Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 226 Wolf and Orchid

A figure quickly passed through the sky and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.
The [Colorful Wings] behind Chen Lun vibrated at a high frequency, and he flew forward without looking back.
The body could no longer support the extreme state and was forced to return to its original state. Chen Lun didn't care that the wings were too girly, he just wanted to get away from Sunflower City as soon as possible.
Just now, after he threw out the [Cat God Talisman], he immediately exchanged positions with the cards, then put the coffin into the Blood Poetry Ring as quickly as possible, soared into the sky, and quickly escaped.
'I didn't receive a notification to kill him. It seems that the old guy is quite resistant... Maybe it was because of the spell, not the real punishment from God, otherwise he would have died for sure!'
Chen Lun thought sinisterly.
There were bright green lights flashing all over his body. He was using the [Qingzhe] bookmark to transform the sanity value in the statue to restore his vitality.
The battle just now consumed a lot of his health, but fortunately he still had the talisman, a powerful weapon, otherwise it would not be so easy for him to escape.
"Fortunately, Mr. Byers's body has been recovered... Let's get out of here first!"
The wings behind Chen Lun flapped faster and faster, and the strong wind blowing in his face almost made it difficult for him to open his eyes.
The reason why he did not choose to escape from the spirit world was because he was worried about an ambush. As for himself, he could fly at high altitudes in the real world. With his speed, few people could catch up with him.
"Send the coffin to the location designated by Mr. Byers. The reward for completing this mission, plus the experience points from leading players to destroy three Red Apple branches, should be enough for me to reach the maximum level..."
Chen Lun thought to himself, full of anticipation.

