Volume 2 Honoring Robin Chapter 8 "Resident Evil Gotham" new DLC "Night of the Ghouls" released

When the Italians first crossed the ocean to North America, they brought two native specialties from their homeland to this land: pizza and the Mafia.
Mason clearly prefers the former.
Of course, there is a mafia in Gotham, and the Falcone family has been competing with other gangs for control of Gotham's black areas, but that was a long time ago.
They are traditional villains and have long since fallen into decline after the emergence of super villains one after another. Even a guy like the Penguin, who is between traditional villains and super villains, can surpass them.
But with the tragic death of the Penguin in the fire at Blackgate Prison and the fall of the entire Penguin Gang, the Falcone family seemed to have a second spring.
The entire Gotham chain of Iceberg Bars has been taken over by them, with only the last one left, which is the Penguin's first store in Gotham.
If they could take that place, the Mafia could declare themselves back on top.
Although Mason handed over the operation of the bar to Kite Man, he was also aware of the recent series of gunfights on Glacier Avenue. Therefore, these guys who coveted the "K Team Headquarters" became Mason's first targets in tonight's special operation.
In the Falcone family's stronghold, Mason, wearing an invisibility cloak, quietly approached the main distribution box of the three-story old building. He did not touch the object to avoid leaving fingerprints, but raised the penguin umbrella and gently twisted the handle.
The implanted intracranial jammer was activated to EMP mode. Immediately, electric sparks exploded from the distribution box. Then, with an unpleasant burning smell, the entire building fell into darkness in an instant.
The voodoo birdcage was placed on the ground, and a pair of scarlet eyes opened in the darkness.

Miss Magg seemed to smell the fragrance of flesh and blood so close to her. She became anxious and turned around in the cage. Her tail, which had grown new hair due to the healing effect of the resurrection stone fragments, stood up.
"Go ahead. I've done my research. There's no innocent person in this building."
Mason squatted down and opened the birdcage for a moment, and the zombie cat rushed out as fast as lightning, with light footsteps that made no sound in the darkness.
But it did not pounce on the approaching noisy footsteps. Instead, it lay a few steps in front of Mason in a vigilant posture, looking back at the young man.
Mason stared at it, too.
"You have regained some of your sanity. At least you can understand what I say."
After staring at the cat for several seconds, he whispered:
"If it were in the past, you would have rushed towards me the moment you came out of the cage, but now you can recognize my scent. You know that it was me who brought you here from that doomsday world, and it was me who fed you every day.
Professor McGonagall.
If you can understand, please answer me and we can talk. "
Mason responded with a shrill howl.
The moment the cat's meow sounded, Miss Mag jumped up, stepped on the wall, and pounced on the face of the mafia gunman who came to check the distribution box like lightning.
The sharp virus claws instantly cut the guy's throat and injected the deadly substance into his blood vessels.
The fresh blood and flesh stimulated the dazed cat, making it unable to control its bloodthirsty desire and rushing into the disturbing darkness.
Mason watched Miss Magg disappear. He did not follow her to avoid leaving unnecessary footprints. Instead, he returned to the first floor and locked all the doors and windows along the way.
He took out a flying claw gun from his waist, which was very similar to the bat hook gun, and shot it towards the roof, and then flew into the air when the hook was tightened.
This thing is one of the combat accessories for the Batsuit that Mason got during his first contact with Batman, and it was just made by Mason three hours ago.
The principle is simple but very practical.
Wearing an invisibility cloak, he sat on the eaves of the three-story old building, waiting patiently while listening to the harsh shouting, chaotic gunshots and wailing of fear coming from the building below.
In such a narrow and enclosed area, facing an agile and deadly enemy like a zombie cat, a bullet fired from a gun is of no use other than to give you courage.
About ten minutes later, a dark shadow jumped out from the ventilation duct on the top floor.
Miss Magg licked her scarlet lips and took a step forward, leaving behind a trail of cute cat paw prints, intending to go over the eaves and go further.
But a cough sounded from behind it, causing the zombie tabby cat, which had just satisfied its bloodlust and hunger, to look back vigilantly.
Mason took off the hood of his invisibility cloak, took out the voodoo birdcage in his hand, squatted on the ground and waved to the zombie cat in front of him. There were obvious emotional fluctuations in the other's scarlet eyes.
Mr. Potter in the ruins of Hogwarts still maintained a certain degree of sanity even after he turned into a zombie under the effect of the Resurrection Stone. Mason had reason to believe that the fragment of the Resurrection Stone he put into Miss McGonagall's stomach could have the same effect.
Even if it is impossible to turn this cat back into a wise and powerful witch professor, at least it can be "tamed".
"Come here, girl."
Mason said:
"Things here are over. I'm going to take you to another place full of bad guys. You can hunt as much as you want."
The eerie cry rang out in the dark night, temporarily satisfying the tiger cat's desire for flesh and blood, which had reduced its aggressiveness, and it hesitated for a moment.
It looked back at the other roof behind it and the city in the darkness in the distance, then looked back at Mason and the birdcage in his hand.
It took a step back.
Mason immediately took out another tattered thing and placed it in the birdcage. It was the completely torn and tattered school hat that he brought out from Hogwarts.
It was also one of the things Professor McGonagall was most familiar with.
This time the tabby cat didn't hesitate. It pounced over with a whoosh, rushed into the cage and bit the tattered hat.
The young man grinned.
He closed the birdcage, put it back in his arms, took out the schematic diagram given by the kite man, and selected the next target.
Thirty minutes later, in the Batcave, Bruce Wayne, who had just finished his dinner, silently put on the Bathelmet. Behind him, on the dark lift platform, the cool Batmobile was slowly rising from the underground garage.
"Turn on the city surveillance and search for criminal incidents."
The old man's hoarse voice sounded, and the electronic system built into the suit immediately linked to the Batcomputer, summarizing the various events happening in Gotham City.
A few seconds later, a distress call from a terrified citizen caught Batman's attention.
"Come quickly! There are monsters on this street! That house is full of monsters! Zombies! Oh my God! It's zombies! Someone come and save us!"
The master frowned immediately.

