Volume 2 Honoring Robin Chapter 6 Blackbeard? Who is that? I am here to discuss business with the great Lord Barbossa

The Queen Anne's Revenge had made a name for herself long ago.
Even before its previous captain, Blackbeard, the brutal pirate who terrorized the entire Caribbean, owned it, this battleship, then called the Concorde, was already famous.
Its existence itself is almost a witness and recorder of this pirate era, and after Blackbeard took possession of the ship and transformed and strengthened it with voodoo, the hull decorations with human bones nailed everywhere and the voodoo zombies patrolling the deck cabins became part of its dark legend.
However, Barbossa's aesthetic taste for ships clearly has his own logic.
Therefore, after he killed Blackbeard and seized this legendary battleship, he "decorated" it according to his own ideas.
The smelly human bones were discarded, the giant skeleton of the figurehead was thrown away and replaced with a more majestic statue of the goddess, the door of the captain's room was inlaid with gold and silver, and even the stairs leading down to the cabin were covered with copper.
In short, it reveals one word: luxury, nobility, and upper class!
This style is completely consistent with the beauty of wealth pursued by pirates, but is different from the vulgar and cheap style. Perhaps it is because Captain Barbossa once served as the commander of the British fleet for a short period of time, so this old pirate who has been vulgar for most of his life has also been infected with some hypocritical habits of the upper class.
However, a Voodoo warship does not lose its power just because its decorative style is changed.
But unfortunately, Barbossa was not a wizard and never wanted to become one, so his control over the Queen Anne's Revenge was always superficial.
And now, he has to pay the price for his disrespect.
Wherever Zha Kang went, the confused living dead voodoo zombies were controlled and manipulated by him using special secret methods.

So when Mason, with a stern face, arrived at the door of the captain's room amid the flattering welcome of a group of pirates who were dressed in upper-class uniforms but still had their vulgar nature, the number of voodoo corpses following him had reached twelve.
With the fighting power of these zombies strengthened by voodoo, once they start killing, the Revenge will probably have to wipe the deck with blood and fresh intestines.
Zha Kang actually enjoyed it.
He is no longer content with merely controlling the voodoo corpse and has begun delving into the dark bowels of the ship to try to gain ownership of it.
This ship is "alive" and is a living thing in the eyes of the black magician.
"Please ask your follower to stop his spellcasting!"
A deep voice sounded from the captain's room, with a hint of dissatisfaction. As he spoke, several thick cables meandered towards Zha Kang like giant snakes.
When Constantine saw this scene, he immediately and decisively dissipated his magic power.
He whispered to Mason:
"That guy has the ship's voodoo core, but he has no idea what to do with it. What a waste!"
Mason made a gesture to keep quiet, reached out to straighten his collar and walked into the captain's room.
The hatch closed the next moment.
The captain's room was not dim. On the contrary, there were two luxurious crystal chandeliers lit with scented candles. In the soft light, a large round table inlaid with emeralds was filled with fragrant food.
In the middle is a plate of fragrant roast suckling pig.
On the small platform nearby, several men with whip marks on their faces but dressed in musicians' clothes were playing melodious accompaniment music, while several maids who should not be on a pirate ship and were wearing noble lady's long dresses but had tattoos on their arms lowered their heads and pulled out chairs for the two guests.
This place is like a luxurious small banquet.
Its biggest problem is that it shouldn't appear on a vicious pirate ship.
"Come on, my unknown guest, let's put aside any prejudices we may have and drink a glass of friendship first."
Barbossa sat at the main seat wearing his captain's hat, and stood up with a greasy smile to welcome the two to sit down. Mason's eyes fell on Barbossa's no longer young face, and he sighed that this guy was almost exactly the same as the image in his memory.
And Zack was staring at the broad-bladed pirate sword on Barbossa's waist.
He could tell at a glance that the thing was the voodoo core of the ship, and whoever held it would be able to control the ship.
Old K's voodoo doll was thrown onto a table covered with food and fruits, and it bounced a few times and landed right in front of Barbossa.
Looking at this thing, the old pirate's face suddenly wrinkled.
As a guy who once had a great grudge against Blackbeard, he could tell at a glance that this thing was absolutely the "real thing". Maybe it was a voodoo puppet made by the dead Blackbeard himself.
He comes with ill intentions.
Barbossa maintained a false smile on his face, but he had already started to make plans in his mind, and his fingers calmly placed on the hilt of the sword at his waist.
However, Mason, who had always had a cold face, smiled at this moment. He walked forward and pulled out a chair, sitting opposite Barbossa. He held the knife and fork and cut the fragrant roast suckling pig under the gaze of the big pirate, got himself a piece of the most tender meat, put it in his mouth to chew, and then wiped his mouth with the tablecloth.
He said:
"Delicious! You have a first-rate chef, and it's really enviable to enjoy such a meal in these damned times."
Barbossa stared at the extremely young wizard in front of him.
He is a pragmatist.
He also has some understanding of the supernatural powers that ordinary people avoid. After all, he himself has experienced many strange things and even came back to life from the dead many times.
He looked at the smile on Mason's face and said with a laugh:
"As long as the guests like it, I need to give the chef as a gift..."
"Okay, I'm in need of a cook."
Mason accepted the gift without hesitation and motioned for Zha Kang to sit down and eat. The black magician was not polite either. The two days of sleeping outdoors and his unhappy mood had made him have a big appetite.
Wow, Constantine's eating style is really unbecoming.
"Sir Barbossa, I'm here to discuss something with you."
Mason started, and the old pirate sat up straight and said:
"Everybody alive on the sea knows that I once had a little quarrel with Edward Teach, and it cost me a leg, which was a pity, for I loved it.
So I killed him in revenge.
I think this is a 'normal communication' between pirates and should have nothing to do with wizards."
"No, I don't want to talk about that."
Mason waved his hand and said:
“Did you know when Edward Teach would make voodoo dolls for other people? If you knew, you would realize that he and I were never friends.
I want to talk to you about something else.

