Volume 2 Honoring Robin Chapter 37 Freeze! Don't go!

The small bottle that flew over in the dark night exploded over the heads of a group of black-clad killers.
The exploded bottle caused the scattered liquid to splash in all directions. Although it did not petrify people when it splashed on their bodies, the strong paralysis made these black-clad killers fall to the ground trembling.
The horrible paralysis was instantaneous.
It's like the nerves in the body are cut off and it's out of control.
But it was also weakening rapidly, and they would be able to return to normal in ten seconds at most. The problem was that the attackers would probably not give them ten seconds in the dark.
Mason, who was wearing an invisibility cloak, did not choose to fire his gun. The faint light shining on the pin on his collar proved that there were still many people in the nearby woods.
Firing a gun in this situation would expose yourself.
So he chose to end the battle in a more brutal way.
Hagrid raised his giant hunting knife and slit the throats of the low-level assassins on the ground one by one. After receiving the proficiency reward of five close combat executions, Mason took down the bat dart stuck in the tree and put it back on his waist.
Throwing skills are obviously also a type of shooting system.
Therefore, Mason's Lv3 shooting skill also enhances his bat dart throwing, but of course the accuracy and lethality are not as exaggerated as bullets.
But it is perfect for this kind of night assassination with an invisibility cloak and potions.
He raised his hand and fired the grappling gun to pull himself silently onto the tree branch. He drank a sip of cat's eye drops to gain [night vision] and looked around. The combat-assisted free aiming frame quickly locked onto the next group of targets for him.
Those people were wearing professional night vision goggles, but the breath-blocking effect of the invisibility cloak was a magical effect.
In addition to physical collisions, night vision goggles were unable to capture Mason's ghostly movements.
This is the confidence that allows him to stop the ambush here alone. Of course, another very important reason is to distance himself from the "three-headed dog". With the efficiency of Catwoman and Kite Man, the zombie beasts should have killed a lot of people near the Batcave by now. Mason doesn't want Batman to suspect him again.
A paralysis dart popped out from the launcher on the left arm of Mason's battle suit, knocking the approaching black-clad assassin to the ground. Mason then jumped down and killed him. The moment he turned around, another petrification dart was shot out, petrifying the guy who pulled out a samurai sword behind him.
The next second, the sharp hunting knife was swung up and the gravel was scattered all over the ground.
"Meat! Fresh meat!"
A shrill scream soon rang out in the woods near Wayne Manor, and the familiar sound made the young man frown.
Is this Killer Croc?
He met this guy when he was rescuing Nightwing in Arkham Asylum. He was almost bitten to death by the three-headed dog Shaggy. Although he survived by relying on flesh and blood regeneration and self-healing, this guy should have turned into a zombie now, right?
The Assassin's League is really a no-brainer. How dare they let him out and move freely?
Sure enough, when Mason arrived nearby in secret, he saw a brutal and bloody massacre scene at a glance. Next to Killer Croc was the dead killer in black lying on his back.
He himself was lying on a corpse and feasting on it.
As Mason expected, Killer Croc's originally green scales had begun to turn gray and withered, and his huge body was also "shrinking".
This is a clear sign of zombie transformation.
It is estimated that in another hour, this pathetic super villain will become a difficult to deal with "super zombie".
The forest was filled with the smell of blood. The other killers in black were probably killed by Killer Croc, who was almost driven crazy by the stimulation of blood and flesh.
This efficient killing efficiency made Mason feel a little reluctant to do it.
If we only look at the results, this guy is definitely one of us.
He lay on the tree, set up the explosive shotgun, aimed at the super villain in front of him, and when Killer Croc raised his head, Mason decisively pulled the trigger.
With a dull bang, the sniper bullet went into the mutant madman's ear and blew half of his skull apart, causing his twisted body to shake and then fall to the ground.
But the lack of a kill prompt made Mason's face change slightly.
Killer Croc has super self-healing and super endurance, and the effect of being half-zombie allowed him to take a bullet and not die.
Mason narrowed his eyes and aimed again.
But at the moment of firing, the collar pin on his collar shone brightly, causing Mason to decisively give up shooting and tumble down the tree branch.
At the same time, the blue beam that attacked the Batmobile before attacked again, and the moment it hit the tree branch, it froze it completely and made it crystal clear.
Although Mason reacted very quickly, he was still affected by the cold beam. When he fell to the ground, his entire left arm was frozen in the ice, and the cold made the invisibility cloak ineffective.
But at the same time, the magic fire was ignited to melt the ice.
Mason looked up and saw a guy wearing unique black armor, a device similar to an astronaut's helmet on his head, and red experimental goggles walking out of the darkness.
He was carrying a very high-tech backpack.
There is a complex controller and hoses on the chest of the armor that connect to the helmet and backpack. The exposed arms are a strange ice blue color, and in his hands he holds a sci-fi-looking gun that still exudes a chill.
