Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 73: Becoming an Honorary Isu from Today

In order to ensure that the potion would be strong enough for him to drink, Mason threw a small piece of the Philosopher's Stone into it. Before drinking it, he did not forget to look at the entry of this thing.
It turns out that the addition of the super medium of the Philosopher's Stone has instantly transformed the strengthening potion in his hand:
Unnamed mixed reinforcer
Medicine quality: Legendary alchemical creation, exquisite craftsmanship (the integration of the Philosopher's Stone improves the quality and craftsmanship)
Drug properties: Isu heritage, physical enhancement, universal adaptability
Drug effects:
1. Because the drug is mixed with a high concentration of Isu gene model serum, it may change the race of the drinker.
2. Because the adapter is made using a special solution of super soldier serum, it must contain physical enhancement.
3. The quality of the medicine is improved by adding the Philosopher's Stone, and a protective force is exerted so that the medicine's transformation of the drinker will not affect the drinker's life safety.
4. Unknown effect. This enhancement formula is the first exploration of the alchemist. Its specific enhancement effect is waiting to be recorded.
Producer: Mason Cooper
Item Description: You dare to drink something of unknown origin? Aren't you afraid that a thing called "void" will appear in your mind and nag you?
"That's a very sharp rant, but don't think I don't know you're playing the Sentinel game, you bastard."
Mason whispered something and then drank the blood-colored liquid in the test tube in his hand. Afterwards, he felt waves of dizziness and nausea.
The drug is taking effect!
This thing has a lot of power!
As an excellent alchemist, he knew that the best option now was to find a place to lie down and rest, but before resting, Mason still had to organize his tools.
At the same time, don't forget to pick up the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone that were placed in the test tube.
This thing is also a kind of alchemist stone. It will definitely not be consumed after a single use, but the remaining usage of [2/3] on it still makes Mason feel distressed.
He gave two of the Philosopher's Stone fragments to Zha Kang, so there were only six left. Each piece could be used three times, which meant that he only had eighteen chances to use this thing to strengthen alchemical items.
Judging from this "practical operation", the Philosopher's Stone can most likely upgrade any potion-like enhancement to its highest possible quality, and can also apply protective power to it.
Isn’t this equivalent to the “blessing stone” added when an item is enhanced?
Good stuff!
This also made Mason's desire to make the Philosopher's Stone stronger and stronger. I wonder how Edward and his brother are doing with their research on the recipe for making the authentic Philosopher's Stone?
He is still waiting to take advantage of the situation.
Mason coughed a few times, packed all the things in the remote underground garage into his bag, opened the suitcase and hid inside to survive the next period of strengthening.
The moment he jumped in, the box closed up, jumped a few times on the spot, and then fell into the ruins of the dim underground garage. There was no movement at the spot anymore.
His suitcase was no longer the mess it once was. The large workshop equipment bought from the Edward brothers now divided the wide area into three parts. There were workshops dedicated to modifying the Batmobile and the Demon Lizard, as well as a well-equipped engineering laboratory and an alchemy laboratory.
The presence of these things made Mason's suitcase feel more and more like a mobile factory, but he didn't have time to appreciate them now.
His eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally, driven by the miraculous changes occurring in his body, he entered a strange " dream ".
It felt like he had accidentally entered someone else's memory world. Mason's mind was clear, but he seemed to be in a mysterious silver-white space, with broken memories rolling back everywhere in front of him.
"The Isu are extremely special beings. They can use their inventions to leave their spiritual imprints for a long time, especially in those ancient bloodlines that have undergone Isu biological transformation. These memories can even transcend time and be passed down from generation to generation until they meet a descendant who can interpret them."
Mason stood in this space, looking at the various images in front of him. He stroked his chin and said:
"So, my enhancement drugs took effect, and the enhancement of life forms through the Isu serum allowed me to enter these ancient memories.
Tsk, I just don't know to whom the mark of consciousness I have awakened belongs?"
After confirming that the drug was effective, Mason relaxed. He walked forward and touched a trace of memory. The scene in front of him immediately changed to the scene when this memory occurred.
It is so lifelike that it seems as if Mason himself has become the carrier of this memory.
At this moment, he saw himself standing on a magnificent city.
A golden, crystal-like building stood in his sight, and in the distance, there was a device surrounding the city that was used to collect energy and was carved into a huge statue.
