Volume 3: The Nameless Chapter 12: Three sentences to let Mr. Hunter teach you how to avoid occupational risks

In Mr. Hunter's office, when she called Mason "reserve Old K", Mason knew that this big boss was going to show his hand.
So he didn't care anymore and asked:
"So, is this some kind of test? Like an initiation into the Brotherhood of Evil? I have to do something to show my abilities and earn the respect of others or something."
"If you want to convince yourself that you have blood on your hands, this is a very good reason."
Mr. Hunter nodded and said:
"My two battle-hardened pioneering teams, Afterlife and Ex, are both top teams in the Star Club. You just met Anna.
I think you already knew what kind of person she was when you tested her.
The captain of the next life has the same philosophy.
I see your potential so I recognize your possibilities in the future, but their outlook on life formed after experiencing the crisis seems to be simpler.
If you want to win their goodwill and recognition, you have to demonstrate your abilities.
If you want to be one of us, you have to prove that you are reliable through your actions.
After all, this world is too complicated. We don’t have enough time to observe what a person thinks in his heart. We can only observe how he acts.
Do you understand what I mean?
Only blood can establish true unity!
Either it's the enemy's or it's your own."
"Understood. I will organize the action after I return."
Mason no longer dwelled on the question.
But now that the cards were out, he stopped being polite and started talking about what he needed most at the moment.
“About my request for supplies.
One world gate is really not enough, and just before we arrived at the Star Castle, the magic circle on my side had already begun to monitor the space-time disturbances of the entire world.
You know the background of that extremely dangerous A-level world. I feel that I really need care from the organization.
"But in principle, a team can only have one world gate. This is the rule."
Mr. Hunter was processing documents and said without looking up:
“Even I have to abide by this rule. My team can only use one door when on a mission. I can’t help you with this.
As for the risk of you being discovered in the base world, this is a compulsory course for every member of the Star Society.
Regardless of the level of their power system, most worlds are unfriendly to outsiders.
If you can't even solve the problem of hiding yourself, then in the words of my colleague, the Swordsman, you deserve to be finished, leaving the door to your world to those who are more capable and in greater need."
Such a direct rejection did not make Mason angry or disappointed, because he had keenly grasped the loophole in Mr. Hunter's words.
Mason rolled his eyes and said:
“Not allowing it in principle means there are always special cases, and once the rules are established, doesn’t it mean that loopholes will appear along with them?
Dear Mr. Hunter, you see, I am not asking you to open a back door for me or anything.
I just need your advice.
I just need some life experience from an elder to tell me, a reckless young rookie, what mistakes to avoid making at work, so that I won't make the same mistakes and get you in trouble again.
It's really just a work-related question.
Please don't misunderstand me.
If it's inconvenient for you or you're busy, I can go to that cold Miss Anna or Miss Judy, as long as I get your permission.
Isn’t it part of the job of a mature employee to mentor newcomers?”
"Very good, you have learned to correctly view the coordination of rules and loopholes. For a newcomer, this is a very commendable advantage.
As Team K's direct superior, I should remind you of some work-related 'taboos'."
Mr. Hunter stopped working, nodded in agreement, thought for a moment, then leaned back in his chair and picked up his coffee cup, like an old cadre holding a teacup.
He coughed a few times, drank some water, and said in a long voice:
“First of all, although each World Gate is numbered and has a record of its power projection when it is distributed, our work involves traveling across worlds, so there will always be some unexpected situations that cause the World Gate to be lost and unable to be recovered.
A large part of the bounty missions of the Star Society are about recovering the world gate left in a dangerous world.
Therefore, you must be strict with your teammates on a daily basis!
If you accidentally "pick up" a World Gate left behind by a team that has been wiped out or is on the verge of being wiped out, do not just put it in your pocket. You must hand it in in time to avoid loss of organizational property.
Don't even try to disassemble the handle of the World Gate and soak it in a high concentration of sacred purification liquid, as that will cause problems with the positioning of the World Gate.
All the coordinates recorded on it will become invalid, and Star Fort will temporarily lose track of it.
The organization will lose important assets.
This terrible thing must not be done! The consequences of being discovered would be quite serious. "
"I will write it down in my notebook and tell my players the importance of this when I return."
Mason took out a notebook and wrote down his superior's instructions.
As he wrote, he said:
"This one is called 'Organization Property is Sacred and Inviolable'. Are there any other similar terrible taboos I should be aware of, sir?"
“Of course, as a well-organized system, we have to pay attention to some small details in our work.”