Wherever he went, the cold temperature lingered, covering the weeds on the ground with a layer of frost.
This attire and the way he appeared made Mason recognize this guy's identity at a glance. He is Mr. Freeze, a first-line villain in Gotham City and also one of the VIP clients of Arkham Asylum.
He had a great presence in the asylum.
There is even an independent generator set that provides energy for his cell, which is kept at minus ten degrees Celsius all year round.
"Don't move, young man."
Mr. Freeze is not as rude as Killer Croc, nor as arrogant and crazy as other villains. This villain, who was once the world's top thermal energetics scientist, speaks slowly and politely.
It reveals a scholarly aura that has not yet faded.
The only thing that makes people uncomfortable is that his voice, like his laser freezing gun, exudes the meaning of freezing everything, and therefore seems very cold.
It's like a disregard for all life.
"Your arm was instantly frozen to an ultra-low temperature. It won't cause you any pain, but will quickly kill your nerves. Any violent movement now will cause your arm and the steel to break at once due to the low temperature."
Mr. Freeze stood five steps away from Mason. He pointed the muzzle of the freezing gun at Mason and said:
"I was forced to come here to help the Assassin's League, but I have no interest in killing. I kept you here just to ask you a question. If you can give me the answer, then I can help you unfreeze and send you away from here."
"Ask, Victor."
Mason lay on the ground and pretended to be helpless.
However, under the silent cover of the magic fire, his left arm had regained consciousness. With just a slight flick, the ice on the surface of the skin would break.
But he was very interested in the conditions proposed by Mr. Freeze. He coughed and said weakly:
"You have an absolute advantage, so I will tell you everything I know."
"Who cured Batman?"
Mr. Freeze showed no joy or other expressions. He still asked in an extremely cold manner:
"The League of Assassins promised me a lot in order to win my service. They told me that they used an untreatable poison to disable Batman.
But I just overheard from their comms that Batman has reappeared.
Who removed that toxin?
Tell me, young man, this is important to me!"
"Let me guess."
Mason stared at Mr. Freeze and said:
"You did this for your wife? Do you think the man who cured Batman might be able to help you cure your wife's terminal illness? You just said that the Assassin's League promised you a lot of conditions in order to win you over.
One of them should be helping your wife, right?
I suppose they told you they could cure your poor wife of her disease, or even bring her back to life?"
"Yes, they do say that."
Mr. Freeze said in a cold and polite tone:
"Also, I want to correct you. Nora is not dead! There is no such thing as resurrection from the dead, so be careful with your words, young man.
This is a 'grammatical error' that might irritate me."
"But you don't trust them."
Mason narrowed his eyes:
"Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It seems that you trust the Bat Family more than those villains who came to Gotham to cause trouble? Isn't your behavior a bit inconsistent with your identity as a villain?"
Mason's question made Mr. Freeze frown.
He raised the freezing gun and pulled the trigger. The blue cryogenic ray spurted out again, but it was not aimed at Mason. Instead, it froze Killer Croc, who was groaning and trying to get up from the ground, in place.
This time Mr. Freeze was much more ruthless.
The eerie ray continued to spray for five seconds, freezing Killer Croc in a large block of ice that was filled with cold air.
After doing all this, he put down the freezing gun with frozen nozzles in his hand, looked at Mason again, and said:
"You're right. I do trust Batman more than the League of Assassins. Although it's all thanks to him that I've become this half-human, half-ghost thing, this is a personal grudge between him and me.
My wife is innocent.
So, young man, tell me who cured Batman."
"We used the pure blood of the unicorn to dispel the cocktail of poisons mixed with the water from the Pool of Saralu, and in just three days we restored Batman to health and strength than before.
This is not scientific medicine as you know it, but comes from the ancient wisdom of alchemy."
Mason's left hand moved slightly, his fingers grasping the batarang on his belt.
He said slowly:
“You seem to not believe this, but it’s okay. If you give me some time, I can show you everything, including how I used the potion to get rid of the other pursuers in the woods.
If you go over and take a look, you'll find that there are still a few stone statues left there... I saved Batman, Victor, and as you can see, I'm an alchemist.
As for whether unicorn blood can cure your wife's terminal illness, I can't guarantee it. It's not poisoning nor a curse. Perhaps she needs more advanced medicine.
I mean, I have to at least see her in person and see how she is doing."
"Oh my god, I wasted a precious opportunity and a few precious minutes of my life."
Mr. Freeze shook his head in disappointment and said:
"The answer to my quest turned out to be the word 'alchemy'... Oh my god. Sorry, kid, but I have to serve the Assassin's League now.
Don't worry, it won't hurt."
And the moment he raised the freezing gun, Mason also threw the bat dart in his hand.
The two men were only five or six meters apart, and their attacks were almost synchronized, but the flames burning on Mason's fingers and the bat dart that was burning red hot and even melting made Mr. Freeze stunned for a few tenths of a second.
