Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 165: NPC is guarding the corpse!

After Chen Lun put on the [Star Veil], he found that he could edit the ID title displayed to players, so he casually used "Black Messenger".
At the same time, he understood.
'This kind of trick that can change its appearance and conceal its identity can temporarily achieve the effect of replacing the ID... That's right, if the ID cannot be changed, then as long as the player detects it, the true identity will be easily exposed.'
But he did not use the nickname "Black Messenger" to hide his identity. After all, outsiders may not know who the Black Messenger is, but the players will definitely know.
This is just him deliberately adding to the mystery.
Su Keying has recorded and videoed the battle in the square. As long as players are a little careful, they can find out that the person under the alias of "Black Messenger" is "Jackspeight".
What he wants is to leave players with such space to dig deeper, let them think they are smart, and give them a little surprise.
"Warriors from other lands..."
He came in front of the players and spoke in a deep and hoarse voice.
There were more and more players coming over here. It was estimated that there were already more than a hundred people, and the number was still increasing.
"This land is suffering. The plague is spreading and the sick are going crazy. We urgently need you to extend your hand of justice and heal the pain here..."
He began to speak.
Because of the cover of the [Star Veil], the face appears shrouded in a distorted, hazy black mist, making the players feel unpredictable.
He did not use this strange object to solidify his appearance, but his purpose was to add a sense of mystery and class.
"But unfortunately, you are still very weak now... I think I can give you a little help..."
Chen Lun finished speaking.
The players all looked towards the top of his head, where a golden, sparkling, eye-catching exclamation mark suddenly appeared!
And two optional dialog boxes——
[Exchange] and [Mission]!
Some players couldn't wait to step forward and tried to click on [Redeem].
With a whoosh.
A virtual dialog box similar to a store page popped up.
It is filled with items that can be exchanged. As long as you focus on them, detailed information and the price required for exchange will be displayed.
The player widened his eyes, looked at the items above, and couldn't help but shout out "Fuck!"
Chen Lun smiled secretly when he saw this.
The merchandise exchange catalog he released was similar in content to the "Store Book" in Floy's hand, except that it was the "basic version" sold by the circus.
But these are enough to fully satisfy these new players, and even shock them for the whole summer, after all, the content is really ahead of its time...
More and more people clicked on the [Redeem] page, saw the products on it, and showed expressions of surprise, desire and confusion.
Epidemic prevention candies, three different colored potions, a strange creature with a glittering name, and a pair of mechanical gloves that can spit fire, etc.
Of course, what attracted them most was the peculiarly shaped musket at the top of the list.
The reason is simple, simply because it is the cheapest, most practical and most likely to be pocketed.
For only 20 silver jewels, you can take this flintlock rifle named [Rage] home.
According to its description, this is a "shotgun" with huge destructive power within ten meters. It is definitely a great weapon for early game development!
The price set by Chen Lun was already very reasonable. After all, the price he offered to the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce was 70 silver dukes.
Considering the current economic status of these newbies, their purchasing power is definitely not that high, lest they cannot afford it if it is too expensive...
"I am too soft-hearted. I cannot bear to see the players suffer..."
Chen Lun thought so.
So in order to avoid losing too much, he decided to increase the price of ammunition several times.
How can an arms dealer make a fortune by selling guns?
Players are born penniless, but the fact that they can come to Emerald Town proves that they have earned some money in the Novice Village on the outskirts.
Just wanting to buy [Rage] is probably not enough.
"Everyone, look at me! Look at me, look at me... I have an announcement to make!"
Suddenly a man's loud shout was heard in the crowd.
Everyone looked towards the source of the sound.
It turned out that the person who was shouting was none other than the member of the God's Love Guild who had been in the spotlight before, Rotten Persimmon. He raised his hands high, his expression excited and serious, and glanced at the crowd twice, and continued:
"I'm... Rotten Persimmon. Now, on behalf of the God's Love Guild, I'm openly 'collecting gold' from everyone! The ratio is based on the market price, 1 credit point for 1 copper kro, large quantities will be given preferential treatment, and credibility is guaranteed!"
When everyone heard his words, most of them were moved.
After all, at this stage, no one has much money. They can neither afford anything nor buy anything urgently. Now that there is a chance to exchange it for real money, it is better to be pragmatic and do it.
Mm, the ribs are so delicious!
Soon, Lanshi received trade requests from more than a dozen people. He hurriedly contacted the guild president on the guild channel to apply for reimbursement while conducting trades with these people.
Not long after, Lanshi received enough money and came to Chen Lun.
Without hesitation, he directly selected the [Rage] horn gun on the store page, and also purchased some ammunition and anti-epidemic candy.
