Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 32: Mary Jane brand "Spider Trap", anyone who uses it will know!

Team K went down the sewer from the shelter, and soon the three team members realized that it was absolutely the right choice for Mason to find a guide.
Because this sewer system, which is about 100 meters underground, is not only built in an absurd way but also very chaotic. It is like a specially arranged "three-dimensional maze". The results of going down there without a guide will definitely not be good.
And these sewers are not all disguised.
There are indeed some pipes that handle sewage from the underground shelter. Putting aside the question of whether you can get out once you accidentally enter there, the smell alone is disgusting enough.
"There must be a reason why SHIELD built such a large underground base under Manhattan when it was still there. I guess they must be researching some 'dangerous things' here that cannot be moved."
Mason held the technical rifle and illuminated the front with the tactical flashlight, and said:
"Perhaps Ms. Mary can answer our doubts?"
Mary, who had already woken up, answered Mason's question directly. The fact that she did not spit in Mason's face showed that she was well-mannered.
Mason was not surprised by this direct answer.
He signaled Barbara to release the Bat Drone to scan the entire area, while he asked himself:
“In fact, I had already guessed it when I followed Peter into the underground base. The shape of this underground shelter and its three-layered pattern reminded me of something.
This shouldn't be a place dedicated to taking refuge. I guess this should be a secret dock set up by SHIELD for its own aerospace carrier?
But it didn't seem to be completed, at least there was no opening left for the mothership to leave.
You were able to escape here through Spider-Man's authority in SHIELD, and with the help of the perfect fortifications and military-grade ventilation circulation system here, you managed to avoid the most dangerous early stages of the zombie virus outbreak?"
Mary Jane, whose hands were handcuffed with a bat lock, remained stern and did not answer Mason's guess, but Captain Jack immediately became interested .
He and Barbara were in charge of the rear, and while aiming the Quasar pistol left and right, he asked:
"Mason, is that a ship you just mentioned? Is it as powerful as my Black Pearl?"
"Well, that depends on how you compare."
Mason was embarrassed for a moment, and answered skillfully:
"If swimming in the water, the speed of the aerospace carrier is definitely not as fast as the Black Pearl that is rushing along the ocean current. Your magic ship was the fastest at that time.
But its advantage is that it can fly, and its design itself is a super arsenal ship.
The weapons and equipment it stores are of the kind that can destroy a country.”
“That sounds amazing.”
Captain Jack was very interested in everything that could be called a "ship". He stroked his chin and said:
"So, do you think that amazing ship still exists in this world?"
Mason couldn't give a specific answer to this question.
His knowledge of this place is limited to comics, animation and movies. This world has already encountered the end of the world, and no one knows what the situation is now.
But just a dozen seconds later, Mary Jane, who had been silent the whole time, took the initiative to speak:
“It’s still there!”
Mason and Captain Jack became interested at the same time, and then they heard Lady Mary sneer a few times and say:
"It's in the hands of your cold-blooded compatriots. There is a disarmed Aegis Helicarrier docked next to their garrison island in the outer sea.
That day, Peter and the other Avengers rode it to fight the enemy to the death.
It was salvaged by Osborn after it sank, and its restoration became a demonstration of his and his collaborators’ power and dominance.”
Mason narrowed his eyes, looked Captain Jack up and down with a strange look, and said:
"Captain Jack, I thought you had no chance to 'return to your old job'. But now it seems that your precarious career can still be saved."
After hearing what Mason said, Jack Sparrow reacted very quickly and grinned. Although his iconic pirate gold teeth had been replaced with more high-end dentures.
But his coquettish smile remains charming.
He stretched out his fingers and flicked them lightly on his forehead, then bowed forward in a pretentious manner and said in elegant French with an accent:
"My ship will always fight for you, Commander!"
Just as Mason and Jack were acting their parts, Er Tong, who was leading the way in front, suddenly made a gesture to keep quiet. His cylindrical helmet seemed to have caught some sound.
Ertong gestured with his hand, and Barbara immediately used a microcomputer to control the silent bat drone to rush forward into the darkness for reconnaissance. After a few seconds, Barbara whispered in confusion:
"There was no response from the biosignal detection and thermal imaging... Did you hear it wrong?"
"No! They are lizards, cold-blooded animals! Idiot!"
Mary Jane had already realized that something was wrong.
She pushed Jack away and ran to the back, but was tackled to the ground by Barbara who was quick-eyed and quick-handed.
Mason and Ertong reacted quickly, raising their guns one after the other. Ertong used his excellent tactical instinct to capture the target in the dark, while Mason took out three cat's eye drops and threw them to his companions. He turned on the combat assist and let the free aiming frame that had not been seen for a long time begin to search for the enemy quickly in the dark.
