Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 173 Players enter wonderland again!

“Ah! Ahhh!!”
In Jack Manor under the cover of night, faint and shrill screams could be heard from the attic on the fourth floor of the villa.
A residential area not far away.
Six players were drinking tea and chatting on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor.
Hearing the faint screams, they looked at each other in bewilderment.
"Did you hear that? "
the centaur asked.
"Well, it sounds like someone is screaming."
The twin-tailed loli Weiyin held the iced milk tea, stirred it with a spoon twice, and whispered.
"Why do the sounds sound like Dog-Headed Gold and Forgotten Wuji?"
Polaris frowned slightly.
Su Keying glanced at him.
"So it seems to be true... What happened?"
She rubbed the goose bumps on her arms.
"By the way, could it be that they were caught by Jack and are being tortured?!"
"It's possible. After all, they participated in activities against the organization. Their favorability has dropped to disgust. If we don't hunt them down, we will teach them a lesson."
Dongyang chuckled and took a sip of tea.
"Is it so painful? It would be better if we can reduce the pain perception in the game to the minimum..."
Chen Xi frowned slightly.
"Who knows what strange methods this famous 'fate guide' Mr. Jack will use? After all, this is a supernatural world... Maybe it will be extreme itching, terrifying hallucinations, heart and lung removal, or eating oneself raw."
Dongyang said, putting down the teacup.
"Even if you know this is a game, it's still a huge blow to your spirit when you feel it so real... isn't it?"
Hearing his calm words, the three women present felt a little scared.
The centaur turned his head away, drank his tea silently, and dared not say a word.
It was because he was the one who secretly tipped off Goutoujin and Wangwangwuji some information, which led to them falling into the trap.
If these two were tortured into idiots, wouldn't I have to take the blame?
"Well, I'm a little tired. I'm going upstairs to sleep."
The centaur stood up.
"Well, it's almost time, let's go our separate ways."
Dongyang said.
"Everyone, skip your sleep time and remember to come on time. We have agreed to go to the water beach to level up together tomorrow morning. We will work together to prepare for the Wonderland Dungeon."
Chen Xi nodded and went upstairs without looking back.
Weiyin Loli and Su Keying were still whispering something, and the name "Jack" could be vaguely heard, and both of them had strange smiles on their faces.
Polaris glanced at them and immediately shook his head.
He followed the centaur's steps and left the living room.
For some reason, he gradually became a misfit in this small group.
Maybe it’s because the other players in the team are either members of a guild or people who share the same interests, and only he, Polaris, is a true lone wolf.
"You can do this, Northstar."
He encouraged himself silently, with determination flashing in his eyes.
"Work hard! Strive! Try to earn enough money as soon as possible and become a Transcendent! No one can look down on you!"

Room on the third floor.
Chen Lun leaned back in the chair by the window.
"Don't come over here!"
Faint shouting came from above.
He raised his head and glanced silently at the ceiling.
'What on earth did Maggie feed them that caused such a big reaction?'
Shaking his head, Chen Lun picked up the unsealed old book on the table again.
'"Dream of the Town of Kazt"... This book is very strange, and it gives me a sense of déjà vu.'
He flipped through the mysterious book with a thoughtful look on his face.
This book belongs to the category of "extraordinary knowledge". Apart from providing Chen Lun with 500 experience points, it has no other substantial benefits.
The book is written from a first-person perspective, describing a down-and-out sailor who falls into a coma after getting drunk.
In his dream, he walked down 70 steps leading to the underground and found a huge stone door.
Looking up at the stone gate, for some reason he could clearly tell that its name was "The Gate of Sleep".
The stone gate was carved with various marine creatures, as well as strange and ferocious monsters. Beside the huge stone gate stood a tall woman whose face could not be seen clearly.
She was wearing an elegant dark green gauze dress and was silently examining and sizing up the sailor.
Likewise, the sailor somehow learned the woman's name, "Lady Sigh".
The noble and majestic aura gave the sailors an urge to worship it, and they dared not have any blasphemous thoughts.
As if he had passed some kind of test, Lady Sigh opened the door for him.
