but this was the first time I saw him singing while playing the piano. I watched Mu Shaobai's performance with great interest.
The piano prelude is as soft as flowing water, telling a story that makes people fall into it at once.
As soon as Mu Shaobai opened his mouth, everyone present applauded. My heart felt warm, and I suddenly wanted to cry.
"When I first saw you, you were beautiful alone in the crowd. You seemed to have a kind of magic. At that moment, I was speechless. From then on, I suffered for love and could no longer avoid it. So you became the most beautiful memory in my life."
I was a little nervous, afraid that Mu Shaobai would say something that I wouldn't be able to handle.
"I waited with all my heart for you to say yes. Maybe I was too impatient and didn't notice the hesitation in your eyes. But why did you have to? You just wiped out everything. You walked away without even saying goodbye."
I could no longer see Mu Shaobai's expression. All I could think about was what Ling Haochen had said to me, and how Ling Haochen looked as he walked away. All the fragments about Ling Haochen were playing in my mind like a movie.
At the end of the song, Mu Shaobai said affectionately: "I dedicate this song to a new colleague. I hope that in the days ahead, whether in life or in love, you will have a clear conscience, accept what you should accept, pursue what you want to pursue, don't be afraid, don't regret, I will always be by your side."
I suddenly laughed, and the people around me cast their eyes on me. I easily resolved the awkwardness: "Don't you think what he said is very touching?"
Yes, it was very touching and received a lot of applause.
After Mu Shaobai left the stage, I went down to look for him. When I got to the backstage, I saw a short-haired girl running to the front desk in a hurry. She accidentally bumped into me. She turned back while running and smiled at me carelessly, "I'm sorry!"
"Luo Qiqi?" I suddenly became excited.
"Ye Zi!" The girl who caught up with her from behind stood in the audience and cheered for the girl with short hair, "Come on!"
Ye Zi? She really looks like Luo Qiqi.
I walked over and looked at the girl named Ye Zi standing beside the stage.
Their hairstyles, body shapes and smiles are very similar.
Luo Qiqi, who is far away abroad, are you okay?
I looked at Ye Zi's legs twisting to the music, and everything in front of my eyes was blurry.
Luo Qiqi once told me that she wanted to be a dancer, an excellent dancer. She used to be so brave, so lively and cheerful, just like Ye Zi on the stage.
After Ye Zi finished her dance, she jumped down from the stage. Seeing me standing next to her and about to cry, Ye Zi came over and said with a smile, "Haha, no way? You were moved to tears by my dance?"
I was amused by Ye Zi's words and said, "I can't help it, you're so great."
Ye Zi was amused by me and asked, "You are really interesting. What's your name? Which department are you from?"
"I..." I was about to introduce myself, when suddenly the scene of Luo Qiqi being hit by a car to save me appeared in front of my eyes. I said, "I'm here to look for someone. Let's talk next time when we have time."
I ran away without her consent.
I suddenly became afraid to open up to her because she was too much like Luo Qiqi.
However, there are many things that I cannot escape from just because I want to.
Ye Zi was just like Luo Qiqi back then. As soon as she met me, she opened her arms warmly and ran towards me. Even if I was sometimes reluctant, she would not let go.
Ye Zi sat on the balcony, wrapped in a thick scarf, and said, "Nian Zi, I think you are a person with a story."
"Boom--" There was a noisy sound all around, and I couldn't hear what Ye Zi said. She just called me "Nian Zi", Nian Zi... Luo Qiqi used to call me that.
I flipped through my phone, looked at the photo with Luo Qiqi, and tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Nian Zi, what's wrong with you?" Seeing me like this, Ye Zi was a little flustered and quickly reached out to wipe tears.
I looked at her anxious look and suddenly lost control and threw myself into her arms. Ye Zi didn't react, but still stroked my back and coaxed me.
That day, I told her all the stories about Luo Qiqi. After listening, Ye Zi was silent for a long time. Then, she stretched out her hands, slowly put her arms around my neck, and said, "Ji Qingnian, I'm determined to be your friend."
It’s decided…
Just as overbearing as Luo Qiqi was back then. I smiled helplessly and thought, forget it, let it be.
Before I entered CE, Ling Haochen called me on the Winter Solstice, Christmas, New Year's Day, Spring Festival, and the first day after graduation, but I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say and I was afraid to face him.
It was he who gave me up to someone else in the first place, and now he called me again. I really couldn't find any reason to convince myself to answer his call.
