Chapter 8 The Baron's Ambition Part 2

"Hahaha, now Rosa will be busy enough. Hehe, I don't have to worry about becoming a specimen anymore."
Lying on the window of the gossip club, I looked downstairs with a gloating look at the young ladies who were protected by circles of men in black. These young ladies were looking around for something, holding posters of Baron Rosa in their hands.
Hehe! I told you not to offend Joseph. Baron Rosa stepped on the minefield of Ande College as soon as he arrived. I can only mourn for him silently.
Not only did Joseph immediately hype up the incident of Baron Rosa coming to Ander College to "select a fiancée" in the gossip magazines, he also posted the news on the Internet. Overnight, socialites from all over the country were alarmed and rushed to Ander College, just to not miss out on such a great opportunity.
So, we have the current scene. These ladies hold up posters of Baron Rosa and shout that they are willing to become Baron Rosa's princess. Of course, the ladies occasionally compete with each other for beauty, and then inevitably there will be some quarrels, so they need to be equipped with a group of bodyguards to protect them!
So, now looking down at Ander College from a high altitude, you will find that there are "strange circles" everywhere in the college, and the search target of the "strange circles" is our great Baron Rosa!
If you think Joseph is such a person who would give up easily, you are very wrong.
The Gossip Society was conscientious and responsible, reporting in real time all of Baron Rosa's actions and latest developments, such as what time he left the villa, what time he arrived at the college gate, what time he went to the cafeteria for dinner, what time he arrived at the classroom, and even when he went to the bathroom during the break between classes were all dug out by the Gossip Society members.
All the girls have a mobile phone in their hands, and they keep an eye on the latest developments of the Ande College Forum - hey, or rather, the latest developments of Baron Rosa.
Just like that, the originally majestic Baron Rosa was in a precarious situation in an instant. There were people blocking the entrance to his apartment, blocking the entrance to the college, a bunch of crazy people drooling over him during meals, a bunch of crazy people falling down in front of the window in various ways during class, and greeting him in various ways to attract his attention. Even when he went to the bathroom, he had to sneak around, for fear that someone would suddenly kick the door open and take a "sexy photo" of him.
I think Baron Rosa must be feeling very upset and hate Joseph to the core, right?
Wow, haha! Humph! I let you threaten me, I let you try to turn me into a specimen, Baron Rosa, you should just enjoy the "generous gift" given to you by my most dedicated knight, Joseph!
However, I don't really understand what these young ladies think. Indeed, Baron Rosa is very elegant, his every move is elegant, his conversation is humorous, and his taste and appearance are also first-class. But... other than that, there seems to be nothing special about him. I still can't remember what he looks like. It's conceivable that he has no special features at all.
"Bang" I was hit hard by the chestnut. I rubbed my head in pain and looked at Joseph with a wronged look on my face.
She is obviously very obedient like a koala, sticking to him every day and not daring to act alone, but he still bullies her.
"Have you seen enough? Aren't you bored staying in this gossip club every day?" Joseph looked at me reluctantly and spoke in a bad mood.
"If I don't stay here, where else can I go?" I pouted and looked at Joseph pitifully. Was he trying to drive me away? Would he be willing to let Rosa turn me into a collection?
"Go..." Joseph's face suddenly turned red for no apparent reason, and he stammered for a long time, "Go, go, go..."
"Let's go on a date!" Ning Chengcheng suddenly jumped out from behind Joseph, said with a smug smile, and slapped Joseph on the head again, teasing him mischievously, "This brat is usually so eloquent, but he asked you to go out and play together, and after talking for a long time, he got stuck!"
"Stop talking nonsense, tomboy. Who's stuck? Also, what do you mean by a date? This is a club activity, and I just brought her along." Joseph jumped up with an even more red face, glared at Ning Chengcheng and explained angrily.
"Yes, yes, it's just the Gossip Club's club activities that specially allow the president to bring family members." Ning Chengcheng shrugged indifferently, her quick eyes rolling around, and finally she rolled her eyes at Joseph without giving him any face.
"That's right!" Hearing this, Joseph calmed down and raised his proud chin. Suddenly, he reacted and slapped Ning Chengcheng on the head. "What do you mean by bringing family members? How can this young lady become my family member?"
"Okay , okay! I know you're shy, so I won't laugh at you!" Ning Chengcheng didn't bother to argue with Joseph. She put her arm around my shoulders and smiled brightly at me. "Dear little Feifei, would you like to go on an outing with us?"
