Chapter 149 Process Transformation

Lishan Science and Technology Field Base.
One after another, floating vehicles landed and took in the captured gang members in an orderly manner according to the procedures.
Those with injuries will first be arranged to receive simple treatment at the base; those with intact limbs and who are obedient will be sent directly to the OEM factory to undergo labor and reform; those with intact limbs but who are disobedient will be sent to closed processing plants, where in addition to labor reform, they will also have special personnel to provide them with ideological education.
The entire field base has formed a standardized assembly line to ensure that every gang member who comes can be fully collected.
"Hurry up and choose for yourself." Zeng Hailong urged.
Ricardo and the members of Gerolamo's gang took a look and found that the welcoming measures here were quite thorough. The three routes to the medical clinic, the OEM factory and the closed processing plant were all clearly marked.
Some members of the Gerolamo Gang looked at each other and started to have some evil thoughts.
Which place is better to escape?
This closed processing plant is definitely the most difficult to escape from. It should be full of diehard elements. Judging from the combat power shown by Lishan Technology, entering here would be a life worse than death. It is impossible to escape.
Medical center? Well, there are only patients here, so it might be easier to escape.
But we also have to consider that places like medical clinics are sensitive and there may be some hidden security forces. Moreover, the medical clinic is a mixed bag of people, and many stubborn people are also here after being injured. It is unreasonable for Lishan Technology not to strengthen the guard.
It seems that perhaps only ordinary OEM factories will have an easier time running the business?
There are certainly defensive forces, but they are definitely much better than the closed-management processing plants and medical clinics.
Zeng Hailong seemed to see through their thoughts and laughed: "I advise you not to have any crooked ideas."
"If you work diligently in the factory and accept the reform, after a period of time you will not only have a vacation but also get the salary you deserve."
"But if you refuse to cooperate and insist on escaping or causing trouble, we won't abuse lynching here, but your salary and vacation time will be docked!"
The people from Gerolamo's gang were confused.
What a mental illness!
We have all been arrested and have lost our personal freedom, so who cares about wages and holidays?
We just want freedom!
As long as I can escape from here, return to the Gerolamo Gang, and return to the boss, wouldn't the salary and vacation I regain be much better than working like a screwdriver here?
Of course, intimidated by Zeng Hailong's tyranny, these people dared not speak out, but just silently chose the OEM factory and secretly thought about escape plans in their hearts.
Before Ricardo had the chance to enter the foundry, the people from the Daochuan Group arrived one after another.
This group of people seemed to be much more stubborn than the Gerolamo gang. Although almost all of them had injuries of varying degrees, they still had gnashing teeth on their faces. They were so tough.
Soon, the people in the Daochuan Group were faced with the same choice as the Gerolamo Gang: choose one of three options: a hospital, a OEM factory, or a closed processing plant.
But the choice of the Tokawa Group is obviously different from that of the Gerolamo Gang.
Although many of these people were injured, their injuries were not serious. After simple treatment, they are now fine.
These gang members are all bloodthirsty people, and have been injured many times during gang fights. Few of them have been hospitalized, and they all treat their injuries on their own, so this injury is nothing to them.
Only a small number of people with injuries chose the medical clinic, while the rest all chose the OEM factory.
Obviously, they all knew that a closed processing plant would definitely be a pit. Once inside, it would take forever to get out. There were actually only two options.
But after the people from the Daochuan group murmured for a while, they sent some of them to the hospital.
Ricardo didn't understand why at first, but as a gang member, he soon understood.
Obviously, the Daochuan group still wants to escape!
The reason why we sent several people to the medical center was that we wanted to send one person first to test whether the supervision at the medical center was strict.
One person tried to test the water, while the other quickly recovered from his injuries, left the clinic, and went to the OEM factory to inform them.
If the result of the test is that the care in the medical clinic is stricter than that in the OEM factory, then they will just recuperate obediently and then go to the OEM factory or run away from the OEM factory; if the result of the test is that the care in the OEM factory is stricter, then they can find ways to injure themselves in the OEM factory, go to the medical clinic, and run away from the medical clinic.
In this way, they can always choose a place with relatively weak defense.
After some analysis, Ricardo regretted it.
These people from Daochuan Group are so smart! Why the hell didn't I think of that!
All the members of the Gerolamo Gang went to the foundry, but what if the foundry had the most people and the most strict guards? Wouldn't it be impossible to escape?
What a pity.
But it was too late to change now, so Ricardo and the members of Gerolamo's gang had no choice but to go into the factory, hoping that the people from the Daochuan group would make a bigger noise when they escaped, so that they could take advantage of the situation.
At this time, in the core area of ​​the field base.
Chen She was receiving Liu Zhilin from the Mellon Bank Group in the reception room.
While drinking tea, Liu Zhilin said with emotion: "Councilman Chen, Lishan Technology has developed rapidly recently. I didn't expect the scale of the field base to be so large. It really makes me look at it with new eyes."
"You proposed the slogan of achieving zero crime in your jurisdiction, and then you arrested all these gang members with great fanfare. What were you thinking?"
There was curiosity yet some vigilance in Liu Zhilin's eyes.
Chen She made this decision without discussing it with anyone, so Liu Zhilin was not aware of it in advance.
When Chen She proposed that the goal for his jurisdiction was to have zero crime rate, Liu Zhilin was also shocked.
Of course, as a legislator, Chen She has every right to set his own goals for his district.
