Chapter 3 Wherever you look 02

"Students, please be quiet." The classroom was still noisy discussing the girl who had just sent a love letter to Xia Nuo. Teacher Ren walked into the classroom holding a textbook. He patted the podium with his hand and said, "Let me tell you something. There will be a school sports meet in October. Everyone please sign up actively. Sunan, since you can't participate in the sports meet, you will be responsible for the registration for the sports meet."
"Why isn't the sports committee member doing this?" someone soon raised the question.
"Because the sports committee member is responsible for helping the school prepare for the sports meet, the registration will be given to Sunan, who cannot participate in the sports meet. Do you have any questions?" Teacher Ren's eyes swept across everyone's face.
"Why can't Sunan participate in the sports meet? She seems to be fine and very lively!" a girl asked in confusion.
"Because Su Nan is in poor health, the doctor has told her not to participate in strenuous exercise." Gu Haoyu stood up and explained.
It seems that Gu Haoyu and Su Nan are neighbors. They live in the same alley and are good friends who have grown up together.
"Okay, that's enough about the sports meet. Now please open your textbooks and let's start the class."
After Teacher Ren had spoken for a full forty minutes, the bell rang. After again explaining the matters concerning the sports meet, he walked out of the classroom.
As soon as he walked out of the classroom, Luo Yuxin ran over and stood at the door of our classroom looking around, as if looking for someone.
She is one grade higher than us and seldom comes to our class. When she comes, it's always to see Shu Nian. This time is probably no exception!
However, after she shouted a name into the classroom, I realized that I was wrong.
"Shen Xiaoxi——"
This was the name Luo Yuxin called out.
I was a little surprised. How could Luo Yuxin know Shen Xiaoxi? But I understood it after I thought about it. People like Shen Xiaoxi were destined to live under the gaze of everyone.
When she was sixteen, she came to live in my house with her mother. I had almost nothing to say to her. She was not me, so she would definitely go out and find friends to play with!
Luo Yuxin is the daughter of our community manager and gets along well with many children of similar age around us.
I suddenly felt a little confused. Shen Xiaoxi knew Luo Yuxin, but why didn't she show that she knew Shu Nian when she first met him?
This makes absolutely no sense.
Could it be that Shu Nian is also a loner like me?
I was thinking about it, when suddenly, Shu Nian patted me on the back and asked, "Are you a little confused as to why Shen Xiaoxi and Luo Yuxin know each other?"
"Can you read minds?" I frowned. This guy's guess is too accurate!
"Because you are a fool, and it's not hard to guess what a fool would think." He said with a smug tone.
"But why guess?" I looked at him in confusion. "What's the point of guessing what a fool is thinking?"
Shu Nian laughed, "Because, little butterfly, I like idiots like you. It makes me look smart. That's the point."
Saying such things again!
To be honest, I don't know which of Shu Nian's words were meant to mock me and which were true. Because every word he said seemed to be mocking me.
"You can find another idiot," I said.
He smiled coldly: "It's a pity that I don't like other idiots."
I didn't want to talk to him anymore, so I turned around and ignored him.
Just then, Su Nan turned around and asked me, "Bai Xiaodie, do you want to sign up for an event in the sports meet?"
"I'm not very good at sports. Sorry, Sunan." I replied a little embarrassedly.
I don't want to disappoint Sunan, but there's nothing I can do. Apart from dancing, I really don't have anything I'm good at, let alone sports.
"Why do you have to say sorry?" Su Nan blinked and looked at me, "No need to apologize! Bai Xiaodie, you are so funny, I just counted the situation of everyone in the class, you have nothing to be sorry for! Don't say these three words easily!"
Really? Don't say sorry to people easily?
I seem to have gotten used to this, no matter if I am wrong or not, I will apologize and seek forgiveness from others. No one has ever told me that, in fact, I don't need to apologize to them.
Watching Su Nan walk away from me with a smile, holding the registration form and asking other students, my heart became warm. Where did this girl with poor health get such warm and positive strength?
Compared to her, I have a healthy body, which is my greatest wealth. What reason do I have not to be like her and live a cheerful and happy life every day?
