Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 150: The Second Wooden House

"The lake where the statue gazes at".
This is the name given to it unilaterally by Chen Lun, which can be simply referred to as the Lake of Gazing.
Or it could be called Diaohu, that's fine too.
Anyway, it's just for the convenience of description. I believe Maggie won't care about these details.
The lake water was very cold, like the freezing cold of winter. The bottom of the lake was pitch black, and it was impossible to see anything clearly. Chen Lun was completely relying on guidance to swim towards the depths.
He passed through the darkness and emerged from the water with his head raised.
Water splashed everywhere, and under his wet hair was a surprised handsome face.
'This time... it came out ?'
Chen Lun looked around and found himself in a dilapidated fountain. The ivory marble was covered with cracks and had a lot of water.
Turning around, he found that next to him was the central part of the fountain. On the small cylindrical spiral steps stood a stone sculpture of a naked child, standing above his head, holding the faucet facing him.
Just say "water", and he can get water all over his face.
Chen Lun snapped his fingers and the faucet shattered.
He walked out of the fountain slowly as if nothing had happened. With the breeze blowing by, the water stains on his body disappeared. The fountain seemed to have never existed and was gone in the blink of an eye.
Only black soil and some weeds were left.
Chen Lun withdrew his gaze, not paying too much attention to it, and not intending to waste time. He walked straight to a tree.
The silver cane snapped and turned into a silver sword.
He raised his hand and swung it horizontally, cutting the tall tree in half.
Boom... Boom! !
The trees collapsed to one side, hitting the ground heavily, raising countless dust and sand.
Chen Lun glanced at the cross section of the tree, and then immediately ran in a certain direction. His agility exceeded the 50-point low-order threshold, allowing him to run at high speed in the dense forest without crashing into the trees.
His figure was like a nimble fish, shuttling through the gray "sea of ​​forest".
A loud noise was soon heard behind me, accompanied by a slight tremor in the ground.
Chen Lun continued running forward without looking back. He knew what was happening behind him was the same as when he first came to the fairyland and kicked down the tree.
It was a polluted creature called "Desolate Giant" that attacked the place where the tree fell.
This is one of the few fixed phenomena that exists in the fairyland. It is a rule that Chen Lun discovered during his two previous in-depth explorations.
The first is that if you destroy trees, you will attract the attack of the "Desolate Giant". The more serious the destruction and the greater the number of trees, the higher the frequency and accuracy of its attack on the destroyer.
The reason why Chen Lun wanted to cut down a tree was because of another law.
Second, there are no reference points in the dark forest, and the dense branches and leaves block out the sun, so it is difficult to tell the direction. However, you can use the tree rings as a guide.
But this judgment is not based on common sense.
According to common sense, the density of annual rings can be distinguished between the south and the north, with sparse growth towards the south and dense growth towards the north. This is because the south faces the sun and has sufficient sunlight, so the trees in this direction are more robust and have sparse growth rings. The north-facing trees are relatively underdeveloped and have dense growth rings.
But this is a fairyland, a place of absurdity and weirdness. The common sense of the world may not apply here...
Therefore, Chen Lun did not judge the north and south by the density of tree rings, but simply used it as a directional guide. The tree ring pattern, from sparse to dense, is like an arrow.
During the first two in-depth explorations, Chen Lun found the small house similar to a lakeside wooden house based on this "tree ring arrow".
He ran for a distance, and the movement behind him decreased until it disappeared.
The specific strength of the "Desolate Giant" is unknown, but it is not lower than [Sequence 6]. During the first two attempts to find the law, Chen Lun had witnessed its giant arm and the strange berries growing on it many times, which triggered several hints of extraordinary knowledge.
The collection progress of [Nature Faction Sequence 6 - Berry Picker] also increased from 1/10 to 1/4, but that was the end. After that, no matter how Chen Lun observed it, it would only deduct his sanity, and there would be no more benefits. He was too lazy to stare at the ugly hand any longer.
After running for more than ten or twenty minutes, Chen Lun suddenly stopped.
In the field of vision ahead, between the shadows of densely packed trees, one can faintly see the outline of a yellow-brown wooden house in the distance.
"We're here. This is it..."
Chen Lun said this inwardly, and then became more alert.
"It was also here last time that I encountered those polluting creatures..."
He walked forward cautiously.
Suddenly, his face darkened.
Behind a tree not far ahead, black smoke slowly drifted out. As the smoke twisted, a dark head poked out from behind the tree.
A pair of red eyes filled with malice and confusion stared straight at Chen Lun.
"He" slowly walked out from behind the tree.
This was a humanoid creature, but it was covered in black smoke and could only be vaguely seen. It was wearing an extremely old farmer's overalls and a straw hat on its head.
He was walking towards Chen Lun with a lumberjack axe in his hand.
'This polluting creature is called a 'lumberjack', but it doesn't actually cut down trees in the Gloomy Forest. Instead, it only kills living things... it cuts down living things as if they were wood.
I just didn't expect that this kind of polluting creature is still lingering here... No, it should be said that this area is special.'
The information that the [Life-Seeing Eye] had seen flashed through Chen Lun’s mind.