Because the selection of councillors nowadays is basically a formality, if you randomly mention the slogan of your district, if it succeeds, the misunderstanding will be resolved, but if it fails, at most everyone will just lose face.
However, many Liming City councilors were concerned about Chen She’s motive for making this decision.
He...could it be that he really wants to govern his own jurisdiction well?
If that's the case, it would be a huge problem!
Liu Zhilin and other legislators were not afraid that Chen She would be like them, nor were they afraid that Chen She would mess around, because no matter how much he messed around, everyone was still in the same boat. But what if Chen She wasn't messing around? What if Chen She really didn't fit in with them?
Then...this matter needs to be considered carefully.
Chen She smiled slightly: "Boss Liu, aren't you asking this even though you already know the answer?"
"Don't you know whether I really want to govern the area well?"
Chen She’s question confused Liu Zhilin, and he thought, I don’t know!
If I knew, would I still ask you?
Chen She sighed softly and explained, "Boss Liu, you see, Lishan Technology's OEM business is developing very fast, and we are in great need of people! I was thinking that these gang members are ready-made labor, aren't they?"
"I catch them and make them work illegally for me, and at the same time reduce the crime rate. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"
Liu Zhilin's expression eased a little, but he asked again: "But, I'm afraid it's impossible to catch all the gangsters in the gang. And even if you can catch all the gangsters in your area and reduce the crime rate, what's the use? If the economy of your area can't develop, it won't be of much help to your election as a congressman ."
Chen She was stunned for a moment: "Boss Liu, isn't the councillor's job an internal decision?"
Liu Zhilin was silent for a moment: "That's true, but..."
Chen She said, "That's fine, it's just a formality anyway, I can add some labor to my company, is that okay?"
While Liu Zhilin was speechless, he felt a lot more relieved.
Well, if it was just to capture them to supplement the labor force of Lishan Technology's foundry, there would not be a big problem. Although such behavior was a bit unsociable and would make other council members think a little, it was okay if it was just to make more profits, which showed that Chen She had the same idea as them and was still in the same boat.
As long as Chen She doesn't really want to govern his jurisdiction well, there will be no problem.
I wish you all a happy new year and all the best
First of all, I wish you all a happy Year of the Tiger, and may all your wishes come true. May the new year be prosperous and vigorous!
Then I would like to take this opportunity to talk about my current situation and the main problems of this book.
The original idea of ​​this book is actually quite simple. I felt that there were many things that could not be written in the urban setting of the richest man's story, so I wanted to change the background and try some higher- level excitement, such as wars between chaebols or a plot that is more bizarre than reality and may happen in an extreme background.
But I think the biggest mistake was that I wrote too hastily and was not well prepared. I should not have started the book seamlessly and should have taken a break for at least half a year.
This may be because when the Richest Man was completed, my creative state showed a tendency of reappearance, so I felt good about myself and thought that the new book could be written smoothly and quickly. So at that time I wrote more than 10,000 words every day, and I was too eager for quantity.
But looking back, I realized that because I wrote too hastily, a lot of the world view settings I designed, including the content and excitement, were buried, but in the end I did not achieve the effect I wanted, so that the entire creative rhythm became chaotic, and I fell into a state of confusion.
Then, a month after the release of the book, I was plagued by minor ailments due to accumulated fatigue, especially a two-day fever. I found myself in a state of long-term lethargy both physically and mentally, and I entered a long creative slump.
Of course, this subject matter itself has its problems. For example, some of the content may still have the risk of crossing the line, or because this extreme setting is far from reality, it is not very grounded, etc., and the writing is not smooth.
Also, because it is relatively similar to The Richest Man, I found that a lot of content used in The Richest Man is neither right to be used nor not used in this book. If used, it would be repetitive, but if not used, the plot requires some similar content, which is very confusing.
Due to various reasons, it is very painful and confusing for me to write.
So I think I should stop and reflect on my past creations, and think about how and what I should write.
I never think that I am a very good writer. Sometimes I write good works just because I am lucky and happen to come across it.
I often tell myself to be prepared that a certain book may be the pinnacle of your life's work, and to accept the possibility that any book you write afterwards may not be better than this one.
Sometimes I feel guilty because I can’t write every excellent book like many authors. I have a lot of ideas in my mind, but maybe 99% of them are garbage. Readers support them because of their trust, but I find that what I wrote is far from what I originally expected, which makes me feel very tormented.
So, looking back on my years as an online writer, looking back at those few successful works and most failed ones, I think I should reflect and make some changes.
The Richest Man was completed relatively smoothly, which I am glad about, at least my low point in my creative state did not affect its ending. I think I should give up the original model and make some new efforts and attempts seriously and down-to-earth.
I will spend some more time to sort out this book, pick out a few of the plots I like in the initial outline, and then use the outline to string them together. The main reason is that I was a little hasty at the beginning, and the plot went a little awry, and it is basically impossible to turn it back. I will just use the outline to let everyone see the whole picture of the story as much as possible.
It is no longer possible to finish writing all of it, mainly because I cannot write something exciting or fun, let alone make the readers feel fun.
I originally wanted to read this book to stop in my comfort zone and tidy up, but I didn't expect it to be comfortable at all, but painful instead.
So I want to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. I am preparing a new book, which may be published after the Spring Festival holiday. Don't expect too much, because it may still not be very good. But no matter what, I will work hard and carefully write every chapter and every plot, and will not make the same mistakes again. If I have to make mistakes, I will make new ones.
I'm sorry to everyone again and wish you all a happy new year and all the best!
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024