Volume 4: The Last Day The name of Chapter 24’s plan is “Fuck the Justice League”!

When Mason crossed the World Gate and arrived at Osborne Tower exhausted, the members of Team K were already waiting for him in the large office that originally belonged to Sandman with gloomy faces.
Everybody is here.
Including Poison Ivy who just joined the team and non-staff member Calypso.
They had all heard about Kite Man's terrible fall at the hands of the Justice League, and all of them understood the terrible risks of such a thing happening at this time.
However, when Mason walked into the office, the still somewhat sickly Catwoman stood up and forced a smile and said to Mason:
"Happy birthday, little one."
Zha Kang, who was smoking, raised his head, looked at the expressionless young man in surprise, and said:
"Today is your birthday? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have ordered a cake on the way here to express my hypocritical blessing and add some joy to this terrible situation."
"Please, John."
Mason glared at him and said:
"You can shut up today is my greatest blessing. Okay, I know what everyone is thinking, don't waste time, let's talk about business."
He stood in the middle of the office, looked around, and said:
"We have to save Charles, that's the keynote! And it's not just out of my personal commitment to my teammates and my desire to protect them, there is also a very real necessity.
I just got off the phone with Batman.
He wanted me to surrender and promised that the Justice League could protect our safety, but everyone had soul curses on their hands so we knew that their protection was meaningless.
But I also learned from him that Charles was not injured or tortured, and that the guys were still busy cleaning up the world's debris in space, and his interrogation would begin in a few days. "
"it's useless."
Zha Kang shook his head with a sad face and said:
"Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth is thrown on Charles's hand, and with his half-full willpower, he'll reveal all our secrets in just a few minutes.
Even by the most lenient curse triggering standards, Kite Man is dead.
The Justice League's spellcaster allies are no match for a curse of this magnitude, so once they begin their interrogation, it's only a matter of time before Charles dies.
The worst thing is, I can't confirm whether it will affect us if he tells about Team K.
Mason, you also know that last time we took a risk, I almost triggered that thing. It is not a rigid oath constraint. In terms of the triggering conditions of that area, it seems very "intelligent."
"So we have to be quick!"
Mason crossed his arms, squinted his eyes and said coldly:
"John, Selina, you two will come with me to Wayne Manor. We need to find the information data of the watchtower in the Batcave so that we can figure out how to act quickly after we get there."
"You're crazy!"
This time, it was not the complaining scumbag Kang who refuted, but Barbara who was resting on the sofa. Batgirl, with a towel on her forehead, raised her head and said:
"Mason, I know you're anxious, but calm down. The watchtower is in Earth orbit! We may be able to get in, but as long as the security alarm is triggered, we won't be able to get out."
"Yes, Mason, we all know you're anxious, but don't rush it."
Ertong, with his upper body naked and covered in bandages, tried very hard to stand up from the wheelchair, but he failed after trying several times. He could only lean on Alice's sword and said weakly:
“The Assassin’s League has many plans to attack the Justice League, but even someone as crazy as Lei Xiaogu has never thought of invading the Watchtower, which is basically a place of no return.
Not to mention that there are always at least two official members of the Justice League stationed there, their high-level data encryption alone is not something that ordinary people can solve.
That is the 'fortress' built by Cyborg himself as the data center, which is theoretically impossible to be breached."
"You said it was in theory, but it must be different in practice."
As others looked on in astonishment, Mason took a cigarette from Zha Kang's cigarette box and put it in his mouth. He flicked his fingers to light it and said in a hoarse voice as the smoke splashed:
"The Ultra program that Barbara used can deal with Arnim Zola, and it was just a copied subroutine thread, which means that if we can get the complete copy of the Ultra program, the security network of the Watchtower can also be brute-forced.
As for how to get out after entering...
Why are we coming out?"
As the team members stared in astonishment, Mason flicked the ash from his cigarette and said:
"Have you forgotten something? When the Hydra team was defeated by Superman alone, their world gate fell into the hands of the Justice League.
That thing was kept in an isolated watchtower along with all other outsiders' belongings.
The Justice League has probably not cracked the characteristics of that door yet. Now the reorganized 'Hyper Snake' is under the control of the old Green Goblin. As long as that door is not destroyed, it is our 'safe passage'. My friends, you don't really think that I am so anxious that I want to come up with a suicidal action plan, do you?