Now he calls more frequently, so I directly put him on the blacklist.
When life returns to normal again, I always feel like something is missing.
Back in my second year at CE, Ye Zi often asked me in my ear what kind of relationship Mu Shaobai had with me. I had answered this question thousands of times, but she still kept asking.
"You always go home together every weekend."
"Nianzi, why did Mu Shaobai buy you so many delicious foods? And also gave you so many gifts? Isn't he being too nice to you?"
"Nianzi, you don't know. Last time, a few girls said bad things about you behind your back. Mu Shaobai found out and taught those girls a lesson. Just tell me the truth. Is Mu Shaobai your boyfriend?"
Ye Zi stopped me at the stairs of the company dormitory for the 183rd time.
With a foot basin in my hand and a toothbrush in my mouth, I said impatiently, "Ordinary friends! Why don't you believe it?"
Ye Zi performed a standard Sherlock Holmes move and said, "I don't believe it."
"Forget it." I carried the foot basin into the public bathroom.
"No, Nianzi, I just feel something is wrong." Ye Zi followed in.
"Ah——" a scream came from the girls' bathroom.
Ye Zi was driven out with a washbasin, shower gel, and towel. She said helplessly, "Come on, even though I don't have breasts, I'm still a woman, okay!"
"You deserve it!" I stood in the cubicle brushing my teeth in frustration.
Ye Zi has been asking me this question for two years and has been very persistent. But now I just want to be a quiet and beautiful girl, and find a quiet place to read a book, and try not to be disturbed by Ye Zi's loud voice.
In the afternoon, there are not many people in the library, so I can read foreign language books. If I have the opportunity to go abroad to read Luo Qiqi in the future, I won’t have language barriers.
Someone sat down next to me, but I didn't pay much attention to it.
It was not until the sunset outside the window gradually set and I felt tired that I stood up, stretched, and prepared to return to the dormitory.
As I turned around, I saw a boy sleeping on the table, with a book he had only read ten pages of. He had matured a lot, his skin had turned wheat-colored, and he looked a little scary when he was sleeping, with his brows tightly furrowed.
I stood there in a daze, and it took me several minutes to come to my senses.
When I came to my senses, I wiped my face and it was soaked.
"Ling..." I wanted to call the person in front of me, but found myself choking with sobs and unable to speak.
I frowned and smoothed his brows with great heartache. I put my hand on it, but found that I couldn't move my hand away.
Ling Haochen, who was soundly asleep, rubbed my hand. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand as if talking in a dream and stood up.
I looked at Ling Haochen, who was much taller than me. He closed his eyes, slowly embraced me, then leaned on my shoulder and murmured, "You finally finished reading..."
My hand stretched out from behind Ling Haochen's waist and stopped in mid-air, not knowing what to do.
"You are so cruel." Ling Haochen complained to me, reached into my pocket, took out his cell phone, opened the contacts, rescued his name from the blacklist, and handed it to me.
I looked at the man in front of me in confusion, acting as if nothing had happened, took the phone angrily, and turned to leave. Ling Haochen grabbed my wrist and refused to let go.
I turned around and saw him sitting lazily on the study desk, pulling me hard.
"Let me go." I said coldly.
"No." Ling Haochen was a bit of a rogue.
"What exactly do you want to do?" I really found Ling Haochen's naivety and indifference ridiculous.
Ling Haochen lowered his head, his eyes sparkling, then he raised his head and said to me in a wronged voice: "I miss you."
Why? Why did you say such words to win me back? Why were you so resolute when you hurt me in the first place, and so shameless when you came back to find me?
You clearly know that I can't handle it...
"I don't understand what kind of person I am in your heart..." I sobbed softly, "Ling Haochen, there is no relationship between us anymore. It is your determination that makes there no relationship between us anymore, do you know that?"
Ling Haochen looked at me. I didn’t want to cry. I acted so fragile in front of him, as if I couldn’t live without him.
Ling Haochen came over and put his arms around my head. When he was about to kiss me, I slapped him hard.
The resounding sound of a slap echoed in the empty library.
Ling Haochen lowered his head with a look of resentment, his face red from being hit by me.
I felt extremely regretful. How could I have done such a harsh thing? But I was very concerned about my reputation, so I left immediately.
"Hey!" Ling Haochen called me from behind, and then hissed in pain.
"I will compete fairly with Mu Shaobai."
I left the library angrily.
Come back whenever you want, do whatever you want, Ling Haochen, do you treat me as a toy?