The sailor crossed the stone gate and walked down again. After going through 700 steps again, he came to a gray forest.
The forest was extremely dark and no living creatures could be seen.
The sailor was lost in the forest until he met a black cat.
The black cat could speak human language and was very hospitable. It gave the sailor a homemade wine called "Moon Wine" and then guided the sailor to "the place where the water was flowing and the pile of rocks".
The sailor followed the black cat's instructions and finally found an old town.
The sailor was surprised to find that the residents of this town were all intelligent white cats.
They have a common leader, who is both the mayor and the high priest, named Daye. This is an old cat with a tabby brown appearance, which is completely different from the white cats in the entire town of Kazt.
It is responsible for deciding the town's major events and worshipping the town's deity, the cat god.
The sailor's sudden appearance surprised and curious the cat residents of Kazt Town, because it had been a long time since the last human visit.
They welcomed the sailor warmly and gave him a feast.
At the banquet, the sailor took out the moon wine, which caused dissatisfaction among the white cats because it was a gift from the black cat.
The white cats took out their pride, Sun Wine.
The sailor had never tasted such fine wine and got drunk.
Driven by curiosity, he secretly drank the moon wine again, and finally entered an indescribable wonderful state.
He found that he could see scenes that he could not see in the past, and he also saw that above the town of Kazt was a huge, sky-blocking figure in a yellow robe.
At that moment, the sailor felt himself sublime.
But in the eyes of the white cats, he turned into powder in an instant and disappeared into the air.
The sailor's dream never came true.
It’s just that there is a cold corpse at the real dock.
The story of "Dream of the Town of Kazite" is not long, but the whole story is filled with a sense of weirdness.
After reading, Chen Lun gently closed the book with a frown.
"The Door of Sleep... The Lady of Sighs... The Town of Kazt... The Yellow Robe..."
He murmured these words, feeling like an extremely high-level being.
And the atmosphere depicted by the whole story is also quite epic.
The forest that the protagonist first entered reminded him of the gloomy forest in "Fairyland".
"Could the dreamland in the book be a fairyland...?"
Chen Lun guessed.
'If that's the case, no wonder Philip is so wary of Wonderland...'
He stroked the unsealed old book and then put it away carefully.
However, I made up my mind that during my exploration of the wonderland, I would pay close attention to the clues that appeared in the book to verify whether there was any connection between the two.

Four-story attic.
Dog-headed Gold looked at the monster in front of him in shock.
This is a strong creature with a bull's head and a human body, with four arms, hairy chest and abdomen, bull's hooves, and a body full of muscles.
"Fuck! Bro, you're now a four-armed minotaur!"
The dog-headed gold spoke.
Wang Wang Wuji rolled his eyes and said in a muffled voice:
"You think you're that good? You have two dicks."
"Ah?! No?!"
The golden nugget immediately lowered his head.
There was a loud bang.
Wang Xi Wu Ji threw a fierce punch, knocking the dog-headed golden bull's head crooked, leaving half of its face covered in blood.
The gold nugget fell heavily, making a dull sound.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
The skin and flesh on the rotten half of his face were wriggling, intertwining and recovering at an extremely fast speed.
Wangwang Wuji grabbed Ngoutoujin's horn and lifted him up.
"I couldn't control myself and wanted to hit someone!"
Forgotten Wuji's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily.
He threw another punch, hitting the bull's face right in the Goutoujin's face, causing the wound that had just healed to break again.
The golden dog-headed man's eyes were broken and blood was dripping. His body was shaking but he stood firm.
He seemed to have also fallen into some kind of violent state. He stretched out two of his strong arms to tightly grasp Wang Xi Wu Ji, and swung the other two fists violently.
Bang bang! Crack!
Forgotten Wuji was hit hard by a punch, and blood splattered from his teeth.
But he still had the strength to fight back and punched the gold-headed dog as well.
The two of them howled and screamed in pain as they fought each other.
In the end, they both fell to the ground, their muscles and bones shattered, like a puddle of mud.
But they are not dead yet and are still breathing.
