Volume 3 Obsidian Chapter 145: The Spirit World Messenger

The crocodile man stuck most of his body out from the ceiling.
That dark green muscular body, with solid muscles and extremely hard keratin scales, exuded an aura that made the hair on your body stand on end.
"The spiritual messenger of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce's top brass is a Crocodile Knight?"
Chen Lun was a little surprised.
Crocodile Warriors are a type of spiritual creature that live in small groups. Their strength is generally similar to that of [Sequence 8] transcendents, and some of their leaders can reach the level of [Sequence 7] transcendents.
They are good at close combat and are proficient in various fighting and cold weapon techniques.
Chen Lun noticed that the adult crocodile warrior hanging upside down on the ceiling had a ferocious-looking machete tied to his back.
Crocodile Jazz opened his mouth slightly, seemed to say something, and then stretched out a big hand.
Its four fingers are bent and its nails are as sharp as daggers.
Chen Lun has [Beast Language LVMAX + 2], so he can easily understand the other party's meaning -
It was urging Chen Lun to hand the letter to it.
Chen Lun shrugged, picked up the letter that had been prepared on the table, and handed it to Crocodile Jazz's big hand.
The other party took it back skillfully and hid the letter in the leather pocket at his waist.
But then it reached out again.
"Eighty silver ounces for the errands?"
Chen Lun raised his eyebrows.
A little expensive.
If he hadn't wanted to do a test, he wouldn't have bothered to call the messenger, but would have directly informed Manager Walsh. After all, it wasn't a very private message, so it was possible to communicate using conventional means, it just would take a little longer.
Chen Lun counted the silver coins, put them in a small bag, raised his hand and handed it over.
Crocodile Jazz took the purse with a stern face and prepared to retreat back to the spirit world and leave.
But just at this moment.
It was suddenly startled.
The human who called it over actually grabbed its wrist!
A huge force came, and Crocodile Jazz couldn't help but get angry and embarrassed. A human actually wanted to compete with him in strength, so he subconsciously began to exert force.
But the next moment.
Crocodile Jazz's entire body was like a carrot, dragged out from the "soil" of the crack in the spiritual world, and then smashed heavily to the ground.
The room trembled slightly, and dust and sand fell from the cracks in the ceiling.
It looked up in confusion and found that the human in front of it had a look of disappointment on his face.
"I thought it was Crocodile Jazz, but it turns out to be a fake..."
Chen Lun shook his head and said.
He had just sensed something was wrong. Even if Crocodile Jazz was so cold, he shouldn't have had no reaction at all given his 22 charm points and the +10 charm from the [Friends of Animals] interaction.
What on earth have I done to make you disrespect me so much that you don't even want to call me Mr. Jack...
So Chen Lun made a test move and found that the opponent's strength was not high, only [Sequence 9] at most.
It's a showpiece...
A chaotic mist flashed in his eyes, and his five fingers grabbed Crocodile Master's crown.
"Do you want to come out by yourself, or do you want me to open it myself?"
Chen Lun said indifferently.
The huge crocodile head of Crocodile Master froze, and then a trace of panic flashed in his amber vertical pupils.
Chen Lun's fingers covered the shiny black exoskeleton and he exerted force lightly. Crocodile Jazz suddenly felt that five holes were about to be made in his skull in the next second.
It quickly opened its huge mouth.
Like a coat with the zipper unzipped, the upper and lower jaws of the crocodile's head flipped open to one side, and a small white ball came out of its "throat".
On the white ball, there seemed to be eyes and a nose scribbled casually by a child with crayons. It was extremely abstract and ugly.
"'The Fraud Doll'..."
Chen Lun saw through its true colors through the [Eye of Life].
This is an extraordinary creature that is very good at disguising itself and has a strong ability to survive. Although its body is fragile, as long as it finds a suitable "skin", it can imitate lifelike things.
It was no wonder that the top leaders of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce made it a messenger instead of a real crocodile warrior. Because in the spirit world, being able to fight is useless, there are always people who are more capable.
It is only true if you have strong ability to save your life.
At least this ensures that the transmission of confidential information of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce can proceed normally.
"Okay, go ahead."
Chen Lun waved his hand.
Now that he knew the truth, he lost interest and didn't even take his purse back.
Although this "fraudulent doll" was obviously blackmailing him and charging a fee far higher than its own "price level", Chen Lun didn't need to bother about this small errand fee.
Just give it a warning and let it go.
