Volume 4: The Last Day Chapter 21 Everything was born in the ancient starry sky, and everything was destroyed by BOOM

Mason looked at Tony Stark in front of him with surprise.
He was originally wearing a casual suit, but now he was wearing another set of mechanical-style armor, but the thing that suddenly appeared and covered his whole body felt like a metal tights.
The handsome figure of the man in front of you, who is under heavy pressure but still looks cool, is clearly shown.
His black hair fluttered on the face-exposing helmet, and his eyes, which should have been clearly black and white, were filled with white arcs of energy as if they were being charged, giving him a different feeling that he didn't have when he was wearing full-body armor.
The battle suit he was wearing at this moment did not conform to the design of the famous MK series armor.
First of all the color is wrong!
The white armor looks quite eye-catching, with solid-color energy rings all over the shoulders, waist, legs and wrists. It is somewhat similar to the Isu Vanguard Armor that Mason is wearing now, both of which look quite futuristic.
It still shines under the gloomy light, obviously because of the chrome-plating on the surface. This armor does not have the most conspicuous Ark reactor in all Iron Man's armors on the chest, which is obviously another design idea.
Mason raised his eyebrows at this, and the Isu thoughts in his mind began to stir.
"This armor is alive!"
Behind Mason, the Isu ghost Consus quietly appeared and said to Mason in a surprised tone:
"It is suspected to be bio-nanotechnology, a highly distributed data framework, one-piece and full of the naturalness of a living organism, and no data interface can be sensed at all.
It is a combination that achieves it in another way.
It was like a miracle.”
"Doesn't your suit... require energy?"
Mason asked proactively.
Stark grinned a meaningful smile.
He raised his hand in front of Mason, and as his five fingers moved, the white armor suddenly turned into flowing liquid, and gathered into a jumping "little man" in the palm of his hand like a milky white strange creature.
He answered quietly:
"When have you ever seen a symbiote shut down due to lack of power? I'm past the point where I need an Ark reactor, Mason. This is the next stage of the Mark Armor.
In other words, it is the next stage after all armor systems are combined with biotechnology.
You know, the energy core is the common weakness of all suits, but if my suit doesn't have that thing, no one can use it against me."
“Good idea.”
Mason exclaimed, then stretched out his hand and asked:
"Can I touch your armor, Stark? It looks so cool. My Fenrir armor looks plain in comparison."
"Touch whatever you want."
Iron Man strikes a coquettish pose, but reminds:
"But you are not allowed to get it dirty, and you are not allowed to touch below the shoulders. If you were a woman, it would be fine, but unfortunately you are a man."
"I totally understand."
Mason nodded and reached out to touch the guy's forearm. A few seconds after his hand touched the cold white armor, the information tag he wanted popped up in front of him:
Endosymbiote Nano Armor/"White Tank" Suit
Quality: Legendary Engineering, Ultra-Advanced Technology, Immortal Craftsmanship
Features: No access without authorization
Tips: To obtain the complete blueprint of this item, you need Engineering Lv8, and to operate this Warframe, you need Engineering Lv7 and the [Symbiote Immunity] trait.
Producer: Tony Stark/Iron Man Ultimate World
Item Description: Nanotechnology + Symbiote + Armor System , what a genius idea! Now your mother doesn't need to worry about your charging problem anymore.
"What an amazing work, it has greatly broadened my thinking. You are a genius, Tony."
Mason retracted his finger and said half-truthfully:
"I guess only you can design something that transcends generations like this."
"I'm very happy that you praised me. I like young people like you who can talk. Unfortunately, it was not designed by me. I just copied others' ideas and made some changes to my own style."
Iron Man in the white tank suit shook his head and explained:
"This is Tony Eleven's design. After he arrived at Fox's Lair, he was accepted into the Stark Corps. As a condition of joining the Corps, he shared the blueprints of his symbiote suit with us.