"——Brother, this medicine is really effective! It's a magical medicine for fighting! The health value recovers at an alarming speed, and it also increases a lot of attributes! But it's a bit addictive..."
"——The most important point is that this is our contribution! The birth of the miracle drug is due to our selfless dedication! So I have decided! From now on, I will be a loyal fan of the 'Beef Power Bottle'!"
"——Me too! Damn, I feel uncomfortable if I don't drink!"
"——Are you recovered? I want to fight again!"
The two four-armed minotaur monsters struggled to get up and started a new round of fighting.
“Ahh! Ahhh!!”
"Ahhh! Aaaahh!"
Eight fist shadows intertwined, and each punch hit the flesh.
Bang, bang! Crack!
Maggie stood in the corner of the attic, her face flushed, watching the scene excitedly.
"It worked! Although there are some insignificant side effects, it is indeed a success! In a sense, side effects can also be the advantages of the potion. The alienated body increases the offensiveness...!"
She held a notebook in her hand, observing the fight between the two minotaurs and quickly recording something.
After a while.
The battle between Goutoujin and Forgotten Wuji is over.
This time, the two men's bodies finally couldn't hold on, they disintegrated into meat paste and turned into white light and dissipated.
Maggie looked at the place where they disappeared, her eyes shining.
"This is the 'immortal' the leader mentioned. It is indeed a perfect material for testing medicine!"
She put away her notebook and pen, walked quickly to the table, picked up a bubbling red sticky potion, and turned away.
"We must tell the leader this good news! Hehe!"

Chen Lun finished washing up and came out of the bathroom.
He was about to go to bed when he heard a knock on the door.
Open the door.
Maggie dodged and came in.
Before Chen Lun could say anything, she took out a crimson potion.
"Captain! We succeeded! This is the 'Beef Power Bottle'! My most satisfying masterpiece so far!"
Chen Lun raised his eyebrows and took the medicine.
[Super Potion - Beef Power Bottle]
Item description: A powerful restorative medicine developed by a heretic pharmacist, using ancient techniques and materials, combined with ingenious ideas, to create a deep red potion.
But it comes with terrible side effects.
Item Effect: Can significantly restore internal and external injuries, and has targeted effects on hemostasis, blood production, and musculoskeletal recovery.
100% transformed into a bull-bodied creature, with upper limit of health +200, upper limit of physical strength +100, strength +5 and endurance +5, and falls into an extremely violent state, full of murderous intent and destructive desire, lasting for 30 minutes.
After the effect of the drug wears off, the flesh and blood will inevitably collapse, and the upper limit of health, upper limit of physical strength, strength and endurance will be halved. The duration is 48 hours.
Warning: Do not take it repeatedly within 48 hours, otherwise it will trigger instant death.
"Beef... the bottle... ugh."
Chen Lun was speechless for a moment while holding the potion.
Although he really wanted to complain about Maggie's naming ability, he had to admit that this name was more descriptive than his own "Powerful Blood-Generating Bottle".
Without dwelling on the name of the medicine, he opened the bottle cap and took a gentle sniff.
A strong smell of raw beef hit him in the face, making him frown.
Along with the slight numbness and itchiness all over his body, Chen Lun even felt that his breathing became a little heavier.
'The drug is very effective!'
There was a flash of surprise in his eyes.
'This potion can provide a strong life recovery speed... Although it has a big side effect of transforming into a bull monster, it is surprisingly suitable for players to use!'
Chen Lun looked at the crimson potion in his hand.
For some reason, he always had an illusion that in the hands of the player, the side effects of this potion might be its main effect, and the life recovery would become the icing on the cake.
"Well done Maggie, this potion is indeed very novel and it surprised me."
Chen Lun smiled at Maggie.
Maggie chuckled, raised her hand and spread out her palm.
"Captain, we're out of money."
Chen Lun was slightly startled, then shook his head helplessly, took out a bag containing 200 gold pounds and handed it over.
"This 'Beef Power Bottle' could be mixed a bit more, it might be very popular..."
"No problem, Captain!"
Maggie cheered.

A few days later.