Isu people wearing uniforms dotted with halos walked around in the city. The transparent top of the biological dome filtered impurities in the sunlight, allowing colorful rainbow light to cross the city, like a city of the future.
But in this luxurious city, one can clearly see the ancient humans who were enslaved.
They were not chained or shackled, but their humble figures following their Isu masters clearly showed that they belonged to two completely different classes.
Although they have very similar appearances, the relationship between the two sides is just like that between zoo visitors and gorillas, and naturally there is no question of equal rights and obligations.
"You're distracted again."
A pleasant voice sounded behind Mason, causing him to turn around in his memory. He saw an Isu woman, beautiful to the point of being enchanting, wearing a long veil and sitting melancholy by the window of the palace.
She gazed at the sea of ​​stars above her head and murmured in a poetic tone:
"Juno's experiment failed. It turns out that we can store our consciousness in the steel to help us avoid disasters, but we cannot take it out intact after the disaster.
I heard that Odin is convening members of the 'World Tree' project to hold a secret meeting. There are rumors that they plan to use those crude but strong slaves to help us survive this catastrophe.
They say the World Tree Host has calculated terrible odds.
The noble Isu were doomed to fail. We had gone too far down the path of sensuality and wisdom, and our bodies were too weak to survive in the post-disaster environment.
But those lowly but resilient humans can.
It’s a shame.”
Mason then heard "himself" comforting him:
“No, don’t be afraid, Odin has their plans, but we have ours too.
Under the instruction of Zeus, I have just completed the design and casting of the golden apples. They will be sent to the orbit around the planet by Athena herself, and use the energy of solar flares in times of disaster to support an energy field to protect the entire world.
I call it the 'Aurora Device'.
That force field stabilizes the structure of space and resists the waves from the tremors of the parallel world system, locking us in this plane and hiding us from disasters. "
"But that's just hiding..."
The beautiful Isu woman was not convinced. Her face, which was dotted with special lines like some kind of mechanical fusion, was filled with lingering sadness and frustration.
She stood up and walked towards Mason, sighing as she walked:
"I have seen the prediction of the 'Three Goddesses of Fate' program on the World Tree Host. This is an energy explosion covering countless dimensions. It will start in an instant but will not stop in an instant.
We can survive the first time, but we can't survive the last time.
Unless we can find the cause of its explosion, unfortunately, none of the plane probes we sent out have come back, this star group is too vast. "
The following images quickly blurred. Mason had been listening attentively to eavesdrop on more about the "Aurora Device" and the impact incident, but was interrupted at the critical moment, which made him very unhappy.
So he reached out and touched another bunch of memory fragments.
This time, the scene in the memory fragment is much more passionate than the gentle scene of the conversation that night last time.
It's like a war or a conflict.
On top of a snowy mountain, two teams of Isu people, clearly belonging to different forces, were confronting each other, while below the mountain, a terrible battle had broken out between the human servants of the two forces.
They were armed with advanced weapons by the Isu people, and they attacked their companions while fanatically shouting the names of gods. Although they were using super-advanced weapons, they fought each other like crazy beasts.
As for their gods...
The leaders of the two Isu groups were standing under a huge "tree" and discussing something.
To say that it was a tree is not actually accurate.
It's more like some kind of "photonic computer".
Looking up from where Mason was, he could see the pale beams of light constantly flickering in the strange crystal container, outlining mysterious and obscure words and pictures.
Some Isu women dressed in robe uniforms walked around in various areas of the "World Tree" host to collect data, and then handed it over to a more complex computing host to output the conclusions.
"Odin! You have tainted the noble bloodline of the Isu! You are actually planning to merge your consciousness into the blood of humans in order to survive!
Are you so afraid of death?"
A harsh voice erupted from the crowd where Mason was, accusing the Isu people on the other side.
“Shut up!”
A tall Isu leader strode out from the crowd beneath the World Tree, holding a golden Isu spear. Just like in the myth, he was blind in one eye.
The Isu leader named Odin shouted:
"The 'Three Goddesses of Fate' program has predicted that the duration of the disaster will be far beyond your imagination! That is not ten years, not a hundred years, that is a long time calculated by the change of eras.
The Isu's bodies were too fragile to survive in the time stasis chamber until the end.
Your Aurora device can protect the world, which is a great idea, but we must use smarter methods to ensure the survival of the Isu people and civilization.
Look at those humans down there!
My fellow countrymen.
