Volume 2 Honoring Robin Chapter 60 Because of your outstanding deception, I sincerely recruit you as the professional manager of Iceberg Bar

When Jason Todd, with a gloomy face, followed Jack Sparrow, dressed as a classic pirate, out of the bamboo building, Barbara, who was distributing candies and cakes to the poor children, exclaimed.
She didn't expect Mason to bring the second barrel into this world.
Ertong, who was full of murderous intent at this moment, was obviously stunned when he saw Barbara, especially when he saw that Barbara was not in a wheelchair but walked freely on her legs, the sharp light in his eyes softened a lot.
"You shouldn't be hanging around with Mason Cooper, Barbara."
Jason pulled Barbara out of the crowd and said to her in a harsh voice in the shadows beside the bamboo building:
"You have no idea what kind of organization he belongs to! You also don't know what these bastards really want to do. They are the source of evil!
They are the ones behind all the actions of the League of Assassins in Gotham City!
Were you forced by Mason?
tell me!
I'll kill him in a minute!"
"Actually I do, Jason."
Barbara shook her head and said:
"Mason told me this. He may have hidden some things but I believe he told me most of the truth. I knew I would have one more curse on me when I returned through that door.
But it was a choice I made on my own and I was not forced into it.”
Barbara looked at the ragged children in front of the bamboo building who were sharing candy. She held the candy bucket prepared by Mason and the kite man in her arms and whispered:
"I made mistakes, and so did you. Our mistakes were so terrible that we had to shoulder something heavier if we wanted to continue living .
Compared with the mental pressure and self-condemnation, perhaps helping this doomsday civilization and world with my own hands can make my conscience feel better.
You don't have to convince me, Jason, I know what I'm doing.
It’s you who…”
Batgirl brushed her hair back and glanced at Jason.
Paying special attention to Jason's pupils, Barbara became more worried when she found that there were green spots of light remaining in his pupils, just as Mason said.
she says:
"The water of the Lazarus Pool has distorted your mind and intensified the darkness in your heart, Jason. We have had the same experiences and sufferings, and I know the torment in your heart.
But it's over!
I don't know if I can ever recover from this, but I hope you can join me in this journey.
Rather than being a ruthless executioner in Gotham who doesn't know where he will end up, perhaps Mason can give us a better choice."
"I don't believe him!"
Ertong stared at the expression on Barbara's face. He let go of her hand, but gritted his teeth and said:
“That guy is not a good person, and you have no idea what he did that night and what he is really like, but don’t worry, Barbara.
I will stay here to protect you.
If they want to hurt you, they have to get past me first. I promised!"
"Hey, handsome black-haired guy."
Captain Jack, who was leaning against the bamboo house and throwing sweet candy into his mouth, became a little impatient. He swung the rope of the compass in his hand with his fingers and shouted to Jason:
"Turtle Island is not big, but it is not small either. It takes at least an hour to go around it. You'd better hurry! I don't want to miss the wonderful show that will be performed on my Black Pearl.
This is going to be my biggest profitable day ever since I became a pirate.
Well, the whole world's wealth is laid out before me for my use. If it weren't for the damn end of the world, I would probably jump for joy. "
"Go ahead, Jason, get to know this new place. Don't worry about Mason, he's still my brother legally, he'll take care of me."
Barbara smiled.
He pushed Jason and quietly put a black pistol into Ertong's hand.
This was given to him for self-defense.
Ertong calmly hid the pistol in the large local robe he was wearing, and with a gloomy face followed Captain Jack on the road to visit Turtle Island.
As a superhero trained by Batman and who received a year and a half of training in the League of Assassins, Jason Todd's observation of the environment and control of details are incomparable to ordinary people.
After walking through half of the Turtle Island town and observing the drunken bastards and islanders fighting over various trivial matters, he immediately frowned.
Even without talking to any locals, he had already reached quite a few conclusions.
Compared with the chaos of this hellhole, even Gotham’s most desolate residential area, Nevada Island, can be considered to have “simple folk customs”.
He followed Captain Jack into a cramped, dark and smelly bar, where Jason grabbed the wrist of a wretched guy who was trying to steal something and threw him against the wall with an expressionless wave of his hand.
This immediately caused chaos, and a dozen guys with unfriendly faces stood up from everywhere and surrounded them.