The white ball twisted a few times, made a strange sound, and then whooshed back into the "crocodile leather case".
Chen Lun looked at it silently. The meaning of its words was probably equivalent to "Sorry, sir, I won't dare to do it next time."
The crocodile's mouth closed, its huge head shook twice, its amber vertical pupils gurgled, and it regained its vitality.
It looked at Chen Lun with some nervousness and fear, and consciously took out the extra silver cups and put them back on the table, only taking 10 silver cups.
Then, under Chen Lun's gaze, he bowed, turned around, took a step forward, stepped into the dark blue crack in the spiritual world, and disappeared without a trace.
“I hope the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce can quickly deliver the extraordinary knowledge of [Deep Sea Faction Sequence 9]…”
Chen Lun thought.
In the letter, he detailed the quantity and variety of equipment, potions, and extraordinary wines produced by the circus during this period, and chose to sell most of them directly to the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, with a small portion as consignment.
Return a favor and reciprocate.
Now that we have raised the banner of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, it is natural that we have to share more benefits.
Chen Lun also wrote in the letter that he hoped to acquire a copy of the [Deep Sea Faction]'s extraordinary knowledge through the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce. This was the last piece of [Sequence 9] knowledge he lacked, and he believed that with the strength of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, he would not be disappointed.
“I wonder if gathering all ten paths of [Sequence 9] will trigger something…?”
Chen Lun thought.

Another two weeks passed quickly.
This afternoon.
Chen Lun was lying on the bed reading a book, with a glass of iced milk on the coffee table beside him.
At this time, a faint blue crack slowly appeared on the carpet next to it.
Then, a yellow-brown lizard head crawled out from inside and looked at the young man on the bed cautiously.
"Is the appearance of Lizard Zak changed this time? You change the skin quite often..."
Chen Lun chuckled twice.
He reached out and took a large money bag, a letter, and a neatly wrapped book from the messenger lizardman.
After putting the more than 300 gold coins in the purse into the panel, Chen Lun opened the letter and read it.
After a while.
"At present, potions and extraordinary wines are the best sellers, while weapons sales are just average..."
Chen Lun looked at the detailed report in the reply letter and curled his lips.
"Only after the public beta test will the weapons be easy to sell..."
The best-selling items now are the potions prepared by Maggie and the extraordinary wines she brewed. Often a potion can be sold for several gold pounds, or even more than ten gold pounds, and the price of extraordinary wines is almost the same.
There were several bottles with unique effects, such as those that could increase male charm, creation time, and reduce pain, and they were specially arranged by the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce to be held at several auctions.
Countless powerful and wealthy businessmen have raised their hands to support this.
In the end, a total of nearly 300 gold pounds were collected, of which the actual cost was less than one-fifth.
This is mainly because all extraordinary materials are produced in "fairyland", which is a business with no capital.
"Well, that's not the case... There are costs, but they are spread among the players."
Chen Lun thought.
He looked at the only 400+ gold pounds on the panel and sighed secretly.
The more than one thousand gold pounds that had been previously accumulated were finally slowly drained out due to the huge expenses in many aspects.
He couldn't keep the more than 400 gold pounds and would have to spend it soon to increase investment in team building, and he would become a pauper again.
"Hold on tight, and you'll be greeted by a bright future...!"
Chen Lun began to hint himself.
In addition to the "Spirit Tranquility Potion" and "Blood Production Bottle", Maggie's potions are also developing a new type of potion that can restore physical strength according to Chen Lun's request, in preparation for the public beta.
In addition, there is her own obsession with "Beef Dali...Powerful Blood-Generating Bottle", which requires the finished product to be made and tested before we know whether it is useful or not.
Chen Lun remains pessimistic about this.
As for his own winemaking business, he has already begun to focus on making red wine.
However, due to the limited supply of extraordinary materials, the output is not very large. Chen Lun has placed a large order with the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce and will purchase a batch of extraordinary materials specifically for the team's brewing, medicine and forging.
Although this will increase costs, it is worth doing as long as you don't lose money.
Floy Maggie and the others are not players and do not have panels, so they will need opportunities like this to continuously accumulate mysteries and prepare for future promotions.
Simply put , every time a team member successfully uses his or her extraordinary power and gains insights, he or she can gain experience points. Chen Lun actually had this experience, but because the experience points were too few, he basically never paid attention to it.
In addition, because the production of extraordinary wine and the forging of extraordinary objects by Floy are both random, only by increasing the number of times can more top-quality products be born.