Looking out the window, Shen Xiaoxi and Luo Yuxin were standing in the corridor chatting happily. It was not until the bell rang that the two said goodbye reluctantly and returned to their respective classrooms.
I don’t know if it was my illusion, but when Shen Xiaoxi returned to the classroom, she seemed to glance at . That glance gave me a bad feeling.
However, Shen Xiaoxi always has bad intentions when facing me.
After the last class, I packed my bag and prepared to leave, when suddenly, Su Nan called me.
"Bai Xiaodie, today is our turn on duty. You can't go back until you finish cleaning!"
"Oh, sorry, I forgot..." I quickly put down my schoolbag, walked to the cabinet at the back of the classroom, and took out the tools needed for cleaning.
"Haha, here we go again!" Su Nan laughed, "You can say 'thank you' instead of 'sorry' at this time. Thank you for reminding you."
"Thank you?" I was a little stunned. It seemed like I hadn't said these two words for a long time.
"Yes." Sunan said, "There are many times when saying 'thank you' is much more effective than saying 'sorry'. 'Sorry' is an apology, while 'thank you' is an expression of gratitude . We shouldn't always feel guilty towards others when we live, but should be grateful! Between warmth and hurt, warmth really makes people feel more comfortable, right? What do you think?"
I stared at her blankly. The girl in front of me was the same age as me, but her world was so dazzling and bright.
"Su Nan." A faint, warm voice came from outside the window. I subconsciously looked towards the source of the voice and saw Xia Nuo from the next class standing there quietly with a warm smile in his eyes.
"Yeah, it's Xia Nuo." Sunan said with a smile, "What's the matter?"
I was a little surprised that Su Nan actually knew Xia Nuo?
Xia Nuo walked into the classroom, his eyes fell on my face. This time it was not my illusion. He nodded and smiled at me: "Hello, Bai Xiaodie."
"Huh?" I was stunned. Xia Nuo...knows my name?
"What's wrong?" He asked me when he saw my surprised expression.
"Nothing." I quickly shook my head and said, "I'm just a little surprised that you know my name, Xia Nuo."
"Of course I know, I'm in the next class, and we used to go to the same school, so I think we were in the next class, right?" he said.
"It's the class next door."
Shanuo remembers me!
I don't know why, but my mood became a little weird.
So, the corners of my mouth unconsciously raised, and I showed a rare smile.
His eyes lit up, and he looked at my face seriously and said, "You look very beautiful when you smile. It seems that I always remember you with your head down. You should raise your head more often and smile more. Smiling is very suitable for you."
I stood there in a daze, my mind suddenly went blank, and I had no idea what Xia Nuo and Sunan said.
"Goodbye, Bai Xiaodie." He waved to me and walked out of our classroom.
"Ah, my homeroom teacher Toshano came to tell me that I should go to the office after school to report on the registration for the sports meet." Sunan muttered, "Sorry, Xiaodie, I'm going to the office. I'll have to trouble you to help me."
"It's okay, there's only a little left and we can finish sweeping it quickly." I said, bending down and starting to sweep the floor.
I lowered my head, not wanting her to see my red cheeks.
Because at this moment, I felt like there was a fire burning on my face.
Shanuo remembered me. Not only did he remember me, he also remembered that I always kept my head down.
The feeling of being noticed by the person you admire turns into a warm current flowing into your heart.
It turns out that I had been building a wall around myself all along, thinking that no one would notice me behind the wall.
But if that's the case, then he must know what I wrote about him in my diary! Knowing all this, what kind of mood did Xia Nuo have when he said these words to me?
Did he really not hear the "thank you" I said to him in the corridor?
Could it be that Xia Nuo, who was able to notice such a humble me, really didn't hear that "thank you"?
But no matter what, I always feel encouraged by Shanuo.
Thank you Shano!
I reached out and touched my face. I thought I would try to raise my head, not just look at the ground, but look forward with a smile like you.
Because you are the one I admire!
The campus is incredibly quiet at dusk. The noise of the day disappears at this moment, and only the autumn breeze brings bursts of sweet osmanthus fragrance.
