Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 26 Look, the failed man!

On the road leading to the coast outside the abandoned city, the gray Batmobile rushed forward like a city tank.
Selina is an excellent driver with skillful movements. She keeps changing the gears of the Batmobile, allowing it to speed along a road filled with abandoned vehicles with a flexibility that is totally inconsistent with its huge size.
Each wheel of this thing has an independent suspension and uses bat-like black technology, allowing it to easily complete difficult maneuvers such as right-angle turns. However, Lady Elizabeth and the female pirate Angelina, who were hugging each other in the co-pilot seat, had never seen such a scene before. Their faces turned pale from the constant vibration of acceleration and deceleration.
"Hold it back! Mason will be mad if you vomit in the car."
Catwoman steered the Batmobile and dodged the sulfur fireball from behind with a graceful swing of the tail. She then whizzed through the blazing wall of fire in front of her. She said to her companions:
"If you feel uncomfortable, there are motion sickness pills there... Tsk tsk, little Mason is really thoughtful. Hey, can you two still hold on?"
She used the car communicator to ask the kite man flying high in the sky and Zha Kang who was in his arms.
Charles, who was flying overhead trying to avoid the shooting flames, shouted:
"It's OK, but we won't be able to hold on if reinforcements don't come. That guy can fly without wings... John! Where's your magic? Use it now!"
Zha Kang, who was flying in the air by the kite man, grabbed a cherry wood wand from somewhere and turned around to cast a fierce fire spell. Blue flames flew in the air and hit the terrifying demon behind him.
But it did not slow down the opponent at all.
Just as Constantine gritted his teeth and gathered the green light spots on the top of the wand to use the Avada nibbling big melon technique he had just learned, the reserve members of the Hydra team finally arrived.
He flew here!
A huge metal pair of wings filled with a sense of mechanical oppression descended from the high-altitude clouds with a person on board. Driven by the rotating turbines and propellers of the mechanical wings, it flew through the low altitude at a speed like a heavy bomber.
Under the gaze of Kite Man and Zha Kang, dozens of micro rockets flew out from the weapon box behind the guy.
The demons chasing from behind were wrapped in a covering bombing in the explosion . At the same time, there was also dazzling lightning. Golden lightning burst out from the ground and hit the demon knight like a flying trident.
The two attacks at the same time failed to harm the powerful upper demon, but with the rapid return of consciousness of the demon knight Jason Blood, the dangerous demon stopped pestering the pursuer when he saw reinforcements coming.
It took advantage of the situation to fall into the abandoned building below, and took the opportunity to hide again under the second round of bombardment from the flying figure.
"Hey, your colleague."
Zha Kang stared at the guy with mechanical wings returning to the sky, and joked to the equally stunned kite man:
"He looks much better than you as a pilot. Look at his mechanical wings. How cool!"
"Shut up! It's just that its wings are bigger than mine, it's cooler, it flies faster, it can carry more ammunition, and it's easier to control! What's the big deal?"
The kite man stared at the figure of the flyer approaching him in the sky, his eyes all fixed on the latter's futuristic mechanical wings.
Just like a pervert seeing a beautiful woman or a homeless man seeing a one-dollar roast chicken, they can't take their eyes off.
But he still said sourly, as if he had eaten several lemons:
"Such a large body must consume a lot of fuel. It's not as environmentally friendly and convenient as my little wings... Tsk, useless and exaggerated shapes are meaningless. I don't want them."
"I finally understand. Being stubborn at inappropriate times is a characteristic of Team K."
Zha Kang said sarcastically:
"Stop drooling and don't embarrass yourself in front of outsiders."
"My fellow K team member, that car is pretty cool."
In the sky, a pilot wearing a cool pilot uniform and a silver green eye mask hovered in the air, keeping the thrusters of his mechanical wings working continuously.
He looked at the Kite Man and Zha Kang in front of him, looking at the Kite Man's small and terrible flying backpack with contempt, but did not reveal this emotion.
He glanced at the Batmobile speeding below and said to Charles and Constantine:
"Come with me, the sandstorm is waiting for you. By the way, you can call me 'Vulture'."
"My name is Kite..."
The kite flyer also wants to introduce himself.
But he was interrupted by Zha Kang, and the black magician said in a long voice:
"His name is 'Pigeon'. Your names really make a good match."
"Hahaha, Pigeon, what a great name!"
The vulture looked at the contrast between his mechanical wings and the kite man's small wings. It was really like a mighty vulture and a weak pigeon facing each other in the air.
He laughed and turned happily to lead the way.
Behind him, Zha Kang whispered to the Kite Man:
"Look, you can make someone less wary of you with just a joke. This kind of free flattery is the cheapest and most effective weapon. I think you should learn from it.
Humph, why don’t you thank Lord Constantine for teaching you something useful?
