Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 168: God of War Babu

Amber City.
Gan Ziwen and Mizhi Hanbao came out of the train station gate, looked at the bustling crowd, and breathed a sigh of relief.
“We’re finally here.”
Gan Ziwen said.
"Yeah, this game is so realistic. We stayed on the train for nine days... Haha, luckily we can skip time by sleeping, otherwise we would be bored to death."
The silly guy laughed.
"It's true. I was almost suffocated on the train... I hadn't showered for so long, and the other passengers all stunk. We became 'walking excrement' as well."
Gan Ziwen tugged at his clothes in disgust and said helplessly.
"Let's go, let's find a hotel and take a shower, otherwise I really can't stand it."
“Good idea.”
The silly boy followed Gan Ziwen and left the place together, walking slowly along the main road.
But they didn't notice that another group of players came out from the gate not far away from the side and rear.
It was none other than Rotten Persimmon and his group.
Their faces were generally grim. No one spoke. They silently followed the leader, Rotten Persimmon, and left the train station directly.
"Let's go to the inner city first... The Red Apple Church is there. If you also want to join the church, you can try the method I told you about."
After Ranshi finished speaking in a deep voice, he secretly sighed.
The days on the train were another nightmare for him. The first nightmare was that Jack was guarding his body and he was afraid to go online.
The nightmare on the train was that he was killed three times in a row for no apparent reason! Each time, the clue was that the guy named "Alex" killed him in his sleep.
While the train is moving, you cannot go offline, otherwise it will be considered "out of transport" and will be directly teleported back to the Emerald Town Railway Station.
Game characters, like normal people, need to eat and rest. It is simply not feasible to force yourself not to sleep.
If you are not careful and take a nap, you will be killed.
The resurrection point is automatically bound to the carriage. Sometimes, Rotten Persimmon doesn't even see his own death prompt before finding out that he has already died once.
These past few days have been a torment for him. He has been fighting against himself every moment, fighting against that weird, damned bard.
The rest of the team suffered the same fate as him, and each of them died three times in a row.
Fortunately, the last death did not come.
Perhaps it was because the train moved away from the strange bard, or perhaps it was God's mercy, but in any case, they were able to successfully reach Amber City with their only remaining lives.
Otherwise, you will be stuck in a resurrection cooldown and have to wait until five days of game time before you can go online, which is too torturous.
Rotten Persimmon and his group felt very fortunate about this.
They walked and looked at the road signs, which they used as a panel map to unlock, and then came directly to the "Amber Bridge", the only way to the inner city.
They were shocked to find that the bridge sentry post was heavily guarded and very strict.
Pedestrians lined up to be inspected and questioned, and seven or eight doctors in black leather coats stood by to conduct examinations.
They wore crow masks similar to gas masks on their faces and held a black sandalwood cane in their hands to touch the people being examined and keep a distance. Another person was holding a pen and paper and taking notes.
"It seems that the plague outside the city is so serious that a quarantine checkpoint has been set up here as well."
Rotten Persimmon said in a deep voice.
He walked to the end of the long line of people and lined up, and the other team members hurriedly followed.
When it was almost their turn, Lan Shi saw several recruitment notices posted on the wall.
The general content of the first one is that as long as you join the "epidemic prevention team" of the public security station and help clear out diseased lunatics, diseased animals in the sewers and some other wild beasts, you can get an Amber City resident certificate, an inner city pass and some monetary rewards.
Other recruitment notices are similar, all posted by various official agencies. It can be seen that they are extremely short of manpower.
"Sir, please show me your identification."
Three guards stood in front of Rotten Persimmon, and the leader spoke.
Rotten Persimmon took out the ID card given to him by the Red Apple Church, which indicated his legal identity as a "church guard."
The guard took it, looked at it, nodded, and handed it back to him. However, the three guards looked at him with a strange look.
Ranshi noticed a hint of surprise and confusion in their eyes, and he didn't know why they had such emotions.
Then, under the instruction of Doctor Crow, he stuck out his finger to draw blood. A hand wearing a black leather glove opened his eyelids and lips, and he was carefully examined before he was allowed to enter the inner city.
But his teammates were not so lucky. Because they had no identification, they had to be separated temporarily.
"You can go and look at the notice on the wall, participate in the official recruitment, and complete some tasks, so that you can get an identity certificate."
Rotten Persimmon made a suggestion.
"There's no other way. This is the only way...Brother Rotten Persimmon, let's get in touch if we have anything else."
