Chapter 154 "The Congressman Also Has His Own Son" (5)

In the Super Dream R&D department, Li Yunhan was thinking hard and designing according to the requirements given by Chen She.
In his opinion, Chen She left him at least three holes to fill in the Mewtwo of "The Congressman Also Has His Son".
The first is that Mewtwo itself has relatively little playable content. Apart from the usual enjoyment of eating, drinking and having fun as a spokesperson for a large chaebol, the main way to play is to simulate the operation of a large enterprise through choices given by a secretary or assistant.
But as Li Yunhan said before, eating, drinking and having fun are things that Mewtwo has already done, and it is difficult to come up with something new. The reason why "Another Possibility" was so successful in this regard was, on the one hand, because Mr. Chen reproduced many delicacies that have completely disappeared, and on the other hand, it was because of the black Mewtwo.
But should we repeat the same trick this time? I'm afraid it won't work, because the setting of "Another Possibility" is a parallel world without time and space activities, while "The Councillor Has His Own Son" is set in the real world. Things that do not exist in reality should not appear in Super Dream.
The second is that the intention of this Mewtwo is too obvious. The previous two Mewtwo were disguised relatively well, at least there are not many problems to be seen from the surface.
But this Mewtwo is different. It almost blatantly satirizes the old and new chaebols, so it definitely needs some packaging and modification.
Even if it was exposed in the end, we had to fool people when Mewtwo was first released.
Otherwise, with both old and new chaebols boycotting and targeting it together, Mewtwo would have no and had a widespread impact.
After all, these chaebols are very powerful, and the new Mewtwo may not be able to get the support of the bigwigs in the Silver Star Federation again. By then, under the joint boycott of a number of chaebols such as the Changye Entertainment Group, problems are likely to arise.
The third is that there seems to be little connection between Mewtwo’s content and its name.
"Congressmen Also Have Their Own Sons" originated from a joke told by Mr. Chen. Judging from the content of the joke, it is mainly satirizing the increasingly serious "hereditary" phenomenon in the old land. The sons of chaebols are still chaebols, the sons of bankers are still bankers, and new congressmen can only be the children of old congressmen.
But judging from the content of Mewtwo, it is mainly about the "Chaebol Simulator", which allows players to experience the life of a chaebol by taking on the identities of an old or new chaebol, thinking about problems from the chaebol's perspective, and then, after switching back to the position of ordinary people in reality, reflecting on some real-life issues.
After some hard thinking, Li Yunhan combined the previous few Mewtwo and suddenly had an idea.
"So the key to solving the puzzle lies in the name of this Mewtwo! Mr. Chen has actually given me the key to solving the puzzle through this name!"
"'The Councillor Has His Son', the name of this Mewtwo is actually its core. The phenomenon of hereditary succession is becoming more and more serious. This is only an external manifestation, but in fact, its deep-seated reasons are the most worthy of analysis."
"So... the role that players play in Mewtwo shouldn't be the leader of a chaebol, but should start from the heir of a chaebol!"
"These heirs, whether they are heirs to old or new chaebols, or children of bankers or congressmen, must have had very generous resources from a very young age. As long as they want to work hard, they can get the best guidance; and even if they don't want to do anything, they can always eat, drink and have fun, enjoying the wealth and splendor that ordinary people can never imagine."
"So, Mewtwo's first stage is to choose his own future as the heir. He can just covet a life of luxury, or he can work hard to improve himself and compete with other brothers and sisters for the position of heir to the consortium."
"And the process of becoming an heir, from an ordinary heir to the real helmsman of a chaebol, is the most critical core of Mewtwo!"
"If it's just a general simulation game, the secretary or assistant will give a few options, and the player can just pick one based on their preference. There's no guidance or inclination at all, and it's hard to differentiate it from other business simulation games."
"In 'The Congressman Also Has His Son', when the player becomes the heir, he will inevitably be exposed to some key links in the operation of the consortium. For example, when making some decisions, his father will definitely ask for his opinion. At this time, the player can answer according to his first impression."
"However, only options that are in line with the interests of the chaebol will be accepted, and other options will be ruthlessly corrected. In other words, when the players play the role of heirs, the system will play the role of their parents, constantly correcting their ideas, making all their decisions based on the interests of the consortium, and eventually becoming like their parents."
"When the players become the heirs of the consortium, they still have many choices. But whether they should keep in mind the lessons of their parents and always choose the option that is most beneficial to the consortium, or return to their original intentions and act according to their original ideas, it depends on the players' own choices."
"And at the end, when the player also has to choose his own successor, he can also choose to pass the position to his children or capable subordinates, or guide and direct the behavior of the successor in various ways. In this way, a closed loop is formed."
"Why can't a councillor's son become a councillor? The answers are all contained in Mewtwo's content."
"The name and content of Mewtwo are naturally connected together."
"Then the first and third pits are filled."
"As for the second pitfall, it's easy to solve. In the final analysis, you can't offend both the old and new chaebols at the same time."
"The seventh corporate war is imminent, and the struggle between the old and new chaebols is fierce. At this time, if we oppose both sides right from the start, we will only become the target of public criticism, which is very unprofitable."
"So, at least in the early stages, we have to show that we are worth fighting for."
"In this case, the old-school chaebols are more worthy targets. After all, the new-school consortium has the mortal enemy, the Long Night Entertainment Group, which is itself a giant Mewtwo company. Although their Mewtwo is always beaten to a pulp by President Chen, the new-school consortium does not have much motivation to cooperate with us."
