Volume 2 Honoring Robin Chapter 18 I saved you because of your elder sister's request

Team K's "invitation" operation went very smoothly.
There is no need to introduce much about Dr. Leslie's clinic. That's where Mason works. Sneak in and kidnap... ahem, I mean "invite" a cold-faced doctor who is napping on duty. It's as easy as eating bread.
Wayne Manor is Batman's base, so it is of course very difficult to sneak into, almost as difficult as hell.
However, among the three people who went to "invite" Alfred to be the butler, there was a "reserve matron" of the Wayne family.
Catwoman and her two assistants bypassed all the alarm facilities almost unimpeded and pulled the old butler, who had finally fallen asleep, out of bed.
Poor Alfred was even in his pajamas when he was taken off the flying bike...
"Go in!"
The masked Kite Man waved a powerful double-barreled hand cannon against the back of the expressionless old Alfu's head and pointed to the open briefcase on the ground in front of the old man, who was a senior ace agent of MI6 in his early years.
Alfred, who had served the Wayne family loyally, had served the Thomas couple and had raised Bruce Wayne, and was more of a foster father than a butler, felt at that moment that a thousand alpacas were screaming and running through his heart.
What on earth does this stupid thief want him to do?
Just crawl into that damn old box in front of you like a clown?
Also, where did they find such a vintage box? Alfred, who is now in his sixties, vaguely remembers that his father had such a box when he was young.
Is this an antique?
Just as Ah Fu was thinking about how to use his hidden martial arts to grab a gun and knock the three stupid thieves to the ground, he watched in amazement as the two thieves in front of him "climbed" down the box.
The old man swore that he was not mistaken.
They really are that...
"Go down quickly! Butler, Batman is dying. We didn't invite you here in the middle of the night to perform magic for you."
The kite man said helplessly.
Ah Fu immediately caught the key words, and the old butler said sharply:
"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier?"
After saying this, under the stunned gaze of the kite man, the handcuffed old butler loosened his hands, and the handcuffs that trapped him fell to the ground with a bang. The old but strong "Butler Man" rubbed his wrists and complained in a low voice about the unprofessionalism of the kidnappers. He stepped into the suitcase and quickly entered the secret space of the suitcase along the folding ladder.
Fortunately, the place was large enough, and before they came, Mason had placed all the "shady" things he brought last time far away from the apartment.
In the largest room on the second floor of Old K's magic apartment, Dr. Leslie, who was invited by Mason, was being examined by Batman using the very professional medical equipment that had just been installed.
As for why a three-story apartment placed in a suitcase magic space has sufficient electricity... well, don't worry about it.
If you must ask, it's magical!
"Alfred, you're just in time, come and help!"
Dr. Leslie, who was wearing a doctor's uniform, pushed his glasses and called the serious-looking old butler to come in and help operate the medical equipment.
Selena was now standing beside the bed, looking at her old lover with a sad look.
The handsome middle-aged man Bruce Wayne, who looked very disheveled after having his battle suit and helmet taken off, was lying naked in front of her with his eyes closed.
The other members of Team K stood at the door, watching the busyness in front of them.
They were waiting for the report after the high-tech physical examination was completed, so that they could verify the results of Mason's alchemy analysis of the blood components.
No one spoke during the whole process. Even the usually sharp-tongued Zha Kang looked at Batman on the bed in silence.
He couldn't help but feel secretly shocked by the master's iron will. Considering the complexity and pain of this poison, an ordinary hero would have collapsed long ago, and Zha Kang didn't think he could withstand such torture.
But Batman persists.
Of course, the highly effective sleeping pill, Water of Life and Death, that Mason gave him also played a big role.
“Why don’t you contact others?”
While helping Dr. Leslie with the examination, the old housekeeper whispered:
"There are more advanced instruments in the Batcave. Perhaps using the medical cabin made with Kryptonian technology can temporarily stabilize Master Wayne's condition... My God, his skin is as hot as if he drank three liters of magma."
"That's the problem, Alfred."
Catwoman said in a hoarse voice:
"We don't know who we can trust now. Apart from you and Dr. Leslie, we dare not look for anyone else in the Bat Family. Bruce specifically reminded Mason before he fell asleep that there was a traitor around him.
The Bat Network is no longer secure, otherwise you would have received Bruce's distress signal earlier."
This bad news made the old butler's expression even more complicated.
He looked at the unhealable scar on the cheek of Master Wayne, whom he had raised like a son, and the blood-stained bed sheet beneath him, and the old man felt as if his heart was being cut by a knife.