The others looked at each other, and finally said helplessly.
"Well, as soon as possible."
Rotten Persimmon nodded.
Watching the backs of the "little brothers" leaving, Lanshi noticed that a few more players appeared in the team, and then were refused entry to the bridge due to identification issues.
Finally, these players will be attracted by the recruitment notice on the wall and sign up spontaneously.
All they want is identification and a pass...
Ranshi shook his head, didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked onto the bridge.

Rotten Persimmon went straight to the Red Apple Church in the inner city.
When he arrived at the church, he found that there were very few residents coming to worship, only a few scattered around.
It looks quite bleak.
Rotten Persimmon remembered the pilot film about Jack, in which it was mentioned that this branch church seemed to have been destroyed by him once.
Although it was not like the church in Emerald Town, which was burned down directly, the bishop and some guards in Amber City were all killed by Jack.
The losses were also quite heavy.
"Perhaps this is the reason why there are so few believers here..."
Ranshi guessed secretly and pushed open the church door.
He quickly stopped.
I found newspapers thrown in from outside scattered on the ground.
I bent down and picked up one at random, and found that the newspapers were very worn and seemed to have been printed a long time ago.
The contents reported above all expose the darkness of the Red Apple Church and the deeds of the "Black Messenger" who took the place of God in punishment.
After seeing this, Lan Shi finally understood why there were so few people here.
"Why is it the other way around?! The Red Apple Church is the villain here, and Jack is the messenger of justice..."
Rotten Shimi rolled up the newspaper, his face looking gloomy and uncertain.
"Well, we can't believe all of this kind of report... Besides, the Red Apple Church is a true church with a huge influence. All I need is their help to develop myself."
He gritted his teeth and walked straight into the church.
In the empty hall, there was only one monk. He held the Holy Book of the Rose in his hand and spoke calmly as he told the gospel of Lady of the Rose to a handful of people.
For some reason, Lan Shi always felt that this monk did not look very spirited and seemed to be doing things perfunctorily.
He walked straight forward, and the monk stopped preaching and gave him a puzzled look.
Rotten Persimmon secretly sent out a probe and found that this monk was just an ordinary person.
He took a deep breath, took out his ID, and whispered that he was "one of us" from Emerald Town, and hoped to help the church in Amber City.
The subtext is that they hope to take on some tasks.
This time, the monk from the Red Apple Church was at a loss. He was stunned for a while before he reacted.
Because of the previous gallery case and the battle of the square, the senior executive of the shelter, Mona's teacher, Chief Judge Rudolf of Fossil City, submitted accusations against the Red Apple Church to the "Gem State Ten Cities Council".
Although it did not cause much impact on the church, it caused dissatisfaction among the imperial high-ranking officials.
In order to avoid escalating the conflict, the church's top leaders have actually temporarily given up the Amber City area, including several nearby large cities and small towns.
Therefore, the Red Apple Church now has more symbolic significance than practical significance, and it will soon be forced to give way to the Sun Church.
"Praise the Rose, Rotten Persimmon, you are truly a devout church guardian."
The monk exclaimed.
Then he pondered for a few seconds, looked around, and finally remembered something. He took out a stack of wanted warrants from under the cabinet on the pulpit and handed them to Lanshi.
"This week you can choose to patrol or guard near the church, but after next Monday, you are not allowed to come again. The specific reasons and follow-up arrangements will be notified at that time...
After that, you can consider helping the church by finding and fighting these vicious wanted criminals."
Rotten Persimmon took the wanted order and received a task prompt box.
Immediately, he chose to accept it with some excitement.
The monk's words were a little strange. Why didn't he come next week? Did something big happen?
With some doubts, he turned and left the church.
Just after he walked out of the gate, the monk from the Red Apple Church noticed a figure coming out of the side door, so he immediately stepped forward and bowed respectfully.
"Brother Wright, the handover work has been almost completed. Our sect will evacuate next week, and this place will be completely handed over to the Church of the Sun."
The monk was sweating profusely.
Standing in front of him was a monk from the Church of the Sun, a middle-aged ascetic with a bald head and a long beard.
It is said that the other party is a member of the "Light Keepers", an elite supernatural force within the Church of the Sun.
There was a smile on Wright's calm face.
He nodded to the monk of the Red Apple Church, then patted his white robe gently and turned to look at the door where Rotten Persimmon left.