The leaves of the ginkgo trees turned yellow and began to fall with the breeze, one by one, covering the entire tree-lined path.
I stepped on the soft ginkgo leaves, thinking back to what Xia Nuo had just said to me, and I couldn't calm down. It was just a few ordinary words, but for me, it was a luxury.
I returned home in a good mood. When I opened the door, I saw Aunt Chen making dumplings, and my father and Shen Xiaoxi were helping her.
They were just talking and laughing, but when I walked in, the laughter stopped abruptly.
My good mood also disappeared along with the disappearance of the laughter.
I didn't say anything, but changed my shoes and went upstairs to my room. I pulled out the drawer and was about to write in my diary when I saw the leaf dog lying on the diary.
The leaf dog has become dry and shriveled, with a dull yellow color, having lost its original greenness, and now looks more like a dog.
Just as I was daydreaming, there was a knock on the door. Then, Shen Xiaoxi's emotionless voice came through the door: "Gu Xiaodie, I know you can hear it. Luo Yuxin is looking for you. She said she has something to tell you."
"I see." I responded to her calmly. This was the first time Shen Xiaoxi had spoken to me since we had a fight.
I thought we would never speak to each other again in our lives.
After going downstairs, Luo Yuxin was sitting in the living room watching her father and others making dumplings.
Seeing me coming down, she smiled at me and said, "Xiaodie, I'm sorry about what happened last time. I'm sorry."
What happened last time?
I was confused for a moment, not knowing what she was talking about. I had only come into contact with her twice, both times were related to Shu Nian, and both times were not pleasant.
I could tell from the way she looked at Shu Nian that she had special feelings for him, but she took out her resentment at Shu Nian ignoring her on me, which I couldn't accept.
Because she was being unreasonable, and it wasn't me who asked Shu Nian to do that.
"What do you want?" I didn't really want to deal with her.
As if she didn't see my expression, she reached out and shook my hand, and said very enthusiastically: "It's like this, our community's fall celebration will start in more than a month, and we would like to invite you to participate in this year's celebration."
"Autumn Celebration?" I was very surprised and didn't know why Luo Yuxin came to me to talk about this.
The alley where we live holds a community autumn festival every autumn, which is said to bring residents closer together. However, I never attend the festival every year. I will lock myself in my room and listen to songs all day long.
"Yes, the Autumn Festival, Xiaodie, you seem to have never participated in it? Come and join us. I heard that you have been taking dance lessons since you were a child, but no one has ever had the chance to see you dance!" She sounded very sincere, but I felt it was fake.
It's so weird that she pretends to be familiar with me when she obviously hates me.
"Sorry, I'm not interested." I pulled my hand out of hers. Her excessive intimacy made me feel a little disgusted.
"It's fun to attend the celebration, right?" Dad spoke, and I subconsciously looked at him.
He met my eyes and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face. I hardly spoke to him since that argument with him.
"Xiaodie, why don't you go and have fun with us! You see, Xiaoxi attends the Autumn Festival every year, and her communication skills have been greatly improved. You can attend it with Xiaoxi this year, and you can also make more friends!" I don't know if Shen Xiaoxi said anything to her father, but this time, my father seemed to insist on letting me attend the Autumn Festival.
"No thanks." But I still decisively rejected the proposal.
I thought that after that day, my father would understand that I didn't want to have any relationship with Shen Xiaoxi at all . I thought he could feel that I was very disappointed in him and didn't want to hear him talk about what I was going to do with Shen Xiaoxi.
But it was as if he had never had that conversation that night. He seemed to have forgotten it, just like he had forgotten my mother at that time.
After hearing my refusal, my father wanted to say something, but I immediately said, "I'm not interested in the celebration, please stop talking," and turned back to my room.
After returning to my room and thinking about it, I suddenly felt something was wrong.
I sat by the window and thought for a long time, until Shen Xiaoxi sent Luo Yuxin out the door and the two of them were talking happily, then I realized why I felt something was wrong.