But I was obviously very happy in my heart. He came back, came back to find me. I waited for two years, and I finally got Ling Haochen. I was so happy that I almost flew away.
But why am I still so hypocritical and refuse to see him?
Those things that happened cannot be treated as if they never happened.
On Friday, Ling Haochen called me, but I didn't answer. Then, he sent me a text message: "Nian, see you at Fangsi Bar at 6pm on Saturday. I've also invited Shaobai and Ye Zi."
You're pretty good at it, but I won't go.
On Saturday afternoon, I was picking out skirts from my closet, running back and forth between my bedroom and the living room: "Dad, which one looks good on me?"
Ji Dahai was eating potato chips and watching a TV series by the sea, and pointed casually: "That one."
I rolled my eyes at Ji Dahai. Women can't rely on men's opinions when choosing clothes. I finally picked a black backless high-waisted long skirt. Ling Haochen likes black, so I wear black.
I took a taxi to the Fangsi Bar and Ling Haochen picked me up at the door.
When I just got off the car, Ling Haochen looked at me blankly. I lifted my long hair and smiled charmingly. Ling Haochen came over with a frown on his face, took off his coat and put it on my shoulders.
"It's just a gathering of old friends. Is it necessary to wear such revealing clothes?" Ling Haochen complained and led me into a private room.
It was the same private room as before, and it was as lively as ever after the door was opened. Ye Zi kept circling around Mu Shaobai, singing an English song that I couldn't understand.
"Nianzi, you're here!" Ye Zi ran over and gave me a bear hug, then looked at me strangely and said softly, "You look pretty today. Which of these two do you like?"
I looked at Ye Zi speechlessly, then pushed her head and walked to Mu Shaobai: "Give me a glass of wine."
Mu Shaobai mixed a glass of foreign wine for me and I drank it in one gulp.
Ling Haochen came over, snatched the wine glass from my hand, and said, "I'm back from City X and I'm switching jobs to CE. Are you sure you don't want to toast to welcome me?"
"Is there any need to welcome you? Isn't your coming back a nightmare?" I rolled my eyes at him.
When Ling Haochen heard this, he seemed extremely uncomfortable and started to argue with me: "After all, I once had a relationship with you. Considering our past friendship, it is only natural for you to welcome me."
"The past is dead, and this moment is now." I said slowly.
"You..." Ling Haochen was speechless and couldn't utter a word. He could only stare at me angrily.
Seeing that we quarreled as soon as we met, Mu Shaobai had no choice but to act as a peacemaker: "You two, stop quarreling as soon as you meet. It's been two years, why don't you grow up?"
"It's easy to talk while sitting down, classmate Mu Shaobai, are you saying that I haven't grown up, or that your Ji Qingnian hasn't grown up?" Ling Haochen's words were full of thorns.
"That's enough." I glared at him fiercely .
Ling Haochen sighed, "Sure enough, we haven't seen each other for only two years, and we are more protective of each other."
I held my forehead and complained repeatedly.
Mu Shaobai stopped talking and just drank alone. Ye Zi was having a great time beside him, as if we were just the background.
Ling Haochen raised his wine glass lazily and said, "Let's clink glasses."
I bumped Ling Haochen's cup unhappily, and Mu Shaobai clinked glasses with Ling Haochen helplessly.
That day was nominally a gathering, but in reality everyone just had their own thoughts and guessed what each other was thinking.
That night, Ling Haochen suggested sending me back, and Mu Shaobai did not stop him, saying that he could send Ye Zi back. Ye Zi was very happy to hear that Mu Shaobai was going to send her back.
Ling Haochen and I sat in the back seat of the taxi, both looking at the window next to us, with an empty seat in the middle. As if there was a gap between us, we didn't say a word. When the taxi dropped me off at the community, Ling Haochen looked up at me, his eyes extremely tired.
He said, "Good night."
I didn't respond to him, I just closed the car door and left.
When the taxi started, I slowly turned around and looked in the direction he left.
After all, I still can't bear to do it.
But a gap suddenly appeared between Ling Haochen and I. I was on one side and he was on the other. We could see each other, but we couldn't get close to each other.
You can never get close again, right?
Ling Haochen did transfer to our company, but he is not in the same department as me.
He often sends me many things and prepares lunch for me, but I don't want to appreciate it.
Baozi and the others always say that I must have been blessed in my previous life to have two such outstanding boys pursuing me. If it weren't for those stories in the past, I would have been able to make a good choice.