After a few seconds of silence, he said:
"Looks like we have to contact the Justice League! Those bad guys attacking Master Wayne was just the beginning, it means something darker is about to happen.
Ms. Selina, if I remember correctly, some of the information in the hard drive you took away earlier suggested that the Assassin's League was carrying out an evil plan called 'Advent'?"
Catwoman said dejectedly:
"But we couldn't decrypt the rest of the information on that hard drive; it had been encrypting itself in very clever ways."
"The Justice League can handle it."
Old Ah Fu gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and whispered:
"Those guys must pay!"
"Don't try, it's useless!"
Mason's voice sounded at the door. The young man held four test tubes in one hand and Batman's combat belt in the other. He said to Alfred:
"I just tried using his combat belt's special mode to signal the Overwatch, but there was no response. On the bright side, maybe the Justice League is too busy to respond.
But if you think about the worst...
The computer system in the Batcave may be hacked and controlled, and we cannot safely contact the outside world in Gotham City. Those people were fully prepared before attacking Batman.
Also, nice to meet you, Mr. Alfred.
Thank you for your assistance in Operation Blackgate."
"Hello, Mason."
The old butler tried to put on a kind smile. He stood up and sincerely thanked Mason:
"Thank you for everything you have done for Master Wayne. If you hadn't intervened tonight, I simply cannot imagine the consequences."
"It's nothing. Batman has saved me more than once."
Mason shook his head and said:
"It is my duty to help him when he is in trouble. Instead of thanking you, you should prepare yourself to hear the bad news I have to bring."
He glanced at the four test tubes in his hand, which were filled with liquids of different colors.
He sighed and said:
"This is really bad news."
"The worse news is that you may need to find a new job, Mason."
Doctor Leslie, who was operating the X-ray machine, suddenly spoke in a cold voice:
"Because you kidnapped me from my clinic tonight and nearly gave me a heart attack, you are fired! And you don't even want this month's salary!"
"Don't worry about that, Mr. Mason. The Wayne family is happy to offer you a well-paid lifetime job."
Alfred looked at the test tube in Mason's hand and said:
"Let me first tell you how bad the situation is."
"I used alchemy to separate the components of Bruce's blood. I regret to tell you that there are at least six toxins taking effect simultaneously in his blood vessels."
Mason raised the test tube in his hand and shook it, saying:
"These are only the ingredients I can detect so far. Some potent toxins have already penetrated into his body and started to damage his organs. The reason why he hasn't suffered multiple organ failure is not because of his strong physique.
It's just because there is a very special substance in his blood vessels that 'protects' him."
The young man took out a test tube with a trace of dark green liquid and said to the others:
"If I'm not mistaken, this liquid mixed with toxins should be the 'holy object' in the hands of the Assassin's League, the essence of the water from the Lazarus Pool that is said to be able to bring the dead back to life."
"But that thing won't protect anyone!"
Constantine, who was smoking outside the door, said:
"That stuff is poisonous! In fact, it's one of the most poisonous items in the world."
"That's true, but there's no doubt that the water from the deepest pool of hell can lock up life force."
Mason coughed and said briefly:
"Anyway, my conclusion after trying alchemy is that if you are worried about Bruce Wayne's life or death, then you can rest assured.
He won't die.
These toxins will be excreted from the body after a long time.
He will awaken and live in relative health until he dies of old age, outliving the rest of us.”
The young man paused.
As the others watched, he looked at Bruce Wayne on the bed and said:
“But Batman is dead!
These toxins would destroy his body in a short period of time, causing him to lose some of the strength and skills he relied on for survival, and would also cause his will and spirit to degenerate.
He will be an ordinary person.
But this may not be a bad thing.
Ms. Selina can seriously consider the option of marrying Mr. Bruce, and Sir Alfred no longer has to worry about the child he raised going out and fighting criminals every night.
The world will have one less hero to fear, but one more billionaire living a fulfilled life."
Mason's conclusion silenced everyone.
The old butler and Catwoman even began to seriously consider Mason's suggestion, and Dr. Leslie, who had been busy, sighed. After a few minutes, she used medical instruments to test and came up with a very professional and complicated report.
The cold-faced doctor spent a while reading the report and came to a conclusion that was relatively consistent with Mason's.
She pushed up her glasses and said:
"Bruce's leg muscles have begun to atrophy, his heart rate is approaching that of a normal person, and his brain wave activity is weakening. Perhaps the conclusion drawn by Mason using unscientific magical means is worth considering, but I need to continue observing before I can give you a specific conclusion.