Seeing that the situation was not good, Jack Sparrow immediately hid behind Jason, who had a gloomy face. He looked around and showed a polite but not awkward smile to the people around him, and said to Jason in a pretentious tone:
"Oh, new friend, you are really a troublemaker. These guys are not easy to deal with. They are 'locals'."
"It doesn't matter, I'm really angry right now!"
Jason flexed his fists and asked in a gloomy tone:
“Is it okay to kill someone?”
"better not."
Captain Jack stroked his coquettish mustache, picked up the bottle of wine next to him and took a sip, and whispered:
"There are only a few of them left in this world. Even though they are bastards, they are still alive. Just teach them a lesson. But there are more than a dozen of them and you are the only one.
can you?"
Jason moved his neck, and his joints made a crackling sound.
He narrowed his eyes and said:
"They need to find a dozen more people to make this 'relaxation game' fairer!"
Ten minutes later.
The drunk Captain Jack cheered, carrying a bag of gems snatched from the chaos, whistling, and followed the expressionless Jason Todd out of the bar with wounded people all over the floor behind him.
There were no scars on Ertong's body.
Except for a cut on the neck caused by a knife, the wound has stopped bleeding due to its excellent self-healing effect.
His glorious achievement was that he single-handedly defeated at least forty drunkards and thirty pirates in the entire bar. Captain Jack's eyes lit up at the sight of such terrifying fighting power.
Unfortunately, in this damn doomsday, the era of pirates is almost over, otherwise he would never miss such a good player and would do everything he could to trick him onto the ship to be a boatswain or something.
"Well, I'll give you one third. That's the pirate rule."
Captain Jack took out a handful of gems from his bag and handed them to Bucket 2, saying:
"Man, you are really violent. Are you using your fists to vent your frustration? I saw a smile on your face when you beat them up.
Do you enjoy hurting others?"
"Don't mind your own business."
Jason replied coldly, rejecting the gems in the process.
However, after the big fight, his gloomy heart did relax a lot, and he did not refuse when Captain Jack handed him a bottle of rum.
He needed something relaxing to numb his chaotic mood.
"There's nothing much to see next, unless you want to have some fun."
Captain Jack brought two barrels and found a random place outside the bar. He kicked a drunkard down and sat on it, then gave Jason a lewd smile that every man could understand.
He took out another bottle of wine and said:
"But you don't look like a man who would enjoy a good time, so let's have a chat here, and tell your story to your brother Jack. Even the dumbest bilge rat knows to listen to a story over a drink, and you certainly look like you could use an audience."
"I'm not interested in showing my heart to anyone."
The second barrel still looked like a self-contained but violent young man. He frowned as he drank the strange-tasting but very strong wine and said:
"Besides, we are still strangers. I have known you for less than twenty minutes."
“Isn’t this better?”
Captain Jack blinked his coquettish eyes with eye shadow on them, and said in a very feminine way while stroking his beard with his orchid finger:
"This way you don't have to worry about me leaking the secret. The psychological pressure of killing a stranger is different from that of killing a friend, right?
So if I say something you can just snap my neck without having to worry about not being able to sleep at night.
I mean, before we become friends, let's share.
I won't lie to you either.
I was hoping to get more information from you about Mason Cooper, because I'm about to have a showdown with that jerk, and I know nothing about him."
"That's honest enough."
Barrel Two glanced at Captain Jack and said:
"But don't struggle. You can't beat him. That guy played a group of people around a few days ago. The most powerful one among them can destroy your world single-handedly."
“It doesn’t cost anything to try.”
Captain Jack shrugged and said:
"Look at this terrible world. Do you think I have any other choice? Come on, bad-tempered Jason, let's talk."
Under Spiro's superb skills in making friends and his very eccentric but very friendly persuasion, Ertong, who had drunk more than half a bottle of wine, finally couldn't stand the loneliness in his heart anymore and finally spoke.
His story is actually not long.
After all, he is only twenty-one years old this year.
But compared to a normal 21-year-old young man, the story of the two barrels was so rich and bizarre that it really fascinated Captain Jack, who was a generation older than him.
"So, for some confusing reasons, you came back to life and recognized the enemy as your father, choosing to help your adoptive father's enemy kill the adoptive father who had nurtured you.
And you even used the psychological trauma of that lovely and kind girl as a breakthrough. And then, you shamelessly think that you are helping your sisters and call it all "for their own good"?