"These 'visitors from the spirit world' are indeed strange. Have you discovered anything?"
The monk from the Red Apple Church was slightly startled.
He opened his mouth but said nothing.
Wright glanced at him and shook his head.
"It seems that because you haven't been promoted to the Extraordinary level, you haven't been informed of many of the secrets within the Red Apple Church...
Okay, I understand. We will renovate this church again when the time comes."

Rotten Persimmon found his brothers from the God's Love Guild in the waterside area of ​​the outer city.
I heard that they have accepted the recruitment mission of the Public Security Bureau to help eliminate the diseased rats that are wreaking havoc in Xiashuitan.
Lan Shi has his own plan. He plans to join a gang with his guild teammates.
In this way, they can lead them to kill rats while participating in gang fights and attacking the Iron Fist Gang.
While leveling up, you can also complete your own church tasks.
Because Rotten Persimmon had obtained some information from his predecessor, Goutou Jin, he knew that the Iron Fist Gang was actually a force under Jack's command.
The church missions he accepted did not require him to personally kill the church's enemies. He only needed to inflict a blow to the enemy and would be rewarded according to his contribution.
So Rotten Persimmon plans to fleece Jack.
If you can't deal with this NPC himself, can't you deal with the ordinary people under him?
Although, Rotten Persimmon often inexplicably recalls the fear he felt when he was dominated by Jack guarding the corpse.
He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.
A few days later.
Lanshi took his brothers out of the rental house and went to the water beach to kill monsters and level up as usual.
As we were passing Denton Street, we suddenly spotted the commotion.
Five or six players rushed out of a grocery store on the street, each holding some valuables in their hands, looking like they had just completed a robbery.
The grocery store owner was a middle-aged man, covered in blood. He crawled out of the store, shouting hysterically for help.
Players also rushed out of the coffee shop and bookstore nearby, and then reunited with the previous players, seemingly forming a group.
The staff in the coffee shop were all injured and screaming in panic.
Mr. Taote from the "Old Cripple's Bookstore" had one side of his glasses broken and his face was covered in blood. He was holding onto the door frame with a look of anger on his face.
The whole street was filled with chaos.
Two patrolling soldiers happened to see this scene and drew the daggers at their waists.
But when they saw that the robbers were a gang and there were more than ten or twenty of them, they were immediately frightened.
But the sword had already been drawn, and it would be too embarrassing to take it back, so the two patrolling soldiers had no choice but to bite the bullet and blow the warning whistle.
——Beep! Beep!!
Then, holding a dagger, he confronted the players from a distance of dozens of meters.
"Go ahead! Don't be afraid! There are only two guards!"
"Quick victory! Reinforcements will be attracted by the whistle soon!"
The players were filled with murderous intent, shouted a few times, and then rushed towards the two patrolling guards.
The two guards were weak and didn't want to fight. But the players didn't think too much about it, they just wanted to kill the two guys who blocked their way and then escape.
Puff! !
The players rushed forward, and the two patrolling guards gritted their teeth and swung their swords, killing the two players head-on.
Then the remaining players took out various rusty and inferior weapons and fought back.
Jingle bells!
The patrolling guards were wearing leather armor inlaid with iron plates and iron helmets. They took the intensive attacks from the players and only suffered minor injuries.
However, low-level players who only wore linen robes would be killed instantly if they were hit by a sword.
"Brothers from the God's Love Guild! Please help me! I'll give you 20% of the stolen money!"
Among the players who were fighting, a leading guy, after seeing Lanshi and his group watching not far away, showed joy on his face and shouted loudly.
Lanshi raised his eyebrows and noticed that the words "Shadow Talker" were marked in brackets in the IDs of these players.
"Shadow Whisperer" is a second-rate guild, known for their reckless style of doing things. No wonder they are here to steal money.
"Too little, we want half!"
Rotten Persimmon thought about it and responded.
The leader of the Shadow Speakers' expression changed. He swung the kitchen knife in his hand and chopped it on the patrol soldier's helmet, making a clanging sound.
The blade of the kitchen knife was bent, but the helmet only had a dent.
The patrolling soldier was startled and swung his sword violently, killing another player.
Seeing this, the leading player gritted his teeth and turned around.
"Thirty percent! Thirty percent at most!"
Rotten Persimmon chuckled and took out his rifle.
He turned around and gave a few instructions to his companions, then led the way forward.
The two guards became panicked when they saw more enemies joining in.
When the distance was a little closer, Lanshi raised his hand and shot.