Oh, by the way, I am Tony No. 7 in the Stark Corps."
"Huh? Stark's army?"
Mason raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked:
"I know that the stars are deliberately collecting time-space aliens like you, but how many Tony Starks do you have?"
"There are 13 at the moment, 12 men and a girl who is married to Steve."
Tony No. 7 curled his lips and said:
"After this impact, there will probably be more. I don't feel any psychological pressure to work with my own time-space alter ego. The only regret is that not all Tony Starks are willing to stand on the side of justice.
There are three Tonys in the Conqueror Sequence, namely Zombie Iron Man, Ultron Iron Man, 2020 Iron Man or Gear Iron Man. They are not members of Stark's Legion.
Be careful when you encounter them.
I heard that there is also an Iron Man in the decision-making level of the superior organization, who is the No. 0 body of all Tony Starks. It is said that guy has an infinity gem representing wisdom in his brain.
It’s not clear what Body 0’s stance is at the moment, but I don’t think you’ll be seeing him anytime soon.
Now that I have said what I need to say, I will say goodbye. "
Mason nodded, put the Fenrir armor with exhausted energy back into the storage tank and put it back into the briefcase, and finally picked up the Blood Edge armor that was shattered into wreckage and strode out of the ruins.
When he turned around, White Can Tony had disappeared.
That guy's symbiote suit must have some kind of teleportation or stealth mode. After all, it is "black technology" that Mason cannot understand at all, so it is normal for it to be cool.
He walked out of the collapsed area on a high ground and looked down. The ruins of Virginia City, which had long been deserted, collapsed and was about to be completely submerged by the cold sea water, were right in front of him.
Everywhere you look is the endless rolling ocean, while the other world above your head is already extremely clear.
The impact is about to happen.
Even from where he was standing, he could hear the painful whimpers of the ground beneath his feet as it crumbled apart, and in front of him, a demon lizard tank was flying towards him on the crest of the wave, emitting billowing black smoke. Jack, Zha Kang, and the weak Colypso were sitting on the armor.
These are probably the last few living people in this world.
Constantine waved the trident infused with the divine power of the Poseidon in his hand, and the shock wave created deadly waves that enveloped the members of Team K.
As the cockpit opened, Mason saw Barbara Gordon, who was unconscious due to brain overheating, and Er Tong, who was hanging on to life by a life support device.
This was probably the worst battle Team K had ever experienced since its establishment.
He won only after he had played all his cards.
However, what surprised Mason was that there was a zombie-like Bizarro tied to the back of the Demon Lizard Tank, with Alice's sword stuck in his body like a weird "seal". Zack used magic to bind him up and put him into a coma, making this already weird-looking zombie superman look even more miserable.
Mason didn't do much to check on the captive.
He climbed onto the tank and quickly fed Barbara a variety of medicines to prevent her from continuing to suffer from the symptoms of brain overheating. He also gave the second barrel an emergency bandage and fed him the last bit of pure unicorn blood he had without dilution to prevent Jason from dying suddenly.
"We can't stay here anymore. The world is falling apart. It's already scarred and it can't hold on any longer."
Colepso, whose divinity was taken away and who turned back into a human witch, leaned weakly against the magic lizard tank, feeling sad that the end of her world had come.
She whispered:
"Take one last look at it. You'll never have another chance like this."
Mason and Zha Kang exchanged glances, looked at the weak sea goddess Colypso, and said:
"Are you sure you want to come with us? Do you know what this means? Considering the dangers we are doing and the tragic ending we may get, perhaps it is an easier choice to accompany your world to perish."
"I...I don't know."
Colepso squatted on the edge of the rock with her arms folded, looking at the endless ocean of doom in the rain in front of her. In the breeze and drizzle that had turned from a heavy rain to a trickle, she lowered her head and said:
"I had made up my mind to perish along with the world that raised me, or die gloriously in the battle against the unknown, but I miraculously survived."
