Chapter 150 "The Congressman Also Has His Own Son" (1)

(Later, I will write it in a more concise outline with key plots interspersed. The title will be the name of Mewtwo at this stage. They will all be released in the form of free chapter comments. There may be tens of thousands of words. I will try to finish writing them within a month.)
After Chen She became a member of parliament, he organized the Lishan Technology Enterprise Army into a security team and eliminated all unstable forces in the entire jurisdiction with lightning speed.
After the Gerolamo gang and the Daochuan group were killed as a warning to others, the area managed by Councillor Chen She has become a forbidden area for all gangs.
The leaders of the various gangs in Dawn City actually have some consensus in private. After all, they are all underworld people, and when they play gangs in Dawn City, they naturally have to abide by the established rules.
In fact, the gangs and chaebols in Liming City seem to be incompatible on the surface, but in fact they have a symbiotic relationship. Behind most of the gangs, there are shadows of chaebols. It can be said that it is because those high-ranking congressmen do not want to use the power of chaebols to do some dirty work, fearing that it will affect their own reputation and reputation, so they secretly support the gangs and do things that are inconvenient for them to do.
The chaotic public security in Dawn City provided a good breeding ground.
From the chaebols to DCPD, to the major gangs, and to ordinary civilians, basically everyone knows this. This has become an unspoken ecology in Dawn City.
But now, this ecology has been broken by a young man in a jurisdiction.
For the gang members, it was nothing more than a forbidden area on the map from now on, and they just had to stop going there; but it was hard for other chaebols not to think too much, and naturally guessed whether Mr. Chen had done such a reckless act because he had no understanding of the environment in Dawn City, or whether there was some deeper motive behind it.
Liu Zhilin also had such doubts, but Chen She successfully deceived him with his superb acting skills and the brainwashing halo of the Curse Scholar.
The personality that Chen She had been creating before also played a role. At least until now, most people in Liming City still regarded him as a lucky upstart.
Because Lishan Technology's development has always been bumpy, the several times it has escaped catastrophic disasters seem more like pure luck.
In the eyes of most people, the success of Lishan Technology lies in two main points: the first is that it was very fortunate to have two talented Mewtwo producers, Lin Luxi and Li Yunhan, and was lucky enough to hit the new trend of Mewtwo when Changye Entertainment Group gradually fell into rigidity and conservatism; the second is that Councillor Chen She was able to lick the Silver Star Federation without any bottom line, and successively obtained the support and recognition of the Silver Star Federation through the two Mewtwo games "Another Possibility" and "The Ultimate Happiness is Building".
Therefore, this turmoil has come to a temporary end, and all gangs have consciously stopped entering the jurisdiction of Councillor Chen She, while those big conglomerates are keeping an eye on the further developments of Lishan Technology.
Chen She's servant replica "Shadow" came to the Western Continent on a special plane.
Along with him came a batch of guns produced by Lishan Technology. Although these guns were not special guns like the Defenders' that were created through the Creator's ability, they were of good quality and low price, and should be very competitive in a place like the Western Continent.
According to the previous arrangement, Chen She controlled Shadow and took a special car to the branch of Lishan Technology in the Western Continent.
The logistics company under the Pioneer Mining Group is responsible for the transportation. The branch building in the Western Continent was also set up some time ago. It is located in the area with the best security in the largest city in the Western Continent, Punola.
In this world, everything can be solved as long as you have money, so when Shadow came here, everything was already settled.
Except he is the only one in the entire branch.
At present, the branch of Lishan Technology in the Western Continent is not very conspicuous. From the outside, it looks like a large weapon store. The reason why it was chosen in the downtown area is that the environment in the Western Continent is much more chaotic than that in the Northern Continent where Liming City is located. Although Shadow, as a replicator, is capable of protecting himself, if he is targeted , he can run away, but he cannot afford to lose the branch building and guns.
Therefore, opening a branch in the area with the best security in Punola City, coupled with a cross-regional arms sales license, can basically ensure safety.
Of course the only problem is that it is deserted and very quiet.
After all, the areas with the strongest demand for guns are the marginal urban areas, the outer satellite cities, and even the wilderness further away. The good public security near the Lishan Technology Branch means that the people living here are all wealthy people who either have no need to buy guns or have their own channels to buy guns.
But Chen She didn't care. After all, selling arms was not something that could be done in a hurry. If he chose this place, he would either not be able to sell any guns, or he would have to negotiate a large order of hundreds or thousands of guns at once. Lishan Technology's arms sales targets were never those small gangsters in the city.
After all, these hooligans with guns can only disrupt the city's security and threaten the lives of ordinary people. Although the Western Continent is in chaos, Chen She has no intention of adding fuel to the fire. His target customer group is someone else.
The mechanical body of the replicator is very weak, but its advantage is that as long as there are space-time particles, it can continuously replicate itself. Generally speaking, there is no upper limit to the replicator's replication ability, but the more it replicates, the more space-time particles it consumes, and the weaker each individual becomes. Once a certain limit is exceeded, it will weaken its combat capability.
Moreover, the number of replicas that a replicator can control is also limited by his mental ability. If his mental ability is insufficient and he cannot control all the replicas at the same time, some replicas will become stagnant or idle.
Since the replicator is the main synesthesia secondary machine, generally speaking, the mental ability is not too strong. Moreover, excessive use may trigger some negative effects of synesthesia ability and increase the probability of loss of control.
But the shadow is special. It is a servant. Chen She himself is the creator and has strong spiritual power. He can control multiple servants at the same time, so this limitation is not a big problem for the shadow.
Chen She first controlled the shadow to split into different employees of the entire company to maintain the normal operation of the branch, at least to ensure that if someone came, there would be someone to receive them in the weapon shop. Then he used an insignificant copy to explore the situation in Plano City, its surroundings, and even the entire Western Continent.