Half a day later.
Chen Lun appeared on the outskirts of Amber City.
To be on the safe side, he spent several hours flying at high altitude. Only when he felt he was far enough away from Sunflower City did he enter the spirit world and begin his journey.
His caution was correct, because at this moment in the spiritual world near Sunflower City, there were indeed many elite extraordinary people from the Church of the Sun hidden.
Unfortunately, they did not wait for the Black Knight, nor did they see Chen Lun.
He was battling wits and courage with the air.
After a moment.
Chen Lun came to a ruin.
This place seemed to have been a small town in the past, but now only broken walls and ruins remain, covered by countless vegetation, with only a few traces of its past revealed.
"It should be the predecessor of Amber City... It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was no big city in this area, but dozens of small towns were scattered around, and later they gathered together and developed into Amber City."
Chen Lun's mind flashed through the history books he had read before, and he sighed inwardly.
Time always erases the traces of humanity inadvertently.
At this moment, there was a slight noise coming from the bushes on one side.
Chen Lun raised his eyebrows and stopped.
His spiritual intuition did not give him any warning, so he guessed it was some wild animal.
Sure enough, a stupid black bear head jumped out, stared at Chen Lun with its big eyes for a few seconds, and then a hint of confusion appeared in its eyes.
It twisted its huge body and slowly came to Chen Lun.
"This bear... is a little strange. It doesn't seem to be affected by my charm, not even [Animal Friend]."
Chen Lun showed a hint of curiosity.
The big black bear became inexplicably irritable and waved its claws towards Chen Lun.
Chen Lun frowned and gave it a big slap with his backhand.
The black bear was so overwhelmed by the slap that his big head was dizzy for a long time, but he didn't put down his raised paw. He looked like a primary school student who was in a hurry to raise his hand to answer a question.
The next second, it turned and ran away, whimpering softly.
The more Chen Lun looked at it, the more strange it seemed.
What is this?
He did not chase after it. Now was not the time to be curious about a black bear. The main thing was to return Mr. Byers's body to its place.
Chen Lun shook his head slightly and continued to move deeper into the ruins.
After walking for a while, he stopped again and turned to look behind him to the right.
The big black bear is here again.
Just as Chen Lun was about to raise his hand to give it a slap, it spoke:
"It's me."
This is Byers' voice.
Chen Lun was slightly startled, coughed lightly, raised his hand... and took off his hat, then bowed to the other party.
"Mr. Byers, how did you...?"
"I've been waiting for you here for a while."
Black Bear said.
There was some apology in its eyes.
"As time goes by, my memory becomes worse and worse, and I often forget who I am..."
Chen Lun was shocked, but then he felt relieved.
He was shocked that the Black Knight would suffer from intermittent amnesia, but he was relieved because:
"So I slapped him in the face a little while ago, so he probably doesn't remember it, right? "
Chen Lun immediately took the coffin out of the Blood Poetry Ring and placed it on the ground with a thud.
He didn't care whether the other party remembered the incident or not, and changed the subject first.
"Mr. Byers, I have lived up to your expectations and brought your body back."
The black bear nodded, with admiration in his eyes.
"Well done, Jack."
He stroked the coffin slowly and let out a low laugh.
"Thank you very much... This way, I can enjoy the next battle."
"Is it the Church of the Sun, the Church of the Moon, and the shelter?"
Chen Lun said in a deep voice.
Black Bear was a little surprised, but still nodded.
He sat down on the coffin, and after a few seconds of silence, he began to speak in a low voice:
“I didn’t tell you before why I was being hunted…
I once belonged to the Moon Church and served as the captain of Team 4, the Purple Moonlight. That was an unforgettable memory... and my lover, Orchid, Oget, was a member of the Light Guardian Team of the Sun Church."
The black bear paused, a little absent-minded.
“She is very outstanding and extremely talented. She was quickly promoted to [Sequence 6 - Sun Priest] and became the new captain…”
He suddenly turned and looked at Chen Lun.
“You know, Jack, many years ago, the spirit world had already experienced changes. At that time, countless pollution sources were inexplicably created, and even affected the human world… In order to prevent the large-scale spread of these pollutions, the Empire summoned the seven major orthodox churches and sent a large number of elite extraordinary people to the spirit world.
But then…”
Black Bear spoke calmly.
"Youlan is dead."
Chen Lun listened silently. Although he knew some of the Black Knight's background story, it was far less detailed than what the other party had told him in person.
At the same time, Chen Lun also knew that the reason why the Black Knight defected and ended up in his current situation was precisely because of his wife Youlan.
"My beloved died at the hands of a powerful polluted creature. No, it should be called a dark creature... Although they are full of mysterious pollution, they come from a deeper world in the spirit world, which is called the 'dark world'."
Black Bear took a deep breath.
"I was determined to die, wanting to avenge her, but in the end I failed... I was too weak, and even though I was seriously injured and on the verge of death, I still couldn't kill her... In the end, another team of 'Light Guardians' came and repelled her, and I was able to survive.
Oh, the captain of that team at that time was named Terrence. He took away Youlan's remains with his own hands, and I could only watch helplessly.
Even though I later applied to my superiors to get Youlan back, my request was ruthlessly rejected.
I don't take Terrence's insult to me to heart, but he shouldn't disrespect Youlan. "
The black bear chuckled, making a creepy sound.
“They said that it belonged to the Church of the Sun and I had no right to possess it… Yes, I’m just a captain of the Church of the Moon. How could I get my hands on another church’s weird things?
They are their tools, their weapons, their belongings... except my love."
The black bear stopped talking and remained silent for a long time.
A black light suddenly burst out from its body and it drilled into the coffin.
The coffin lid was slowly moved away, and a figure in black armor slowly stood up. He was wearing a wolf helmet, so his face could not be seen, but Chen Lun could clearly feel a suppressed anger.
The true form of the Black Knight Byers!
His invisible sense of oppression made Chen Lun's breathing stagnate. The opponent's current strength was probably only one step away from becoming a saint!
"So I attacked the Sun Church branch and took back Youlan."
The black knight spoke calmly, holding a pitch-black sword.
"Even if I have to flee to the ends of the earth, I will do it at all costs."
A golden light flew out from behind him, flashed in the air a few times and fell into the palm of his hand, turning into a light yellow orchid.
The Black Knight gently placed the flower under his wolf helmet and sniffed it.
“This time, I will make those people feel pain. No one can separate us... and one day, I will kill Terrence, even though he has become one of the twelve bishops of the Blazing Sun Monastery.
I will also kill all the monsters in the dark world, they are the ones who destroyed everything!"

Chen Lun was sitting on the train.
In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he chose to take the train back to Amber City, which also gave himself some time to rest.
The traveling and fighting over the past few days had made him tired both physically and mentally.
Chen Lun looked at the scenery outside the window and fell into deep thought.
After he delivered Mr. Byers's body, he had completed the mission and the rewards were settled.
But after listening to the other party's past, I felt a little heavy.
It is indeed as Mr. Byers said, his defection sounds so ridiculous, but Chen Lun feels a little emotional. It is always sympathetic to be able to persist in love regardless of everything.
He recalled the mission that was triggered by Mr. Byers before he left.
[Trigger A-level mission: Wolf and Orchid! ]
Mission Description: The three forces of the Sun Church, the Moon Church and the Shelter will launch a hunt for Byerswolf. You can choose to stand by and watch, or to lend a helping hand.
Youlan is gone, but the wolf's fate may change because of your choice.
If lovesickness can also cause sleep, then it will be cut off and forgotten by the oath.
Mission rewards: 40,000 experience points, 120 gold pounds, Byers' favorability and skill [Byers' Ultimate Sword - Orchid].
This task.
Chen Lun finally chose to accept it.
Just as he had said and promised to Biles, he would not stand idly by.
"Perhaps this is the last mission..."
He sighed.

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