Volume 5: The Cataclysm Chapter 73 The Finale!

Through Lance's sincere narration, Marvin gradually understood the ins and outs of this world.
The entire multiverse has a foundation of existence.
Even the world tree that runs through the entire multiverse, and even the final star realm that seems to accommodate everything, are derived from this foundation.
And the foundation of this multiverse is Fenan.
This is why Fenan is called the main material world.
The Fenan plane is the origin of everything, and the will of the Fenan plane is actually the original consciousness of the entire multiverse.
The will of the plane is a very mysterious thing. At the beginning, Lance's understanding of it was relatively shallow, and he only used it as a tool to create the world.
Later, when he gradually realized that a plane could actually have its own consciousness, he did not realize how dangerous this signal was.
When the will of the Fenan plane begins to think like humans, disaster is already brewing.
And all of this was caused by Lance himself - that's why Lance said it was his fault.
"This world seems so vast to some people, but in fact, as far as I know, it is just a secret realm derived from a larger world."
"I was born on Earth, experienced the worst era (the Earth after the quantum storm, see the harmonized "Headshot Wizard"), and then arrived in the world where wizards are supreme."
"You may be familiar with the name of that world - Crilland. It is the same name as your family, and the reason is very simple. The original Numen came to Crilland for refuge, and I chose to take them in. Because the rules of the wizard world and the secret world are different, after I re-established the laws of witchcraft, the people of the Crilland family lost the ability to use witchcraft, but they have a vision beyond this flat world after all. Soon, they began to use various means to deal with a devil lord, and thus had the blood of the warlock."
"These are all related to you. Let me talk about something that has nothing to do with you. When I first created this world, it was actually a choice I had no choice but to make. When I chose to become Fenan's creator god, I was destined to coexist and perish with this plane. So, when this world settled down, I sent all my friends to a higher level world."
“But in the process, we ran into some trouble.”
Lance did not elaborate on the specific troubles he encountered, but from his somewhat sad tone, Marvin could imagine that there must be many unknown obstacles in the higher-level world.
A higher being intervened - in the history books, that's when ancient heroes like Lance and the Night King fought against foreign invaders.
Although they eventually drove him away, he also planted seeds in this world.
Seeds of evil.
Before leaving, that life used this seed to curse the Fenan Secret Realm. This curse would accelerate the chaos of the multiverse - and the moment order collapsed, that would be the moment the universe collapsed.
So for many years, Lance has always paid great attention to the shaping of order.
He even specially created and strengthened the cosmic magic pool to protect Fenan's main material world from infection.
However, he never expected that this seed of evil was not sown in the human world, but directly invaded Fenan's plane will!
From then on, Fenan's plane will had humanized thinking and intelligence.
One day, it got tired of being confined in this flat body. The seeds left for it by that powerful life contained a lot of information about the higher-level world.
It longs to break out of its own prison and head for a higher world.
So it began to plot and a chaotic lie began.
As the ancient gods fell one after another, it created the first three stone tablets of destiny and pretended to cooperate with Lance to promote new gods - but in fact, it just wanted to use the power of the new gods to shatter the cosmic magic pool.
In the eyes of many people, the Cosmic Magic Pool is a protection for Fenan's dimensional will.
But in its own view, it is actually a very hateful cage.
It wants to destroy the entire multiverse and push chaos to the extreme. Only in this way can its will escape from the cage.
In fact, the first time, its plan almost worked!
The defenseless Lance was successfully tricked, and he even lost his own body. He could only use the supreme secret method to live in the construct that was loyal to him.
The entire process of the destruction was horrific. Lance hid in the Moonlight Tower and witnessed everything with his own eyes.
He was very helpless about this.
This is the plot of the game in Marvin’s previous life - when the game reached the end, the evil seed from the Sea of ​​Evil Spirits was finally brewed and became the ultimate destroyer.
But it ultimately failed.
Because Lance's closest friend returned from the upper world, after realizing Lance's predicament, Bacon did not hesitate to use a time spell that even the Eternal Time Dragon could only use once in his lifetime!
A full-scale time reversal!
Let the world flow madly backwards, all the way to the beginning of creation!
In Bacon's view, in this way, disaster would not brew.
However, even a powerful being like the Eternal Time Dragon can encounter unexpected situations.
The life from the upper world was too powerful, and the seeds of evil it left behind were like a virus, preventing the progress of time reversal.
Everything remained in the ancient times, that is, before the First Era, the era of the Night King.
By that time, the seeds of evil had already been sown.
When Bacon learned of the result, he was at a loss.