"On the other hand, the old-school chaebols have been dominated by the emerging conglomerates, and both Changye Entertainment and Skyline Networks have controlled public opinion to a certain extent. The old-school conglomerates seem to have a strong offensive in public opinion, and have also achieved some suppression effects through traditional media such as Times Media, but as long as the emerging conglomerates focus on counterattacks, they will soon be at a disadvantage."
"And at a time like this...if we extend an olive branch to them, they will definitely be happy and mistakenly think that we are on their side."
"So, the Mewtwo of 'The Congressman Also Has His Son' could have been a satire on the new-school consortium in the beginning, making the old-school consortium mistakenly believe that we are on their side."
"In this case, perhaps the Long Night Entertainment Group will still try every means to obstruct this Mewtwo, but the Old School Financial Group will try every means to invest a lot of resources in promoting this Mewtwo for the sake of public opinion warfare."
"The task of satirizing the old-school consortium is given to Black Mewtwo. Through Black Mewtwo's analysis of the old-school consortium, players can realize that the new and old consortiums are birds of a feather."
"As for the fact that Black Mewtwo offended the old-school consortium... that was all done by the unscrupulous Black Mewtwo workshop. What does it have to do with our Lishan Technology?"
After some thought, Li Yunhan finally understood.
No problem, that’s it!
While the new Super Dream is being developed, Lishan Technology's other industries are also undergoing continuous innovation.
In order to solve the problem of food rations, Chen She began to organize manpower to build a large-scale Time Snow Farm, where new food crops were cultivated to ensure that even if the external supplies of the Lishan Technology Field Base were all cut off, the supply of food rations could still be guaranteed.
After all, as long as there are space-time particles and basic materials, the field base can continuously produce arms and ammunition. With Chen She, the creator, there is no need to worry about this. The only problem is food rations, which is difficult to solve even for the creator.
In addition, Lishan Technology's OEM business has been further expanded, and Jintang Construction Company has been derived from it.
Unlike other construction companies, Lishan Technology's construction company provides construction services for all shelters and bases in the wilderness, helping wanderers build shelters and mobile camps.
When this plan was first proposed, there were some objections. After all, it was well known that those wanderers in the wilderness were basically poor. Moreover, with the increasing frequency of space-time activities, these wanderers were basically homeless and could not survive in the wilderness on their own like before.
In this situation, relying on the chaebol becomes the only option.
In other words, even if Lishan Technology does nothing, these vagrants can only live under the roof of others and work for them. In this case, why bother building a shelter for them?
But Chen She had a different view, because he knew very well that although these wanderers were forced to rely on the field base of Lishan Technology, they actually did not want to integrate.
Wanderers all yearn for freedom, and forcing them to stay may cause problems. What if someone here discovers the secret of Lishan Technology and reports it?
Moreover, the advantage of wanderers is that they have stronger survivability in the wilderness. It is not cost-effective to forcibly transform them into rebel soldiers who charge into battle, which means that the army will become more homogeneous.
Therefore, Chen She decided to support the wanderers and build shelters and movable barracks for them in suitable places in the wild to help them live in the wild during dangerous periods when time and space activities are more intense and unstable.
In this way, the wanderers will definitely be grateful. Not only can we widely recruit the hearts of the wanderers, but we can also make the wanderers the tentacles and frontier positions of the Lishan Technology Field Base.
In this way, if someone wants to launch a sneak attack, they will be discovered immediately when they pass by a wanderer settlement, and Lishan Technology will naturally be alerted.
The enemy can't kill all the wanderers along the way, right? That's simply unrealistic.
Of course, these benefits are not given for free. The method adopted by Chen She is to provide interest-free loans, and these wanderers will slowly pay them back with time and space crystals in the future.
After all, space-time activities are more frequent now, and there will be more space-time crystals in the wild. Although the danger has increased, the harvest has also increased.
Moreover, Chen She also introduced a system of deep cooperation. If a wanderer settlement has a pleasant cooperation with Lishan Technology and produces more time-space crystals, it can obtain some additional benefits, such as enabling the purchase of some weapons from Lishan Technology and reducing some loans, etc.
In short, this method can further enhance the status of Lishan Technology in the minds of wanderers, thereby subtly bringing as many wanderers as possible around under its command.
In this way, other wanderer settlements nearby will also be attracted. In this way, Lishan Technology can gradually replace the surrounding wanderer settlements with its own people and expand outward step by step.
Once the area where the wanderers are located is stabilized, the scope of the base can be further expanded, and this process can be repeated.
Immediately afterwards, Chen She proposed a new weapons construction plan.
Although the previous defensive weapons were effective, considering that there might be more challenges in the future, Chen She decided to put the research and development of new weapons on the agenda as soon as possible.
This time, his target is the "Peace Truth Land-based Missile", which is mainly to enrich the level of base defense.
At present, the base’s medium- and short-range missiles, as well as the base’s internal defenses are already quite good. However, if every battle took place within the base, it would cause a lot of damage, and it would have to be rebuilt every time, which would be very uneconomical.
Therefore, Chen She felt that the new defensive weapons should be used to keep the enemy out of the country. When the enemy is found to be attacking, the Peace Truth missiles should be used to wipe out the enemy and let them feel the peace. If the enemy can really rush over, then we can talk about hand-to-hand combat.
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024