Volume 3 Chapter 18 Ghost Monkey

After hearing what I said, Qu Mo and Shen Bing immediately ran over there. Qu Mo had only recovered for a few minutes, but she was full of energy, as agile and powerful as a leopard , and ran ahead of us. I wondered what the evil spirit in her body was, so powerful?
We anxiously ran forward for dozens of meters following Wang Zijun's screams, and we saw the guy, running towards us desperately with his head in his hands. He looked so panicked and miserable, uglier than a stray dog.
The four of us soon met each other. Wang Zijun was in extreme fear and didn't notice there was someone in front of him at all. He rushed towards us. The three of us moved aside and I reached out to stop him from the side.
" Ghost! Ghost!" After I hugged the kid, he actually covered his face and screamed loudly.
"Don't be afraid, it's me." I said quickly.
Wang Zijun shuddered, slowly let go of his hand, looked at the three of us in front of him, and finally came to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream. His face was not so scared anymore, but when he looked at Qu Mo, his face suddenly turned red, and he looked very ashamed. It was really embarrassing to be so embarrassed in front of the person you love.
Qu Mo didn't care about . He pointed behind him and said, "Something is following him."
I didn't hear the sound until she finished saying this. It seems that she has a much sharper hearing than me. I hurriedly asked Wang Zijun: "Who followed you? Why are you so scared?"
Wang Zijun's face suddenly changed color, and he said in a trembling voice: "It's that...that girl." He was afraid that we didn't know who he was talking about, so he added: "It's the girl that Qu Mo rescued."
As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared within the range of the flashlight, with disheveled hair, running unsteadily in the rain. It was that girl!
Qu Mo opened his eyes wide and said, "She is possessed by a ghost!"
Shen Bing screamed, "I'm not having a nightmare, this is real!"
I nodded. This ghost was hiding so deep that the talisman water didn't even clear it out. It was like a latent virus, waiting to break out after we left. Now I didn't have time to ask what happened in the hotel. I took out a peach wood sword and a red rope from my bag, ran towards the girl, and when the two of us met, I quickly stretched out my sword and hit her forehead, silently reciting two spells to suppress the ghost. Her eyes immediately rolled back and she fell backwards.
Without waiting for her to fall to the ground, I used my sword to hit her shoulders and knees several times. This was done with great care, all of which were key points on the joints, allowing the energy of the Taoist method to penetrate through the points and force the evil spirit out of the body. This kind of Taoist technique is very energy-consuming, and I don't usually do this, but today I'm risking my life!
The moment the girl fell to the ground with a bang, a black gas floated out from the center of her forehead. I was prepared. I raised the red string with my left hand and circled it. Then I helped with my right hand, grabbed the other end of the red string and tied the black gas into the red string.
A strange cry "Ah" came from the black air, which was very weird.
I used both hands to tighten the red rope. The black energy screamed again and instantly took the shape of a human. The red rope was tied tightly around the waist, making the waist almost as thin as the wrist. The black energy screamed in pain.
This thing looked really weird. It was less than one meter tall, and its body was shiny black. Its veins were all bulging, and every blood vessel was very clear. Its face was even weirder, with two small eyes that glowed green, a pointed face, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. It looked like a monkey!
Damn, it really is a monkey, with a tail on its butt, but it has no hair on its body. I couldn’t see clearly what it was at first.
Wang Zijun, Qu Mo and Shen Bing ran over. Seeing this weird scene, Wang Zijun certainly couldn't stand it and shrank back, but he didn't dare to cover his eyes out of fear in front of Qu Mo.
Shen Bing's mouth trembled as he asked, "What is this?"
I looked at this ghost thing and sneered, "It's a ghost monkey. No wonder my talisman water can't cure it." They still didn't understand, so Shen Bing asked me what a ghost monkey was.
Ghost monkeys are actually ghosts of monkeys after they die. Humans have souls when they die, and animals will also become ghosts when they die. Just like a few years ago in our town, a family buried their dog under a jujube tree after it died. Dead bodies cannot be buried in a yang house, whether it is a human or an animal, especially under the roots of a tree. The roots of a tree gather water veins, and water is yin, which can best nourish the spirit of ghosts . The common folk practice of planting a tree on a grave is similar to this principle.
So since that family buried the dog under the jujube tree, accidents often happened in the family, either car accidents or people suddenly had seizures like epilepsy. But after searching for scammers like Mr. Luo and finding no problem, they finally found Master Mao. This evil woman was really good. She saw that there was something wrong under the jujube tree at a glance. She asked them if there was anything buried under it. They said there was a dead dog. Master Mao asked them to dig it out immediately, burned the dog's bones into ashes with a spell, and performed rituals for two days. The family has been safe since then.
Monkeys are usually more spiritual than humans. Moreover, they have been absorbing the spiritual energy of the mountains for so many years that they are almost becoming spirits. After their death, they are definitely more spiritual than human ghosts.
After listening to my explanation, they all felt quite curious, because they used to think that only humans would become ghosts, but they didn't expect that monkeys could also become ghosts after death.
"Master Xi, following you really broadens my horizons." Qu Mo said with a smile.
"Who knows if he is talking nonsense? Anyway, we don't know." Shen Bing said unconvinced.
I smiled and didn't bother with her. This girl always likes to make trouble for me, I'm used to it. If she complimented me, I would find it abnormal.
"Don't hold on to this thing, just kill it. It looks creepy." Wang Zijun was frightened by the ghost monkey's cry and said to me with fear on his face.
I nodded. In order to prevent it from harming other hikers, it must be killed. I asked Shen Bing to take out the half bottle of Erguotou from my bag, unscrew the lid and sprinkle the wine around me in a circle, just enough. Then I jumped out of the circle, tightened the red line with my left hand, put the peach wood sword into the bag, took out a wet yellow talisman, chanted the fire spell, and threw it into the wine circle.
With a "bang", a circle of flames ignited in the circle of wine and drinks. I recited two ghost-killing spells and threw the ghost monkey into the circle of fire.
The ghost monkey suddenly let out a terrible cry, and flames instantly ignited all over its body, but it was tied up by the red line, twisting and struggling on the ground, unable to escape. Even if it broke free from the red line, it could not escape the circle of fire. That was a formation to kill ghosts and demons. No matter how powerful you were, once you entered this circle, you would never get out again.
Shen Bing looked at the miserable state of the ghost monkey in horror, with more pity in her eyes. This girl was very soft-hearted and could not bear to see such a horrific scene. She must be feeling sorry for the ghost monkey.
Soon, green smoke began to rise from the burning ghost monkey, and its body gradually disappeared. As the smoke dissipated, the screams also stopped.
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