"Connie went to a famous vineyard in the inner city to pick the fine grapes, which were then removed from the stems, washed, pressed, and fermented with the skins..."
Chen Lun recalled the brewing process and suddenly had an idea.
"If we can replace the ordinary grapes used as raw materials with fruits from extraordinary plants, and they don't have to be grapes... then the wine produced will definitely be much better!"
There is a grape vine at the door of the lakeside cottage in the fairyland, but there are no fruits on it, which makes Chen Lun a little regretful.
He took out ten silver coins and handed them to the lizardman, who only half of his body was exposed.
It stretched out its paw to take it, bowed, and then prepared to retreat into the spirit world.
Chen Lun called out to it.
The lizard man was a little confused.
"I have two questions for you."
Chen Lun said.
"You have a name, right? What is it?"
The lizard man opened his mouth and made a strange sound.
Chen Lun nodded.
"Joan? Okay... So, Joan, have you ever heard of 'Mr. Bottle' in the spirit world?"
The lizard man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.
Chen Lun looked disappointed.
After the messenger named Joan left, he still looked thoughtful.
The "Mr. Bottle" that Chen Lun inquired about is also a creature from the spiritual world. It had a great reputation in its previous life and was an NPC discovered by many players inadvertently.
It has a very special ability, and it is this ability that made Chen Lun think of it. He thinks that he can use it to help Noah get rid of the curse on him——
That is Mr. Bottle's hobby of swallowing "Curse".
The more bizarre the "curse" is, the more it likes it. After eating the curse on the target, if it is happy, it will even give some spiritual specialties as gifts.
Mr. Bottle's behavior of doing good deeds without asking for reward naturally makes him very popular. However, his whereabouts are uncertain and he does not stay in one place, so it is difficult to find him.
"That's a problem... Well, but I remember there's a 'secret recipe'. I don't know if it works. I can try it next time. Maybe I can draw it out."
Chen Lun thought.
He then took out two ink bottles from the blood poem ring.
The appearance of the two ink bottles is roughly the same, but the base color of the glass bottles is slightly inconsistent, one is red and the other is blue.
Chen Lun first played with the red one, thinking:
" I have already produced more than 10 to 20 bottles of 'Red Ink'. After deducting the ones that need to be sold to make a profit, I still have four or five bottles on me."
This special "shrapnel explosive" has been tested in actual combat and is extremely powerful and very easy to use.
When he saved Pompeii's family, he relied on two bottles of "red ink" to blow up the crow of [Sequence 8], and only then did he tip the scales of victory to his side.
Putting down the red ink, he picked up the blue ink.
"This is the high-explosive incendiary bomb that Connie made according to my request. Now there are only a few bottles as samples..."
Chen Lun held it carefully in his palm.
Although Connie added three layers of insurance, this thing is of the "open and eat immediately, very convenient" type.
If it really exploded because I didn't hold it firmly, I would be fine, but the whole building might be in danger.
According to Connie, after being ignited, it will explode and burn rapidly, and in the process, split into three smaller fireballs, and then continue to split into nine fireballs, continuing to spread and burn.
The blended fuel is extremely viscous and the flame is blue, so it is called 'blue ink'.
Chen Lun's eyes narrowed.
Many spiritual gaps that were not normally visible suddenly appeared in the room.
The dark blue diamond-shaped cracks were constantly twisting and fluctuating, looking extremely scary.
"It's not very convenient in the real world, so let's go to the spirit world to test its power..."
Chen Lun thought.
The next second, he reached out and touched a crack at the head of the bed.
The whole person's vision flashed, and everything around him changed drastically.
The room is still the same room, but everything you see seems hazy and unreal, and the whole thing seems to be covered by a layer of faint blue filter.
Chen Lun moved his feet and rushed out of the window.
Black wings appeared behind him, flapped, and then turned into black feathers and dissipated.
After a moment's cushion, Chen Lun landed safely on the ground.
He looked up and frowned slightly.
The spirit messenger in the skin of a lizard man was being held in the hands of a middle-aged man in a gray suit not far ahead.
This is already the spiritual world. Although it looks like being in the courtyard of one's own manor, it is completely different.
"A lizard Zach, what good luck...!"
The middle-aged man suddenly realized something and looked up at Chen Lun.
He was wearing a pair of peculiar sunglasses on his nose. After seeing Chen Lun, he was slightly stunned and frowned:
"Are you a person who is lost in the spiritual world? If you need help, I can tell you the specific anchor points of several major cities..."