Others have no interest in the epidemic prevention candies, but players like Rotten Persimmon who have ideals and aspirations don't want to give up the limited weekly resurrection opportunities easily.
Therefore, it is necessary to spend some money to maintain the health of the character.
When everyone saw the musket in Lanshi's hand, they were immediately jealous.
There were also members from other guilds in the crowd. Although they were not top guilds like the three major guilds, it was not a problem for them to raise funds to buy a "land reclamation artifact".
After a while, a few more players collected enough money and bought muskets from Chen Lun.
They looked delighted, and then each began to recruit people on the spot, preparing to team up to kill monsters.
Someone clicked on the [Task] dialog box above Chen Lun's head and found that most of the tasks in it were related to the "Epidemic District" next to it. Either hunting down a certain number of "Epidemic Madmen" or collecting some specific materials or supplies in it.
It seems that the mysterious businessman named "Black Messenger" in front of him is a guiding NPC who is waiting here specifically to serve the "Epidemic District" map.
The players excitedly gathered in a circle in front of Chen Lun, some came and some left, and then headed towards the epidemic district on the side.
This cycle repeats itself, it’s so lively.
The soldiers who were watching from afar were extremely surprised when they saw this phenomenon.
They didn't know who the gentleman in the black top hat was, but judging by his ability to "inspire" people, he must be a great man with great charisma... or at least an excellent orator.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why those recruits who were originally preparing to escape would return to the "battlefield". They even changed their previous timid attitude and became extremely excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they couldn't wait to fight those plague lunatics for 300 rounds.
A loud gunshot.
Everyone looked up and saw Rotten Persimmon raising his rifle and taking the lead in pulling the trigger at the plague victim who had previously rushed out of the fence.
The latter had no power to fight back and was hit by the shotgun from several meters away. Blood holes appeared all over his body. He flew backwards and fell, struggling on the ground without being able to get up.
Even though the madman was still laughing crazily, people were no longer afraid.
Fear only comes from lack of firepower!
Another shot was fired, and the sick patient who fell to the ground was killed on the spot and there was no movement.
Rotten Persimmon loaded the bullets and smiled brightly.
He teamed up with a few individual players and started to mop up the "slippery fish" around him. Looking at the pop-up kill notifications, he felt his blood boiling.
"Worth it! It's damn worth it! This musket is very powerful, it kills people indiscriminately, and it upgrades very quickly!"
Rotten Persimmon's face flushed with excitement.
The individual players who formed a team with him kept shouting "six six six". They hardly did anything, but Ranshi had already killed the monster, and they also got a lot of experience points for it.
Where can I find such a pleasant thing?
In order not to be kicked out of the team, they flattered Rotten Persimmon enthusiastically, using all kinds of flattery to make Rotten Persimmon enjoy it very much.

The next day soon arrived.
The players spent a day in the "Epidemic District". With those gun-wielding "big guys" leading the team, they were able to level up quite quickly.
Rotten Persimmon has already reached level eight. He plans to reach level ten today and then leave Emerald Town for Amber City... According to the guild's internal beta testers, Dog-Headed Gold and Forgotten Wuji, that is the big city and the place with a bright future.
It would be useless to have our old nest in a small place like Feicui Town.
He did not form a group of individual players today, because his guildmates had already arrived. There were four of them in total, plus Ranshi himself, making a total of five.
With the president's instructions, Rotten Persimmon was appointed as the temporary captain. In addition, he was the best and had the highest rank, so the others had no objection.
Rotten Persimmon and his four beloved teammates were rampaging in the plague district. As long as they didn't provoke too many plague lunatics at once, they were basically not in any danger.
Rotten Shiki raised his gun and shot, blowing away an old woman holding a cheese cutter, then pressed the upgrade button with a smile.
[Your secondary occupation level has been upgraded! Currently it is [Church Guard LV10 (MAX)]! You feel your body has been strengthened! ]
"Just right, the mission is completed, let's go."
Lanshi put away his gun and said to his companions.
The others nodded, and then the group slowly left the place.
The streets in the epidemic district were desolate and deserted, with garbage everywhere. Faint laughter and humming of children's songs came from somewhere unknown building, and it was very eerie.
Rotten Persimmon and his companions left the plague district and returned to the street corner on the west side of the town.
The figure wearing a black top hat was still standing by the wall.
Many new players gathered there, including many old players from yesterday, who had gathered enough money for shopping, were accepting missions, or were collecting rewards after completing missions.
Dozens of meters away, Rotten Persimmon suddenly stopped.
The four companions from the God's Love Guild looked puzzled.
"Captain Rotten Persimmon, what's wrong?"
Someone asked.
"I have a plan, I wonder if you guys are willing to take a chance with me."
