Chapter 312 Consumption

Some of the materials may not look impressive, but Ren Lian Lingyi bought a lot of them.
For example, the nutrient solution prepared to increase the vitality of Ren Lian Lingyi's body tissues is based on high-concentration extracts of Tianyun grass and Ming grass.
This stuff is a great tonic for all beings with thunder attributes, and is one of Inazuma's strategic-level outputs. Normally, everyone drinks it in diluted form, and not everyone can afford it even in a big family.
The daily intake of a shrine donor as big as Yae Miko is less than one pound (500 grams)
The price of one gram on the market is as high as five hundred Moras, and the internal price of Ren Lian Lingyi is four hundred Moras per gram, which means two hundred thousand Moras per catty and four hundred thousand Moras per kilogram.
The amount of this stuff consumed in the past six months is as high as more than two tons, and the price of one ton is 400 million Mora.
This thing alone cost more than 800 million Mora.
And this is just a minor expense among all the expenses.
There are seven or eight other things of the same level as this one, and quite a few that cost more than this one. For example, if Mora is used as a conversion medium, the consumption is more than 1 billion Mora.
There are also some costs that cannot be calculated at all, such as the cost of hiring Lei Dianying and General Lei Dian, and the price of [Resurrection] computing power.
If the computing power of [Resurrection] is sold, it will get at least 10 billion Moras. This is the amount of Moras surplus that Inazuma has in a year.
Every year, many local scholars and Sumeru scholars in Inazuma apply for additional computing power with Mora.
They all have no authorization. Most of the computing power support within Inazuma is directed towards a few fixed research projects. Unauthorized projects will not receive support from the [Resurrection] computing power.
Unless some big guys have a side job, like Dotorre, his computing power application will be approved even if it is a side job [Resurrection]. That is a privilege for geniuses.
Naturally, mediocre people will not receive such preferential treatment, so there will often be two situations: insufficient computing power or insufficient computing power.
"Let's reorganize the data first for theoretical research." Ren Lian Lingyi said to General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying.
"Let the slush fund slow down before doing practical research."
However, the small treasury will have to wait until at least after the New Year to slow down. Although there will be some scattered extra income in the next few months, the big parts of the small treasury, such as the [Renlian Island tax] and [patent fee], will not be settled until after the New Year.
Lei Dianying returned to the cave, and the general returned to his daily life.
Wang Dongyao was fiddling with the Yin-Yang Yao in the dormitory. After the Medicine Immortal Society was wiped out last time, a large number of people from that side were arrested.
Even Mogami heard about this and got really angry.
It is very bad to say that one has fallen so quickly.
Then there is the crackdown on organized crime from top to bottom and from bottom to top, hitting both tigers and flies.
Some people in Sichuan Province were also hit hard.
As for the fact that they did not get promoted after receiving the commendation, after all, it was only not long ago that they were promoted, but their positions changed. In addition to their original duties, Lei Dianying also took on logistics duties.
"The weather hasn't been very good recently." Wang Dongyao muttered in the living room.
Lei Dianying has been on maternity leave in recent days. Although she once said that she did not need maternity leave, neither her superiors nor Wang Dongyao dared to make her so crazy.
"What are you talking about?" Lei Dianying asked. Although Lei Dianying was pregnant, she was still able to control her emotions well, because her innate Qi was able to interfere with her own endocrine system.
There will be no emotional outbursts like other pregnant women.
"Nothing, I'm just calculating the weather in recent years." Wang Dongyao said, "The weather in recent years has not been very good. Although I have made some arrangements, I don't know how much effect they will have."
In recent years, Xinhua has discovered several fantastic crops one after another. The first one was the sweet flower that can be harvested three times a year.
Botanists and agronomists have discovered that this seems to be a benign mutation of some wild flower. Although it has certain requirements for the land, its sugar yield is really high. This sweet flower has recently been promoted on a limited basis in Sichuan Province and surrounding provinces.
The second is the Dun Dun peach, which can It is an improved peach tree, which has been downgraded from a dwarf tree to a perennial shrub. However, the size of the fruit has not decreased much, and it is surprisingly not picky about the soil and has a high yield.
There is also the seed melon, which is rich in starch and can replace the staple food to a certain extent (of course, it is most correct to call it violet melon, after all, this is how Ren Lian Lingyi hypnotized people in the beginning, but it seems that because of the accent, it was called seed melon after it officially appeared.)
Of course, Ren Lian Lingyi’s achievements over the past year are not limited to these. These things are just works done in his spare time. What really makes Ren Lian Lingyi spend his energy is the analysis of the laws of space.
Taking advantage of the occasional opportunity to enter the inner land, Ren Lian Lingyi's progress in spatial adaptation can be described as a leap forward.
The theoretical calculation of [The Cave Heaven in the Pot] has been completed, which means that as long as Wang Dongyao has enough resources, he can create a cave world.
And it’s not a small cave the size of a house, but a standard cave the size of several hundred acres.
However, the laws of this world are somewhat strict, and there are no high-quality raw materials like the floating stones in the world of Teyvat, so Ren Lian Lingyi is very troubled. He doesn't know what to use as the material for the cave heaven guardian, nor does he know what to use to make the pot of the [Cave in the Pot] and the most critical cave heaven key disc.
In fact, Ren Lian Lingyi has already done some analysis on the materials.
For example, gold can be used as the raw material for the cave's talisman, but gold is too heavy and will cause an imbalance in the cave's power, so pure gold cannot be used.
Only alloys can be used, among which gold and silver alloy has the best effect according to Ren Lian Lingyi's calculation.
Because silver is light and has good energy conductivity, it can mobilize energy better.
As for the pot in the cave, Wang Dongyao originally planned to use lead, because lead has a good insulating effect, but lead is toxic and may cause disorder in the structure of the cave, so he finally decided to use tin-silver alloy as the material.
However, a certain amount of lead powder needs to be added to the bottom of the pot to enhance the barrier of the pot.
Now the only thing that has not been prepared is the material for the Cave Heaven Gate Disc. The best material for the Cave Heaven Gate Disc is not metal, but stone. In fact, Wang Dongyao has already locked on jade. But unfortunately, he cannot find jade in Sichuan Province that can bear the materials that connect the Cave Heaven and the real world.
Wang Dongyao was also not very satisfied with the other stones.
"I sensed that there would be a major disaster. People are very vulnerable in the face of such natural disasters, so I prepared a shelter."
"Your cave?"
"When will it be better?"
"It will take some time, and I'll need your help then."
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