When Luo Yuxin was talking to me, she seemed to have completely forgotten that Shen Xiaoxi was still there. How could Shen Xiaoxi, who was arrogant and proud like a peacock, tolerate Luo Yuxin talking to me in such a friendly manner?
What exactly do they want to do?
I couldn't think of an answer. The only thing was that the more enthusiastically Luo Yuxin invited me to the celebration, the more I couldn't go. A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall. Of course, you should stay away from people with bad intentions.
The next few days were uneventful, except that Shu Nian, who sat behind me, would still say some nasty things to me. But I suddenly realized that it was also because of Shu Nian's existence that my new school life seemed to be a little different.
In the past, my presence was so weak that people always forgot about me, and almost no one in my class remembered me.
And now, at least the annoying Shu Nian will remember me.
"Sunan, someone is looking for you outside!" someone shouted loudly.
I looked at Su Nan who was sitting in front of me. Su Nan seemed to be in poor health recently. He was often hospitalized and seldom came to school.
Su Nan stood up and walked out. The man who came to see her was a middle-aged man who looked like her father. They were talking outside the window, and Su Nan's expression was very quiet.
Su Nan didn't talk to the middle-aged man for long. She quickly returned to the classroom and started packing her things, but her expression looked a little gloomy.
"Sunan," I looked at her puzzledly, "What are you going to do?"
"Nothing." She turned around and gave me a bright smile.
At this moment, Sunan, who belongs to the sun, is back again.
She took out a White Rabbit candy from her pocket and put it in my palm, and said softly, "This is the last White Rabbit. I'm changing classes."
"Huh?" I was surprised. Why did she suddenly want to change classes? Isn't it good to be in this class?
"But it's in the next class." She continued to pack her things, "A new student will sit in this seat, so get along well with him."
At this time, there was a commotion at the door of the classroom. I looked up and saw Chen Misheng from the next class entering our classroom. He walked straight to Su Nan and helped Su Nan pack up. I couldn't help but look at Gu Haoyu's empty seat. How come Su Nan finally came, but he didn't?
I watched Chen Misheng and Su Nan leave the classroom. No one in the class spoke because it was too sudden. Su Nan's sudden transfer to another class made everyone loss for words.
I looked at the empty seat in front of me. There was nothing on the spotlessly clean seat.
Su Nan said that there will be a new student in our class. Who will it be?
Just as I was daydreaming, there was suddenly a commotion in the classroom.
"Haha." Shu Nian smiled coldly, patted my back, and said arrogantly, "Little Butterfly, the prince you like is about to come to you."
"Ah?" I didn't quite understand what Shu Nian was saying. I turned my head to look at him. His expression was still the same, but there was something more that I didn't quite understand. "What are you talking about?"
"Isn't Xia Nuo your prince?" he asked me with a smile, but I always felt that he was not smiling.
Because that smile did not reach his eyes. In his eyes, there was only indifference and alienation, without even a hint of smile.
"It's Xia Nuo!" The exclamation of the girl next to me answered my question. The classmate who exchanged with Su Nan was Xia Nuo, who could make all the girls in the school scream.
I was so surprised that I immediately turned around and looked at the seat in front of me. There was a man standing there. He was wearing a blue and white plaid shirt with the buttons at the wrists unbuttoned. He looked very casual but comfortable.
I don't know if he sensed my gaze, but he looked up at me and then smiled at me: "Bai Xiaodie, hello! From now on, we will be sitting at the front and back tables. Please take care of me."
"Please take care of me." I repeated mechanically, my mind was in a mess and I didn't know what I was thinking.
Xia Nuo, who had always been in the class next to mine, unexpectedly became my classmate and even sat in front of me.
"Are you so happy?" Shu Nian asked me calmly, "Are you so happy that the guy is in this class?"
"I'm not happy." I denied it quickly. I don't know why, but I didn't want to admit in front of Shu Nian that I was happy about Xia Nuo's arrival.
"Little Butterfly, although I like guys who aren't frank, sometimes it's better to be a little frank, right?" Shu Nian said sarcastically, "But cowards never dare to admit their true feelings."

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024