Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 45: Dark to Deep Natural Pink

Mason and Zha Kang opened their respective magic suitcases and allowed the team members to choose various equipment that they could use.
This time it was a real war, so Mason took out all the potions and various expensive engineering creations he had made during this period.
There were even some delicate-looking clockwork squirrels filled with high explosives and an unfinished world enlarger and reducer.
Selina was talking to Barbara and Two Barrels in the Osborne Tower, instructing them to pay attention to the movements of the cleaners and report promptly, and not to rush up and fight them head-on.
As for Mason, he had nothing to pick up.
This guy always carries the best stuff with him.
He was sitting on a rotten piece of wood by the beach, leaning on his penguin umbrella. In front of him, old Spider Peter Parker was squatting there, smoking one cigarette after another, looking very melancholy and with a complicated expression.
Like Team K, he was obviously caught off guard by what the Green Goblin had said earlier.
This is still a period of psychological reconstruction.
Mason put down the telescope and stopped looking at the nearly fifty strange-looking aircraft that had assembled on the sea, as well as the terrifying thing that was as huge as a floating island and was slowly rising into the sky behind the horizon.
That should be the Cleaner War Mothership that the Green Goblin mentioned. Just by looking at its size you can tell that it is definitely not something you can mess with.
This is a legion!
The momentum when they set out alone proved this point. It was like a black tide that submerged the world. There was no mercy, no emotion, and everything turned to ashes wherever it went.
"How are you?"
Mason estimated how many people the Osborne Tower's city defense weapon system could kill, then he took out a bottle of stimulant, poured it into his mouth, and asked.
"Did you call me?"
Peter looked up and blew out a smoke ring.
"I'm not asking you to scream like a ghost!"
Mason curled his lips and patted the rotten wood beside him to signal the old spider to come over and sit down. Peter came over with a cigarette in his mouth, but when he approached, Mason made a gesture to stop him from coming near. He said:
"I'm seventeen years old, a minor, and Spider-Man isn't supposed to smoke this stuff. You're destroying the lofty impression you have left in my mind."
Peter complained, dropping his cigarette and sitting next to Mason.
After several seconds, he said:
"What do you think of what Norman said..."
"Maybe it's true, but maybe he's just lying to me."
Mason took off the Sorting Hat, which was humming a song in his head, and said:
"But to be honest, I don't care whether it's true or not. I took a job before, which was a killing job, and the target was these cleaners, so this time it was just a matter of killing two birds with one stone.
I won't be happy if you ask me to cooperate with the cleaners, so even though I know it's a tough job I still want to give it a try and see if I can handle it, so don't worry about us.
It's you instead.
If what the old Green Goblin said is true, then Peter, your decadence in the past few years has been a huge waste of time. You have indeed let down the little opportunity that your companions have fought for your world.
With your abilities, if you had followed Black Widow and the others to join the Star Society, you might have become an A-level member now.
Although being a puppet leader in a subordinate organization that is willing to be a hound is really meaningless. "
"I don't think he's telling the truth."
The old spider rubbed his face and said:
“But I hope with all my heart that what he says is true.
I hope we have not suffered a shameful betrayal, I hope all this was planned in advance, so that I can regain hope in my former companions.
Oh my god.
You simply cannot imagine the despair we felt when we were alone and helpless against the Star Society and the army of cleaners that day. I saw with my own eyes the scene where Thomson’s arm was blown off while he was holding the biological bomb and perished together with those bastards...
I’ll never forget it.”
"Forget it, don't think about those unhappy things."
Mason reached out and patted the unshaven old Spider, took out a set of unopened razors from his bag and threw them to him, pointing to his chin and said:
"The war is about to begin. This time you won't have your trusted friends with you, but I think if you're going to the battlefield as a superhero, you should at least maintain some dignity.
Tell me about your spider-sense.
You said that it disappeared because you are old. To be honest, I don’t quite believe it. Once this kind of beast instinct is acquired, it will not disappear so easily.
So, what happened that day that was so severe that your spider sense deteriorated?"
The old spider clenched his fists, obviously triggered by a terrible memory. Under Mason's gaze, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, unpacking the razor while whispering:
"I forgot it myself. That's not quite right. I abandoned it. You know I was seriously injured in that battle. It was Mary Jane and Harry Osborn who dragged me back from the ruins.
Mary Jane didn't tell you the whole truth.
They shouldn't have gone!
The building was already crumbling, but I could have brought all the people who came to rescue me out, but the feeling that it could be fatal at any time stimulated my brain.
It was howling at me to leave that place immediately, like a living creature's survival instinct.
But I chose to follow my instinct to escape when I should have planned my actions rationally. I took Mary Jane and Harry with me, but the rest of us...
I tried to go back to save them, but I didn't make it and I was injured.
Even Harry finally...
He let out a long breath, lowered his head and said:
"That was the day I became a coward, that was the day Spider-Man died, and the only one left alive was a coward named Peter Parker.