And what's very embarrassing is that because of the reversal of time, two Lance appeared.
One is Lance before the First Era, and the other is Lance who remains in the construct.
When the two of them met face to face, it was extremely awkward. Fortunately, they quickly reached a consensus - the world could not be destroyed.
So they quickly took action.
They could not stop the fall of the ancient gods, nor could they stop the rise of the new gods and the shattering of the cosmic magic pool, so everything went according to the original history.
It’s just that Lance of the First Era began to act.
He did two things.
The first thing was that he went to a higher level world with the Eternal Time Dragon Bacon, trying to find a weapon that could stop the seeds of evil from destroying the world - and finally he found it, which was the fourth so-called fourth stone tablet of destiny.
The second thing was that he returned to Earth and turned Fenan's historical process into a game, allowing thousands of players to participate and solve the puzzle.
However, the flow rate of time on Earth and Fenan time is different. When Fenan's plane consciousness has begun to tend towards self-destruction, the game on Earth is far from reaching its end.
But despite this, Lance has found his favorite candidate.
That person was Marvin.
Marvin, who was paralyzed from the waist down due to an incident, also had this time travel under Lance's special arrangement.
He needed someone from another world and someone who could conceal the will of Fenan's plane and use the weapon.
And the entire process must be kept secret, and Fenan's plane will must not be aware of it, otherwise it will fail.
That's why he teamed up with the God of Wisdom to set up this plan.
The God of Wisdom transformed into the God of Fraud and wrote the Book of Naaru, deceiving the world and Fenan; then she destroyed herself, transformed into a mortal, and reincarnated in the human world like the God of Truth.
It’s just because she is intelligent, so in this life, she was easily chosen by Fenan’s plane consciousness and became an apocalypse sorcerer.
That’s where Rory comes in.
Her existence is one of the most important parts of Lance's plan, because the Apocalypse Warlock can directly input his own thoughts and will into Fenan's plane consciousness, whose thinking is not very flexible.
Only in this way could Marvin repeatedly avoid the rejection reaction of Fenan's plane will. He even gained the recognition of Fenan's plane will for a period of time and became the son of the plane!
But in the end their plan was leaked in advance, Marvin lost the Mark of Apocalypse, and Fenan's plane will also noticed Lance's layout early.
After doing all this, Lance of the First Era went to a higher level world again to look for other ways to rescue Fenan.
The construct Lance stayed in Fenan, ready to work with Marvin to prevent the birth of the destroyer in the Sea of ​​Evil.
It all sounds like a natural progression.
However, the plan could have been more perfect.

"More perfect? ​​What does that mean?" Marvin was a little surprised when he heard this.
He basically believed what Lance said. What's more, even the God of Truth, who was sealed by Lance himself, chose to believe Lance. He had even less reason not to believe it.
What's more, they are all from the same Earth, although the eras are very different - the era of quantum storm is too far away from the era when Marvin lived, but after all, they are from the same planet, so there is a sense of trust.
Lance smiled helplessly: "I arranged for the time traveler to come in. Fenan's plane will definitely be aware of it to some extent, so I used a sleight of hand."
A sleight of hand?
Marvin was slightly stunned: "Winnie?"
Lance nodded.
"The so-called Awakeners are actually just some things that happened in the past and some confusing timeline fragments that I stuffed into their minds. Some of what they saw was correct, some was wrong, and some was just pure fiction."
"In order to paralyze it, I also activated a Heaven Awakener Mark on its body."
Marvin was silent.
Winnie and Hathaway, the two people with whom he had the deepest bond, were actually the ones who Lance deliberately awakened the mark of the Awakener.
The only difference is that the former is to attract the attention of Fenan's plane will - while the latter is to paralyze the other party.
In fact, when it comes down to it, just as Marvin had vaguely guessed before, his appearance was indeed the result of a game between Fenan's plane will and Lance.
It's just that it was only now that he was sure who the destroyer was.
It is impossible for Lance himself to destroy the will of Fenan's plane, because he and Fenan's plane have become one, living and dying together, and there is no way they can hurt each other.
The people in this world can't do this either, because their roots are all here. Everything they have is given by the Fenan world, and when this world wants to take it back, they can only obey.
This is the law of the secret realm.
Only Marvin, a time traveler, can open the fourth stone tablet of destiny and gain enough power to prevent the rebirth of the seeds of evil.
“Now is the right time.”
"The Son of Evil has just been born in the Sea of ​​Evil Spirits. Now is its weakest time. Because of the special nature of the Sea of ​​Evil Spirits, only the two of us can get through."
Lance looked at Marvin seriously: "Are you ready?"