Mr. Hunter stroked his left arm, which was covered by his robe, and said:
“For example, you should avoid entering areas with chaotic energy or out-of-control magic power under any circumstances. Not only will that put you in danger, but it will also prevent the monitoring center of the Star Castle from capturing the specific location of your team .
This means that it is difficult for headquarters to monitor your private conversations through the soul mark, so if you are in danger, it will be difficult for headquarters to send rescuers. "
"That sounds terrible! It's indeed a life-threatening detail. I will definitely avoid those places."
Mason quickly wrote this down, and looked at Mr. Hunter expectantly.
The latter thought for a moment and said:
"Avoid entering a base world that has been made a vassal of a certain team. There will usually be members of our 'brother organization' performing some important tasks there.
You have to understand.
The Star Society is nothing more than a sequence of explorers under a larger organization. Unlike the "humane management method" in our organization, most of our brother organizations are under military control.
If you mistakenly enter their workplace, you can easily be executed on the spot.
If you have to go, you must notify the team in the vassal world in advance and ask them to issue a temporary certificate. This is also very important, for example, if you are going to help the organization eliminate the traitor next.
I will give you a secret execution order.
Because the A-level world where the sandstorm is located has been annexed and has been deeply developed for a long time, don't run around there. If you encounter a pioneer cleaner or a more dangerous conqueror, it will be very troublesome. "
Hearing this, Mason's heart suddenly moved.
Mr. Hunter's words confirmed his thoughts. The "Cleaner Corps" was indeed the same as the Star Club, and they were different agencies under the same organization.
He walked up and placed the Cleaner Commander Enhancer he had found earlier on Mr. Hunter's desk, who immediately sat up straight when he saw it.
She snapped her fingers and activated some power in the room.
"This is a booster that only vanguard commanders use. It is said that each one is specially distributed by the logistics department of the Cleaners. It is almost impossible to get the real thing.
Where did you find it? "
She picked up the small injection bottle with only a little liquid left and asked seriously.
Mason told all about his subsequent explorations at Hogwarts without reservation. After listening, Mr. Hunter was silent for a few seconds and said to Mason:
"It's really hard to say whether your luck is good or bad. Okay, take it back. You can study it or use it for yourself, but if you are discovered, you must distance yourself from it!
The Cleaners are so named because they are specially modified to be cold-blooded and merciless killing machines.
These guys exist to destroy all those who resist.
The most troublesome thing is that compared with us explorers, they are the real fighting order, just like the difference between a clever and cunning hound and a mad dog that pounces on its prey.
Avoid contact with them under any circumstances, and avoid conflict.”
"So under what circumstances will they take action?"
Mason asked.
This time Mr. Hunter hesitated longer, as if considering whether or not to tell Mason these obviously deeper secrets.
In the end, she chose to tell the truth:
“The first case.
When a world resists too much against the pioneering behavior of the Star Society or relies on itself to overcome the "pollution" and plan a counterattack, the Star Society has the right to apply to the higher-level organization to send out cleaners.
The second situation.
When the hounds of the Star Society confirm that there are items of special concern in the target world, such as dangerous divine power, they can also apply for the intervention of the pioneer cleaners. "
"Contamination? You mean the zombie virus that was spread by those scum among us? You called them 'hounds', well, that's a good name.
The hound that calls out for doom is not a good thing to hear. "
Mason raised his eyebrows and said:
"But neither of these two things apply to the Hogwarts world. They haven't survived the zombie virus, and gods don't exist in that world."
"So the Cleaners weren't actually deployed in that world, Mason. Also, what that wizarding world experienced wasn't true 'contamination'.
The zombies you see are just a 'downgraded version' of the poisonous pollution. What Old K spread in the pirate world is also the 'non-lethal' stuff.
The ones found in your world are the real weapons used in the 'pollution war.'
Mr. Hunter handed the small bottle to the young man and explained:
"The nature of the Cleaners is an army! Once they appear, they will at least form a small battle group of thousands of people, equipped with conventional forces and landing ships that are enough to flatten a world, not a small team of three or four people.
Any world attacked by those mad dogs cannot be intact again, and judging from the bodies you found, it should be an undisclosed "private action."
She explained:
“This is the rare third case.
For example, private instructions from some bigwigs in the superior organization often trigger such actions, just like the model of the Star Society's pioneering team, sending elite cleaners to sneak in quietly, achieve the goal, and then evacuate. "
Mr. Hunter thought for a moment, flicked his fingers and said:
"I roughly guessed what they were looking for there. Remember the piece of the Philosopher's Stone you gave me? It is said that it can be made into some kind of medicine that can prolong life.