I hate myself, Mason.
I hated myself for not dying in that battle with the captain and the others. I saved my life at the cost of losing a friend, causing Jane and I to live in pain for the rest of our lives.
As I began to hate myself, my spider sense weakened day by day, until one night three months later, when I was drunk and alone, I...
I've lost it forever, ah!
What are you doing!
The old spider, immersed in his memories, did not notice Mason's little movement. By the time he reacted to the pain, the needle in Mason's hand had already pierced into his wrist.
As the young man pressed the switch, a tube of blood was collected by him.
Mason ignored Old Peter's glare, and instead threw a syringe with only one-third of the liquid left into it and gave it to him, saying:
"Lucky for you, I can return your lost items to you today, but I only have 30 minutes, so make the most of every second. Friendly reminder, this thing hurts.
And there will be very serious rejection reaction afterwards.
As for your blood, it will be your reward."
Mason flicked the tube of Spider-Man's blood in front of him and said:
"I'm going to take it back and study it. Maybe I can help you restore your spider sense. Oh, by the way, do you have Wolverine here? X-Men?
Mutants or Inhumans or something like that?"
Spider-Man looked at the syringe in his hand and said:
"I have heard from those outsiders who went to the shelter to recruit people that there are Spider-Men like me in many other parallel worlds.
I've also heard the name Wolverine.
They say that in many worlds, Wolverine and I are good friends. Sometimes it’s interesting to listen to their stories. When I’m drunk, I also fantasize about having a friend like that...
Is your life really going to be that exciting? Mason.
Wandering around in colorful parallel worlds like they boast?"
"It's more exciting than you think, Peter. Sometimes it feels too exciting to the point of being 'scary'."
Mason pulled a long face and said:
"I've only been in this organization for a month, and I've killed a whole company of people with my own hands . If their bodies were piled up, they would crush me to death three times.
And just a week ago, I carried out a murder at their headquarters.
Just because my hat tells me those people deserve to die.
Look, just saying this makes me feel like a psychopath...Okay, take a break, they're coming soon."
Mason stood up, put Spider-Man's blood away, stretched his shoulders, turned to the old Spider who was starting to shave and said:
"Besides, you know what the best thing about being Spider-Man in Doomsday is?"
"Is there any benefit to this crap?"
The old spider looked up at Mason and said:
"Why didn't I notice?"
"You have to learn to look at things from a different perspective, Peter. This is because you have a bad attitude."
Mason curled his lips and said:
"In this world, in this situation, you don't have to worry about being Spider-Man and not being able to make money to support your family, and the problems that once plagued you and Mary Jane's life are gone.
You no longer have to bear the stigma of a mortgage or a car loan, no longer have to worry about the money for Aunt Mei's medical treatment, and no longer have to consider where your daughter's next can of milk powder will come from.
There is no need to be like a pervert and take photos of yourself for that grumpy old man Jameson just for a little money.
Didn’t you see the light in your daughter Xiaomei’s eyes before?
Do you know what that child needs most right now?
She doesn't need a wealthy father, Peter, she wants her father to be a hero who saves the world again... Phew, children's thoughts are so simple.
Children never lie.
So this next battle is not for us or for your dead friends."
The captain of Team K walked towards his companions and said without turning his head:
"You have lost your world. You adults who are always immersed in the sorrow of the past are hopeless, but the children still have it.
At least take back your daughter's future?
You don't want her to live in such a wasteland, do you? Isn't this your responsibility as a father?"
"whispering sound!"
After Mason walked away, Old Peter sneered and said:
"A 17-year-old guy speaks more maturely than I do. These young people pretending to be profound is really disgusting!"
"Yes, I also think Mason is pretentious sometimes. But you have to admit that his nonsense makes sense and is passionate, right?"
A voice sounded beside the old Spider, making Spider-Man nod in agreement. He was about to agree with a few words when he suddenly reacted.
Turn around and take a look.
A blurry face grumbled to Mason from the black Panama hat he had placed on the rotten wood .
This strange scene made Peter stand there in a daze for several seconds.
Then he patted his cheek and said:
"Haha, just now he said that he listened to a hat and murdered several people. I really thought he was joking. Sure enough, the terrible truth is often said in a joking way.
These Star Hounds have a very colorful life.”
"Damn it, it's really annoying to have such a capricious captain! Why do we have to go to war all of a sudden?"
Captain Jack was grumbling while smoking his pipe in the sewer of the half-collapsed shelter, and next to him was the unhappy old man Jameson.
Not far away, everyone in the shelter gathered.
When the earthquake happened just now, these people were gathered by Mary Jane and rushed into the safer underground caves to escape the disaster.
At this time, Mary Jane was still organizing people to enter the ruins to search for those who had not escaped yet.
"The negotiations have reached a deadlock! And it happened at this very moment."