Dr. Leslie took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She said softly:
"Remember the conversation I had with you when I left Gotham? Bruce obviously has a serious mental illness. He is simply a collection of psychological trauma and a 'living teaching material' in the eyes of psychiatrists.
The experience of witnessing his parents' death as a child had a terrible impact on his spirit. I suggested at the time that you send him to a professional institution for psychological intervention.
Now might be a good opportunity.
Mr. Thomas and Ms. Martha would not want their son to be like this, and the Wayne family does not need a Batman.
Maybe it's time to get his life back on track."
"But Gotham..."
Alfred hesitated, and Dr. Leslie shook his head and said:
“Someone will always come forward to save Gotham! Maybe it’s the alien in the red and blue uniform, or maybe it’s the heroic female demigod.
The world won't stop functioning without Batman.
And given the state of Gotham right now, to be honest, it might be a better option to destroy it and rebuild it, which is much more useful than Bruce trying to patch up this broken house all the time."
Catwoman, who was lying on the bed and holding the master's fingers tightly, suddenly raised her head and shouted:
"Can you please stop talking as if Bruce is hopeless? You old men and women will never learn to think from his perspective.
Do you think that without the power and identity of Batman, Bruce will be willing to become an ordinary person?
He'll just go too far!
He can use his wealth and influence to do even more terrible things. Being Batman is never the limit of his ability! That is just the limit of his interference in this world!
I don't want to see a crazier Bruce Wayne.
You all know that crazy Joker always says Bruce is his opposite, just think about it! Once a Joker and Batman combination named Bruce Wayne appears in Gotham City...
Selina raised her head and looked at the young man. She shouted in a hoarse voice:
"Tell my sister, do you have a way to save my lover?"
Mason hesitated.
He looked at the dark green liquid in the test tube in his hand, hesitated for several seconds, nodded, and said:
"Yes! I can even create some special medicines to fully restore Bruce Wayne without detoxification, but I have to state that there is a price.
The price was so heavy that it might be more merciful to stab him to death now."
"what do you need?"
Zha Kang put out his cigarette and asked with great interest.
Apparently as a magician he was very interested in Mason's healing methods.
The young man did not hide anything. He took out the Hogwarts Potions Encyclopedia, flipped through a few pages, and said to the others:
"Unicorn blood combined with some basic medicines can be used to make a magical potion that can instantly restore Batman to his prime, and even heal the hidden injuries he has sustained over the years.
But don't be too happy yet.
As the purest creature in the legend, once you hurt it and take its blood, it means that the person who drinks the blood will be cursed forever and become an undead ghost-like creature.
So here comes the question.
Do you think that if the master were sober now, he would be willing to pay this price in exchange for his recovery to fight the criminals who are destroying his beloved city?"
"Rather than this question, what I want to ask is, where are you going to find a living unicorn? I learned from Xiaozha's family history that the last unicorn in this world became extinct seven hundred years ago."
Zha Kang asked quietly.
This question obviously also represented the views of the other people in the room, but the Kite Man, who had been silent, suddenly blinked his eyes, took out a blood-stained key from his arms, and said:
"Boss, are you saying there are unicorns in the Forbidden Forest?"
"Well, my poor Charles, there are more than just unicorns out there."
Mason curled his lips, closed the potion book, and said:
"Personally, I don't mind taking another risk there. Now it's up to you, my friends. In addition, I must remind you that the essence of the water in the Lazarus Pool has begun to corrode Bruce's life essence. So if Batman is not awakened within five days, it will be difficult for him to recover even with the unicorn's blood."
"He would."
Selina reached out her hand and gently stroked the old man's face, which was covered in blood and remained resolute despite the extreme pain. She leaned over and kissed Bruce on his dry and pale lips.
she says:
"He will never stop fighting and succumb to the evil oppression. I know what choice he will make, and I also know what I should do to make my little bat feel happy and joyful.
let's go.
Go and fetch a unicorn for my love."
Mason nodded, looked at Zha Kang and Kite Man, and said:
"What about you two?"
"I don't care, Boss."
The Kite Flyer shrugged and said:
"I'll go wherever you tell me to go."
"I do not want to go."
Zha Kang said with a straight face:
"But I knew if I said no, Catwoman would kill me the next second, and if Zack knew I could save Batman but I stood by and watched, I would never get into her bed again.
Fuck it, let's go!
Go catch a unicorn!
Tell me in advance that I want its horn, it's very valuable!"
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024