The word "zombie" reminded him of the raging fire in Blackgate Prison, and a bad premonition arose in Batman's heart.
Instead of jumping into the Batmobile, he fired the grappling gun at the higher platform of the Batcave. A few seconds later, the ghostly Batplane sped out and disappeared into the night.
"Barbara, I need you to take over the surveillance system immediately. The BatNetwork permissions have been opened to you."
Batman contacted his most trusted logistics and intelligence personnel and said to Barbara Gordon:
"Activate surveillance throughout the city! I need to see all the information like 'zombie infestation'!"
"Got it! Searching."
Barbara's steady voice rang out over the secure network communication, and a few seconds later, the girl exclaimed:
“Three places! There are reports of zombies appearing in three places almost simultaneously, and they are all the territories of the Falcone family! There are no reports of zombies injuring anyone yet, but you must eliminate those monsters immediately!
They are terribly infectious.”
"I'm on my way."
The master felt a sinking feeling in his heart as his ominous premonition came true.
He flew the Batfighter down from the clouds to the chaotic streets below, and instructed Barbara:
"I ask Gordon to immediately send heavily armed mounted police to disperse the crowd and set up a blockade. Do not come near until I have dealt with it!"
The black bat fighter started hovering mode, and Batman fell from the sky with his cape spread out, landing accurately on the roof of the old building.
This time, the master is not unarmed.
He took out a strange black gun from the weapon slot on the back of his suit and kicked open the stairs . Then a low muffled sound and the howling of a monster rang out in the old building.
Batman doesn't kill people.
But zombie monsters are not human.
So Batman can kill zombies.
Is this syllogism reasonable?
Five minutes later, as the Batplane took off again and flew towards the second zombie-infested location, Barbara's serious voice sounded again in the communication.
This time it's still bad news.
"There's zombie activity in Miller Harbor, Bruce! It's still the territory of the Falcone family. Their smuggling den has been busted. But it's very close to the city's sewer system. I'm afraid..."
"I'll be there right away!"
The master twisted the control panel to make the fighter plane turn rapidly and fly towards the dock.
Of course, the remaining two zombies could not be ignored, so the master called his assistant.
"Tim, I need your help."
"We're on the way! Bruce, you go to the dock, and I'll take care of the remaining two places."
"Four places should be enough, right?"
Mason walked into Zhakang's address with a suitcase. It was a deserted bar that looked shabby.
"Let's see how Gotham City reacts first. If it's not enough, we can increase the stakes tomorrow night. But we have to plan the route carefully. What happened tonight must have alarmed Batboy.
It's exciting to do this right under his nose."
The young man complained quietly.
He stood at the door of the bar, watching the flying engineering bomb that he controlled falling in the dark, then took out his Batphone from under the drone-like thing and put it in his pocket.
When he got the phone, he was sure that there was a locator inside it that Batboy had prepared specifically for him.
He had wanted to tear it down.
But Batman's black technology, backed by his money, is too advanced. To dismantle the locator without triggering an alarm signal requires engineering level 4!
This means that Mason must learn to hide and disguise his whereabouts in the short term.
Fortunately, this is a physical locator with simple functions of only recording travel and sending signals, so it will not go so far as to intrude into Mason's privacy. It seems that the master also has a bottom line in this regard.
Even though he had already been secretly monitoring the entire city, or even the entire world.
The young man walked up to the empty bar counter.
He knocked on the table and said to the old man who was sitting there listening to the radio:
"Hello, I'm Constantine's friend, and I'm here to buy the things on this list."
He handed over Zha Kang's list of materials, but the old man didn't take it. Instead, he took out a double-barreled shotgun from under the counter and pointed it at Mason, roaring:
"Constantine? That scumbag owes five debts here! Want something? Sure, pay off your scumbag friend first!"
"Tsk, I knew it!"
Mason pouted.
Under the threat of the black gun barrel in front of him, he placed the suitcase on the bar, took out a small box from it and opened it. Inside was a whole row of potions with various effects.
He pushed the potions over and said:
"Are these enough?"
"I owe you three more times than I have earned twice."
The old man picked up a bottle of potion, identified it and said something indifferently, and Mason took out a box of melted magic metal and threw it over.
This is what it means to help Zha Kang pay off his debts.