Marvin smiled bitterly: "Do I have any other choice?"
This is a real world.
Lance chose Marvin because he was impressed by the heroic heart in Marvin.
In this world, all the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness he has experienced are real.
He couldn't let the White River Valley be destroyed, he had to protect what he was supposed to protect.
Even if this is a trap, even if he is a tool being guided forward, he still has to do what he should do.
But there was a reason why Lance asked him if he was ready.
Marvin himself wasn't sure if he could really do it to that man when faced with him.
But time was running out and he could no longer hesitate.
He tightly grasped the Blade of Sodom and the Book of Naaru, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go."

Sea of ​​evil spirits.
Eighteen evil spirit lords bowed their heads and knelt in worship.
A rotten throne rises in the middle of the sea.
A woman with a beautiful figure sat on the cold throne. Her skin was dark green and her eyes were scarlet.
A seemingly thin piece of paper was stepped on the ground by her high heels.
"These worms only know how to suck my blood."
"I can no longer tolerate them climbing all over my flawless body."
"And you will follow me, destroy that abominable world, help me escape this cage and go to the upper world!"
Eighteen evil spirit lords surrendered, and except for Tithomas who had fallen into self-depravity, the other seventeen were actually ancient gods who had lost their self-awareness!
The woman on the throne was naturally the first Witch King of Anze who awakened her memory. She was also the first Plane Guardian who represented the will of Fenan's Plane and walked on the continent.
"The power of the seed of evil is so strong that when I think about it carefully, I actually didn't defeat it at the beginning."
Suddenly, a flash of lightning appeared in the sky, and two figures appeared suddenly.
Marvin and Lance in construct form.
Marvin looked at Hathaway with a complicated expression.
There was only indifference in the latter's eyes; and from Lance's description, he already knew that it was because of the excessive ties between himself and Hathaway that Fenan's plane consciousness sensed the existence of the traverser early, thus accelerating the process of destruction.
This is a relationship that is difficult to explain.
“It has nothing to do with the seeds.”
At this time, Hathaway has completely transformed into the evil side of Fenan's will. She looked at Lance indifferently: "I am tired of this kind of life. Those humble beings, their joys and sorrows, are so boring to me; and this world is constantly tending towards chaos - all this is the problem of you, the creator god!"
"I will cleanse this world for you now, and when my will is freed from this cage, you will also be freed. Isn't that good?"
Lance said calmly: "I just created this world. These creatures are reproduced by the world itself. I don't have the power to decide the life and death of others."
"But I do." Hathaway said indifferently: "The elements of life, all evolutions are derived from my rules."
"I gave them life, I gave them everything. Now, they have wasted my gift, so I am ready to take it back, and you cannot stop me."
Marvin shook his head: "A mother would not claim to have the power to decide her child's life or his death just because she gave him the life."
"From the day these lives were born into this world, they had the power to make their own choices. This is the most basic common sense followed by all creatures in the universe."
Hathaway sneered: "That's because you have never seen a higher world. Life forms are diverse. Fenan is just a small secret place in Crilland, and Crilland is just a small wave in the infinite universe."
"The life forms I have seen are naturally indifferent to lower life forms. They use universes and galaxies as their food. They use universes as their hosts and devote their own fire to them until the day when their young bodies awaken. That is when the entire universe will be devoured by it."
"Compared to these lives, according to your human concept, I have been very merciful. After all, I once let them live a humble life for some time."
Marvin clenched the Blade of Sodom.
Anger welled up in his heart, but he had no place to vent it.
He knew who he was facing, it was the will of the Fenan plane that had been planted with the seeds of evil.
And the Hathaway that I had met before was just its spokesperson.
It was not until the moment Lance appeared that he realized that the legend about the great creature in the Sea of ​​Evil Spirits was not false, but the terrifying and powerful man in the legend was actually Fenan himself.
It all makes sense.
He recounted his memories, and every scene was so familiar, as if he had experienced it just yesterday.
In fact, it has only been about a year since he arrived in Fenan World.
No matter in his past life or in this life, emotionally, he still cannot accept the destruction of all living beings in this world!
So he prepared for battle.
However, eighteen evil spirit lords were already standing before them.

"Lance, you can't kill me, and I can't kill you. There is no point in fighting between ."
"I'll kill Marvin. Then I'll win."
"But I hate your behavior of preventing me from breaking through myself, so the moment I succeed, I will kill you immediately in another world."
Hathaway still sat on the throne, and the eighteen evil spirit lords looked at the two of them coldly.