As long as he finds a suitable body, Chen She can bring Gao Jingwu and other resistance fighters who are attached to the other side of the space back to reality and become his powerful helpers in the Western Continent.
After some investigation, Chen She discovered that the current state of chaos in the entire Western Continent was even more serious than he had imagined.
The Western Continent is the most impoverished and chaotic continent in the entire Old Land. Except for a few large conglomerates such as the Black Umbrella Group and the Pioneer Mining Group which have their headquarters here, other conglomerates basically just symbolically open a branch company, or at most place some processing plants here.
Although Pronola City is the largest city in the Western Continent, the slums here are much larger than those in Dawn City.
Plano City had once experienced a serious large-scale pollution incident, in which tens of thousands of civilians died. Therefore, for the rich and powerful, the Western Continent is definitely the most unsuitable place to live, bar none. There are only three types of people who still stay here.
The first type is the poor who are unable to change the status quo and cannot afford plane tickets; the second type is the big capitalists with ulterior motives and plans, such as the Black Umbrella Group, who can act more unscrupulously in the Western Continent; the third type is the rebels.
Gao Jingwu once led the resistance army to fight against the corporate coalition forces in the Western Continent for a long time. After all, this place is poor and mountainous with bad water and the environment is very harsh. Compared with the Northern Continent where the corporate forces are the most powerful, the Central Federal District where the Old Land High Council is located, the Eastern Continent, and the Antarctic glaciers that are covered with ice and snow all year round and can only be used for scientific research, the Western Continent is probably the last place where the resistance army can gain a foothold.
After Gao Jingwu's death in battle, the resistance forces in the Western Continent have been in a losing streak. Under the encirclement and suppression of the corporate army, even the remote mountains in the Western Continent are no longer safe.
Even many people in the Western Continent felt that it was only a matter of time before the last few resistance forces were completely wiped out.
However, events did not develop as many people expected, because the sudden space-time activity completely disrupted the subsequent offensive plans of the corporate army.
Due to climatic reasons, the temperature in the western continent is higher, so time and space activities do not appear in the form of time snow, but rather time rain, which comes more quickly.
The difference between the two is that time snow is slower, and although it is also corrosive like space-time particles, it is relatively weaker. Although snowflakes falling on the ground are equally dangerous, as long as the roof and tires of the vehicle are made of special materials and replaced frequently, there will be no problem.
When the snow is relatively light, the soldiers can even wear protective clothing and go out into the wilderness for a short period of time.
But the rain will be more violent and corrosive. If you are in a rainstorm, even if you wear protective clothing, it will soon become ineffective and you won't be able to hold out for long.
The original characteristics of time rain are that it comes quickly and goes quickly. Time rain does not accumulate on the ground like time snow. After it seeps into the soil, it is no longer harmful. Therefore, in clear weather, the wilderness is very safe.
Originally, the space-time activities in the Western Continent were relatively regular and could be predicted to a certain extent, so the impact was actually not that great. In fact, during the period when the space-time activities were relatively regular, it was even more convenient than the activities in the Northern Continent.
But things suddenly changed a while ago, with heavy rains for many days in a row. The rebels were hiding in the mountains of the western continent, and except for being a little hungry for a few days due to lack of supplies, they did not encounter any major difficulties. On the contrary, the corporate army's attack on the rebels' bases was destroyed, and they suffered heavy losses in their hasty retreat.
After continuous time and space activities, the wilderness has become lush and green, as if it has returned to an uninhabited era, and all traces of war have been washed away.
Originally, most people thought that this abnormal space-time activity was just a coincidence and would pass after a period of time. However, after a long time, the time rain was still irregular and unpredictable, and it was more destructive and more frequent than before.
The Western Continent Corporate Alliance, led by the Black Umbrella Group, decided to take action!
Because they were very worried that the resistance army would revive after getting a chance to catch their breath. Although Gao Jingwu was dead, no one dared to say whether a leader better than Gao .
Although the abnormal space-time activities gave the rebels some breathing space, in the eyes of the corporate coalition, it was worthwhile to wipe out the rebels as long as they were willing to destroy supplies and withstand the time rain.
But once the two sides started fighting, the close combat was completely different from what the corporate alliance had expected.
The fighting capacity of the rebels has actually improved. I don't know where they got some weapons and equipment from, but the battle has become even more difficult than before the time and space activity.
In addition, the rebels were fighting at home, taking advantage of the geographical location. The corporate coalition had to attack against the rain of time and suffered repeated setbacks.
After just three days of fighting, the Cartel forces withdrew.
There were many different opinions about the reason for this withdrawal. Although the battle with the rebels was a setback, three days was still too fast. If the fighting intention was really firm, it would have taken at least ten days or half a month before withdrawing, right?
Therefore, some people speculated that the corporate coalition forces were just pretending to fight and did not really want to fight, perhaps with the intention of keeping the enemy at bay for their own safety; there were also rumors that the reason why the corporate coalition forces withdrew was because the main force of the Western Continental Corporate Army, the Black Umbrella Group, withdrew first.
There are also rumors that the reason why the Black Umbrella Group wants to withdraw its troops is that old financial groups such as the Wilford Heavy Industries Group and the Pioneer Mining Group suddenly attacked the Black Umbrella Group in the Western Federal District High Council and even in the Old Land High Council, leaving them overwhelmed and unable to continue the war to encircle and suppress the rebels.
No matter what, the situation in the Western Continent is in a complicated and confusing state.
Chen She suspected that there might be some hidden secrets in this, which not only determined whether Lishan Technology's arms sales in the Western Continent could be carried out normally, but also might affect the entire Western Continent and the fate of the resistance army. So he sent a clone to the wilderness to find out the truth.
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024