There was a flash of madness in Rotten Persimmon's eyes.
"I asked the beta testers, Dog-Headed Gold and Forgotten Wuji, and they told me that low-sequence transcendents are also afraid of muskets... They can be killed by muskets!"
He raised the [Rage] in his hand and stroked it gently.
The others looked at him, as if they had thought of something and looked surprised.
"Are you planning to...?"
“That’s right!”
Rotten Persimmon turned his head and his eyes fell on the figure of the gentleman in the black top hat who was surrounded by the group of players.
"The mysterious merchant named 'Black Messenger' should be a transcendent... But this is a novice village after all, his strength won't be too outrageous. Maybe we can kill him and take the things from him."
Rotten Persimmon became more and more excited as he spoke.
"It doesn't matter if I fail. The most I'll do is lose a level. The loss isn't that big... Anyway, we're leaving here tomorrow and heading to Amber City, so why not take one last gamble before we leave!"
He looked at his other companions and bewitched them:
"If we succeed, the mysterious merchant will most likely drop items... potions, muskets, and even more powerful but expensive 'weird things' that we can't afford! They will all be ours!"
As he spoke, Rotten Persimmon clenched his fists.
"Maybe he has extraordinary knowledge!"
When the four companions heard this, they were stunned and their breathing quickened.
"Let's make a bet! Anyway, I'm only level 6 now, so I can get back up soon... Boss Rotten Persimmon, how do we start?"
One of them said through gritted teeth.
Rotten Persimmon smiled and whispered to them:
"Like this... Jiliwa La Babu Bibu..."
As the five of them were whispering, the man wearing a black flat hat on the distant street corner suddenly looked at them.
Beneath the twisted black fog is an invisible smile.
Chen Lun retracted his gaze and continued to play his current role of "NPC mentor" seriously, or the role of "mysterious merchant in the novice village".
He traveled so far to Emerald Town, not to make money... These new players in front of him were very poor, there was no money to be made from them.
His goals are threefold.
One is to deeply test the mechanism of your own NPC template, including the functions of selling items, issuing tasks and imparting skills, etc. However, "imparting skills" is not very realistic at present, so it can only be postponed.
But he had already figured out the functions of selling items and issuing tasks, so the trip was worthwhile.
The second is to come over and show the presence of the "Black Messenger" in front of the players. He plans to plant a seed in the hearts of these players... the seed of the "Black Messenger", and then wait for it to explode at some point in the future.
In addition, it is also a chance to visit the "grassroots level" to prepare subsequent customized services for the players.
The third is to provide guidance to new players. Mr. Jack, who calls himself the "guide of destiny", must implement this character.
"Warriors from other lands, if you feel that you have been tempered and the time is right, you can consider heading to the nearest metropolis - Amber City. That is where your destiny lies and will be the stage for your future."
Chen Lun lowered the brim of his hat and spoke in a deep voice with a mysterious and epic tone.
After hearing this, the players looked at each other in bewilderment.
A player in the crowd had already recorded his image and speaking posture, and posted it to the built-in forum with the title "The mysterious merchant in Emerald Town is really impressive! Is the guide in your novice area like this?"
Because Chen Lun is wearing a [Star Veil] on his face, no player has recognized him yet. At most, they just think he looks very similar to "Jack", but they can't provide any substantial evidence to prove that the two are the same person.
At this time.
Rotten Persimmon, along with Shen Ai's four teammates, squeezed through the crowd.
"Make way, we are here to complete the mission."
Seeing this, the other players made way.
Lanshi and his teammates came straight to Chen Lun, and he submitted the task calmly.
The man in the black hat turned his head to look at him and nodded slightly, looking very pleased.
"Mr. Rotten Persimmon, you are an outstanding warrior. These are the rewards given to you... I hope you can grow up quickly. I look forward to your future performance."
Chen Lun waved his hand and handed him two boxes of ammunition and a bag of anti-epidemic candy. The experience points and monetary rewards had already been issued to him by the panel, which saved him a lot of trouble.
Lan Shi accepted the mission reward, saw the mission completion prompt box that popped up, and nodded.
He issued instructions in the chat room:
“——Do it!”
Several teammates had already surrounded the "Black Messenger" before them without realizing it. Seeing the order from Rotten Persimmon, they all attacked together, raised their rusty kitchen knives and sickles, and chopped down on him fiercely.
Ranshiki also took the opportunity to raise his gun, ready to aim at the "Black Messenger" and pull the trigger.
The players surrounding here were suddenly stunned.
They had never imagined that these people, whom God loved, would actually dare to take action against the “guide” and “mysterious businessman”!
Too brave, huh?!
After a loud bang.