You useless pigeon."
What Zha Kang said made so much sense that Kite Man couldn't refute it.
They followed the vulture all the way to the coast and soon approached the pentagonal town built on the seashore.
The surrounding walls were built very high like city walls, and were equipped with a firepower network composed of impressive heavy machine gun automatic sentry towers, which could perfectly resist the attacks of the surrounding zombie groups.
In the small town, a large number of honeycomb grid-shaped floors are built for people to live in.
While flying through the air, Zha Kang and Kite Man saw that the people working on the ground were almost all wearing the same uniforms, and their uniforms were printed with large logos:
"Osborne Enterprises".
The golden tower standing in the center of the City of Sanctuary revealed its true shape as the two people looked closer and closer. It was not a tower for living, but a support for some super-large equipment.
Just like drilling for oil.
A huge black prototype drill was driven into the ground, and it was unknown what it was mining.
Soon, the members of Team K were brought in front of Mr. Sandstorm.
The Batmobile definitely couldn't pass through the gate of the City of Sanctuary, so Selina cast a spell to fold it into a model shape, and then with the help of the Kite Man, it was quickly sent to the high place where Mr. Sandstorm was.
"Is Mason still in the city?"
Mr. Sandstorm, with scars all over his face, was protected by his teammate Vulture and another man in black who appeared in the yellow lightning. He said to the scum in front of him in a nonchalant tone:
"Tell me, how were you discovered?"
"Because the Stars Club has damn lax quality control!"
Constantine blew out smoke rings and cursed:
"Your world gate is obviously not as perfect as you advertise. Every time it is opened, the disturbance in space and time caused will be discovered by those who are interested.
The demon chasing us is the vanguard of the magic circle under the Justice League! He is a righteous man.
If this wizard had not made preparations in advance, we would have been blocked in the base and burned to death.
That idiot Mason has no idea how to lead us. This incident proves that his existence is meaningless. I don't plan to follow him anymore.
And you?
Zha Kang turned around and looked at Catwoman. The elder sister cooperated very well and showed an unhappy expression with her hands on her hips and said:
"That little bastard better not come back alive, or I'll settle the score with him with interest! How dare he use such a disgusting method to drag me into this damn thing? It's really disgusting and annoying."
"The World Gate does have hidden dangers. I wanted to remind my juniors about it when I left last time."
Mr. Sandstorm said hypocritically:
"But I didn't expect that you would end up in this situation because of me. This is totally wrong."
He examined Constantine, Catwoman and Kite Man. As a B-level personnel, he could obviously see the potential of these people.
Especially the scumbag Kang.
After all, even in a parallel world ruled by the stars, powerful spellcasters are rare.
However, he was not so easy to trust others. Whether these people could be trusted remained to be seen. He invited the group of people to his residence to rest.
After the others left, Constantine, who deliberately lagged behind, whispered to Mr. Sandstorm:
"Did you see that hot and mean chick?"
Sandstorm glanced at Zhakang, waiting for his next words.
The black magician grinned with a sinister expression and whispered:
"That's Batman's wife, all that's missing is a wedding. That idiot Mason drugged her and forced her into the pirate world and made her his team member, just like he tempted me with some magical knowledge from another world.
The 17-year-old young man obviously overestimated himself and he couldn't control us at all.
But since things have come to this, I can only accept it. Personally, I would rather choose a better and stronger team.
I heard you guys suffered some losses in Gotham?
Do you want revenge? "
Zha Kang licked his lips and said with a look of lust, completely in his true colors:
"After this is done, Batman will be yours and the girl will be mine. Deal? Of course, you have to help me kill the damn demon who has targeted me first."
"Indeed, such supernatural creatures are always dangerous."
Mr. Sandstorm didn't say yes or no, he replied expressionlessly:
"But your suggestion is interesting. Let me think about it for a while."
He sent the group to the house below to rest, then winked at his subordinate Electric Man, who nodded, turned into electric current and disappeared on the spot.
Since he can roam through all the circuits and sense electromagnetic waves, these people's secrets cannot be hidden from him at all.
Mr. Sandstorm looked back at the abandoned city in the distance and said to another of his men:
"Go to the city and check the situation. If you can find Mason...kill him!
We are in desperate need of a World Gate. This strange loss of contact is really a headache. If I don't find a way to contact the Star Castle, those people will think I have defected.
Alas, it’s really hard for Mason to take the initiative to deliver the goods to my door.
What a good descendant! May his death please the dark stars."
"They successfully entered the city of refuge."
In the abandoned city, Barbara looked at the coordinate prompts on the microcomputer on her arm and said to Mason:
"But John took the initiative to turn off the communicator. It seems that he is under close surveillance and has to remain silent for the time being."
"It is also possible that he surrendered to the enemy."