The last page of the Book of Naaru was in Hathaway's hands, and Marvin was unable to activate the Slate of Destiny in the advanced virtual godhood.
It seems that the situation has become very difficult.
Marvin took a deep breath and prepared to take action.
In fact, he was prepared for a big battle before he set off.
The other gods do not have advanced virtual godheads, nor do they parasitize in constructs like Lance. Once they enter a place like the Sea of ​​Evil Spirits, they can easily be corrupted.
Therefore, the only two people who can participate in this final battle are them.
Hathaway looked like she had already won, but there was still no expression on the face of the Lance construct.
"The seeds of evil will eventually be destroyed. This is inevitable."
He said leisurely: "These evil spirit lords, you know they are nothing in front of me."
Hathaway stepped on the page of the Book of Naaru and sneered, "But the weapon you carefully prepared can no longer be used. You paid such a price to hide it from me. Isn't it ironic?"
Lance said softly: "Since it is a layout, there must be a back-up plan."
"You still believe in the loyalty of life too easily."
Marvin was slightly stunned. Who knew that at this moment, a person suddenly appeared from the evil spirit lords!
The figure suddenly left Hathaway's camp and appeared next to Marvin.
The next second, a thin piece of parchment was handed to Marvin.
Marvin didn't expect that Lance would have such an arrangement!
Among the eighteen evil spirit lords, seventeen were corrupted after the fall of the ancient gods!
Only Tithomas succeeded because the Five-Colored Dragon God Lockhart fell into depravity and framed one of his own guards.
Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, he actually turned against the Lance camp!
And the page of the Book of Naaru in his hand is the real last page!
"I'm sorry, but hiding things from the world is my strong point." Tithomas pointed at the chapter of the Book of Naaru under Hathaway's feet and said, "How is it? Is the forgery okay?"
"You're courting death!" Hathaway was furious.
The entire sea of ​​evil spirits was stirred up by huge waves!
"I'm just executing the deal." Titomas looked at Lance and said, "I've already got this page of the Book of Naaru for you. She's at her weakest right now. I hope you can keep your promise."
"Give me back my original power."
Marvin smiled bitterly. He was not a fool and understood a lot of things in an instant.
The last page of the Book of Naaru is in the Sea of ​​Evil Spirits. This is a self-protection measure taken by the will of Fenan's plane after he understood certain information.
However, unexpectedly, Lance was more skilled in this game.
The fall of Titus was a trap in itself.
On the one hand, his time has indeed come and he needs another way to gain eternal life.
The second aspect is to integrate into the evil spirit world. However, Fenan’s plane will, whose thinking was still not flexible enough, did not expect that Tithomas—no, now the most important divine origin of Dragon God Lockhart, was in Marvin’s hands!
The plan was already launched when the elf from Lance handed over Lockhart's divine origin and advanced virtual godhood to Marvin in the Emerald Dream.
Marvin now recalled that in his several encounters with Tithomas, the other party was most likely just pretending to kill him!
This is the real back-up plan.
He looked at Lance with something close to awe.
Lance just smiled: "When you live as long as I have, you can see far enough."
"I can hold them off for a while, I need your help."
The next second, the sea of ​​evil spirits swept in, and the construct Lance and the five-colored dragon god Lockhart rushed to meet them!
And Marvin integrated the last page of the Book of Naaru into the origin!
Page 8 of the Book of Naaru - Destiny!
When all the Books of Naaru merged into one, their shape really turned into a key with wings!
Marvin could still vaguely see the symbol of the God of Wisdom through his body!
The Book of Naaru unlocks the Stone of Destiny, and everything falls into place.
In an instant, Marvin felt waves of horrifying information hitting his mind!
If it weren't for the high-level virtual godhead helping him to continuously digest this information and knowledge, he would probably have gone crazy at that moment!
He saw an eye as huge as a planet!
He saw large numbers of insect-like creatures flying across the void, all over the mountains and fields, plundering one living planet after another!
He saw a world where humans were oppressed by wizards for three thousand years, and finally a butcher rose up in resistance, driving a mecha and killing his way into the wizard group alone! (See the new book "Galaxy Empire")
He saw towering buildings rising from the ground, and he saw a world chart that looked like a bookcase - every book was a world!
Worlds of different levels and dimensions appeared before him.
At the same time, the fourth Stone of Destiny - actually the treasure that Lance was looking for from a higher world - contained tremendous power that instantly filled his body!
With the help of the advanced virtual godhead, he could feel that he was rapidly becoming stronger!
With the Blade of Sodom in his hand, he even felt the terror of Marvin, from the initial excitement to some fear!