They are strong and fierce, they have resilience that we don't have, they also have the ability to learn, and most importantly, they have super high reproductive capacity!
Do you know what this means?
We will die, we will disappear, and they will take up our banner and reshape the world and live until the day when the catastrophe ends.
Stop your hostility.
This is the last resort!
The World Tree host can extract our will signals and make them into "biological imprints". Through the biological transformation of carefully selected human blood, our genes can coexist with their civilization.
The power and knowledge we leave behind will make them stronger, until finally, when they emerge from the darkness of disaster, we too will be reborn.”
Odin's roar spread like thunder throughout the "Aesir Realm", which was the surreal plane built by Isu technology where they were.
He called out to his compatriots:
"Come on! Disaster can strike at any time, and we don't have much time left. Enter the extraction cabin of the World Tree host, and we can start the bloodline transmission now.
I need your genes to ensure that our ethnic information will not be diluted by human inheritance during tens of millions of years of changes .
I need your help!
This is the only way the Isu can survive.
Zeus! Poseidon! What are you still hesitating about? The time stasis chamber of Atlantis cannot protect you. We must die first before we can be reborn from the ashes!"
At this moment, the "carrier" that Mason was in suddenly stepped forward and shouted:
"You put too much faith in the prediction program you call the 'Three Goddesses of Fate'. It cannot really predict the future. There are too many uncertainties in the future.
To abandon the physical form now is to abandon all hope of resistance.
We still have time.
We can reinforce the Aurora device, we can launch more golden apples into orbit around the world, and even start interstellar colonization again. I believe that as long as we make slight adjustments, we may not need to make such sacrifices. "
"We need the computing power of the World Tree to help us adjust the Aurora Device!"
Another fully armed Isu female warrior strode forward and said to Odin:
"Your plan is your business. Now release the permissions that you have locked up! Immediately! Odin, your plan can only be successful if the Aurora device we built can protect humans through the long era of disasters.
If there is a problem with our equipment, all your plans will be ruined, you should understand that.”
"Okay, Athena, I will give you enough computing power."
The Isu Odin chose to give in without much hesitation. He finally looked in the direction of "Mason", smiled a not-so-sincere smile and said:
"Forgers, our wisest brothers, may your creations protect us until the day of hope arrives..."
All the images in Mason's eyes collapsed at this moment.
Like a ray of light that dispelled all the fog in front of his eyes, the young man opened his eyes in his own suitcase factory.
His mind was still a little confused at this moment. The ancient memories and current thoughts mixed together made Mason rub his forehead constantly, until he completely woke up several minutes later.
It was only then that he saw the record on the translucent character card in front of him:
"Foreign gene insertion, determined to be harmless... Life form transformation in progress... Ancient bloodline · Isu · Awakening... Genetic path determined to be: God of Forging and Fire · Handyman · Hephaestus.
Race changed to: Standard humanoid, human subspecies, Isu hybrid (bloodline concentration 6.47%)
Racial talents unlocked are:
[Sixth Sense: Greatly improve the speed of acquiring knowledge and all perceptions]
[Energy Affinity: Grants more refined energy perception and increases the success rate when making energy items]
[Skillful: All manufacturing-related professional skill assessments +1]
[Forger I: The quality rate of all manufacturing branches is slightly increased, and the effect of manufactured items is improved after 0/2000]
[Isu Heritage I: Isu civilization primary manufacturing blueprints are unlocked, the next level blueprints are unlocked after the "Forger" talent is upgraded, and the authority to obtain the facilities left by the Isu civilization is obtained]"
Mason whistled.
He took out Odin's golden apple from his arms. It was originally just an ordinary small ball, but under Mason's gaze at this time, all the secrets of this thing were easily revealed.
He followed the new techniques in his mind, stretched out his hand and pressed the surface of the ball a few times, but there was no change. It was not that Mason's technique was wrong, but that the inside of the thing had been modified.
It needs to serve as bait without revealing the secrets of the Isu. This thing has been "hollowed out".
What a waste!
"Then we should go to the Great Temple next. It will be just like going home."
Mason stood up and slightly closed his eyes. He was able to sense any movement within dozens of yards around him. The Isu people's super senses made him almost reborn in this regard.
There was a lot of manufacturing drawings in his mind that he didn't have time to look at right now, but he was sure that he wouldn't have to worry about the drawings and formulas for a long time.
Well, thanks for the gift from the pioneers.
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