There was a flash of light from the flame arrester installed in front of the Widowmaker, and a heavy object fell down from the top of the tunnel at the rear with a mournful roar.
This was like a "war" signal. The next moment, dense hissing sounds, strange footsteps and collisions were heard in this wide and interconnected underground tunnel.
"Jack! Protect the girls!"
Mason shouted and rushed back a few steps, while Ertong rushed forward silently into the darkness. Soon the sound of assault rifles echoed, but Ertong soon discovered that small-caliber bullets had little effect on these strange half-human, half-lizard creatures that were moving in the darkness.
The scales covering their bodies and the strong bones under the skin give them extremely strong resistance to attack. The worst thing is that these guys have the ability to heal themselves.
Ertong drew his knife and cut off the long tail that was sweeping towards him, but the guy whose tail was cut off just screamed and fled back into the darkness with all his strength.
In desperation, Ertong threw away the rifle in his hand and grabbed the two new weapons given by Mason at his waist with both hands.
Holding two large-caliber kinetic revolvers "Archangel" tightly in his hands, relying on excellent skills in blind fighting in the dark, the two barrels began their "deadly dance" surrounded by many lizardmen.
To be honest, this looks a lot like a certain death god's big move.
The reptiles that pounced on Ertong from the darkness would often be hit by a kinetic bullet from Ertong before their sharp teeth could bite. The power of this thing when shot at close range was enough to blow the entire head of the attacking lizardman apart.
It was like a terrifying scene of being hit by a sniper bullet.
When the distance was too close to shoot, he would use the kinetic energy of his rotating body to smash the heavy weapon in his hand like a hammer or dagger.
The fire was shining, and more and more half-lizards fell in the darkness.
The second barrel went crazy again.
As for Mason guarding the rear, it won't be a big problem.
Although the young man's shooting and fighting skills are not as sharp as Ertong, he is not only a shooter. With the assistance of combat and the precision rifle in his hand, he has super destructive power at a long distance. Even if the half-lizard can barely get close, he will retreat in hatred under the attack of the alchemical potion or bomb thrown by Mason.
Most importantly, the Tech Rifle can easily penetrate a palm-thick steel plate when fully charged!
This thing has an unethical "wall-penetrating hook", and combined with Mason's even more unethical "auto-aim + perspective hook", even if the Lizardmen hide in the corner of the tunnel, bullets will fly over and blow their eyes out.
The two men guarded the two sides of the passage, one in front and one behind, but lizardmen soon crawled over from above and were fought back desperately by Captain Jack, who held a gun in one hand and a knife in the other.
In other words, the legendary pirates have some confidence. If it were ordinary pirates, their morale would collapse and they would run away when they saw the enemy that looked like a monster from the legend.
Mason threw a can of petrifying potion forward while reloading his bullets. Without even turning his head, he said:
"You are so familiar with the underground, you must have some friendship with the leaders of these half-lizards, right? Why don't you let them retreat and invite the leaders of these 'underground people' to come out, and then we can talk slowly?"
"it's useless!"
Mary was protected by Barbara with a gun. She sat cross-legged on the ground and said with some fear and despair:
“The road I’m taking you on is a place that the underground people rarely come to. From here you can go directly to Dr. Connors’ laboratory.
But this place has been occupied and we can’t get through!”
"What's the meaning?"
Mason was stunned for a moment and asked back:
"Isn't Dr. Lizard their leader? Aren't these his servants transformed by the lizard potion?"
"Don't use the word 'they'! It's rude."
Mary Jane no longer cared about the fact that Team K had taken her hostage. She quickly explained:
“These people are not Dr. Connors’ servants. They are New York citizens who fled underground when the disaster occurred. They voluntarily asked Dr. Connors to inject them with genetic modification agents in order to survive in the highly toxic environment.
But Dr. Connors was reluctant to get involved in politics.
So these underground people formed their own clans and tribes deep underground. They regarded Dr. Connors as a symbol of post-apocalyptic salvation, but they did not obey his orders. "
"In that case, there is nothing to worry about."
After hearing the whole story, Mason's face turned cold.
He called the two barrels back and gathered with Mary Jane. Barbara took out the masks and distributed them to everyone. She placed two mortar-like devices one in front of the other and shouted towards the dark environment nearby:
"If you can understand! Everyone, stop the attack immediately! This is the last warning!"
The increasingly dense roars nearby represented the response of the half-lizards.
Mason nodded, activating his face mask respirator.
Barbara sighed and activated the device. Four specially made fear gas shells shot into the darkness, causing muffled sounds, and then a large amount of green smoke quickly expanded and exploded.
This thing is filled with concentrated fear gas, the concentration of which is terrifyingly high. As long as the half-lizards need to breathe, they will not be immune to the chaos caused by the fear gas.
Ten seconds later, hysterical roars were heard, as if the herd of animals was suddenly in chaos.