Including Goutou Jin and Forgotten Wuji, a total of ten players gathered in the living room on the first floor of Jack's villa.
In addition to the original six players, the two extra ones were cadres that Dongyang and Chenxi each brought from their own guilds, a man and a woman, named "Kuangben Kuang" and "Honey Yuzu" respectively.
They have made preparations and plan to go to the fairyland together.
"Negative Gold, Forgotten Wuji, welcome back."
The centaur smiled brightly at the two of them.
There was a hint of guilt in his eyes.
It's really pitiful that these two people were tortured by Jack into what they are now because of me.
The reason why Ma Ren had such an idea was naturally because of Goutou Jin and Forgotten Wuji, who always had an excited look on their faces, their eyes wandering and their attention unfocused.
Typical symptoms of ADHD.
Anyway, it doesn't look normal.
Because the "Beef Strength Bottle" had just been formulated and the stock was limited, Chen Lun only sold one bottle to each of them, and the others did not know the news for the time being.
Goutoujin and Forgotten Wuji are now looking forward to the power of the Hercules Potion, hoping to perform well in this Fairyland copy.
"Centaur, long time no see!"
Goutoujin greeted him.
"Polaris, Su Keying, you too... and other new friends."
He and Forgotten Wuji looked at the others and said.
Polaris nodded at the two of them, and the others nodded as well, and Su Keying responded enthusiastically.
Wait for them to sit down on the sofa.
"My fellow warriors from other places, are you all ready ?"
A deep and magnetic voice was heard.
The ten players turned their heads and looked at the young man in the black hat sitting on the sofa opposite the coffee table.
After a brief exchange in the chat room, Dong Yang, the vice president of Ying Ling Pavilion, spoke on their behalf:
"We are ready, Mr. Jack."
They each took out a symbolic ticket.
This is your ticket to "Wonderland".
"very good……"
Chen Lun smiled slightly and snapped his fingers.
A small ball of flame popped out from his hand, and immediately exploded into ten tiny sparks, which instantly fell into the hands of ten people.
The ticket burned out and turned into smoke.
The players were slightly stunned.
Soon, they saw Mr. Jack extending his hand to them.
"Warriors from other lands, go explore the wonderland..."
A deep, magnetic voice sounded.
A familiar scene appeared to the five members of the internal test team including the Polaris Centaur. Countless tiny vines emerged from Mr. Jack's cuffs and intertwined into an ancient book.
The pages of the book are turned.
"Quietly entered my dream..."
Jack grinned.
With a loud bang, a flash of white light appeared in everyone's eyes.
I didn't know how much time had passed in a daze.
When they came to their senses again, the scene in the villa's living room had disappeared, and the surroundings seemed to have become a gray forest.
"Phew...we are back again!"
The gold nugget opened its mouth.
Unlike the first time when he was at a loss, this time he felt extremely excited.
The horse man also sighed.
"Is this the Gray Forest? The starting point of the fairyland...?"
Dongyang looked around, a hint of curiosity on his face.
Chenxi, Weiyin and others also looked up and looked around, feeling curious about everything.
Polaris suddenly spoke.
The others looked at him with confusion on their faces.
"This is not the place where we landed."
The North Star pointed in a direction that no one had noticed. They looked in that direction and were surprised to find a wooden hut looming under the cover of the woods.
"Wooden house...? We certainly didn't encounter it before!"
The centaur said solemnly.
Just at this moment.
A prompt box popped up in their minds at the same time!
[Trigger C-level mission: Cabin in the Woods! ]
Mission description: Mr. Jack, the "Wonderland Gatekeeper", will guide you to the primary goal - to find the wooden cabin hidden in the gloomy forest.
Warning: Danger lurks near the cabin!
Note: Please explore in the opposite direction of the current cabin to find the next cabin!
Mission Rewards: 1000 experience points, 50 silver medals and 5 contribution points. The top three players in mission contribution will receive 1 [Supernatural Knowledge - Sequence 9 (Random)], 1 [D-level Strange Item (Random)] and 1 [Supernatural Potion - Beef Power Bottle] respectively.

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