I'm sorry I boarded this ship in such an ungentlemanly way."
"It's okay, it's okay! My ship welcomes all friends with good intentions. Friendship always comes uninvited, and sometimes breaks into the door.
I’m used to it.”
Barbosa smiled immediately when he heard Mason's words, and most of the worries in his heart disappeared at once.
As long as he's not here to cause trouble.
The big pirate has too many headaches now, and an old man like him doesn't have more energy to guard against vendettas. For those in high positions, hatred and vendettas are always a luxury.
"I heard that the pirate kings are going to gather on Turtle Island to discuss how to resist the Black Death that is spreading around the world and those endless zombies?"
Mason picked up an orange and peeled it, saying:
"I also heard that this meeting was convened by you?"
"I am only responsible for delivering the message."
Barbossa smiled, raised a glass of wine with a frank look, drank it with the generosity of a pirate, and said happily:
"It's the Guardian of the Code... well, Jack's father, the old man who is immortal and lingering wants to use me to summon my colleagues.
Now that the end of the world has come, we must stick together for warmth.
Although that's not a bad thing in my opinion.
Because of the fear brought by the end of the world, my fleet tripled overnight, and my territory expanded sevenfold in just one month.
Tens of thousands of people living under my rule make me feel like the uncrowned king.
The annoying Royal Navy can no longer protect itself and is running around like a wild dog.
If you ignore the biting ghouls and the Black Death, these two months have been the happiest time of my life."
The big pirate did not try to hide his disdain for Doomsday.
It’s not that he doesn’t take this matter seriously, but he seems to be just like the other survivors, planning to have a good time before the last moment comes.
This is in line with the pirate style of thinking.
"But this is only the last rays of light before sunset, Master Barbossa."
Mason ruthlessly punctured the pirate's joy and brought him back to the cold reality.
The young man peeled the orange and said:
"If the Black Death is not contained, your ocean kingdom will soon become a scorched earth infested with zombies. You can continue to rule, but you will be like a king sitting on a garbage dump and a mud pit."
The young man looked around the extremely luxurious captain's room. He reached out and touched the huge emerald inlaid on the corner of the table. He said:
"At that time, no matter how much wealth you have, it will only make your coffin heavier."
Barbossa fell silent.
The look he gave Mason was no longer friendly.
People who deliberately wake up people from their beautiful dreams are the most hateful and should be thrown on the mast to be pecked by seabirds!
"I can save you."
Mason didn't keep it a secret.
He took a slice of the peeled orange and put it into his mouth, then handed the rest to Zha Kang, who was eating the roast suckling pig with his mouth full of oil and eating with a vengeance.
The young man leaned back in the luxurious black velvet chair, stared at the big pirate and said in a serious and earnest tone:
“I have medicine that can help you fight against the Black Death and the ghouls... Don’t look so surprised, Master Barbossa.
I think that for a legendary pirate who has experienced resurrection from the dead, has been to the devil's prison and returned safely, and even presided over the ceremony to release the sealed female sea goddess, your expression is a little inappropriate.
As you can see, I am an alchemist who can be on good terms with Blackbeard, so isn't it normal for me to have some special abilities?"
"I do not believe!"
Barbosa dropped all pretense.
The old pirate bared his big gold teeth and stared at Mason with a predatory look. He said:
"If you really have that kind of drug, you can become the king of the world or a living Christ-like figure! Why would you need to come to my ship to discuss these things with me?"
"Because medicine needs to be prepared! And the raw material I urgently need is in your hands, Barbosa."
Mason knocked on the table and finally stated the purpose of his visit:
"The 882 cursed Aztec devil gold coins in your hand. I need those death treasures, which represent the lingering resentment bestowed upon the demise of an empire, as the primer for the preparation of this medicine."
"You are trying to blackmail me! No, you are a liar! You are trying to cheat me of my most valuable treasure!"
Barbossa drew his sword and slammed it down on the table.
The musicians who were playing music were so scared that they ran away, but Zha Kang didn't even raise his head and continued to eat, while Mason continued to maintain a blank expression.
He said:
"You have 882 of them. I only need one to make the medicine. You will see its miraculous effect with your own eyes, and then you will willingly give me the rest of the cursed gold.

