Chapter 155 "The Congressman Also Has His Own Son" (5)

Some rebels have also raised questions about the Peace Truth Missile plan.
It is not to question Chen She's R&D capabilities, nor is it to question the effectiveness of this thing, but to question whether it is too early to develop such a weapon at this stage and whether the cost-effectiveness is too low.
After the rebels had a brief trial run, they were clearly brimming with confidence.
If the previous destruction of the Fujido Group's base in Dawn City was reaping the fruits and seizing the initiative, then this time's head-on combat to defeat the elite team of the Icefield Defense Group was based on pure hard power.
This undoubtedly gave a shot in the arm to all the rebels of Lishan Technology.
They realized that the rebels could actually defeat the consortium!
In the past, it could be said that those we fought were all weaklings and could not represent our real strength, but this time we fought an elite force of the Icefield Defense Group. We can't say that they were all weaklings and could not represent our real strength anymore, right?
Therefore, these veterans of the resistance army are all itching to do something new.
On the other hand, the first batch of new recruits for the resistance army has also been recruited. This group of people represented by Zeng Hailong have all undergone long-term training and baptism, and have now grown into quite reliable recruits.
For them, they are actually eager to launch some military operations to test their own strength.
After all, these new recruits basically have the ultimate goal of overthrowing the chaebols, but after joining for so long, they have never had a serious fight against the chaebols.
The gradual recovery of resistance activities in the Western Continent and the outbreak of corporate wars have given everyone a great opportunity.
So, these rebels want to cause trouble!
They felt that it was not worthwhile to put a lot of resources into the Peace Truth Missile. It was not that the weapon was not powerful, but they felt that it was not suitable for the current combat objectives.
The rebels' combat objectives now are definitely still based on sneak attacks, destroying the production environment of the big conglomerates as much as possible, focusing on weak points, and causing greater damage when the big conglomerates are busy with corporate wars and have no time to take care of them.
In this case, the Peace Truth Missile is not very practical.
They wanted to launch a sneak attack, leaving as little trace as possible, but would it be appropriate to just drop a missile? It would make too much noise and be too easy to be exposed.
On the surface, this missile is a magical weapon that can be used for both offense and defense, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that its scope of use is too narrow. It would be better to develop more individual portable weapons.
Of course Chen She could not agree with this statement.
Because Chen She felt that defeating the elite team of the Icefield Defense Group did not mean anything. In the final analysis, it was because of the information gap between the two sides. At that time, the Icefield Defense Group only regarded Lishan Technology as an ordinary small consortium, so they underestimated the enemy.
What is the true strength of the Icefield Defense Group? It is the top armed force in the entire Old Land. At that time, the Space Knights came out in full force to fight against the corporate alliance army, and they almost lost. If Epsilon had not suddenly upgraded and added a buff to them, the outcome might have been completely different.
If the Icefield Defense Group comes a second time, it will definitely not be of this scale.
Although the Icefield Defense Group has given in due to the pressure of the "Enterprise Special Law", the feud has already been formed. Chen She has to be on guard, what if the Icefield Defense Group attacks him from behind one day?
Without a powerful weapon like the Peace Truth Missile in his hands, he really felt uneasy.
As for individual portable weapons, in Lin Xiu's opinion, with the Defender sniper rifle, it is enough. No matter how many there are, it will be useless if a large-scale frontal combat really occurs.
Of course, Chen She also knew that these resistance fighters would not be completely convinced just by saying this. They might agree verbally, but they were still dissatisfied in their hearts.
This is a hidden danger after all.
Therefore, after explaining the reason and appealing to their emotions, Chen She agreed to set up a new special training program for the rebel fighters and also allowed them to practice on a small scale with the surrounding military forces.
He also promised that as long as the resistance fighters passed this new special training program, he could consider new, large-scale actions against the chaebols.
The rebel fighters were excited.
Chen She started preparing these two projects with the idea that it is better to loosen up than to block.
First is the "Space-Time Hunting Ground". Chen She borrowed the power of Epsilon to further expand the space-time rift. Originally, there was only a specific range of space-time rifts where space-time creatures were constantly refreshed, but now it has become a small force that is sent directly into the space-time realm through the rift. They will persist for a short period of time, and then cut off contact and withdraw immediately when they reach their limit.
This will not only consume a large amount of ammunition stocks, so that the rebels will not be thinking about causing trouble all day long due to abundant supplies, but also make them more clearly aware of their own weakness.
As for the military operations in the surrounding areas, Chen She also made very strict plans.