The scalding dart accurately pierced into the controller on Mr. Freeze's armor. The high temperature instantly destroyed the pathway, causing his refrigeration armor to quickly fail.
Mason put on his invisibility cloak again and jumped a few times in the chaos of freeze rays. He threw a bottle of petrifying potion at the target and hit Victor Freese's astronaut helmet.
The sticky liquid flowed down the helmet the instant the medicine bottle, which was designed to be fragile, shattered upon impact. Although it was quickly solidified by Mr. Freeze's low temperature, it had undoubtedly taken effect.
The super villain who believed in science looked at his body which was quickly petrified with a blank look.
He could have used this moment to freeze the reappearing Mason while his arm was still movable, but he didn't, dropping his freeze ray instead.
Before his head and mouth were petrified, he shouted:
"I believe it! Help her. I am willing to pay..."
“I’m freezing!”
Seeing Mr. Freeze being petrified, Mason jumped quickly on the spot, shaking off the ice chips on his body and mobilizing the magic fire to cover his whole body little by little to warm himself up.
He walked towards the stone sculpture of Mr. Freeze, picked up the freezing ray gun, patted the stone statue in front of him, and said:
"You are only petrified, but you can still hear and see, so I will tell you to go back to Arkham Asylum and serve out the rest of your sentence.
When we meet next time, I will give you an answer as to whether I will help you and your wife.
I know your story, Victor, you are a 'cold-blooded' villain, there is no doubt about that, but your wife is indeed innocent.
Also, I won't hesitate to use your weapons.
I need this kind of targeted special attack stuff right now."
Mason placed the gun in front of his eyes. It was made of silver-gray special metal and a glowing blue "energy tank" and it was emitting a chill. The character card immediately gave a label:
Mr. Freeze's Laser Ray Gun/Freeze Gun
Quality: Epic engineering items, exquisite craftsmanship
Effect: Pull the trigger to freeze the enemy or target in different forms of ice depending on the firing mode. When connected to a backpack armed with quick-freeze liquid, it can quickly cool a large area and add [freeze] and [slowdown] effects to all surrounding targets.
Producer: Victor Freese
Item Description: Congratulations, you now have a super ice machine! Now your party can have unlimited free ice cream.
NOTE! This item uses a special engineering/alchemical liquid as its energy source, which can be replaced with liquid nitrogen if necessary, but will make the Cryo Gun less effective.
Weapon blueprints and quick-freeze formula analysis in progress [Countdown 232 hours]
"It's worth it even if the Batcave is destroyed."
Mason carried Old K, who was armed with a pistol, behind him, stood up with the freezing gun in his hand and took aim, then took off Mr. Freeze's armed backpack and found that this thing was also a precision engineering item.
He shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and said to the stone sculpture behind him, whose face still had a pleading expression:
" The petrification . You'd better pray that you've been sent back to Arkham by then, otherwise you won't survive at normal temperature...
Well, that reminds me.”
Mason raised the freezing gun, aimed it at Mr. Freeze and pulled the trigger. The dark blue ray sprayed out for a full ten seconds, freezing him completely. That was the end of the matter.
He then went forward to take some tissue samples from the frozen half-zombie Killer Croc and returned to the Batmobile.
Mason was a little overwhelmed as it was his first time driving such an expensive car.
But he quickly adapted, and with the low roar of the engine, the black tank was back on the road after crashing into three trees in a row but remained unscathed with only scratches on the outer armor.
Wayne Manor is right in front of us, and judging from the sound of gunfire coming from there, the show should have already begun.
"I took down two super villains on my own, so I shouldn't be considered an unknown figure in Gotham City."
Mason grabbed the Batmobile's steering wheel, which was covered with buttons like a professional racing car, and violently broke open the iron gate of Wayne Manor and rushed into the forest behind this luxurious place.
That's the direction of the Batcave.
He activated the Batmobile's fire support mode to eject miniature rocket nests on both sides of the vehicle, while locking onto the target he was thinking:
"I don't know what price they will give me if I go to register with the Minions' Union now. Well, that big guy is so fierce! The eldest and third young masters were beaten up.
Is that Bane?
Little Damian is here too?
What a pleasant surprise! ”
The transmit button is pressed.
Under Mason's control, more than twenty-four micro rockets were used in a covering bombing to engulf the group of people fighting in front of the Bat Cave in the huge explosion.
There was a blaze of fire ahead, and the Batmobile swung gracefully, braked suddenly, tore through the raging flames, and stopped where it was.
The cabin was opened and Mason jumped out holding an ice gun.
He looked at the dark bat cave in front of him, as if he had seen a rare treasure.
Perhaps the attack by the Assassin's League was not entirely a bad thing. Under normal circumstances, how could there be such an opportunity to openly enter the master's "toy library" and tour it?
It would be a shame for Team K to participate in the battle if we don't get some good stuff.
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