Chapter 311 Imitation

It was rare for Aying and the general to appear in Ren Lian Lingyi's laboratory at the same time.
This is the first time in recent years has stepped out of the testing ground.
In recent years, in order to avoid wear and tear, Lei Film has become less and less willing to leave the testing ground.
"Now that it's steep, I can feel the pressure of wear and tear almost instantly." Lei Dianying couldn't help but sigh.
"Wear and tear is indeed a terrible thing, but fortunately I have prepared for it." Ren Lian Lingyi handed Lei Dianying a fog machine.
This fog machine can create clouds that obscure the sky. Although the effect is not as good as the sky-blocking system in the test site's cave, it is more than enough for emergency use.
As for Ren Lian Lingyi himself, he doesn't need this. He usually uses magic to create this kind of fog, and the effect is better than the fog created by a fog machine.
Lei Dianying turned on the fog machine and indeed felt a little more relaxed, but he could still feel the pressure of wear and tear.
Ren Lian Lingyi allowed Fuxing to project the optimized basic structure of his body and cells into the air.
"Aying, take a look at this." Ren Lian Lingyi handed some information to Lei Dianying.
"The General should have seen it."
"That's true." General Lei Dian also nodded.
"This is the body structure of the dragon slayer. After research, it is found that the body and cell structure of the dragon slayer can indeed complete the promotion to LV90."
(Actually, it just increases the base value of the player's own defense, but this ritual provides an additional increase)
"Our warriors do not need to achieve the full effect of the dragon blood bath. They only need to achieve one-third of the effect of the dragon blood bath. This will allow them to initially ignore physical attacks below LV40 and enhance their elemental resistance, allowing the breakthrough to complete the construction of the simulated organ. "
"Once you have achieved the effect of a complete dragon blood bath, your elemental affinity will be similar to that of top elemental creatures like me, and you will also gain strong physical fitness and defensive capabilities."
"Can ignore most attacks below LV70." (Miss, the attack will be deflected, but it cannot ignore blunt attacks.)
"But I calculated the cost. If we use other materials instead, the cost of achieving the effect of the dragon blood bath ritual will be greater than the cost of slaying the dragon."
"So now I just want to gather the wisdom of Aying and the general."
"From the perspective of self-study of martial arts, it is necessary to combine some necessary rituals and consumables to achieve the effect of the dragon blood bathing ritual."
According to Ren Lian Lingyi's calculations, the dragon blood bathing ceremony actually resulted in a huge waste.
According to Ren Lian Lingyi's calculations, the wasted energy was enough to create another thirty dragon slayers.
But when he designed his own device later, after preliminary verification in human trials, he found that this waste of energy was actually necessary.
Because in order for the body to adapt to this transformation, energy must be used.
However, if we can reduce energy consumption from the perspective of martial arts, the cost can be reduced to an acceptable level.
Then Ren Lian Lingyi prepared to use this skill on himself first.
After all, the transformed body will greatly increase his survivability, but he prefers to use the one he designed rather than the dragon blood bathing ritual, because even if the violent factor in the dragon blood was taken out, Ren Lian Lingyi still found a slight dragonization phenomenon in those experimental subjects.
The fundamental principle of the dragon blood bathing ceremony to forge an invulnerable body is to mix the powerful vitality of dragons with the vitality of humans to create a special body structure that is more like that of a dragon.
The ritual developed by Ren Lian Lingyi is based on a similar principle to the dragon blood bathing ritual.
However, he exchanged the dragon's powerful vitality for his own vitality.
Well~ Use the materials from the laboratory to cultivate your own elemental flesh and blood, then extract extra vitality from it and inject it back into the body during the transformation.
This is Ren Lian Lingyi's plan. Not only is it more cost-effective than using dragon blood, it also has no side effects. After all, this vitality is of the same origin as his own.
There is no problem at all with extraction and absorption.
"Is the design of this bone cell structure based on the skeletal structure and bone marrow structure of Orobas?" Lei Dianying studied it for a while and suddenly asked, "And the structure of this muscle is very similar to the muscle structure of my previous generation."
"It is indeed a reference. After all, you are all higher-level demon god-level life forms. For this ritual, even a poor imitation is enough." Ren Lian Lingyi said, "Also, the energy storage cell structure imitates the Thunderbird, and the brain cell and nerve cell structure imitates mine ."
"The structure of the general cell is modeled after that of the general."
"The general's cells have also been iterated once, which makes the general more perfect. Of course, the most important thing is that this overall cell structure is very balanced and stable."
"It really sounds like something you can say." Lei Dianying scratched his head and then put the two big balls on the table again and started reading the information.
The general had his eyes closed and was concentrating on meditation. Lightning flashed around him from time to time, and it was obvious that he was also making deductions quickly.
However, this high-end topic obviously cannot be completed overnight.
Ren Lian Lingyi, Ying and Jiang Jiang spent more than half a year to solve the first big problem without affecting their daily work.
That is, how to make cells evolve into the structure you want.
This requires not only the assistance of rituals, but also a lot of exercise and a large amount of medicinal tonic.
Well~ Fortunately, the omnipotent power of Thunder Pill can replace the medicinal properties of most medicinal herbs in the world.
Otherwise, Ren Lian Lingyi's small treasury would have been drained dry. However, even so, when the first major problem was solved, Ren Lian Lingyi's small treasury had shrunk by more than half.
Seeing his piece of flesh being twisted into strange shapes by vitality, Ren Lian Lingyi struck it with a bolt of lightning, smashing the piece of flesh into powder.
"Forget it, let's take a rest first." Ren Lian Lingyi said helplessly.
"The small treasury is no longer enough to support it?" Lei Dianying asked.
Ren Lian Lingyi nodded helplessly. His small treasury was still the treasury for distributing extra subsidies to the people in the Rock Shadow Thunder Campaign. He also had to reserve a portion for Ren Lian Island. Although it had shrunk to this extent, it was still much smaller than that of others.
But it is no longer enough to support such top-level experiments.
He has to wait until his little treasury is replenished before he can continue this experiment.
As for why the Inazuma treasury is not used to continue doing it, it is of course because if we only talk about Mora, the annual surplus of Inazuma's treasury is not as much as that of Ren Lian Lingyi's small treasury.
After all, every year so many dynamic groups pay protection fees to Ren Lian Lingyi's small treasury, and these are all Mora.
In addition, a portion of the output of Renlian Island will also be distributed to Renlian Lingyi.
Then there are the huge patent licensing fees. These three together ensure that Ren Lian Lingyi's small treasury is never short of money. Every year, it supports the high allowances of the Rock Shadow Thunder Campaign and Ren Lian Lingyi's daily experiments, while also having a lot of surplus.
However, this amount of money is still not enough to do such a top-level experiment. I saved it for so many years, but I spent most of it in just half a year.
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