The fact is that rescuing Charles from the Justice League is not as difficult as you think. As long as we can enter the Watchtower, half of the task will be accomplished.
When the time comes, take Charles and evacuate from the World Gate. It will only take a few seconds to get back to Osborne Tower.
If you act fast enough, they won’t even be able to react.”
The whole office was silent. Captain Jack had already opened the bottle of wine to celebrate, but the sharp-eyed Catwoman and Zha Kang looked at each other, and the elder sister pursed her lips and said:
"'We'? You mean, you're not taking part in the operation? What are you going to do? Mason! Speak clearly!"
"Someone must stay on the surface to attract the attention of the Justice League and the group of spellcasters. Only in this way can you create a chance to sneak into the watchtower."
Mason blew out a smoke ring and picked up his penguin umbrella to play with it in his hands.
He looked around and said:
"Who else can take on this important task besides me? I am the captain, and I should shoulder the most difficult part of this plan. The battle with the Conqueror in the Doomsday also gave me some confidence in my armor.
I can hold them back.”
"You are really crazy!"
Zha Kang stomped out the cigarette butt fiercely.
He was relieved that Mason did not throw him, theoretically the strongest member of Team K, out to take the blame at this time, but he also felt that Mason was being a little too arrogant.
He said:
"Your armor was taken apart by that Bizarro! And I think that fake bastard is no match for Superman. Superman can handle you alone! Not to mention that two-faced bastard Batman..."
Mason twisted the handle of his umbrella.
A green kryptonite spear tip popped out from the top of the penguin umbrella, illuminating Mason's cheek.
He stroked this unique little thing, looked at Zha Kang who was stunned, and said in a low voice:
"Who did you just say could beat me up by himself ?"
When Constantine saw the Kryptonite spear, he understood instantly. He gritted his teeth and said:
"You've been preparing to fight those guys for a long time, right? But don't forget that in addition to the Justice League, you also have to face the spellcasters.
There is a high probability that Doctor Fate will appear in person.
A spellcaster of that level wouldn't even need to make contact with you to bind you, and you're clearly lacking in magical power right now."
"Am I stupid? Will I stay in Gotham and fight them till the end?"
Mason sneered and shook his head.
"How long I can hold out on the ground depends entirely on how fast you guys move in the tower. If you move fast, I can get out faster. So the key to this operation is not how powerful I am, understand? John.
The key lies in you!"
He took the burnt cigarette butt and extinguished it in the cup of water behind him.
He looked at Zha Kang, put his hand on his shoulder and said:
"You lead the team this time, John. I won't interfere with your command. You can do whatever you want. Whether I can live to see you all depends on your ability.
Of course, if I unfortunately die, you will take over as the captain of Team K.
It's up to you to decide how to proceed from now on.
But my advice to you is, don't trust the Star Society, and don't trust Mr. Hunter's group too much. Hunter himself may be trustworthy, but the guys behind him are a bunch of fucking insects. "
"You can't go alone, Mason."
Catwoman stood up suddenly, walked to Mason, and said in an unquestionable tone:
"I'll stay here with you. I'm almost done talking to Venom. I've reached an agreement with him, and my physical fitness should be strong enough to withstand the parasitism of the symbiote.
I can't leave you here alone!
I also cannot allow you to have a life-and-death battle with the man I love most in his city."
“Not yet!”
Mason shook his head and refused:
"You are not allowed to use Venom now. Wait until I finish my research and improvement on it. I just got a new idea that can allow you to gain more power while effectively curbing the parasitic transformation of the symbiote on you.
That is a 'safety valve'.
You have to go to the watchtower with John. You need to split up to ensure maximum efficiency.
Everyone else has their own tasks, including Barbara and Ertong. I know you are very tired now, but listen to me, you must also participate in this matter. "
"Stop it, Mason. We get it."
Barbara took the towel off her head and said sickly:
"If you can do this for Charles, it means that if we face the same dilemma in the future, we can also count on you to come to our rescue.
This is not a bad thing, and your plan has been perfected to this point.
We have no reason to refuse anymore.”
"Well, the three of us may not be able to help you, but as long as you need us, we will definitely help you with all our strength!"
Captain Jack patted his chest and promised. Behind him, Angelina, holding the small bottle of Queen Anne's Revenge in her hand, also nodded seriously.