Jack blew a smoke ring and said to the mayor of the shelter who was complaining about the world with foul language:
"I say, if the lizardmen want your underground city, just give it to them. There's no need to hold on to this broken place. We need reinforcements now.
There's a war going on over there!
If I can't get someone there in time, my new boss, my girlfriend, and my old lover will be finished."
"You know nothing!"
Jameson cursed with a foul mouth:
“That shelter is the only safe place around here!
Although the virus from the outside world has long disappeared, the water source is still poisonous. Without the water purification equipment in the shelter, we will die of thirst if we don't make it out safely!
What do you think those lizards need shelter for?
They want that stuff, too.”
As he spoke, the bad-tempered former newspaper owner stared at the lizardmen from several tribes gathered not far away with a hateful look, spat fiercely on the ground, and said:
"They can live on sewage, but who doesn't want to reminisce about the good old days? They have been stealing our synthetic bread and filtered water before. They are really thieves!
Besides, I don't care about your negotiations with the Lizardmen, a cunning outsider!
You are going to drag them to help that big liar!
You think I'll help you?
Don’t even think about it!
I've been at it with Spider-Man my whole life! You know what? I've been at it with him for over a decade, that bastard screwed me, he screwed the whole city!
If my newspaper still existed, I would make the editors write some sharp articles criticizing Spider-Man for his inaction!
The shelter collapsed but he didn't come out to rescue people!
Fight, fight, what the hell!
There are only so few people left in New York. Didn't he swear to protect us? Shouldn't he look back and see what he has protected? "
Captain Jack, who was frowning and thinking about how to quickly trick the people of the underground into helping in the war, had no time to listen to the complaints of the cynical old man next to him.
But he had no choice but to listen.
However, Jack began to appreciate the meaning as he listened.
He glanced at the irritable Mayor Jameson beside him with a strange look, then rolled his eyes and said:
"I heard from Mary Jane that you've been Spider-Man's mortal enemy since he debuted in New York City. I heard that the trouble you've caused him alone is equal to that of the entire Sinister Six."
"That is."
Jameson snorted complacently. The bald old man said complacently while holding a cigar in his mouth:
"When it comes to causing trouble for Spider-Man, who in the entire city of New York can compare to me? Those second- and third-tier villains shamelessly call themselves Spider-Man's nemesis.
Fuck you!
I, Jameson, didn't say anything, and they have the nerve to say that they are Spider-Man's archenemy?
Let me tell you, outsider.
Although the time I spent battling wits and courage with Spider-Man was only about ten years, which is too short compared to my eventful yet fruitless life, those ten years were truly the best time of my life.
It feels so good when I write articles to criticize that liar every day. I feel like I’m many years younger.
It's the kind of...
How do you say it? "
Jameson scratched his bald scalp and frowned.
"It's like fate! Without Spider-Man, Jameson would just be the owner of a half-dead third-rate newspaper in New York, but with Spider-Man, my Daily Bugle can also become a top-notch newspaper.
Tsk, if he wasn't a liar who tricked me into paying him for more than ten years, I might have become friends with him."
"Yes! I know this feeling."
Jack blinked, and he felt that he had found a way out of the situation. He said to Jameson:
"I have a friend named Hector, who's a complete jerk, and he almost killed me... seven times, and I fought back every time, you know what I mean?
He clearly wanted to kill the other person.
But every time you are in trouble, he is the first person you think of for help.
This is the relationship of both enemy and friend.
You see, the happiest times of your life were when you were fighting Spider-Man, that's what you said, old Mr. Jameson."
The captain curled his lips and said quietly:
"Then I guess you must have been lonely during the years when Spider-Man retired. Look at you, you've aged so quickly. You shouldn't be so emaciated at your age.
You know, a person's value in the eyes of others is often compared with that of his enemies.
Without Spider-Man, you are just an ordinary survivor in the apocalyptic world, but if Spider-Man reappears in the wasteland, then you...
And your Daily Bugle, right?
Even forming a small group specifically to fight Spider-Man, you see, can a warrior still be called a warrior without his enemy? So now the one who should be thinking about helping Spider-Man the most should not be me!
It should be you.
If Peter Parker died tonight...
Think about it.
How boring it would be if your life didn't have that annoying liar in it. "
Jameson froze in place.
The grumpy old man felt that Captain Jack's idea was not right.
But he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.
Thinking about what Jack said, Jameson was shocked. He realized that if Peter Parker was really dead, the biggest reason that had supported him to persist in the doomsday until now would disappear!
He wants to expose the true face of the liar and make him despised !
What's the point of the truth if the liar is dead?
The old man angrily swung his cane and cursed:
"That despicable liar Peter Parker will never be able to do that! He must stand trial alive and pay back the salary I paid him over the years!
That's it!
You look like a smart guy, you must have some ideas on how to convince those damn untrustworthy lizard people, come on, talk to me and see if I can help?"
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024