You will even have to kneel down and beg me to accept the gold.
If I don't take it in, you will be bitten to death by others who are eager to survive!
I'm not begging you now, so don't scare me with your pirate habits.
Five days!
I only need five days.”
Mason slowly picked up the tablecloth and wiped the orange juice off his hands. He stood up and said to Barbosa:
“My companions will stay on Turtle Island. Five days later, in the early hours of the morning, you will see with your own eyes what a handsome return your investment will yield… Do you feel like you have reached the pinnacle of your life by ruling an island with tens of thousands of people?
The poor old pirate was so reserved even in his dreams.
Your daughter is much braver than you. At least she believes that miracles and myths really exist in this world."
"I don't have a daughter, you idiot!"
Barbossa laughed.
But the next moment, he heard Mason drawl and say:
"A young nun from a Spanish monastery met a bad man and gave her innocence and life to a slick and smooth-talking pirate.
Poor Margaret waited for the unfaithful man with all her heart, but the damned man never came back until she died alone.
Little Serena Smith has been helpless and lonely since she was a child.
Worst of all, she might now be hanging out with Jack Sparrow.
If I were you, Barbossa, I would drop everything on Turtle Island and capture Jack and bring her back before he destroys your daughter's life as you have destroyed Margaret's."
Barbossa's laughter stopped abruptly like a chicken with its neck strangled, and the old pirate plopped back into his chair as if he had lost his soul.
He looked at Mason in disbelief.
The young man pulled the collar of his gray windbreaker and said to him:
"The diary with the ruby ​​you left for the child ruined her. You thought the ruby ​​was a treasure you left for your lover to live out the rest of her life, but you were so rude that you didn't know that the diary itself, which you stole from the museum in Italy, was the precious thing.
I don't want to say any more.
I just gave you a 'gift' to an already boring life, Barbossa.
Now, give me the cursed gold!
The world is crying out for me to save you, and you fool are still wasting your limited time."
The old pirate gritted his teeth, obviously unwilling to admit defeat.
He roared, and the door of the captain's room was pushed open the next moment, and a female pirate with a knife at her neck was pushed in weakly.
She was stunned when she saw Mason.
Then she noticed the unique cat-shaped pendant hanging around Mason's neck. After careful identification, the weak female pirate broke free and rushed over to hide behind Mason.
She said weakly:
"Are you Mr. K's son? You don't look like him!"
"I am his heir, poor Angelina Teach."
Mason didn't look at the weak female pirate. He said to Barbossa:
"I'm going to take Blackbeard's daughter away too! Look at what you've done to this poor girl. You're such an ungentlemanly old bastard.
So, what to say?
Barbosa, will you give it or not?"
The old pirate stood up, suppressed his anger, and chopped open a black skull box on top of a pile of dazzling gold at the edge of the captain's room, revealing the orange devil gold coins inside.
He grabbed off his wig that was used to cover up his thinning hair, threw it on the ground and said with a grin:
"Take it if you want it, if you dare!"
Mason took out the leather gloves he had prepared long ago from his pocket, and under Barbossa's sarcastic gaze, he took out a gold coin and put it in front of his eyes for inspection.
"You don't even dare to touch it?"
The old pirate said something provocative again, and the young man curled his lips and said:
"Because I know what this thing is, I will not touch it. There is a fine line between courage and recklessness. Five days, Barbossa, is enough for you to bring back your daughter and Jack.
We'll discuss business again then.
It's a business that allows you to have it all.
Agree on the compensation in advance...
I want the Black Pearl and Jack Sparrow, and I want neither of them!"

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024