Chen Lun looked at him silently without responding.
This middle-aged man should be a scavenger from the spirit world.
As the name suggests, they are people who look for all kinds of ownerless but valuable things in the spiritual world. They usually bring the things they pick up back to the human world to sell them or use them themselves.
These people are generally not very strong, and do not have any powerful backgrounds. They often rely on special abilities or strange objects that can increase their insight, and come to the spirit world to adventure in advance without being promoted to the middle sequence.
In a sense, Chen Lun himself is also like this.
The spirit world has no boundaries; it is a dangerous and vast public area.
The time and space here do not overlap with the present world.
You may take one step in, then take one step back, and then appear a hundred meters away, or even in another block.
Therefore, when traveling through the spirit world, one must know the specific anchor point for the return journey, otherwise it is extremely easy to get lost...
If you get lost here, you may never be able to return to the real world. There are such tragic examples in the history of extraordinary people.
"Sir? What's your name? I'm Ni..."
The man in the gray suit carried the limp lizardman messenger and slowly walked towards Chen Lun.
Suddenly, he dropped the messenger in his hand, and the whole person left a shadow and came in front of Chen Lun.
With a grim smile on his face, he reached out to grab his neck with his big hand.
But the next second.
The man in sunglasses showed a look of horror on his face.
The black-haired young man in front of him suddenly stretched out his left hand, which turned into a thick, dark golden snake-like creature that wrapped around him.
"We just need an audience. Why don't you accompany me to enjoy the fireworks here..."
Chen Lun said softly.
The man in the gray suit who was bound by his snake tentacles gritted his teeth, his whole body emitting light, and he moved his hands as if trying to break free.
"Locksmith? Then give it a try..."
Chen Lun chuckled and ignored the other party's struggle.
He waved his right hand and took out the bottle of blue ink.
Gently tap the mechanism to open it and press the button.
The flames spread all over his body, covering Chen Lun and the man in his arms.
This scavenger from the spiritual world tried his best to use the power of "unlocking", but found in despair that the snake tentacles that trapped him were getting tighter and tighter, and were completely unaffected.
"The effect of [Snake Body Incarnation] combined with [Touch of the Abyss] is that the needle does not poke..."
Dark golden scales slowly covered Chen Lun's face, and he sighed inwardly.
A shrill scream came to my ears.
The blue flame burst out, split and finally spread. With Chen Lun as the center, the area within dozens of meters around him was all filled with blazing flames.
Although it is far inferior to the [Corona Radiance] used against Rafa in the Battle of Bradley Square, the overall effect is also quite good.
Wait until the blue flame gradually goes out.
The human figure in the middle of Chen Lun's curled snake tentacles had been burned into charcoal. The spiritual energy that was released failed to successfully become a monster, and together with his pair of sunglasses monster, it turned into several mysterious substances.
Chen Lun shook his head slightly.
He just came to the spirit world to test the power of incendiary bombs, but he didn't expect to kill a transcendent who came to his door. It was purely an accident.
Suddenly, a strange noise came from my ears.
Chen Lun looked up and saw a humanoid creature with a sheep's head jumping out from behind a dim tree.
It looked very happy, and after running over, it opened its mouth.
The familiar white graffiti ball came out and chattered something.
Chen Lun listened silently and chuckled.
Looking at the ground again, the "Lizard Man Suit" had been burned by the aftermath of the "Blue Ink". This cunning "fraud doll" had already run away at some point and had not been caught by that guy before.

Return to the present world.
Everything in the manor was the same as before, with no signs of being burned at all.
Chen Lun returned to the room and carefully opened the mysterious book that was delivered from the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce.
Open it gently and read it carefully.
[You discovered the mysterious book of the Deep Sea Faction! ]
["How to overcome seasickness" (5% progress)]
[By reading carefully, you gain 25 experience points]
[You have discovered the knowledge of the extraordinary path (complete)! ]
[Deep Sea Faction Sequence 9 - Sailor]
Chen Lun raised his eyebrows.
"I have collected all the introductory knowledge of the ten sequences..."
After a few seconds, his expression suddenly froze and he looked surprised.
[Has mastered the seven major god sequence paths, three hidden sequence paths, ten paths [Sequence 9] extraordinary knowledge, and obtained the blessing [Knowledge Collector]! ]
【Knowledge Collector LV1 (Blessing)】
Blessing Description: A blessing given to you by an unknown being.
Blessing Effect: The experience gained through mystical knowledge will be greater. Willpower +5.

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