Captain Jack, who was walking on the street corner with a Quasar pistol in both hands and following Er Tong, was wearing a half-covered mask and said to others:
"I'm not saying this, but I know at first sight that Constantine is a vicious bastard, just as dissolute as I was when I was young, and even more cunning and vicious than me.
Trust me, I'm not wrong."
"You are right about this. Zha Kang is indeed a complete jerk."
Mason walked forward holding the tech rifle and said without looking back:
“As expected, only people of the same kind can tell the same kind apart at a glance. But I don’t think he will make such a stupid choice. After all, Mr. Hunter has already issued an execution order. Even if we fail, there is still the Afterlife Team and the mysterious Ex Team to take over for us.
Sandstorm is dead.
Zack is not going to jump on a doomed ship. How far is it?
"It's just ahead."
Barbara tracked the weak signal source and looked up at the devastated streets ahead that looked like they had been bombed. She frowned and said:
"But we have to find the entrance first. It's deep underground."
"There's something ahead!"
The second barrel walking in the front suddenly raised his hand and reminded:
"A large number of creatures are moving around, it seems like a battle is taking place. Barbara, release the drones!"
A black bat drone immediately flew out of Batgirl's backpack. With her precise control, it flew around the collapsed high-rise building in front and displayed the situation there to the four people.
From a high altitude, what caught the eye was a large group of weird-looking zombies howling and rushing out from their hiding places to besiege a parking lot-like place. But there was a device similar to a guard tower installed on the ground there, which would spray blazing flames and burn zombies as soon as they approached.
This scene is very similar to the scene in the Caribbean world where zombies hunt living people, but Captain Jack expresses no interest in it.
But Mason narrowed his eyes.
He saw an unusually burly guy among the group of zombies. He was wearing a black suit and waving a cane in his hand. His movements did not seem like those of a mindless walking corpse at all.
As that guy roared, more zombies rushed out from the shadows and attacked the defense line of the guards who were trying to seize the tower.
"This thing is intelligent! And it can command these corpses?"
Barbara exclaimed.
Ertong grabbed his weapon. It was obvious that Jason sensed the danger.
“It really looks like it.”
Mason stared at the burly figure and said something in a strange tone. After a few seconds, he said to Barbara:
"Send the drone down and enter the parking lot to see what's going on inside. If the zombies are so excited, there must be some living people inside."
Batgirl immediately changed the coordinates of the drone, and the small, black bat-like reconnaissance device accelerated quickly into the darkness of the guarded parking lot.
It activated the night vision mode.
As a result, she had just flown less than fifty meters when a figure suddenly flashed by and grabbed her hand. Barbara was shocked and was about to detonate the drone to avoid being exposed, but the hand that pressed the button was held by Mason.
The young man stared at the image transmitted by the drone. The black and white image showed a face wearing a strange mask, with two big dark circles under the eyes and a mask without a mouth.
There is also a spider silk-like pattern on the mask.
Mason's mind moved, and he turned on the drone's communication switch. He said to the other side:
"Peter Parker?"
"Who are you?"
A few seconds later, a vigilant voice came from the other side, questioning:
"Why are there still living people wandering around in the city? Did you escape from Osborne Tower? Or are you the lackeys of the Sand People?"
"Well, such a hostile reaction is not like you, my dear Spider-Man."
Mason gestured, indicating to the players not to be nervous.
He took over the communication and whispered:
“You may not believe it, but we are trustworthy people. We have nothing to do with the Green Goblin and the Sand Man. You can think of us as a group of backpackers who got here by mistake.
Tell me, what should we do to earn your trust? "
"You are the hounds of the Star Society!"
There came a disgusted shout:
"Go away! I will never join you and I don't need your help here!"
Communications closed.
Mason looked back at the three people behind him and said:
"They do seem to need help, so what do you guys think?"
Second Barrel pulled the bolt, and Barbara also raised the shotgun that Judy gave her, using actions instead of words.
Captain Jack was not very willing to rush out and fight dangerous zombies for strangers, but seeing that Mason was ready to move forward, what could he, a weak and helpless legendary pirate, do?
"Give me the spear, at least."
Jack complained:
"What can you do with just a little pistol?"
Mason threw him a sophisticated kinetic shotgun that he had made for practice, and a few magazines filled with explosive warheads. Ertong also took out a magic samurai sword seized from the Amaterasu team from his bag and threw it to Jack.
He knew that this pirate was pretty good at swordsmanship.
Then, the four of them rushed towards the defense line guarded by Spider-Man.
"King of Corpses Kingpin, Spider-Man who doesn't trust others, a city that keeps shaking in strange ways, and Vulture, who is suspected to be a reserve member of the evil Hydra.
There is also the villain Sandman who calls himself "Mr. Sandstorm"..."
Mason took aim, clicked his tongue, and said:
"Tsk, that's really interesting."
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024