Perhaps some dying old guy in the higher-up organization was so afraid of death that he caused the rapid destruction of the world.
But with just a few people able to wreak that kind of destruction, I'd guess there's at least one 'Conqueror' among them, a super-powerful monster like your Kryptonian Superman and Wonder Woman who can single-handedly destroy civilization.
But they failed.
That’s why Old K took on the bounty mission and entered the ruins of Hogwarts.”
Mr. Hunter's words silenced Mason. After a few seconds, he whispered:
"I'm sorry about Old K. Now it seems that he is not a completely bad person."
"Now that you have joined the Star Society, don't use such simple and childish standards as 'good or bad' to judge a person, Mason."
Mr. Hunter waved his hand and said in a relieved tone:
“We are all complicated.
As for Old K...
I don't blame you for killing him.
Your actions may even have brought him some kind of relief, allowing him to avoid living in the nightmare of a miserable life day after day. Should he have given you something else?"
Mason took off the Cat School's inheritance badge from his neck and handed it to Mr. Hunter, who took it in his hand and looked at it with a complicated look.
After more than ten seconds of silence, she said:
"Are you interested in taking the Trial of the Green Grass? Mason, perhaps becoming a demon hunter can give you more power to protect yourself. Since you have obtained it, perhaps it is fate's revelation.
I can help you with this trial.
The herbal medicine has been improved so that it no longer has a terrible loss rate, but of course the pain is still inevitable."
"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it."
Mason shook his head and said:
“I heard about this trial from Old K. I don’t think I’m capable enough to pass it, and I think it’s fine to be an ordinary person.
By the way, I saw in Old K's notes that the scenery of the fairy-tale country of Toussaint, his hometown, was almost exactly the same as the scenery around Star Castle.
So, is this Lao K’s hometown? "
"That's about right."
Mr. Hunter said ambiguously:
"This is the last trace of a destroyed world, like a 'specimen' taken from a corpse, or a collection of hunters to show off their exploits.
So, I don't think he considers this place his hometown.
Unless necessary, he rarely stays in Star Castle for a long time.
That was a painful and tired soul. He is free now, but you still have to shoulder the responsibility he left behind and move forward, Mason. When you come back, your code name will be "Old K."
As he spoke, Mr. Hunter gently pinched his leather-gloved fingers.
A worn Gwent card appeared in her hand. It was her logo, with a black Q logo in the corner of the card of the legendary demon hunter Geralt.
She said:
"In our small group, you will work directly with me. When your team is strong enough, you will be asked to complete the work that Old K failed to complete.
Find someone who can help us in the world where he failed."
“I’m curious, what exactly does our organization do?”
Mason asked:
"It is to overthrow ..."
His mouth was covered.
Mr. Hunter, who was in front of him just now, appeared behind him like a flash and covered Mason's mouth with his hand to prevent him from saying the next word.
She almost lay on Mason's shoulder and warned him coldly in his ear:
"Some things can't be said, or even thought about... It's staring at you, it's staring at us and never letting up! You guessed it right, we all hate this place that uses the name of doomsday to do evil.
The reasons may be different, but the goals are the same.”
Such close contact made Mason feel a little uncomfortable and he moved his body, but when he thought that Mr. Hunter was actually a woman disguised as a man, the uncomfortable feeling dissipated a lot.
He nodded.
Mr. Hunter loosened his hand and said:
"It is time for you to go, Mason Cooper. Keep going with your questions, and one day you will see the answer. If you live to see that time...
Try to live till then.
This is for you."
She picked up an exquisite hourglass from the corner of her desk and handed it to Mason. The hourglass was very strange. The sand in it slid down without being affected by gravity.
Even if Mason turned it upside down it would still fall the other way.
“This is the countdown.”
Mr. Hunter said:
"The moment it ends is when the 'Third Impact' will arrive. I will send someone to inform you of the specific situation at that time. The sooner the sandstorm ends, the better. Then stay quietly in your world and don't run around.
In the Beyond Grade A world, as long as your luck is not too bad, there will always be power to protect you.
But you have to be mentally prepared. After the impact event is over, actions targeting your world may be put on the agenda.
If you want to protect it from the ravages of the Star Society...
Then become strong as soon as possible.
No matter what you think, the protection claimed by the weak is meaningless. I have witnessed such tragedies with my own eyes, don't let it happen again. "
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