He then asked for a list of magic items the store could provide, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were many kinds of materials that he urgently needed. It was indeed a store specializing in spellcasters.
"How come you, young as you are, hang out with a guy like Constantine?"
As the old man prepared the materials on the list for Mason, he couldn't help but complain:
"That guy is a walking disaster! Stay away from him, young man."
"I can't help it. I work for him now. That bastard put a curse on me."
Mason said pitifully, then took out an alchemist stone and threw it on the table, saying:
“I’ll pay with this.”
"What's this?"
The old man picked up the small gray stone in surprise.
He could sense that it was a magical item but had no idea what it was used for, so Mason had him grab a bottle of any potion from the store and throw the alchemist stone in it.
A few minutes later, as the old man watched in surprise, the magic concentration of the potion increased almost visibly.
“It can be used 8 times, and can be used to extract almost any potion. But don't use it on low-level potions, it's not worth it.”
Mason said:
"This is my unique skill. If you want it in the future, you can come to the 'Cooper Mystery Shop' in Crime Alley to buy it. I welcome professionals like you to visit us.
Of course, it can also be used to enhance the taste of drinks.
Your store is indeed a bit too quiet. "
"But Gotham is a troubled place, young man."
The old man shook his head and said:
"Those of us who have one foot in another circle should not be too famous. There are some weird things wandering around in this city, and they don't like magic...
This is what you want, welcome to come again next time. "
Having completed the transaction, Mason walked out of the bar carrying his suitcase, and immediately saw Miss Magg squatting on a trash can and licking her paws on the street.
The young man glanced at Miller Harbor, which was looming in the distance.
He reached out and took out the birdcage and waved to the tabby cat. The cat came over with a whoosh, grabbed the bird cap in the cage, and curled up as if it was "digesting food."
"The senses of these zombie-like magical beasts, especially their sense of smell, are really terrible. It seems that if we want to tame Fluffy and Fang, we have to find some of Hagrid's items."
Mason put the shrunken birdcage in his arms, picked up his suitcase and walked across a street to hail a taxi, but suddenly he felt the wind blowing behind him.
He turned around vigilantly holding the penguin umbrella, and saw Batman standing in the shadow behind him like a ghost.
"Do you play this vile game every time you show up?"
Mason patted his heart and complained:
"Luckily I don't have a heart attack."
"What are you doing here?"
Batman asked hoarsely.
Mason patted the suitcase in his hand and said:
"I'm here to buy some magic materials. It's at the bar not far away. That's the magic supply store in Gotham City. You should know about it, right?"
The master nodded, and after a few seconds of silence, he said:
"The 'three-headed dog' is back."
Mason was stunned for a moment and asked back:
"Is there a new super villain in town? Why haven't I heard of that nickname before?"
"The wizard who kidnapped you, I gave him a nickname. He drove the zombie beasts to attack the gang stronghold in the city tonight. He is most likely still tracking you."
The master, who had just dealt with an emergency in Miller Harbor, looked at Mason and said in a hoarse voice:
"We need to be more vigilant recently."
Mason's heart skipped a beat.
It’s not that he was afraid that the master would discover his actions.
It was because he knew very well that there was no villain called "Three-Headed Dog" in the world, or in other words, the real "Three-Headed Dog" was standing in front of the master at this moment.
This kind of face-to-face dialogue between the pursuer and the pursued is really exciting, especially when you are being hunted by Batman himself.
He was actually "determined" to have a villain nickname by the master, and his name was probably listed in the Bat Database, in the same folder with the information of guys like the Joker, Ray Shakespeare, and Bane.
The young man pursed his lips and glanced at the Batman in front of him.
How come he actually felt a little honored?

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Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024