She covered her face and said:
"I no longer know where to go, so I can only drift with the tide to the ends of the earth, along with those sea people whom I once ignored and despised.
But Jack assured me that you were a good man."
"The other world will welcome you, Collypso."
Mason reached out and patted the female sea goddess who had transformed into a human, and said:
"You may be able to find a new life there with your people in anonymity. It won't be easy, but I believe that with your help, those homeless people will at least live more comfortably in the new world.
There are already many people sacrificing and dying for this world, you are not the only one left.
The world is dead.
It is up to you, the former god, to remember it. It will perish among the stars, but at least you can still tell the story of today, in the name of God, or in the name of man.
It’s up to you.”
"Look! The Dutchman!"
Captain Jack, who was blowing smoke rings and looking sad, suddenly shouted, and everyone looked up.
The broken hull of the Flying Dutchman slowly rose from the boundless ocean. Having been broken at least three times before, it was repairing itself in this weeping ocean.
Its deck, covered with barnacles and alien creatures, was filled with people.
That was several times more "passengers" than the crew the ship was supposed to have, including survivors like Barbossa who participated in the Doomsday War.
Or they are called "those who go to die".
Although no one was told what would happen next, everyone on this lonely ghost ship sailing on a sunless sea that reflected the image of another world knew it.
They could sense the eruption brewing beneath the sea.
The traction and influence from the two worlds are tearing apart the main body of the planet. Hot magma has burst out from every crack on the seabed. That is the blood of the world flowing.
I think the same situation exists on the other side of the world that is approaching this world.
The end is on its way, and it cannot be stopped.
Captain Jack, who was awakened by Zha Kang, looked at the distant ship in front of him with a lost and helpless look. His eyes at this moment were like those of a child who had lost everything, which made people feel distressed.
But no one could comfort him.
Next to him is the last remaining god in his world, but even Kolypso has lost her power and is preparing to leave this doomsday land with the outsiders who saved her.
"Look, your father is calling you."
With a cigarette in his mouth, Zha Kang bumped Jack's shoulder and pointed at the Dutchman in the distance.
Captain Jack, who was in a very miserable state, looked up and could see old Edward Teague waving to him from afar on the top of the monster-like ship, as if it was the last farewell between father and son.
From then on, they embarked on two paths that would never meet again.
"You don't want to say anything?"
Zha Kang asked in a mean tone.
Captain Jack shook his head and said:
"There's not even a boat here, how am I supposed to get over there? You're talking nonsense."
"Tsk, I know you're in a bad mood so I won't argue with you."
Constantine blew out a smoke ring, waved the trident in his hand, which was full of divine power, and said:
"Otherwise I will use this powerful thing to stab you to death here. I think the hot and passionate Angelina will definitely not be sad for you for a few days. Maybe I can even get close to her."
“Get out, get out!”
Captain Jack kicked and punched his bad friend away, then squatted by the sea alone, watching the Dutchman turn around and sail away in the breeze and rain.
He wondered where these last pirates were going.
But he was sure it wouldn't be a good place.
Within a few minutes, as the ghost ship disappeared on the turbulent coastline, an object like a drifting bottle was pushed by the waves to Captain Jack's eyes.
He picked up the bottle puzzled and found a tattered ship sealed inside.
That was the Queen Anne's Revenge.
It is badly damaged.
Maybe this was the farewell gift Barbossa left for him, or maybe that damn bastard wanted to use him to pass this thing to Serena Smith who was already with the old Spider.
Jack sighed, picked up the bottle and placed it in his arms, then looked back at Mason.
The latter was taking care of Barbara and Ertong. He noticed the gaze and looked at the distraught Collypso and Captain Jack. Only Zack still had a heartless look on his face.
Mason motioned Captain Jack to come over with his eyes, then stood up and whispered beside him:
“We were once the symbol of evil in this world. We were called monsters and scum. But in this desperate era, we have also signed the final contract with our world and our civilization.