Ling Haochen, you are so close to me, but I feel like we are so far away.
When we were about to turn off the lights and go to bed at night, Ye Zi suddenly asked me to go out to enjoy the moonlight, saying that she couldn't sleep. I wrapped myself in a shawl and followed her to the lakeside of the park.
Ye Zi pulled me to lie down by the lake, then pointed at the stars and talked about everything from outside the Milky Way to inside the Milky Way. I listened silently while she spoke actively.
Half an hour later, I finally spoke tiredly: "Ye Zi, what do you want to say? Just say it."
Ye Zi immediately threw herself on me, with a shy look on her face, and asked softly, "Then I told you."
"Yeah." I closed my eyes.
"What is your relationship with Mu Shaobai and Ling Haochen? I want a detailed answer." Ye Zi leaned her head on my chest.
I subconsciously reached out my hand to hold Ye Zi and said, "Mu Shaobai, Ling Haochen, Luo Qiqi, and Yang Yanxiao were once very good friends. After Qiqi had a car accident, Yang Yanxiao died in a fight in order to help Qiqi get revenge. Ling Haochen and I were once a couple, but because of this incident, we became estranged from each other, and began to disagree and torture ourselves. Mu Shaobai has always been the one between us."
"Then... do you still like Ling Haochen now?" Ye Zi asked cautiously.
I opened my eyes, and the stars in the sky blinked at me. The vast starry sky was like a chess game where you wanted to say something but didn't know where to put your moves. The loser could no longer play, and the winner seemed to get nothing.
I spoke slowly, my voice becoming hoarse: "I like it..."
Ye Zi raised her head and looked at me blankly, then she stretched out her hand and her fingertips wandered around the corners of my eyes: "Nian Zi, you are crying."
I closed my eyes, took a breath, and continued , "Isn't that what you wanted to ask?"
Ye Zi shyly crawled into my arms again and said, "Since you still like Ling Haochen, it means that your feelings for Mu Shaobai are just pure friendship."
"Yes, in my heart he is a very good friend." I felt open-minded and extremely sure.
Ye Zi got up, leaned close to my ear, and whispered, "Nian Zi, I like Mu Shaobai."
I shifted my gaze to Ye Zi's face. She was usually cheerful and generous, but now under the moonlight, her cheeks were flushed.
I suddenly felt touched that Ye Zi was willing to confess her feelings for Mu Shaobai to me.
I asked, "Do you want to confess to him?"
"Yeah!" Ye Zi nodded vigorously and said, "I don't care what he thinks. I plan to confess to him first. I thought you liked Mu Shaobai at first, so I was a little hesitant, but now it's okay. Now I can confess openly, and I don't have any troubles."
I smiled and hugged Ye Zi, turned around and pressed against her chest, and said seriously: "Ye Zi, I really hope you are happy."
"Yes." Ye Zi hugged me, and I could hear her heartbeat.
Time will make these stories better, right? I thought so and looked forward to it.
When Ye Zi was about to confess her love, she asked me to go to the hair salon to get a new hairstyle, which would make her look more girly. She also wanted to take me to the mall to pick out a dress, but I stopped her.
I said, "Ye Zi, wear what suits you best."
Ye Zi nodded obediently, and then picked out a white T-shirt and a pair of light blue denim overalls from her closet. She said that this would make her look very clean.
Before Ye Zi left, I cheered her up. I thought she would return victorious, but what I waited for was a call from Ye Zi, who was holding back her tears.
She said on the phone: "Nianzi, accompany me to the Fangshi Bar for a drink."
As soon as I heard something was wrong, I quickly hailed a taxi and rushed to the Bar.
It was the same private room. We all liked that private room. It was in the corner, and few people would pass by there. Ye Zi sat in the private room, lying on the table, with several beer bottles lying beside her.
I walked over, put all the beer bottles in order, and sat next to Ye Zi: "Ye Zi?"
"I failed..." Ye Zi's voice was muffled.
I didn't know how to persuade Ye Zi. I should have known from the beginning that Ye Zi would be rejected by Mu Shaobai, but I really didn't want to discourage Ye Zi's enthusiasm. I had no reason or right to say to her, Ye Zi, don't confess your feelings, you won't succeed.
It's not right to do this, and it's not right to do nothing either. This has been bothering me for a long time.
Ye Zi raised her head, her eyes misty: "Do you know how he rejected me?"
I didn't say anything, I was afraid to hear the answer.
