Chapter 8 The Baron's Ambition Part 3

The "whoosh" sound of the engine broke our harmonious and peaceful picnic gathering. The wind from the propeller was so strong that it almost lifted up my skirt. We all frowned and looked at the uninvited guest in the sky.
I saw a handsome figure jumping out of the cabin of the helicopter, and the parachute opened with a "whoosh". The figure landed in front of me slowly and stood at attention gracefully.
Needless to say, everyone can guess that the person who could come down from the sky with such a big fuss is none other than Baron Rosa!
But I am even more curious about how he managed to avoid the numerous "Heart-sickness Search Teams" and get here!
Ouch! He wouldn't let his bodyguards kill those young ladies, would he?
Or did he pick all the roses in the garden and let them count them?
A bouquet of champagne roses was handed to me. It was such a big bouquet, there must be at least 99 flowers!
The handsome prince holds a rose in his hand and gently says to the beautiful princess, "Please accept my rose." Such a dreamy and touching picture!
But... at this moment, I just feel "scary"!
Woohoo, has Baron Rosa not given up yet? Does he still want to make me into a human specimen?
I had no choice but to look at Joseph anxiously and ask for help. Help! Joseph, why do I feel like I am one step closer to the tragic life of a specimen?
"Haha, Baron, have you picked all the roses in the garden again?" After receiving my distress signal, Joseph walked forward with a contemptuous smile.
Before Joseph could protect me behind him, Baron Rosa pushed him away.
"My dear, let the oldest surname in Austria be named after you!" Baron Rosa suddenly took out a ring box from his arms, held the ring box in his hand, knelt on one knee, and formally proposed to me.
"Wow! So romantic! The Baron is so handsome!" Countless crazy girls gathered behind him, and their screams were like waves, one stronger than the other!
"Did the Baron choose that girl as his wife?"
"That girl looks familiar. Is she the weird young lady who blew up the laboratory in our college before?"
"Humph! I think that girl is so ugly. What kind of taste do you have, Baron?"
"That's not necessarily true. If she is really the only heir to the Wen Corporation, she is powerful and wealthy, so she must be the perfect choice for the Baroness!"
"I was wondering why the Baron came to this academy to choose a fiancée for no reason. It turns out that his target is this Miss Wen!"
The constant sarcastic remarks made my eyes widen like ping-pong balls.
Ouch! Wen Feili, you are such a big fool. Didn't you guess from the beginning that Baron Rosa might be the secret weapon sent by Grandpa? Later, Joseph told you that he was here to choose a fiancée, and you yourself said that the Baroness must be a rich lady. Why didn't you think that Baron Rosa was here for you?
What's the point of choosing a fiancée? They're choosing you!
You big fool, you still think that Rosa wants to turn you into a specimen and collect you. If she marries you and brings you back to the Austrian castle, can't she collect you?
With a swish, Joseph stepped forward again and pulled me behind him to protect me. He looked at Rosa with his head held high and said provocatively with disdain, "Winfeli doesn't like roses. Her favorite is tulips. Doesn't the Baron know that? Since you even chose the wrong flower, please take it back. If you choose the wrong lady, there will be no way to save the situation!"
A faint sneer appeared on Rosa's stern mouth. He glanced at Joseph with contempt, then looked at me tenderly and asked me gently: "My dear, I am waiting for your answer."
I looked at Baron Rosa, who looked gentle and affectionate, and then at Joseph, who was acting aggressively. I took a deep breath, pushed Joseph away, and stepped forward.
"Thank you very much for your kindness. I'm sorry that I can't accept both the roses and the gifts." I mustered my courage and used all my strength to fully demonstrate the etiquette that Mrs. Hillman taught me. Even if I had to refuse someone, I had to be confident and humble.
"Okay!" With two "dongs", Rosa threw the rose and ring in her hand directly into the crescent lake behind her. She smiled and nodded to apologize to me, "It is indeed my fault. I didn't find out what my sweetheart likes and gave her a gift casually. I offended her."
"I..." I hesitated to speak. I wanted to say that I would not accept his gift, but when I saw Rosa's cold eyes, I suddenly didn't dare to speak.
Woohoo, I want to cry! Joseph, help me!
"Miss Wen, next time, I will let you accept my gift." After saying this respectfully and determinedly, Baron Rosa turned around and left in a casual manner.
"I'm sorry, Baron. No matter how many times you give it to her, she won't accept it." Joseph suddenly spoke righteously, with a firm tone, as if he was certain that I would never accept any gift from Baron Rosa in my lifetime.