We are still fighting.
So, our world has not yet ended!
We know we are going to hell.
But no matter which hell we are in, we will be the best ghosts..."
Hearing these words, Jack couldn't hold back any longer.
The prodigal son burst into tears upon hearing these words. He knew that these were Will Turner's "last words" when he was determined to fight to the death with the Cleaner Corps.
It's amazing that Mason remembered the whole text after just listening to it once.
"Fuck! Why are you making it so emotional?"
The legendary pirate turned his head and wiped his eyes while complaining in a crying voice:
"Don't make an epic goodbye look like a sissy, damn it! I was planning on going back and bragging to those assholes about what I went through today."
"Oh? You mean the part of your battlefield experience you specifically brag about?"
Zha Kang came over and handed me a cigarette, saying in a mean way:
“You mean the part where you were knocked unconscious by the sea water and nearly drowned in the car?
Well, that was pretty cool, a jerk who had spent most of his life on the sea since he could crawl almost drowned like a landlubber."
"Shut up, you bastard."
Captain Jack held up a cigarette and fiercely pointed his middle finger at Zha Kang. At this time, Barbara, who was unconscious due to brain overheating, also opened her eyes. She held her head and screamed in pain:
"Ott nearly screwed my brain to pieces, damn it! There's still something in my brain... I think I need to take a break, Mason.
I think I’ll have to go back to a wheelchair for at least half a month.”
"Then sit down."
Mason sighed, glanced at the still unconscious Ertong, and said:
"Both of you are no longer able to fight. Go back and rest. There will be more troubles after this."
He took out an ordinary door from his bag and transformed it into a new landmark of the Gate of the World. He looked at the raindrops still falling from the sky and said to Colepso:
"It's time to stop the rain. Although the end of the world is approaching, it's hard to be happy in such a sad atmosphere. Put away your magical powers."
The sea goddess who was grieving alone was surprised for a moment and said doubtfully:
"I have nothing to do with this rain, Mason. I didn't call it."
"Maybe it's your own 'BGM'."
While playing with the trident staff that had absorbed enough divine power and turned into a shiny staff, Zha Kang joked:
"Since I met you, Mason, I've noticed that it always seems to rain whenever something bad happens to you. Are you the legendary 'Rain God'?"
It was obviously just a casual joke, but Mason blinked.
He looked at his fingers calmly, shook his head, and no longer cared about it. Instead, he turned around and turned the brass doorknob, and the starlight curtain reappeared.
It's time to go home.
Just as they walked through the World Gate one after another, a loud bang exploded in the boundless ocean behind them.
Mason looked back.
What came into view was a strange world that had crossed a certain "boundary" and truly appeared in this dimension, casting a dark shadow of destruction in the sky.
The gravity and gravitational force of the two worlds are like countless knives, which completely "cut" each other the moment they crossed the boundary. The hot magma gushed out from the collapsed crust, making the world above the sky become as dazzling as the sun in the disintegration.
The world that had been completely submerged by the sea also produced a high-temperature storm and huge energy that destroyed everything in the collapse of the earth's core, throwing the sea, the earth, the mountains and all things into the endless dark stars.
Mason saw all of this.
He witnessed the end of two worlds.
This speed was much faster than he had imagined. Almost in an instant, everything familiar disappeared in the cruel time.
"Good night……"
He whispered, closing the World Door behind him.
At the moment when this door on the rock under the doomsday was completely closed, the energy from the center of the earth exploded completely, crushing everything into powder and throwing it into the endless sea of ​​stars.
There are some things Mason didn't tell Jack, Zack and his companions, but he believes that his companion Old J will lead those monster pirates to find a way out.
Someone will guide them away from here at the end of the world.
Mason believed that they would definitely meet again in the future, and when that time came, they would tell each other the fantastic stories that happened after they said goodbye.
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024