But this thing is not the most deadly biological weapon in Team K's hands. There are five shells filled with concentrated Joker nerve gas in Barbara's bag.
"Their spirits were crushed and they began to kill each other. The threat is lifted!"
Barbara quickly came to a conclusion through drone observation, and the group relaxed.
But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped down from the darkness above, as if it had been waiting for the opportunity for Team K to let down their guard.
When he landed, he pushed Mary Jane up and threw some kind of "rope" into the sky. Amid Mary's screams, the attacker flew up. Ertong wanted to draw his knife and stab him but was kicked hard by him. With a muffled sound, Ertong flew backwards more than ten meters as if hit by an elephant and hit the wall of the tunnel hard.
Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet, otherwise even Ertong would have been knocked unconscious on the spot by this collision.
Mason still has to look at the critical moment.
As the young man was kicked away, he pulled out the kinetic pistol "King Kong" from his waist and pointed it at the attacker.
Death Eye launched an instant continuous shooting flow, emptied the 11-round magazine, and hit almost the same place to cut the overly tough spider silk rope. At the moment of falling to the ground, he dropped his rifle, pulled out the penguin umbrella, and swung it forward fiercely.
The electromagnetic interference waves emitted by the intracranial jammer made the guy lose balance, and the handle of the lightning scepter also burst out with dazzling golden lightning, hitting the attacker accurately.
It didn't hurt him but it paralyzed him. The spider web broke and he fell down in a tunnel filled with fear and poison gas while holding Mary Jane.
"Don't move!"
Barbara grabbed the black shotgun and aimed it at the man who was clinging to Lady Mary as she fell. She yelled:
"I'm aiming at you! Peter Parker, you can't dodge!"
"I can dodge!"
The middle-aged, fat Spider-Man lay on the ground, protecting his ex-wife and shouting:
"You can try, little girl! I can blow your head off before you even fire! I thought you were different from those outsiders!
I didn't expect you were all of the same kind!"
"Ahem, Barbara, put down your gun. Second Barrel, put away your throwing knives!"
Mason rubbed his chest which had been kicked by Spider-Man and climbed up with difficulty. If the pain in his chest was not an illusion, he should have broken at least one rib.
This bastard!
Even though he's gained so much weight, why is his strength still so terrifying?
"If we were really like everyone else, we wouldn't have to go through all this trouble."
Mason took out a bottle of blood tonic and poured it into his mouth. Spider-Man, who was surrounded but not afraid, said:
"I have so many ways to make you come with us willingly, Peter, but a Spider-Man who doesn't put in enough effort will only be trouble.
I don't mean to disturb your life, I just need a temporary teammate.
It turns out that you don't care about anything as much as you say you do.
When Mary Jane is in danger, you will still rush forward as recklessly as you did when you were young, even though you no longer have the spider sense that you rely on. Entering here alone means that you may die here.
But you came anyway.”
"This proves nothing, it just makes me hate you more."
Spider-Man said coldly.
But Mary Jane, who was held in his arms and wearing a gas mask, looked at the no longer young man in front of her with a very complicated look.
It's like everything went back to ten years ago.
Every time she was in danger, he would appear first. He would stand in front of her and isolate her from all dangers, just like the scene when they first opened their hearts to each other when they were young.
It seems like the good days will never end.
During the confrontation, Mary Jane whispered:
“You know the tremors have already started to affect the main structure of the shelter. If it continues to intensify, we will be buried alive one day.
Jameson was almost going crazy about this.
He concealed the news and mobilized many people to repair the rift, but to no avail.
I am willing to come down with them just to figure these things out .”
Spider-Man pursed his lips. He did not trust these outsiders. But the next moment, Mary Jane finally stopped using that cold tone. Instead, she buried her head in his chest and whispered:
"Peter, help them, and help us. Without this place, we have nowhere to go. We may die at the end of the world, but Xiaomei...
What will happen to the child in the future?"
"They can't be trusted! You know, they ruined it..."
Peter Parker whispered and Mary Jane shook her head and said:
"They at least cured Matt, and they showed kindness that no one else even bothered to express. Peter, we have no choice."
Spider-Man fell silent.
He bent down and kissed Mary Jane on the forehead and said to her:
"Well, you've convinced me, as you always do. You go up first, and I'll take them down. I hope Dr. Connors still remembers me."
"Jack, please send Mary up. It's too dangerous for a lady to go back alone."
Mason also said something to the weakest member of the team.
Captain Jack had just chopped off three lizardmen and was now exhausted. He was eager to get away from this increasingly outrageous place.
This half-lizard thing has jumped out, who knows what's going to happen further down? Maybe there will be an octopus monster that will choose its prey and eat anyone it wants.
It’s better not to hang out with these guys with your fragile body, it’s too dangerous!
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024