Chapter 9: A Stunning Encounter six

Of course I didn't believe it, so I insisted on following Hua Ziyin back to his apartment and see the half diary with my own eyes.
Hua Ziyin readily agreed. But the moment I entered his living room, a hint of barely perceptible panic flashed across his calm face. I concluded that he didn't have that half of the diary at all.
"Where's the diary?" I looked at him calmly.
"Wait here for a moment." After he said that, he turned around and quickly walked into the bedroom. He closed the bedroom door casually. I even heard the sound of him locking the door from the inside, which further confirmed my previous guess.
If he didn't have something to hide, why would he lock the door with a diary? But I wasn't in a hurry to expose him. Anyway, fake things can't be real. Let's see what tricks he can play.
I stood in the living room and waited patiently. Time passed by, and Hua Ziyin showed no sign of coming out of the bedroom. The longer he delayed, the more I felt confident.
I don't know what was going on in my mind, but I actually started humming a song while walking around and admiring the furnishings in the living room.
On the wall behind the sofa hangs an elegant oil painting, below the painting is a white partition, on the partition...
My eyes swept across the various ornaments on the partition, and suddenly I was attracted by a very inconspicuous small brown bottle. On the label of the bottle, there were three handwritten words "Bai Canxiang"!
As if bewitched, I walked over involuntarily and opened the bottle cap. The familiar scent of white withered flowers instantly filled the entire room.
I was stunned, as if something was about to come out of my mind, but I didn't know what it was...
"Click", the sound of the door opening was heard at this moment. I turned around and saw Hua Ziyin standing at the bedroom door looking at me. When his eyes swept over the brown bottle in my hand, he was stunned for a moment, then leaned against the door frame, crossed his arms, and smiled nonchalantly: "That's white remnant flower essential oil, a friend made it in an experiment class, I thought it was interesting, so I took some back. By the way, you seem to like this rather strange scent? Take it if you like it."
"I don't want your stuff." Sure enough, it was just a coincidence. I felt relieved and put the bottle back on the partition.
I wanted to make him look bad, so I held out my hand to him: "Where's the diary?"
"Are you so eager to prove that I'm the one you should hate?" He looked at me with an unfathomable smile on his face. "Oh, by the way, you want to quickly prove that Xu Yun is not that person, so that you can be with him..."
"Whatever you think." I interrupted him quickly, "Take out your so-called 'diary'. Hana Ziyin, you better not lie to me."
He was stunned, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, leaving only a wooden and desolate look. That look almost made me suspect that the smile on his face just a moment ago was all forced, and behind was endless sadness.
I was almost fooled by him, but he immediately regained his cynical look, leaned close to me and said, "So you don't trust me at all."
Then he gently placed something on my hand, walked around me and towards the sofa.
The small half of the diary fell gently into my hand, but my heart sank suddenly as if a stone was pressing down on it. The slightly yellowed paper, the light blue peony pattern, the size and style of the paper, and even the break on the back of the diary when it was split into two all matched the half in my hand.
This is Hexue’s diary!
I took a deep breath and opened the book with trembling hands. What caught my eye was He Xue's familiar handwriting. She wrote on that page: "It turns out that liking someone is so selfish, blind and wishful thinking. I know it's impossible, but I still love you hopelessly, Hua Ziyin..."
No, no, how is this possible?
This sentence must have been written by Hexue in a joking mood!
I quickly flipped through the half of the diary, trying to find some evidence between the lines. However, from beginning to end, there was no sign that He Xue was joking.
I turned to the last page and saw a single line of words. I sat down on the ground in despair.
The last line she left for me was: "Xihe, I'm sorry, I lied to you."
The date was the day before her accident.
"How could Hexue lie to me? She wouldn't lie to me..." I muttered to myself, flipping through the half of the diary again and again, and then found that several pages had been torn off manually. Probably because of the haste, the torn was not thorough, leaving a few fragments. There was a word "Xi" on one of the pages.
Is it about me? Why was it torn off?
"Where are the missing pages?" I looked up at Hana Ziyin who was sitting on the sofa.
Hua Ziyin turned her back to me and said nonchalantly without looking back, "Are there any missing pages? I didn't look carefully. Maybe He Xue tore it off herself. Anyway, it is the same as when I received it."
At last, he suddenly turned back, as if to increase credibility, and nodded and said: "I didn't touch it."
"Where did you get this half of the diary?"
"The day after He Xue's accident, I received a parcel containing this half of the diary." He looked out the window, sadness gradually forming in his eyes. "The parcel was sent before her accident. Maybe, maybe she thought that if her confession failed, or she couldn't muster up the courage to confess to me, she would let this half of the diary speak for her! But she didn't expect..."
I interrupted him quickly: "Why are you telling me this? Aren't you afraid that I will hate you for it?"
"Just think of it as me having a guilty conscience." He turned his head to look away. "Since I'm telling you, I'm not afraid that you'll hate me."
"Okay." I answered reflexively, holding on to the door frame and slowly standing up.
All the efforts were in vain, but I was neither sad nor angry, I just felt numb. I comforted myself that this result could at least free the innocent Xu Yun from guilt, so what's wrong with that? As for Hua Ziyin, a person like him probably doesn't understand what guilt is.
I walked through the living room woodenly, holding my diary. When I passed by Hua Ziyin, he suddenly said, "I'm going back to Baisha School tomorrow."
I didn't look at him or pause, but walked straight to the door. The moment my hand touched the door handle, I heard Hanako Yin's slightly strange voice.
He said, "Song Xihe, you tried every means to make Xu Yun fall in love with you, because you thought He Xue liked Xu Yun. So, now that the truth is out, shouldn't you go back to Baisha School and find a way to make me fall in love with you?"
Without looking back, I turned the door handle hard.
When the door opened with a click, Hua Ziyin whispered, "Then, Xihe, I wish you and Xu Yun a happy life."
Without looking back, I took a step forward and walked out, slamming the door, tears inexplicably flowing down my face.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024