He swung his silver cane and it turned into a silver sword.
"This guy's strength is probably at the level of [Sequence 7]... and he's immune to physical damage, so he's very difficult to deal with. But if there's only this one, we can try to kill him!"
The last time Chen Lun encountered three "lumberjacks" at the same time. Because it was his first encounter, he didn't quite understand their characteristic of ignoring physical attacks, so he suffered some losses and finally retreated temporarily.
The situation is naturally different this time.
The glove spurted out flames, dyeing the silver sword orange.
Chen Lun pushed hard with his feet and disappeared from the spot. The fire drew an arc and landed in front of the lumberjack.
Puff! !
The burning silver sword split the opponent's chest, and the flames burned the woodcutter's body.
But the other party seemed to have no reaction. He held the lumberjack axe in both hands and chopped it down hard at Chen Lun.
Black smoke was accompanied by an afterimage, and an axe fell into the air, but Chen Lun had already dodged it.
The lumberjack raised his head, and his two red eyes followed Chen Lun's figure. Then he took a step back and hid his whole body behind a big tree.
The next second, it seemed to travel through space and walked out from behind another tree next to Chen Lun.
He raised the axe and chopped it down on his head.
"It's the same trick again. It's really hard to guard against...!"
Chen Lun was secretly amazed.
The silver sword in his hand turned into a silver shield again, and he raised it to block the attack, making a clanging sound.
Immediately, Chen Lun pushed his hand, and flames emerged in a spiral shape, hitting the lumberjack's chest heavily.
The opponent flew backwards, and the extraordinary flame attached to its body, continuing to burn.
The wounds that Chen Lun had previously inflicted on it with his silver sword had long been covered by the black smoke it emitted, and recovered in a few breaths. The only thing that the black smoke could do nothing to heal the wounds inflicted by the flames.
The lumberjack's upper body was on fire, but he got up from the ground as if nothing had happened.
Black smoke continued to emanate from his body, and at first glance, it seemed as if it was caused by these extraordinary flames.
It picked up the axe and chopped at a tree next to it.
Immediately afterwards, a strong wind came into Chen Lun's ears.
He felt a sign through his [spiritual intuition], his neck twisted violently, and his head tilted. The next second, the axe swung across his face.
Narrowly avoided!
"Using trees as nodes, you can move your body through them, and also transmit attacks...?"
Chen Lun thought.
He was a little surprised because he had never seen such tactics used by lumberjacks before.
"This kind of attack is too hard to predict... If it weren't for [Spiritual Intuition], it would be difficult to dodge."
Chen Lun swung his hand, and the cane turned back into a silver sword.
He took a step forward, ready to rush forward, but saw the lumberjack raised his axe once again and chopped down the tree next to him.
Chen Lun was on guard against the trees around him, watching out for the axe that might chop him down at any time, but he only heard a loud bang.
Crack! !
Chen Lun turned around and his eyes widened.
"What happened to the promise not to cut down trees?!"
His heart skipped a beat.
Contrary to the information obtained by the Life-Seeing Eye, the lumberjack actually cut down the tree with one axe!
Not only that, it raised its axe high and brought it down again.
But this time, the loud noise came from beside Chen Lun.
Crack! !
A big tree that was nearby broke in half and then fell down with a loud bang.
The lumberjack actually used his ability to cut down the trees around Chen Lun from a long distance!
As the big tree fell, a ray of light appeared in the sky, but it was quickly blocked again, followed by a huge palm.
He suddenly slapped Chen Lun!
Chen Lun stomped his feet hard and shot out into the depths of the woods.
There was a tremor behind him, and gravel flew everywhere, many of which hit his back, causing some pain.
"The lumberjack deliberately lured the giant here...?"
Because the trees in the forest were too dense and it was not suitable to spread wings and fly, Chen Lun could only run forward towards the wooden house.
During this process, two clouds of black smoke appeared on both sides.
Two lumberjacks, wearing straw hats and dressed as farmers, came over with axes in hand.
'It's the same as last time!'
Chen Lun cursed inwardly.
He ignored it and rushed straight towards the cabin.
This time he didn't plan to retreat and chose to go to the wooden house to take a look.
The "waste giant" on high did not continue to chase him, but the three lumberjacks passed through the trees and came directly to his side, raising their axes and chopping him.
Whoosh! Whoosh!!
Chen Lun deployed the "big snake form" and used his nimble body to dodge left and right.
While dodging, he also used fire to fight back, either attaching it to his silver cane and hitting the woodcutter's torso and arms, or directly sending out large swathes of fire to repel their attacks and give him a break.
Fighting and running, Chen Lun soon arrived at the door of the wooden house.
As he got closer, he became more and more certain that this was the lakeside cottage... It looked exactly the same in appearance, even the decorations on the door had not changed.
The three woodcutters were extremely tough. They took countless attacks from Chen Lun, including those with extraordinary flames, but they still did not fall. They chased after him with flames all over their bodies, swinging their axes tirelessly.
Chen Lun broke open the door of the wooden house and rushed in.
The black smoke behind him suddenly dissipated.
Everything returned to peace.
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024