"Haha, you are so arrogant! Mr. Lei Feng , who are you to Miss Wen? What right do you have to make decisions for her?" Upon hearing this, Rosa smiled particularly gently, and in her gentleness, there was a chilling majesty.
"Just like you, a student of Ande College and a knight of Winfeli!" Joseph raised his proud chin and met Rosa's cold gaze without fear.
Oh my God! Did I hear that correctly?
Joseph said he was my knight?
Did he know that calling himself "the princess's knight" was actually a confession to a girl? Was he going to confess his love?
Boom, boom... My heartbeat inexplicably accelerated, as if it was going to jump out of my mouth. I could only take deep breaths silently and look at Joseph in surprise.
"You love her?" Rosa still smiled gently, with a smug look on her face, as if the person Joseph was confessing to was her.
The most tense moment came, and I looked at Joseph with bated breath.
Woohoo, although I know that Joseph, who has always been quite disdainful of me, will definitely say that he doesn't like me, but he only promised to protect me in Ande College, so he won't let Baron Rosa bully me. However, to everyone's surprise, Joseph actually nodded!
He nodded!
Does he know what nodding means?
Rosa asked if he loved me, and he nodded, which meant that he gave a positive answer to all the audience - yes!
Hallelujah! Am I dreaming?
Could it be that drinking too much orange juice will make you drunk?
How could Joseph like me? How could like a troublemaker like me?
Didn’t this happiness come too suddenly?
Uh...should I be more reserved?
"In that case, how about we duel in a manly way, with a horse race?" Rosa raised her eyebrows and challenged Joseph, "Whoever wins the race will win the right to pursue Miss Wen. On the contrary, the loser must leave immediately and never appear in Miss Wen's sight again."
Wow! Two of the top handsome boys from Ender Academy are going to duel for me!
Haha! I know that I, Winfeli, am the most popular super invincible beautiful girl in the universe!
Wait! What competition were they talking about?
"No, that's not fair!" I immediately rushed between them and stopped them before Joseph made a decision.
Are you kidding me? Forget riding a horse. He is afraid of horses. Why would he bother racing? Isn't that bullying Joseph?
"There is no fairness in this world, only strength. If he can't even overcome a little fear of horses, how can he prove that he loves you and has the ability to protect you?" Rosa said with a smile, and then she looked over me and raised her eyebrows at Joseph provocatively.
"I agree!" Joseph was provoked by Rosa's words and agreed. "But I agreed to your challenge only to prove to you that I am the only one in this world who can protect Wen Feili, not to win the right to pursue her. Feifei is my sacred love, not an object whose ownership can be determined by winning or losing a game."
Hearing this, I looked at Joseph with tears in my eyes.
Woohoo, Joseph, you are so great, you really touched me! What you thought about was not to win the game to prove yourself, but to prove my holiness to Baron Rosa.
I, Wen Feili, swear that no matter who wins or loses this game, in my mind, the only knight is Joseph. Even if he loses, Rosa will never choose me as his fiancée. I would rather elope with Joseph than go to some damn Austrian castle.
"Haha! Looking forward to competing with you!" Rosa smiled with a look of success, nodded, turned around and left.
Staring blankly at the backs of Rosa and her group, I suddenly felt a little amused and helpless.
Was I also so arrogant in the past, not caring about other people's wishes and doing whatever it takes to get what I wanted?
How annoying I would be if I were like that!
"Joseph, you looked so handsome just now!" After watching Rosa leave, Ning Chengcheng patted Joseph's shoulder with a smile and praised her with admiration.
"Ning Chengcheng!" Joseph's expression was completely different from his previous firm one. He glared at Ning Chengcheng with gritted teeth, as if he wanted to eat her alive. "Why did Rosa know that we were here and that I have a phobia of horses?"
“Uh…” Ning Chengcheng widened her eyes in horror, swallowed her saliva, and stepped back silently, “But, it could be… it, it could be… wow…”
Ning Chengcheng ran away screaming, and while running, she desperately explained : "I didn't mean to do that. I have always wanted a new SLR camera. You know that. I also did it for our gossip club! I didn't mean to tell Rosa about our schedule and your weakness."
"I'm going to kill you!" Joseph chased after him like the wind.
Oh! That's it!
No wonder, when the picnic was mentioned just now, Ning Chengcheng looked like she was waiting for something interesting to happen. It turned out that this boring guy was the one who caused the trouble.
Humph! You even betrayed Joseph's privacy. That's too much!
Joseph, wait for me, I'm going to kill Ning Chengcheng too!
So, I joined the pursuit team.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024