Lady Elizabeth, whose eyes were red and obviously she had been crying, sniffed and said in a hoarse voice:
"We owe you a debt of gratitude, Mason. We will follow your flag!"
"very good!"
Mason nodded, and finally looked at Poison Ivy. Ivy glanced at him and said:
"Charles could have left me behind and escaped, but he left me with the hope of survival. When he pushed me into the World Gate and chose to stay to resist the Superman he could never defeat, he said that I was more valuable to Team K than he was.
I owe him a lot, and I don't like owing favors to people.
I will help. ”
"Then take a rest. We will take action the day after tomorrow night!"
Mason looked at his watch and said with finality:
"John, Selina and I are going to Wayne Manor to 'deliver' the goods. The Conqueror is too hot to handle. Maybe we can just pass him off as a nuisance to the Justice League."
After saying that, Mason turned and walked out of the office. When he opened the door, he saw Spider-Man and Daredevil sitting in chairs waiting for him in front of the aisle.
Before Mason could speak, Old Peter drank the coffee in his hand and said:
"You can't refuse our help this time, can you? Mason, it sounds like you're going to have to fight some pretty dangerous guys to save your friend."
"Charles Brown helped this city, he helped us, and he meant more to the world than the word 'friend' can ever contain."
Lawyer Ma, wearing red flirty sunglasses and leaning on his cane, said humorously:
"Now he's in trouble and might need a lawyer. Can I recommend myself?"
"I really can't say no ."
Mason shrugged and said:
"Well, I do need two outsiders who have nothing to do with Team K to help me clean up. Don't worry, you two, I promise you that no one will die in this operation, and it will not violate your principle of not killing.
But you'll probably have to spend some time in my world.
Once you pass through the World Gate, you cannot use it to return, otherwise you will also be cursed with your soul.
But if everything goes well, then the 'friends' over there will probably be able to find a way to send you back soon. After all, there is a speedster among them who can travel between different worlds without relying on the world gate but only on his feet.
So, relax and just think of this as a sightseeing trip to another world."
The old spider swung his fingers in a good mood, ruffled his messy hair, and said:
"I was thinking of meeting that Batman you always admired, and my little daughter heard some stories about him from somewhere.
She's always wanted an autographed Batman drawing, and I couldn't let my little one down."
While Mason was busy arranging the rescue operation for the Kite Man, in the prison cell of the watchtower, Charles, who had been captured, was sitting cross-legged in a dark room with a look of regret on his face.
He was taught a lesson by Superman because of his fierce "arrest". Not only were his cool vulture wings torn into pieces, but he was now bruised and swollen and his whole body was in pain.
In fact, Kite Man was also very annoyed that he suddenly got too excited at that moment and played the role of "hero saving the beauty". Poison Ivy was so powerful that she didn't need him to save her at all.
All right.
He admitted that he did have a slight admiration for the green-skinned little sister villain, but that shouldn't be the reason why he made this poor choice.
"I must be crazy."
In the darkness, Charles slapped his face and said:
"Perhaps I was infected by the boss. I always felt that I was doing the right thing. Although I was a third-tier villain, I had a strange sense of mission without fear when facing Superman.
What the hell.
Um, please don't come to rescue me!
Those bastards are ready to lure the enemy in."
He stayed like this, feeling sorry for himself for more than ten minutes, and then he turned his head to get up and prepare to take a nap. As a result, when he turned around, he saw the master standing outside the cell in the dark, as cold as a sculpture, staring at him with his coolest and most indifferent attitude.
This immediately caused Kite Man to suffer from the "Bat PTSD" common among Gotham villains, and he had a panic attack and fell to the ground.
"You! Don't come over here!"
He screamed.
The master looked at the guy in front of him who was frightened by him, and said in a hoarse voice:
"They will be here to accompany you soon. Your secrets, your goals, your methods, everything will be revealed until all the truth is exposed to the sun."
"Don't even think about it!"
The Kite Man shouted:
"I won't say anything! I will never betray the boss!"
The old man chuckled hoarsely and slowly retreated into the darkness. This action alone was enough to evoke some of the most fearful memories hidden deep in the heart of the Kite Man.
In the darkness, the master's voice came faintly, saying:
"You'd better."
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024