He saw the passage to another world!
Although it was only a flash, the Stone of Destiny gave him the power to travel freely between the upper and lower worlds!
This is possible because he is not a resident of Fenan and does not have the mark of being attracted to the will of the Fenan plane.
"Hurry up and do it!"
"Kill her!"
In the sea of ​​evil spirits, Lance fought with the corrupted ancient gods.
Even though he was the God of Creation, his power was still greatly weakened after he lost his physical body.
Although it can be held off, it seems to have fallen below.
Marvin's gaze finally fell on Hathaway who was sitting on the throne.
"What will happen if I kill her?" He asked this question instead of doing it directly.
Lance smiled bitterly: "I will die with her. This world will be in turmoil for a while, but the new will of the plane will still be born. Don't worry."
"What you are killing now is just the son of evil in Fenan's plane of will!"
Hathaway looked at Marvin coldly, looking at the knife in his hand: "If you kill me, the soul of this flesh will be forever destroyed."
"By the way, all the apocalypses, including the God of Wisdom who thinks he is very smart, will be buried with me."
Marvin smiled bitterly.
He could feel that he was unprecedentedly powerful, and the newly born Hathaway was indeed no match for him.
However, with this blow, although the world would be spared, many people would die.
Hathaway, Lance, Jessica, Kate, Rory.
He didn't like this ending very much.
Then, a ray of wisdom suddenly lit up in the depths of his heart!
That was the wisdom talent that remained in his body from the God of Wisdom.
He examined all his strength and finally smiled.
“Perhaps this is not the only outcome.”
Marvin said to Lance, "I saw a lot of things when . In the upper world, since there are those who spread the seeds of evil, there should also be corresponding ways to fight against them."
"You don't have time to look for it, so you can only resort to this last resort, but I am different."
"I feel that a victory that came at such a tragic price cannot be considered a victory, it is just a mutual destruction."
"So... I won't kill her."
Hathaway sneered, her laughter full of mockery.
Lance shrugged helplessly, and Tithomas roared directly: "Give me back my origin! You coward!"
"It's not your turn to judge this!"
There was a natural confidence in Marvin's eyes.
The fourth stone of destiny can indeed transform a person.
He closed his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "It will look lonely if you do this."
"But it's better than the current result. After all, I really don't want to see anyone die in vain."
"Although I may be a little too overbearing and didn't ask for your opinion, but anyway, when time stood still, you didn't feel it."
"So, let me be willful for once."
The next second, the advanced virtual godhood in his body suddenly burst out with a bright light.
The dazzling light instantly spreads throughout the universe!
Wherever the light shines, the time is exactly at that second!
[Incredible technique! ]
It was only after Marvin gained power from the upper world that he finally realized the power of this inexplicable spell.
Making the time of the entire universe stand still is an incredible thing.
But Marvin, who possessed the power of the Stone of Destiny, did it.
The light permeates every corner of this universe.
Thus, the time of the entire multiverse froze at this moment.
He was the only one walking alone.
He walked around the land of Fenan, visited his old friends, and then went back to the White River Valley to look at the place where he had once struggled and protected.
In the end, he decided to leave this world!
The passage to the upper world is opened, and he will set out alone on an unknown journey.
I believe that in that more magical world, he can find a way to eradicate the seeds of evil.
And when he finds a way, that's when he returns to Fenan.
"It's a bit lonely indeed."
Walking in the void between worlds, Marvin smiled bitterly in his heart as he watched the upper world getting closer and closer.
However, the next second, a familiar voice sounded:
"Times have changed! The younger brother is actually stronger than the older brother!"
"But you are quite brave to go to the unknown world alone. You are worthy of being my little brother."
Eternal Time Dragon!
Tiramisu and Marvin walked side by side, passed through the edge of the world, and finally arrived at the upper world mentioned by Lance.
This is a vast galaxy!
Planets stand side by side, a brand new universe, and an endless journey!
He knew that another Lance was also in this universe, struggling to find a way out.
The incredible technique is only a temporary solution and not a fundamental solution. If he wants to truly solve the problem of Fenan's plane, he still needs to make more efforts.
But he didn't realize that he was not alone.
"How was it? An unexpected surprise?"
Tiramisu said with a smile: "I am the Eternal Time Dragon!"
"Your incredible technique is very powerful. You can seal the entire universe, but you can't seal mine!"
Marvin smiled slightly and patted the Time Dragon's head gently. He had a lot to say, but in the end, it only turned into one sentence:
"Let's go."
It's dark ahead.
And you and I will never feel alone on this seemingly endless journey.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024