Man, how did you survive to this age without getting killed?"
Captain Jack took a sip of his wine, gave a thumbs up and concluded:
"If you were born on this sea, you would definitely be born with a bad seed and a good seedling. You would definitely have a place among the legendary pirates."
"You think I did something wrong?"
Ertong was not angry at all. He just looked at the coquettish stranger in front of him. Under the influence of alcohol, he said with a bit of annoyance and confusion:
"What makes you say that?"
"Because I think you're just a spoiled brat!"
Captain Jack pointed at Jason with his orchid finger and said rudely:
"Just because you slept with your adoptive mother, you'd be despised in the pirate community! And you even tried to force your adoptive father to break the strange rules he set for himself.
You may not know this, but we pirates have our own rules.
We call it the Pirate Code, it's the 'work ethic' that all pirates have heard of but few follow.
Its significance does not lie in whether it is useful in normal times, but in whether it can save our lives at the critical moment when we need to survive.
But if this last rule is broken, everyone will be miserable.
Rules are meaningless once they are broken.
This is something even pirates understand.
You hate your adoptive father for not punishing the madman who hurt you because of his rules, but you have never thought that if he really did that, would you really feel relieved?
You will only create another terrible mess for yourself. After all, according to you, if your adoptive father is given enough time to prepare, he can even destroy the world.
So those rules are not protecting bad people.
It is precisely to protect young masters like you who are ignorant of the sufferings of the world."
The captain gulped down a big gulp of wine, wiped his mouth happily, glanced at Jason, pointed at the chaotic town around him and said:
"Besides, do you think your suffering is worse than ours? You have an adoptive father who is strict but caring and as rich as the king. You have a group of brothers and sisters who care about you and don't blame you even after you hurt them.
You also slept with your adoptive mother...
Damn it!
You can even come back from the dead!
You have everything and still feel like an insatiable psychopath who lives in hell, but those of us who really live in hell would give anything to have one tenth of your life.
Listen to me, Jason!
You're a fucking idiot!
No wonder Mason beat you up and brought you here. You really need to be taught a lesson. Well, I find it boring to talk about your childish story anymore.
Now tell me about Mason.
I don’t have much time left.”
The rhythm of the conversation had inadvertently been completely controlled by Jack.
Faced with his strong request, Er Tong, who was scolded, hesitated for a moment and finally told Captain Jack everything he knew about Mason.
The captain became more and more frightened the more he listened.
Finally, he realized that he might not be able to beat the guy who claimed to be only 17 years old but acted as experienced and thorough as an old silver coin.
He felt that he must now prepare himself for what was about to happen.
Half an hour later, the drunken Jack and Ertong returned to the bamboo house on the beach arm in arm, chatting nonsense and getting along as closely as brothers.
Barbara was stunned by this scene.
She couldn't help but start to wonder if Captain Jack Sparrow had some kind of superpower of "super charm". She had never seen Jason be so close to a stranger.
After handing the drunk Jason to Barbara and stuffing another bottle of wine into his hand, Captain Jack staggered into Mason's temporary alchemy room.
The moment he opened the door, all signs of drunkenness disappeared, replaced by a sobriety that a great pirate should have.
He looked at Mason who was brewing some kind of potion in front of him and said:
"I became friends with Jason Todd, and I let the kid open up to me, although he could have been faking it, because he was a very smart guy who was trying to get me to talk.
But I still think I pass the test, don't I, Captain?"
"Captain? That's an interesting title."
Mason didn't look back, and continued to deal with the potion that was about to be cooked. While stirring the liquid in the crucible, he said to Jack Sparrow:
"But your performance really amazed me. Even Charles, who has been monitoring you, praised your powerful rhetoric. Congratulations, Spiro, you are now an intelligence officer of Team K.
After we complete this transaction, you can leave with us. We have prepared a very luxurious room for you in another world...
Well, you could think of it as a pub.
You will be the person in charge there and will team up with Angelina to gather information for us.
When necessary, you will also join the pioneering mission, but your position is logistics personnel, so you don’t have to worry about your life being in danger until we are all dead.
Drink the bottle of medicine on the table. It will restore you to your healthiest state. Then go find Charles to customize team uniforms for you and Angelina.
Welcome to Team K, Jack.
I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation in the future.”
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024