Ye Zi sniffed and continued, "He said, 'Ye Zi, I'm sorry, I can't accept your feelings because my whole heart is now tied to Ji Qingnian.'"
I just stretched out my hand to comfort Ye Zi, but my hand stopped in mid-air, not knowing where to put it.
Ye Zi called the waiter and ordered a few more bottles of wine. She opened several bottles with her teeth, then handed me one and said, "Drink with me."
I took it and looked at Ye Zi. She casually pinned all her hair on top of her head with a hairband, then tilted her head back and drank the whole bottle of beer in her hand.
I raised my head and drank all the wine in the bottle.
After I finished drinking it, I immediately felt my stomach churning. Ye Zi looked at me with a slanted eye and a meaningful smile: "If you can't drink it, don't force yourself."
"I can." I continued to drink, not for Ye Zi, not for Mu Shaobai, but for myself.
After going through so many things, my heart has become extremely sensitive. Because of Mu Shaobai, the relationship between Ye Zi and I seems not as close as before. Even when we sit together, there is a distance between us. She is so sad that she no longer needs to lean on my shoulder.
I suddenly felt very sad, just like when Luo Qiqi left me.
Ye Zi and I hailed a car to go home. On the way, Ye Zi opened the car window, stuck her head out, and yelled like a drunk. I pulled her arm and said, "Ye Zi, it's dangerous to stick your head out."
"I'm happy." Ye Zi ignored me and continued shouting outside.
I feel overwhelmed. Many things are not my fault, so why should I bear the responsibility alone?
After finally sending Ye Zi back to the company dormitory, I felt groggy. I always , and I get drunk later than others.
I stumbled back to my room and fell asleep on the bed as soon as I was so tired.
When I woke up the next day, I was woken up by Xiao Youya.
Little Youya is small, has a soft voice, and looks pitiful. So when she can't wake me up, she usually climbs onto my bed and tickles me.
And I am most ticklish.
When I felt an itch somewhere in my body, I shuddered and jumped out of bed immediately. Little Youya was sitting at the end of my feet, giggling.
"Niannian, your phone has rung many times." Xiao Youya handed me my phone.
I snatched the phone and checked the call logs, and saw four missed calls from the same number.
"Who is it?" Xiao Youya asked curiously.
"I don't know." Because it's an unfamiliar number, I usually don't pay any attention to it.
I got out of bed and prepared to wash up when my cell phone rang again.
I kept my composure and answered the phone.
"Excuse me, is this Miss Ji?"
The voice is so sweet, could it be a sales pitch?
I grinned and said, "No."
"Huh?" The other party was puzzled and said to the people around him, "You are not the patient's family member."
Patient's family? Wait, what's going on?
I immediately shouted, "Hey, what patient's family member? Who is sick? Is it Ji Dahai?"
The other party replied: "Yes, the patient's name is Ji Dahai, he fainted at home and was brought here by a neighbor. Are you his daughter?"
"I am!" I said hurriedly, "What hospital are you from?"
"First Hospital." the other party replied.
I hung up the phone immediately, asked Xiao Youya to ask for leave for me, and then rushed to the First Hospital by bus.
Ji Dahai, you are my only relative in this world. Nothing must happen to you, otherwise I really don’t know how to live on.
On the bus, I couldn't help but tear up when I thought about something bad happening. How many times have I paid too little attention to my family because of no fault of mine? I've lost enough.
When I arrived at the hospital, I asked about Ji Dahai's ward and ran there desperately.
When I entered the ward panting, I saw Ji Dahai sitting at the head of the bed, eating a luxurious meal with rice that he had gotten from somewhere.
My heart suddenly fell into the abyss, and beads of sweat fell uncontrollably on my forehead. I shouted, "Ji Dahai, you scared me to death! Why did you faint? Are you okay?"
Ji Dahai looked apologetic and said, "I just found out I have some anemia, it's nothing serious. What? Are you worried about me?"
"You're my dad, how can I not worry? You almost scared me to death." I sat down next to Ji Dahai with a complaint, and then leaned my head on his shoulder.
The tears that I had just held back because of worry could no longer be held back at this moment. Thinking of Ji Dahai, Ling Haochen, Luo Qiqi, and Ye Zi, I felt even more wronged and couldn't help crying out loud.
Ji Dahai, who had never comforted me since I was a child, just raised his hand, gently stroked the back of my head, and said softly: "Cry, Daddy's shoulder is for you."
As soon as he finished speaking, I was deeply touched and tears welled up in my eyes.

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024