After the loud noise, a guard screamed and fell to the ground. The leather armor on his chest and abdomen exploded, revealing his bloody body underneath.
Then the players who were nearby hacked him to death with their swords.
Seeing this, the other guard immediately turned around and ran away.
But Rotten Persimmon quickly reloaded and shot at his back.
The guard was shot and flew forward, his back stained red. The members of the God's Love Guild rushed forward to finish him off and killed him.
If Polaris were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that these two guards were the same ones who had exploited them.
"Thank you..."
Half of the players from the Shadow Speaker Guild were still left and came over.
Lanshi had a smile on his face and was about to say something.
"You damned robbers! Murderers! The sun will punish you!"
Mrs. Caroline stood at the entrance of the corridor and shouted angrily.
Her flower shop was closed today, so she was lucky to escape the disaster, but she was attracted by the chaos and noise and came out to see this scene.
"What a noise, old woman."
A player from the Shadow Speaker Guild, with a sinister look on his face, threw the kitchen knife in his hand hard.
Mrs. Caroline stared with wide eyes at the rusty kitchen knife flying straight towards her.
A thin figure stood in front of Mrs. Caroline, and the kitchen knife chopped on his back.
Blood splattered everywhere, and Mrs. Caroline was surprised to see that the person who blocked the knife for her was the bookstore owner, Mr. Tote.
"Mr. Tote, you...!"
Mrs. Caroline covered her mouth.
"Miss Caroline..."
Tote's face was twisted in pain. His lips trembled and his old face twitched.
"It's such a pity... that I didn't have dinner with you... even once."
Having said this, he fell down in front of Mrs. Caroline.
Mrs. Caroline's breath caught in her throat and she was speechless.
This old friend who had been with her day and night for many years died in front of her. Just like before, she received the news of the death of her husband and children.
"Damn it, it's blocked!"
The player who threw the kitchen knife said depressedly.
He asked his companion for another knife, grinned, and raised his hand to throw again.
Just at this moment.
Woof woof!!
There were two dog barks, and then the player felt a pain in his thigh.
When he looked down, he saw that a black and white Border Collie had come to his side and opened its mouth to bite him.
"Get away! Damn dog!"
The player yelled in pain.
Babu opened his mouth, jumped up and bit him again, breaking his throat.
【You are dead! 】
The other players were shocked.
Rotten Shimi raised his gun and prepared to shoot, but was shocked to find that Border Collie suddenly flashed and rushed far away, biting another player to death.
"There's something wrong with this dog!"
Rotten Persimmon was shocked.
The Border Collie is very fast and extremely aggressive, and is not like an ordinary dog ​​at all.
Most of the players from the Shadow Speaker Guild were quickly bitten to death by Babu, leaving only two or three people. They panicked and dropped the things they had snatched and turned to run away.
But before they could run a few steps, they were caught up by Border Collies and bitten to death.
There were also a few casualties on Lanshi's side. He looked grim and fired a shot at the Border Collie.
Unfortunately, the dog was running too fast and only one of its legs was scratched.
"Oh! my Bab! Poor child!"
Mrs. Caroline looked sad. She remained squatting, supporting Tote's body and looking at the injured Border Collie.
Bab's speed slowed down a bit due to a leg injury, but the players were still no match for him.
It had taken the [Low-Sequence Conspiracy Faction Mysterious Substance] given by Chen Lun, and its physical fitness had been enhanced. Its agility attribute was twice that of these players.
And it has a low presence, and if you are not careful, it will disappear from your sight.
Rotten Persimmon watched as this dog, like a god of war, bit players to death one after another. At least ten people died in its mouth!
"Let's go! Stop tangling here!"
Rotten Persimmon shouted.
They had used up all their resurrection opportunities on the train, and if they died here, they would be forced to log off.
"I'll take care of this dog next time!"

A few scattered players followed Rotten Persimmon and fled. Border Collie's leg injury became more and more serious and was not enough to support it to continue chasing.
It stuck out its tongue and had a mouth full of blood.
He squatted in front of Mrs. Caroline and watched the backs of Rotten Persimmon and his group as they fled.
"Bab, good boy..."
Mrs. Caroline was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes.
Suddenly, she noticed Babu limping toward the end of the street.
"Bab, where are you going?"
Mrs. Caroline asked.
The Border Collie stopped, turned around to look at her, then turned around and continued to leave.
That direction is the inner city.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024