"Can I go?" I looked excited. This was the first time someone invited me to participate in their group activities. However, I looked at Joseph timidly. Would he let me go?
"This is an activity planned by the tomboy. You can go or not!" Joseph said as if it had nothing to do with him, then turned and left.
"Hey! Welcome to join our event!" Ning Chengcheng excitedly stretched out her hand and shook mine vigorously.
Looking at her sparkling eyes, I felt that this was a well-planned play. She had prepared everything, and was just waiting for our hero and heroine to take their positions.
The endless green hillside, the tender green grass is like children with their arms outstretched waiting to be embraced by the sun. The grass is surrounded by layers, and in the center is a crescent-shaped artificial lake, just like top-grade jade with a peerless gem inlaid in the middle.
Under the setting sun, the surface of the lake sparkled with waves, as if sprinkled with countless silver pieces. The dense willow branches and leaves were reflected in the mirror-like water, with ripples rising and swaying in the wind.
I could still hear the sound of the spring water, and looking at the lake and sky, my mind suddenly became very open. As the sun sets, the lake is like a piece of golden silk, adding a beautiful lace to the park.
We chose a lush willow tree, spread the picnic blanket we had prepared in advance under the tree, and began to place the delicious food from our bags on it.
After everyone took their seats, Joseph raised the orange juice in his hand and said to everyone with a smile: "Dear members, with our unremitting efforts, the Ander College Gossip Club has become the most popular club in the whole college. After the story of Baron Rosa was exposed, our Gossip Club has attracted the attention of many students. I believe that in a short time, our Gossip Club will be able to go beyond Ander College and go to the world! Cheers to our victory!"
The members were so excited by what Joseph said that they drank the orange juice in their glasses in one breath.
"I think we should all give a toast to Xiao Feifei. She is the lucky star of our gossip club. Since she came, she first exposed Xiao Bai's ugly face, then successfully interviewed the popular idol Heather, and now Baron Rosa. I really think that our president's hard work has finally paid off." Ning Chengcheng said to me and Joseph with a smile and raised her eyebrows evilly.
I was delighted to hear that, but when I saw Joseph rolling his eyes and glaring at Ning Chengcheng, I could only swallow my saliva awkwardly and drink up the orange juice in my hand.
"Now that I think about it, it's true. In the past, the most we reported was that this teacher and that director were in love, or how ugly a certain student looked when sleeping during lunch break. The most sensational thing was the moment when the dean's wig was blown away by the wind. Compared to the news during this period when Xiao Fei came, that was simply a stain on the gossip club!" Member A also echoed.
"Hehe! Actually, I really didn't do anything. I was just responsible for causing trouble. It was Joseph who didn't hold grudges and always helped and protected me. It was me who caused trouble for the Gossip Club!" I scratched my head embarrassedly. I really didn't do anything. I was just responsible for causing trouble, and then Joseph helped me clean up the mess!
"No matter what, Xiao Feifei is the lucky star of the Bagua Club. I suggest that we hang Xiao Feifei's photo in the Bagua Club tomorrow and burn incense to worship her three times a day." Member B looked serious, which made me feel scared. Classmate, are you serious? She is still alive, so you don't need to burn incense and kneel down to worship her.
"Oh, if you keep praising me like this, I will fly to the sky with pride!" I was so flattered by the praise that I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment and smiled.
"Just eat your food obediently, stop chattering. You've given all your ladylike manners back to that Mrs. Hillman of yours, haven't you?" Joseph stuffed a piece of cake into my mouth in an unpleasant manner and stared at me helplessly, but I saw his deep eyes full of doting.
"Haha! This cake is so delicious." I said with a smile and tasted the cake seriously.
Hehe, really, this is the most fragrant and sweetest cake I have ever eaten.
"Idiot!" Joseph shook his head helplessly, but still couldn't help laughing. He wiped his warm fingertips across my lips, wiping away the cream left on the corners of my mouth.
Looking at such a gentle Joseph, I blushed immediately. It seemed that there were only two of us in the world. Joseph was like a majestic prince, standing in the middle of the rainbow, surrounded by colorful neon clouds. He smiled warmly, so warm that it seemed that all the light in the world was emitted by him.
Green mountains and clear water, we found each other in this nature surrounded by mountains and rivers. Two hearts that understand each other were beating gently, as if they were afraid to disturb such a beautiful environment, but they both imprinted each other's best appearance deeply in their minds and deep in their hearts.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024