The abnormal space-time activities still show no signs of stopping, so the consortiums on the Old Land have to admit that perhaps this change in the space-time activities on the Old Land is permanent.
If the environment of the old soil was just a long autumn before, this time, it seems to be a sign of entering a cold winter.
This change has also directly changed the ecology of the wilderness.
On the one hand, the original wanderers found it difficult to survive for a long time in such harsh conditions and had to rely on some powerful consortiums. On the other hand, as time-space activities intensified, the time-space crystals produced in the wild also increased significantly, making many consortiums more interested.
In the past, these consortiums did build collection bases in the wild and use collection sites to collect space-time particles, but they basically did not build too many. This is because there are few places with frequent space-time activities and a relatively large output of . In those barren places, it is not cost-effective to open a collection site, so they can only leave it to the wanderers to collect.
But now, with the increase in space-time crystals, these consortiums have the motivation to further expand in the wild.
They began to recruit vagrants, which naturally caused some friction with Lishan Technology.
The Old Land Parliament is indifferent to these frictions in the wilderness. After all, they can't control them even if they want to, so it simply becomes the law of the jungle, and the strong prevail.
The wanderers recruited by Lishan Technology also began to have friction with the surrounding forces, and the scene was very chaotic.
After considering it, Chen She decided to allow the resistance army to participate in these conflicts to a limited extent under the banner of the Lishan Technology Enterprise Army, but the number of people participating must be strictly limited, and each time the number of participants must be less than that of the enemy.
The rebel soldiers will take turns to train in the space-time hunting grounds and clear out other wanderers . This should temporarily stop them from directly challenging the big consortiums.
Three months passed quickly and the development of "The Congressman Also Has His Son" was finally completed.
In Li Yunhan's plan, the protagonist of this Mewtwo is the heir of an old-school consortium. The main content of Mewtwo is to experience the life of an heir of an old-school consortium from childhood to adulthood.
Starting from the school period, players can choose whether to eat, drink or study hard. During internship, they can also choose to intern in other consortiums or familiarize themselves with the business in their own consortium.
If he didn't perform well and didn't meet the minimum requirements for being an heir, his biological father would give him a large sum of money and let him do some side job for fun. If he failed, he would never think of starting a career again and could just take the money and enjoy himself. Mewtwo's life would end here.
If he performs well, he can be promoted step by step, eventually becoming the president of the consortium and continuing to train his son, entering almost the same cycle.
This also makes the point very well. The so-called "councilor also has his own son" is actually a satire on this de facto hereditary system. Players can understand this very well through various details and the changes in their mentality after immersing themselves in the whole process of being an heir and training their sons or daughters to be heirs.
But if these are the only contents, it will definitely not work. Such irony is too obvious and will easily be resisted by both new and old financial groups.
Therefore, in terms of consortium business, Li Yunhan arranged a large number of plots to "fight against the new consortium."
As an old-school consortium, it is definitely incompatible with the new consortium. In Mewtwo, it is deliberately implied that the old consortium gave workers many jobs and allowed them to live a decent life. But then, the emergence of the new consortium caused a huge impact, the profits of the old consortium declined, and it was forced to lay off employees, and many workers lost their jobs.
And these workers are miserable after losing their jobs.
Players act as the heirs of an old consortium and can naturally empathize with this situation. After all, the decline in profit figures is very intuitive, and the reduction in the number of people and machines in the foundry can also be clearly felt.
Therefore, this Mewtwo uses the first-person perspective to intuitively show the impact of the new consortium on the old consortium's business. It seems to be completely from the perspective of the old consortium, criticizing the new consortium.
Of course, Li Yunhan also left some holes in Mewtwo, and there are some terrifying contents. For example, when the old consortium was hit by the new consortium, the profit dropped sharply, and the protagonist chose to lay off employees, making the workers unemployed, but he still enjoyed himself, and did not save on any expenses. On the surface, he sympathized with the workers, but in fact, he squeezed them even harder to make less profit, under the euphemism of "getting through the difficulties together."
These are not particularly clearly expressed, and players may not realize them after they are introduced to the protagonist, but they do exist.
Everything is ready. The new Mewtwo has been submitted for review and will soon be approved and will be officially released soon.
How much resources can be obtained after the release does not depend on Lishan Technology, but on how much the old consortium is willing to fight for the entire Mewtwo.
With the war of words between the two sides having reached this point and the old consortium being at a clear disadvantage, Chen She believes that the old consortium will find ways to secure this Mewtwo.
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