Everyone felt as if there was a thunder in their ears, a heat wave rushed towards them, and a raging fire ignited in front of their eyes.
The four players who had previously surrounded the "Black Messenger" and launched a sneak attack on him had disappeared without a trace, most likely burned to death by the flames.
Rotten Persimmon's equipment was burned and he fell to the ground in tatters, his eyes wide open.
The "black messenger" was not only unharmed, but also squatted down easily and snapped his fingers in front of Rotten Persimmon.
"You will regret blaspheming the messenger of the 'Foreign God', Mr. Rotten Persimmon..."
Rotten Persimmon's head exploded, and flames rose like a torch.
He fell to the ground, twitched twice, and then turned into a streak of white light and disappeared.
At the last second, Rotten Persimmon received a prompt box -
[The "Black Messenger"'s favorability towards you has decreased! Currently it is disgust! ]
The players present exclaimed in surprise.
They were shocked by the sudden accident.
The five players of Shen'ai went crazy for some unknown reason, and while handing in the task, they suddenly attacked the "Black Messenger", but were killed instantly.
This is not over yet!
Everyone saw a pair of black wings spread out from behind the "Black Messenger" and he then soared into the sky.
"Oh! So cool!"
"Let's go! Chase after them and see for ourselves!"
A large group of players followed the direction Chen Lun flew, and soon they arrived at the center of Emerald Town. They were shocked to find that they had reached the resurrection point.
Rotten Persimmon and Shen'ai's four companions had just been resurrected and were standing next to the cross sign at the intersection, chatting.
Suddenly, a few illusory black feathers fell from the sky. They looked up and saw a black shadow falling.
There was a loud bang.
Rotten Persimmon and his four teammates were trampled into a pulp by Chen Lun, and then turned into white light and disappeared again.
The players who were chasing after them stopped and looked surprised.
"Shit! The NPC actually chased me to the resurrection point!"
"This is too tragic! Better to log off the Internet and avoid the limelight!"
"This game is so scary, the NPCs even know how to guard corpses!"
Rotten Persimmon emerged from the nearby crossroads with a confused look on his face, and his teammates also appeared one after another.
They turned around and saw the man wearing a black flat hat standing quietly by the side.
The face was shrouded in black mist, and no expression could be seen, but it gave people an extremely terrifying feeling.
"Get offline now!!"
Rotten Persimmon yelled.
But it was too late.
A flaming beheading knife slashed across horizontally, and Rotten Persimmon and his teammates stood there in a daze. The area above their necks turned into charcoal, and the wind blew them away, turning them into powder.
They were white light once again.
More and more players found that the " Black Messenger" who was supposed to stay at the corner of the street in the west of the town had disappeared. After asking around, they found out that some players had attacked him and were being hunted down, so they all rushed over here out of curiosity.
In full view of the public.
When Rotten Persimmon and his four companions were resurrected for the last time, their scalps tingled and they stood still as if struck by lightning.
The haunting figure in the black hat stood before them.
"Mr. 'Black Messenger'! We know we were wrong! Please forgive us!!"
Rotten Persimmon shouted loudly.
He found that he was in a combat state and could not log off at all, but he was reluctant to waste all his resurrection times, so he chose to beg for mercy.
In response, the "Black Messenger" chuckled.
"Mr. Rotten Persimmon, you should learn to take responsibility instead of bowing your head."
The flames engulfed them once again.
With a scream, they completely disappeared from the spot.
Resurrection has entered cooldown and there is no way to go online today.
Corresponding to the game, it means you have to wait five days before you can go online again.
"...I will arrange a few birds to watch here. After five days, if you dare to come up, I will kill you."
Chen Lun thought.
Anyone who dares to challenge his authority must be punished, otherwise this group of players will not take him seriously.

With no tears in his eyes, Rotten Persimmon contacted the president of God's Love, the boss of "Worldly People", offline.
He narrated everything that happened to him in Emerald Town.
Now I am unable to go online and I am extremely anxious. I have no choice but to ask the guild for help.
The "world" was silent, and finally said:
"Damn it, you're such a genius!"
The four other members of the God's Love Guild who followed him cried and complained to the "world", which also made the president very upset.
In the end, there was no other choice but for "Shi Ren" to call Goutou Jin and Forgotten Wuji, who had participated in the internal test, and ask for their opinions.
After listening to the story of Rotten Persimmon.
Goutoujin and Forgotten Wuji fell silent one after another.
After a while.
They asked about the appearance of the "Black Messenger" and his ability to attack. Then, they heard that someone had posted a video on the forum, so they went to take a look.
at last.
They only gave one answer:
"Stay out of the spotlight for the next few days. Once he leaves , quickly leave Emerald Town and stop playing in this area."

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024